01x19 - Dancing in the Dark

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Charlie's Angels". Aired: September 22, 1976 – June 24, 1981.*
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A wealthy mystery man named Charlie runs a detective agency via a speakerphone and his "angels" detectives are three beautiful women, who end up in a variety of difficult situations.
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01x19 - Dancing in the Dark

Post by bunniefuu »

Once upon a time,

there were three little girls
who went to the police academy.

And they were each assigned

very hazardous duties.

But I took them away
from all that,

and now they work for me.
My name is Charlie.


Your champagne, sir.

I'll take it.

This ought to cover it.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

The iceman cometh.

Mmm. Champagne.



Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!


Tony, I can't go through
with this.


I don't want to.
It doesn't feel right.

I don't feel right.

Relax. Relax and enjoy.

Tony, what are you


How much did you say these
pictures cost you, Mrs. Clusak?

$10,000 cash.

Greedy, weren't they?

CHARLIGreedy is a very
nice way of putting it.

Are you related to Davey?

He was...

is my husband.

I'm Mrs. Davey Clusak.

Davey Clusak
the baseball player?

Lifetime batting average--

American League batting champ
six years,

Most Valuable Player
four times,

four World Series.

Obviously, Jill, you're a fan.

Listen, when I was a kid,

it took five Ralph Terrys,
six Gil McDougals

and a whole mess of Tony Kubeks

to get one Davey Clusak
bubble-gum card.

A dramatic lesson
in street-level economics.

It's the same phenomenon that
governs the outrageous prices

people will pay for pictures
like that which we just saw.

Your husband was k*lled
in an accident,

wasn't he, Mrs. Clusak?

Four years ago.

He went down in one
of those small private planes

on his way to Oakland--
an old-timers' game.

He was elected to the Baseball
Hall of Fame posthumously.

That's right.

And it was just
about that time

that I started seeing
a young man

named Tony Bordinay.

The man in the pictures?

He, uh... I met him
at a place called

the Alexander Cruz
Dance Academy.

I was...

I was desperate enough
to believe that he was sincere.

Instead, you ended up
in those pictures.

nothing happened between us.


I told Tony that I couldn't
go through with it.

he lost his charm

and started holding me down

and tearing my clothes.

The photographer just came in
from nowhere.

Why were the pictures worth
so much to you?

Right, they're not all
that incriminating.

Well, they're incriminating
enough, with the dope

that was planted there.

He threatened to send
those pictures to Cooperstown.


The Baseball Hall of Fame.


Well, suppose the pictures
had gone public?

Would that really have affected
Davey's chances

for the Hall of Fame?

"Scandal's bad for the game."

That's exactly
what they would have said.

Would these have
really affected their votes?

Well, it's hard to know

exactly how those men
would have reacted,

but I couldn't take a chance.

I mean, Davey worked
for that honor all his life.

And now you're not afraid
of the consequences?

Of course I am,

but now they're my consequences.

As of last week,

Davey is in the Baseball
Hall of Fame to stay,

but I'm broke.

I don't deserve that,

and I didn't do anything
to deserve it.

We'll do what we can,
Mrs. Clusak.

In the meantime,

why don't you just
try to relax

and try not
to worry about it.

Try not to worry about it.

I keep wondering about all
those other silly women

that they're going
to do this to

or have done it to.

Not silly--vulnerable.

Thank you.

Thank you all very much.

I feel better already.

All right, Mrs. Clusak,
we'll proceed...

very carefully.

These guys
have a reputation

for playing
very, very rough.

Alexander Cruz loves
to audition dancers, Jill.

Do you think you could dance
your way into his heart?


Well, what do you think?

I, uh...

I like your, uh, energy.

Oh, well,
that was my disco medley--

a little hustle, a little bump,
a little freelance.

Nice, very nice.

You really should include disco
in your curriculum.

You have no idea
the impact it's having.

I'm aware of the disco-mania.

I don't really like it myself.

But I think young girls
look well doing it.

Well, you're looking at a fully
qualified disco expert.

I mean,
I've danced everywhere--

Regine's, Monique's,
Dirty Jacks.

Very impressive.

Well, am I hired, Mr. Cruz?

Alexander, Jill.

Our next move, Bosley.

Get rid of Schaffer Goodhew,

Cruz's sleazy private-eye

Let me get this straight.
Charlie Townsend is hiring me?

The Charlie Townsend?

Charlie explicitly asked
for you.

Well, that's a compliment

from old Charlie Townsend.

He thinks the world of you.


$200 a day and expenses.
Is that acceptable?

Well, that's more than fair.

Good. I have your plane ticket
to Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.?

I'll explain more on the way
to the airport.

One other thing.

No one must know
that you've left town.

Is that clear?

Oh, top-priority stuff, huh?

Not top-priority stuff.

A top-priority mission.

I was wondering,

this being Washington, D.C.
and all,

does this have
any political undertones?

That's very quick of you,
Mr. Goodhew.

I can't say more
at this time.

I understand.

Anything like Watergate?

Watergate was just the tip.

The tip?

The tip of an iceberg.

You're late.

Side, together and back.

Side, together and forward.

Side, together, back.

Side, together,
one-quarter turn forward.

Side, together and back.

That's fine. Okay,
let's try it again from the top.

Tony, excuse me.

Class, I want you all
to meet Jill.

Jill is going to teach a special
class in disco dances.

Excuse me.

Pleased to meet you, Jill.
My name is Murphy Myrphy,

but my friends
call me Murphy.

Do you hustle?

Not as well as you do.


You want?

KELLY: This guy keeps files
like most people keep mice.



Got the Clusak file.

What a mess.


Schaffer Goodhew's office.
Kelly Garrett speaking.

Oh, yes, Mr. Cruz.

I was just going to call you.

Schaffer is out of town
on urgent business.

However, he's gone
over all your files

and explained
all your business.

Are you aware of the full nature
of our business dealings?

Oh, completely.

In his absence,
I can perform the same function.

I hope you'll have
the opportunity to try me.

Well, let's try a small step
at first.

Oh, I just need a chance
to prove myself.

Very good. I need someone
checked out immediately.

The name is Jill Munroe.

New customer?

New employee.

Okay, tell me what
you've got on her

and leave the rest to me.

Mm-hmm. Right.

Okay. I'll get a rundown
on this Munroe girl.

Tell you what, I'll get
the information, come by later.

We can get acquainted.
Okay, bye.

Kelly, do you think my
social life would improve

if I took dancing lessons?


You could build a stairway
to paradise

with a new step every day.


You know, Jill,
you're an excellent dancer.

Thank you.

You dance relaxed,
and that's important.

Most of the women
around here are, uh...

How shall I put it?


Yeah, the perfect word.


Are you coming,
or are you going?


We're trying to get some work
done here. May I help you?

I'd like to learn to dance.

The receptionist is just down
the hall to the left.

Shall we get to work?

You know, if she wants
to learn how to dance,

why doesn't she just hire
Fred Astaire?

Why do you say that?

'Cause her daddy
is so rich.

You know her?

Sabrina Walker.

Her father is
Stewart Walker.

He has a city in Alaska
named after him,

a line of luncheon meats,

and then there's always
Walker Broadcasting.

How do you know
so much about him?

Oh, because Stewart Walker
is divorced

and considered
a very big catch.

I keep a list.

why don't we take a break.

We can go over the dances
later on.

I think perhaps
I was rude to Miss Walker.

You're the boss, Tony.

Well, it seems
Miss Jill Munroe checks out.

Quick work,
and very thorough.

You certainly don't look like
a private detective, Kelly.

That's what
a lot of people say.

I'll take it
as a compliment.

Please do.

Schaffer Goodhew
can stay out of town.

I like your style, Mr. Cruz.

Alexander, Kelly.

Okay, Alexander.

anything Goodhew can do--

You can do better?


I hope so, Kelly.

Employees who please me
are very well rewarded.

Those who disappoint me,

never disappoint me
a second time.

I'll bear that in mind.


Schaffer Goodhew's office.
Kelly speaking.

Hi, Mr. Cruz.
Alexander, I mean.

Well, sure, let me get a pencil.

Could you hold one moment?


We're not hiring today.

Oh, is that the man?


Calling for the unexpurgated
biography of one Sabrina Walker.

Listen, I got to get out
of these clothes.

I feel like the inspiration
for the "Glamour Don't" column

in Glamour magazine.

Did you bring a change of
clothes for me, maybe, I hope?

Yeah, right in the closet.

Think I should
keep these on?
No. Go.

Sorry, Alexander.
Now, what were you saying?

The name is Walker.

Sabrina's father
is Stewart Walker, right?

All right.

Well, there's a lot of money
in the Walker family.

It checks out?


Read the whole report.

I mean,
Sabrina's a little spaced.

You disapprove?

You want my real opinion,
Mr. Cruz?

Not especially.

If I didn't value your opinion,

I wouldn't ask for it.

My gut instinct says
forget Sabrina Walker.

You've got to be kidding.

she's an emotional cr*pple,

a self-destructo.

Two years at Menninger's Clinic
trying to get her head back.

That was after
two nervous breakdowns,

a botched su1c1de.

It's been all downhill.

She's erratic, unstable.

I like them unstable.

I do wonders
for unstable women.

Either you have a very droll
sense of humor,

or I'm more stable
than I ever realized.

Doesn't sound like Kelly
is overly impressed

with your charm, Tony.

I'll try to keep the rejection
in correct perspective.

In all fairness to Tony,

he does have a way
with the ladies.

Hey, good luck.

Look, I'm not trying to tell you
how to run your business.

Just remember--I told you so.

I can't stand
aggressive women.


Oh, your friend's


You remember Jill
from the other day.

Nice to see you.

Now, Jill and I are going to
demonstrate the hustle.

You watch once,
then we'll try it together.

She's your girlfriend,
isn't she?

Don't be silly.
Jill is an employee here.

Make her go away.
I don't like her.

Oh, well,
I'll see you all later.

Bye, Jill.


I don't like her one bit.

I don't like people
who try to humor me.

Don't worry about Jill.

I like you, though.

And I like you, Sabrina,
very much.

Thank you.

What is the first thing we do
when we begin to dance?

You relax.

Relax and enjoy.



Guess what, g*ng.

The most dreamy boy
just asked me out.

I'm not a bit surprised

after your triumphant

Sorry about that.
It's okay.

Hey, Bosley,
I need a mansion.

I anticipated your wish.

A mansion.

Why don't I ever get a cover
like that?


The Walker residence.

I'm calling for
Miss Walker.

Who is calling
for Miss Walker?

Tony Bordinay.

One moment, please.


Sabrina, you look great.

Thank you.

Where are we going?

Out for an early evening.
Bring your dancing shoes?

Oh, yes.




Ooh. Ow.

Ooh-oh! No more, no more.

No, no, no,
I can't stand it.

People usually admire
my massage technique.

Ooh! Ahh.

Here are the Epsom salts,

Thank you.

What exactly
did he do to you?

Listen, I learned
a great lesson tonight.

When you go out
with a dance instructor,

that is what you do--
you dance.

Do you remember when
Julie Andrews sang that song

"I Could Have Danced All Night"?

She wouldn't have lasted
three minutes with Bordinay.

Three minutes,
not three minutes.

I swear to you,
not three minutes.

TONY: Well, how do we all feel
this afternoon?


And why are we all here
this afternoon?

Because it's Wednesday!

And what is the Bordinay rule?

Perhaps Mr. Myrphy'd like
to take a crack at that one.


Relax and...?

Relax and enjoy!

Very good!

That means you win the grand
prize today, which is--

A poke in the eye
with a sharp stick.

The original long-playing
recording of "Whipped Cream"

by the Tijuana Brass.

Same thing.

You try my patience, Murphy.

Murphy Myrphy to you.

I won a prize.
So give me a prize I want.

A slow dance with Jill...

so I can hold her.

We got a lot of ground
to cover today, so let's--

Oh, what do you say,

One fox trot.

That's all I want.

Okay, Murphy Myrphy,
let's show them how it's done.

Murphy to you, darling.

How could I forget?



Tony wanted to be
in show business, you know.

Fortunately for all of us,

it's a wish
that died stillborn.

You're a little hard
on Bordinay.

Oh, he's okay at what he does,
but he lacks--

I don't know,
depth, imagination.

He's not like you.


You're a self-starter,

and you're ruthless as hell.

I like that in a woman.

Thanks for the tribute,
I think.

You could say I'm an
equal-opportunity employer.

I'm not afraid of women
with brains.

In fact, I think it's most
becoming for a woman

to have lots upstairs.

Now, as we develop
a closer relationship,

I intend to let you in on more
and see to it

that you enjoy
a larger slice of pie.

Mr. Cruz,

I'm a down-home girl,

and I do love pie.





You can't use that.

You can if you got it.
All right, I used my Z.

I got a Triple Word Score.

That about puts the game
on ice, Bos.




KELLY: Bosley,

tell Sabrina Bordinay will
make his move tonight.

While I was talking to Cruz,
the Dune Crest Inn called

to reconfirm a room
for Mr. and Mrs. Bordinay.

The same place he took
Mrs. Clusak?

Right. Got to split.

Cruz wants me to get
my Brownie camera ready.

Tell Sabrina to say "cheese."
Check you later, Bos.

Well, Miss Walker,

time for you to go to work.

You mean...?

Yes, the midnight marauder
finally makes his move.

I thought he'd never ask.

Now I am.
Be careful, huh?

I didn't know you cared.


Hold on. Hold on.

SABRINA: Look out.

Oh, dear, you know what?

What's that?

I think I better go
to the little girls' room.

Okay. Can you make it?

Oh, sure.

All righty.

I can make it.

Jill, Jill, come in, please.

Reading you loud and clear.

Bosley, do you have any idea
how your voice rumbles

in a bathroom?
Would you put Jill on?

Bree, it's me.

Okay, look,
I think I can handle this guy,

but if I need help
I'm going to yell, okay?

We'll bail you out.


Oh, goodness.
Oh, goodness!

Oh, Tony.

I think I'm drunk.

Am I drunk, Tony?

I told you not to mix drinks.

Tony, I'm feeling--

What's happening?

She's wiped out.

Come on, work fast and get out
of here before she wakes up.

Come on.


Hand me that
ice tray.



Okay, come on.

Okay, great.

What are you doing?

Taking her clothes off.

Look, maybe we've got enough.
The dr*gs will do it.

You've got to show flesh,
Kelly. That's what they pay for.


Who is it?

BOSLEY: Room service.

I didn't order
any room service.

Is this 46?


You didn't order
the poached salmon?

No. Take it back.

But it says 46,
poached salmon.

I said, take it


I've got enough.
We better get out of here.



Are we too late for the party?

I hope Kelly
got my best side.

Every side
is your best side.

Bosley, you do care.


that's the Walker line.

That is probably your call.

Yes, this is Stewart Walker.

Pictures of my daughter?

No, I don't--

Oh, those kinds of pictures.

No, you're certainly
not coming here.

I'll meet you.

Yes. Yes, I know where that is.

Cruz or Bordinay?

Cruz. I'm meeting him
in an hour.

Mr. Walker?

I'm delighted to meet you.
My name is--

I don't care what your name is.
Do you have the pictures on you?

Yes, but I prefer to conduct
our business inside.



It's an investment of mine.

I intend to convert this

into a palace
of terpsichorean splendor.

The pictures.
May I see them?

Oh, certainly.

Well, what do you think
about that?

I think that just about ends
our conversation.

Hardly. Any 5-year-old
could tell you

the negatives are locked
in a safe.

And they will run you

What makes you think

that I would pay one penny
for those pictures,

much less the outrageous sum
of $10,000?

The expression on your face
when you looked at the snapshots

of your daughter.

My daughter.

My daughter has made a career
of offending,

embarrassing, insulting
and disappointing me.

Children will do that.
I've grown used to it.


I'll tell you what I am
willing to do.

I have about $500 here.

At $20,000, Mr. Walker,

the price is right.

I assume that this young lady
is a co-conspirator

in this lame charade.

You assume correctly.

Well, apparently you did not
hear me.

The sum I am offering is $500.

I heard you.

I also heard rumblings
about something new

at Walker Enterprises--

the Stewart Walker
Bible Institute,

the Stewart Walker University.

Sounds to me like you're
getting a little religion

in your old age.

Want to leave the solid citizens
something to remember you by?

I don't know where you
get your information.

But it's accurate, isn't it?

If you don't want
to buy the pictures,

we'll find a market for them.

I'm sure there's someone out
there who would be interested

in tarnishing that

holier-than-thou image you're
so determined to manufacture.

All right,
I'll give you the $10,000.



and that's the bottom line.

But what assurances do I have
that some liar and cheat

won't be coming back for more?

I suppose I am a cheat.

But a liar?
No. You have my word.

Plus the negatives.

Shall we follow you
to the bank, Mr. Walker?


How did it go, Bosley?

A superb performance.

Kelly and I work
very well together.

Perhaps you should consider
summer stock.

I believe
in broadening one's horizons.

Take me to the bank, driver.

Very well, sir.

Tony, I wish you
could have been there.

Kelly and I were
a splendid team.

It was the smoothest exchange
of 20 grand I ever saw.

As I recall,

it was Kelly who didn't want to
go through with it.

Tony, stop whining.

Your face gets long.
You look like a Modigliani.


Sorry to barge in.
What is it?

Well, there's quite a ruckus
going on down the hall.


Yeah, it's the Walker girl.

Sabrina Walker?

Tell her to come in,
will you?


I'll handle this. Will you
please use the other door?


Surprised to see me, Mr. Cruz?

Should I be?

There's $5,000.

Count it and then please
give me those pictures.

A real example of
"too little too late."

Don't tell me you're going to
deny your participation

in that dirty little deal
that went down last night

with Tony Bordinay?

I haven't any need to deny
or confirm anything.

I do feel compelled
to return this money to you.

I don't understand.

I suggest you check
with your father.

My father?

Sit down
and have a nice

father-to-daughter chat
with him.

I'm sure he'll be
very understanding.

That's very good advice,
Mr. Cruz,

and perhaps
when he returns from Alaska,

I shall take it.
However, in the meantime--


Now, about those pictures.

When did he leave
for Alaska?

Four weeks ago.
He's closing an oil deal.

Now, Mr. Cruz--

That's impossible.
I met with him today.

Not with my father,
you didn't.

He doesn't return
until this evening.

He has to be your father!

He paid $20,000
for those pictures.


Now I'm beginning
to understand.

It was that sneak Bosley.


He bought those pictures
from you for $20,000

so that he could sell them
to my father.

Are you saying
that this Bosley

was posing
as your father?

You got the picture, pal.

You've been had.

I'm sure
you heard everything.


Well, get on it.
Find the phony Mr. Walker.

And then?

After we have recovered
the pictures,

I will decide whether
to k*ll him

or just bruise him severely.

I got here
as soon as I could.

Everything okay?

The man inside that house
is the fake Stewart Walker.

Whew. Fast work.
How did you trace him?

I remembered the license number
of the limousine yesterday.

I traced the limo

to the Charlie Townsend Carriage
Service of Beverly Hills.

They said they'd rented it
to a Mr. Bosley.

Then I made another check

and found out
that this Bosley

is a former Walker
family servant.

It all pieces together.

Former as of two weeks ago.

He bought the pictures
from you for 20,000

so he could sell them
to Walker.

Now, if they're that valuable
to Bosley,

imagine what they're worth
to Walker.

A clever man, this Bosley.

An opportunist--
that's Bosley.

There he is. Let's go.

A word with you, sir.

I made my position
very clear yesterday,

and I paid you $20,000.

Now, part of that was

for the privilege
of never laying eyes

on you again.

That was yesterday,
when your name was Walker.

Today is today, Mr. Bosley.

And tomorrow is tomorrow
is tomorrow.

If we're going to stand around
quoting Shakespeare,

it's going to be
a very tedious day.

Okay, you posed as Walker
to get the pictures,

expecting to sell them
at a higher price to Walker.

Oh, you've got something against

You will return them
to us.

We'll return the $20,000
to you.

And I will have the unparalleled
thrill of breaking even?

Forget it.

Don't make me use this.

Put that damn thing away,
or there's no talk at all.

You're being heavy-handed,


We'll give you 20,000
plus five.

That way, you walk away
with a profit.

That way,
I walk away with chump change.

I'm going to make you
one more offer, Bosley,

and you're going to take it--

Your offers are as tedious
as my Shakespeare.

CRUZ: $40,000.

My final offer,
and you have just five seconds.

Kelly wasn't going to
sh**t you.

You were right
in your judgment.

I will.

It's amazing, isn't it,
how time flies

when you're having fun?

The five seconds
have slipped away.

All right, you've got a deal.

But that is not necessary.

I'll be the judge of that.

Tell Mr. Cruz
this is Schaffer Goodhew

and I'm back in town.

He isn't there?

Well, you put him on, then.

Hey, Bordinay.

Kelly? Kelly who?

My what?

I don't have an assistant.

Hello, Tony.
What on earth are you doing?

Shut up, Cruz.

You're going to listen
for a change.

I just want
to introduce Kelly

to someone
she's never met.


Kelly, meet Mr. Goodhew.

You didn't know
you had an assistant,

did you, Schaffer?

Is this true?

I can explain everything.

I adore good fiction,

but make this one short

and make it good.

Look, the only thing
I'm guilty of

is lying about
being his assistant.

Other than that, I've been
dealing in good faith.

I helped you
with the Walker girl.

I even upped the ante
for you.

What's your angle?

I'm interested
in the possibility

of getting some big money
out of Stewart Walker.

After that, it's your option.

I can walk away,
or you can keep me on.

I'm afraid I'm having trouble
with your credibility

at this point.

Suit yourself.

You can always sell the pictures
back to that Bosley fellow.

Tony, I want to keep that
appointment with Mr. Walker.

What if it's a setup?

Mr. Goodhew will have to put
you incommunicado

for a while, Kelly.

Sorry about the discomfort.

And if this is just petty
suspicion on my part,

I'll make it up to you.

If, on the other hand,

you set us up,

I'll make that up to you.

Goodhew, take the lady
to the bowling alley.

Come on.

SABRINA: Looks like Kelly

was able to ditch the gold-dust
twins without any problem.

Not a bad operation.

Our client
gets her $10,000 back,

plus interest, and a nice
retainer for the office.

And no dented fenders,
huh, Bos?

Interesting pictures,
wouldn't you say, Mr. Walker?

CHARLIE: It seems to me
that the craftsmanship

in these photographs leaves
a great deal to be desired.

Under the circumstances,
aren't you being a bit cavalier?

Not at all.

You are Stewart Walker?

Yes, but that girl
is not my daughter.

Not your daughter?

Which is a good thing for you.

If that was my daughter,

I wouldn't pay
to get the pictures.

I'd invest my money

into removing you
from the face of the earth.

It would be cheaper
and more rewarding.

Get out of here.

BOSLEY: So long, suckers.



JILL: Sabrina,
we may have a huge problem.

It went like clockwork.
What's the matter?

I'm back here at the office,
and Kelly hasn't shown.

Not only that,

there was a message
on the service for Bos.

That detective's back in town--
Schaffer Goodhew.

Schaffer's back in town,
and Kelly's suddenly gone.

Oh, boy.
I'm afraid that adds up.

Kelly's in trouble.

Terrific. So where do we go
to help? The dance studio?

No, no, that's too obvious
and too public.

Okay, then where?

Cruz's hideaway--
the bowling alley.

It's on Eighth and Grand.

Jill, bowling alley,
Eighth and Grand.

Okay, I'll meet you there.

When Bordinay and Cruz
get back here,

everything will be cleared up,

so why don't you relax
and put away the g*n.

I am relaxed.

You're the one
who's not relaxed.

And I like it that way.

Please, sit down.

Cool it, Goodhew.
I'm not going anywhere.

I said, sit down.


Charlie Townsend,
am I glad to see you!


Kelly, it's hopeless!
There's no way out!

My back.
I think it's broken.

Just stay there.
We'll get some help.

The lady won't come
to us,

I'll go to her...
with pleasure.

It's all right.




Hi, Mr. Cruz.
Your dance card filled?

Let me have your g*n,
fingertips, please.

Back inside.



Nice split.

I should have used
a little more wrist, you know?

My back!
I think it's broken!

Oh, I bet that hurts.

Maybe you better roll over
on your side

till the police get here.

Hey, look what I found
in the parking lot.

Join your friend on the floor,

Go ahead.

I won't dance.
Don't ask me.





Excuse me.


Oh, hello, Charlie.

Top of the morning,
Bosley, Angels.

Is there something wrong
with our connection, Bosley,

or do I detect wheezing?

Oh, no, no, no. That's just
the usual morning rattle.

I'm returning your photos
to you, Sabrina.

Thought you might want
to start a scrapbook.

The negatives too, Charlie.

I've got my reputation
to protect.

Right you are, Sabrina.

why don't we send a set

to Cruz, Bordinay
and Goodhew.

Give them something to think
about while they're doing time.

Very funny.

I don't want to interrupt your
well-deserved celebration,

but I did want you to know that
Laura Clusak is very grateful

for getting her money back.

Our pleasure, Charlie.

Oh, Charlie.
Yes, Jill.

It would be a shame for all that
research to go to waste,

don't you agree?


Well, I was just thinking.
Do you hustle?


Oh, never mind.
It was just a thought, you know?
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