01x05 - Isaac the Groupie/Mr. Popularity/Help! m*rder!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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01x05 - Isaac the Groupie/Mr. Popularity/Help! m*rder!

Post by bunniefuu »

( Jack Jones' "The
Love Boat" playing )

♪ Love ♪

♪ Exciting and new ♪

♪ Come aboard ♪

♪ We're expecting you ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ Let it flow ♪

♪ It floats back to you ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Soon will be
making Another run ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Promises something
For everyone ♪

♪ Set a course for adventure ♪

♪ Your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ It's an open smile ♪

♪ On a friendly shore ♪

♪ It's love ♪

♪ Welcome aboard It's love ♪

( upbeat theme playing )

Are...? Are you sure it's safe?

I've never been
on a ship before.

Of course it's safe.

Well, nothing will happen to us?

Denise, this is a
pleasure cruise.

They're not gonna dump
us on a beach at Anzio.

Come on, just relax.


Oh, that's easy for you to say.

You haven't been president of
the PTA for the past two years.

Parents screaming,
teachers screaming.

All of them screaming at me.

I know. That's why
I thought that, uh...

And you're not a den mother.

You didn't take 29 Brownies
to Disneyland last Sunday.

Do you know how scary
it is to go to Disneyland

with 29 little girls and
come home with 30?

Denise, anyone
can make a mistake.

Oh, the car pool.

I-I'm supposed to do
the car pool next week...

Denise. It's my turn.

Don't you remember?

You switched weeks with Betty?

Oh. That's right. I forgot.

Oh, my nerves are tight
as a drum from all this.


And that's why you
need a vacation.

You never arranged
for a vacation

since we've been
married. Why a cruise?

'Cause that's the
kind of rest you need.

( romantic theme playing )

Roxy, you can't
run out like this!

Gus, I am tired.

If you do this to Bob
Hope, you'll be dead in TV.

Roxy? Rox... Roxy.

Roxy, will you listen to reason?

Did I just die and go to
heaven, or is that Roxy Blue?


You died and went to
heaven. There's nobody there.

She just came on board.

I'm telling you, I know
Roxy Blue when I see her.

He knows her when
he hears her too.

He's played her Satin
Doll album so many times,

she sounds like George C. Scott.

Well, she's not on my list.

Well, maybe she's traveling
under another name.

Hey, Isaac, maybe we
can fix you up with her, man.

Come on, man. Me and Roxy Blue?

Well, at least get her to
sign your Satin Doll album.

Yeah, and if she won't do that,

maybe we can get
George C. Scott to sign it.

( upbeat theme playing )

Hi, Julie. Hi.

We're Brett and
Denise Fredericks.

Well, welcome aboard.
Fredericks, Fredericks.

Yes, there you are.

You're in cabin 104 on
the Promenade Deck.

Go up the stairs, through
those doors and forward.

Right. Thanks a lot.


You acted as if you knew her.

I don't know her.

I didn't say you knew her.

I just said you acted
as if you knew her.

I mean, you said, "Hi, Julie."

Well, that's her name.

Well, my name's Denise,

but she didn't
say, "Hi, Denise."

You're not wearing a
nametag that says Denise.

She's wearing a
nametag that says Julie.

( mouths ): Oh.

I'll be back in a minute.

Have a good time.

Excuse me, Julie.

Uh, I just wanna remind
you, I'm the one that called

about the surprise
birthday party for my wife.

( quietly ): Oh, yeah, I know.

Uh, why don't you call me
later, and we'll make plans.

You're a doll.

( humming )

I thought you didn't know her.

I don't know her.

Then how come
you were whispering

to a perfect stranger?

I told her of your concern
for the safety of the ship,

and asked her to
tell the ship's captain

to please drive carefully.

Oh, heh, thank you.

You're welcome.

Did she say she would?

Yes, sir, Mr. Fourgis.

That's table 29,
the late sitting, sir.

Thank you.

Ah, welcome aboard, sir.

Mr., uh...?

Tanner. Capital T-A-N-N-E-R.

But I guess you know that.


I mean, I guess that's
the only way to spell it.

There's not another
way to spell it, is there?

Not in English, that I know of.

Yeah, just T-A-N-N-E-R.

Heh, heh, heh. Right.

Capital T. I forgot to say that.

Well, I got it.

Uh, okay, uh, Mr. Tanner.

That's, uh, table
14. Capital one-four.

Heh. Ah, late sitting.

Thank you. I do know
for a fact, though,

there's only way to
spell my first name.


If he spells it out,
I'm gonna scream.


Of course, back home on the
farm they used to call me Bob,

or Bobby, or Little
Bob, or Little Bobby.

That's on account of my
Daddy's name was Robert too,

and we'd get all
mixed up in the family

if they called us
both Bob or Bobby.

Well, those are the
breaks on the farm, I guess.

Of course, I guess they
could have called him Big Bob

or Big Bobby, but he was
so short, nobody never did.

( chuckles )

C'est la vie.

There could be one problem
though, here on the boat.

Yeah, I think I know
what that could be, yeah.

What if there's
another Robert Tanner?

Couldn't be. Uh,
next, please. Please.

( light-hearted theme playing )


Ah, Mr. and Mrs.
Dullard. Welcome aboard.

( crowd cheering )

WOMAN: Goodbye.

( upbeat theme playing )


( ship's horn blows )

STUBING ( over PA ): Good
evening, ladies and gentlemen.

This is Captain Stubing.

Midnight buffet is
now being served

in the Coral Dining Room.

Uh, Kahlua on the rocks, please.

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am, Miss Blue!

Sweetheart, will you
please do me a favor?

Just put your eyeballs
back in your head

and serve me my
Kahlua very quietly.

I'd really appreciate that.


Okay. Right.


Solid. Fine.

You got it.

What was it that you wanted?


Right. Ha-ha.

You got me kind of flustered.

I... I mean, I can't
believe I'm standing here

talkin' to Roxy... Shh.

Shh. ( whispers ): Roxy Blue.

( whispers ): Thank you.

I own every record
you ever made.

Is that so?

Sister, I played Satin
Doll so many times,

it is worn out.

( laughs )

Well, well, a real fan.

And now you're here and
I'm actually talking to you.

And you're even more
beautiful in person than...

You know, uh, I kind of got
my nerve up to say something,

and, uh, I think I better
say it before I lose it.

( chuckles )

Listen, um... Well,
you're on this ship,

and so am I and...

Well, I was wondering
if I could, um...

see you, that's all.

Well, you're lookin' at
me right now, sweetheart.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
That's not what I mean.

See, I... I kind
of want to, uh...

Well, I... What
I'd like to do...

( sighs )

Ah, forget it.

I mean, I'm just a bartender...

and you're a star.

Um... what time
do you get off work?

In about an hour.

Why don't we have one drink?

One drink, mind you.

In my suite.

But, please, do me a favor:

just keep it to yourself.

I really don't want anybody
to know I'm on this ship.

My lips are sealed, Miss Blue.


( mouths ): Roxy.

Hey, captain. Oh,
I'm Mr. Tanner.

Cabin A211, Aloha Deck.

Well, how do you do.
I'm Captain Stubing.

You know, it's an interesting
thing about that word, "aloha."

You know, in Hawaiian
it means "goodbye,"

but it also means "hello." True.

Now, in English, we've
got two different words

for "hello" and "goodbye."

"Hello" and "goodbye."

But in Hawaiian, they've
only got the one: "aloha."

Aloha. Adios.

I don't see how they
keep from gettin' confused.

You know, like
being at an airport,

and everybody saying, "aloha."

Some of 'em meaning "hello,"

and some of 'em meaning
"goodbye," you know,

depending on whether
they're comin' or goin'.

Yes. Well, uh, I
have to be going.

Uh, aloha.

Sometimes it's just
in the way you say it.


( mellow theme playing )

( sighs )

( door opens )



You look nice.

( giggles )

I bet you say
that to all the girls,

you smooth-talking devil, you.

Listen, why don't
you come on inside.

I'll play you some of my
favorite Ray Charles tapes,

we put our feet
up, talk a little bit,

and you'll tell
me about that suit

and the herd of cows
that you got it from.

( chuckles )

( mellow theme playing )

But I'm really not that
much of a photographer.

All I need is some
candid sh*ts of my wife.

Then I can have 'em blown
up and hang 'em on the wall.

Well, I can get
the blowups made.

I mean, that's no problem.

Neither are the candid
sh*ts. What do you say?

( sighs )


Just don't let my wife see you.

I want this whole
thing to be a surprise.

Don't worry. Before this, I
used to be a hotel detective.

And since that
night on the cruise

when Miss America came aboard,

I had to lock the door
to my cabin every night.

Ahem. Morning, ma'am. Morning.

Well, back to work.

Gotta help the captain
find Puerto Vallarta.

We're lost?

It's just a joke, Denise.

Oh. You know, he... He
seems very strange to me.

He's a very sneaky man.

Oh, you're right.

It's his job. You see,
he's the Assistant Sneak.

Aw. Funny.

Ah, come on, Denise.
Lighten up, will ya?

Hey there, sleepyhead.

Can I get some service, please?

You've got a person here
that really needs some coffee.

Yes, indeed. Service
is my middle name.

Uh, good morning.

It certainly is.


Hi. Want some coffee?

No, just a coffee break.
Oh, it's not even noon,

and my feet feel like
it's 3 in the morning.

Well, I'm gonna have
to ask your feet to leave.

This bar closes at 2.

By the way, have you
seen Roxy Blue today?

Roxy Blue.

Now, that name
does sound familiar.

Yeah, remember you said
you saw her get on board?

Oh, that Roxy Blue.

Well, the captain got wind of it

and he's a big fan of hers,

and he wants her to be his
guest at the farewell party.

That is, if I can find her.

If that was even her.

Well, you know, I might
have been mistaken.

That might not have been her.

Besides, she sings like
George C. Scott anyway.

Yeah. Will you keep
your eye out for her?

Morning, Julie.

Uh, where's the
shuffleboard tournament, huh?

I was just on my way.

Oh. Hi. Hi.

Take care of those bunions.

( light-hearted theme playing )

I sing like George
C. Scott, huh?

Only the high notes.

You dog. Just you wait.

I'm gonna get you for this.

Promises, promises.

( chuckles )

( upbeat theme playing )

So the jeweler was supposed
to have the bracelet ready

before I left, but he goofed.

So now I don't have a
birthday present for Denise.

I tell you what.

Later, I'll go down to
the gift shop with you

and help you pick something out.

Oh, that'll be hard.

Every time I turn
around, Denise is there.

( playful theme playing )

Well, then, why don't you
come down with me now?

I can't.

If I stay away too long,
Denise will get suspicious.

Then there's only
one thing we can do.

We'll just have
to get rid of her.

BRETT: That's not a bad idea.

JULIE: I'll see you later.


Oh, hi, honey.

Can I join you, or is
your friend coming back?

My friend?

The girl you don't know.

You mean Julie?

Oh, come on.

She's just doing her job:

trying to keep the
passengers happy.


I'm a passenger, and she hasn't

sat down with me once.

Denise, please.

What were you two talking about?

Oh, nothing.

Nothing. Just small talk.

I bet you'd rather be on this
cruise alone, wouldn't you?

Of course not.

Just you and the
little pretty blond.

That is ridiculous.

Without old married
me in the way.

You're being ridiculous. Just...

Well, I'm not giving
you a divorce,

and that's final!

( tense theme playing )

You should've known, Denise.

Ooh, you should've known he
had something up his sleeve when...

When he decided on this
cruise at the spur of the moment.


( melancholy theme playing )

Then why...?

( sobbing ): Why
didn't I realize it?

Why didn't I know?

( chuckling )

Why didn't you know?!

Because we wives are
always the last to find out.

Listen to me, Denise,
this is only a fling.

He'll get over it. Ha!

Now, I want you to
get up, go have dinner,

and act like you're having fun.


( chuckles )

Act like I'm having... Ah!

Fun. ( phone rings )

Oh, I have to answer...
I'll be right back.

( sniffles )

( low-voiced ): Hello?

Mr. Fredericks,

I haven't been able to get
a clean shot at your wife

all day long.

( suspenseful theme playing )

See, I told you I
wasn't very good at this.

I think maybe you'd
better do it yourself.

But I can still arrange
to have her blown up.



( normal voice ): Who is this?

( gasps ): Whoa,
it's that Mr. Tanner.

Come on, Harvey, let's go.

Will you sit down?

I came on this
cruise for a rest,

not to be playing
hide and go seek.

Hey! Hey there!
Oh, it's too late.

If he asks one more time
what we had for dinner,

I'll slap his face.

Hi. You mind if I join you?

Uh, no, no. Sit down.

What did you have for dinner?

( moans )

Liver and onions.

No foolin'.

You know, I was gonna
have liver and onions.

As a matter of fact,

I went so far as to order
the liver and onions,

and then I changed my order.

Really? Hm-hm.

Yup. It's a funny thing about
me and liver and onions.

I order it a lot,

but then most of the time I
always end up changin' my order.

Not all the time, but
just most of the time.

That would make
a wonderful movie.

You know, I was just settin'
over there with some people

who must not have
had a very good dinner.

Because suddenly all three
of 'em started getting queasy.

Really? What'd they have?

I don't know. I never did
get a chance to ask 'em.

Well, that's what I
had. Harvey, listen,

I'm getting a little queasy too.

Good night, Mr. Tanner.

Good night. Good night.

( dramatic theme playing )

Gosh, I better watch what I eat.

Well, what finally
happens is that you, uh...

You lose control.

I mean, heh,

I'm not just Roxy
Blue, working girl.

I'm Roxy Blue Enterprises,

Roxy Publishing, Roxy Records,

Roxy Limited, London.

Hm-hm. I'm a damn conglomerate.

But I'm also bones
and nerve endings,

and, you know, all that jazz.

I suppose I just
really needed... to rest.

Yeah, but you walked
out on Bob Hope.

I mean, that's
like walking out on

Bob Hope.

So they'll get Donny and Marie.

Oh, nobody will
know the difference.

Yeah. You know, I always
get you three mixed up.

( giggles )

All right, so I'll pass
up one TV guest shot.

To cruise on the
Pacific Princess

( with Caribbean accent ):
with a very sexy bartender.

Who thinks I sing
like George C. Scott.

Now, don't get sexy
with me, please.

I told you.

You are messing with a very
vengeful corporation here.

You know I was only having fun.

You don't sing a bit
like George C. Scott.

More like Lee Marvin.

( giggles )

Why don't you just
shut up and kiss me?

Can't turn down a
vengeful corporation.

( upbeat theme playing )

( light-hearted theme playing )

( gasps )

( humming )

So that's all
there is to it, huh?

You just let go of the skeet

and I try to pop
it off in midair.

Hey, Denise!



( yelling )

( shutter clicking )

( yells )

( mellow theme playing )

Doctor. Oh!

I have to talk to somebody.

My husband's trying
to k*ll me. Whoa.

Slow down, Mrs. Fredericks.

He's in love with another
woman and they...

They want me out of the way.

Easy. Easy, Mrs. Fredericks.

It's a conspiracy. No, no, no.

He's in cahoots with half
the people on the ship.

I'm sure you're
mistaken, Mrs. Fredericks.

( grunts ) Come
on into my office.

I'll give you something
to help you relax.

A mild sedative. ( gasps )

You'll feel much better
when you get some sleep.

You're in on it too.

( light-hearted theme playing )

Well, everybody seems to be
having a good time, Miss McCoy.

Yes, sir.

Well, sun, fun and rum is
an unbeatable combination.

( chuckles )

I wonder what's the matter
with Mr. Tanner up there.

Is he talked out?

( scoffs )

Is Vesuvius out of
lava? ( chuckles )

No, sir, he's a nice guy.

He's just kind of boring.

Well, we all have
faults, Miss McCoy.

But I want all the passengers
to have a good time.

Consider that a challenge.

Swimming the English
Channel is a challenge.

This is impossible.

GOPHER: Los Angeles
newspapers, anyone?

WOMAN: I'll have one.

Here you go, ma'am.

Los Angeles papers.
Los Angeles papers.

Got a problem? Yeah.

I'm running out of passengers
to assign to Mr. Tanner's table.

Nobody seems to
make it through dessert.

What about that
little old deaf lady?

Look, I tried her,

but she reads lips and she says
that Mr. Tanner has boring lips.

Let me try.

Hey, folks, uh, how would you
like to share your table tonight

with Mr. Tanner?

Does that mean maybe?

Huh. What about you?

What about you? I
thought I'd eat in my room.

You know, enjoy my own
conversation for a change.

( both laugh )

My goodness.

Harvey? Hm?

Who does that look like?

Mm, it's hard to see.

Hat covers a lot of his face.

That's Mr. Tanner.
I'm sure of it.

Yeah, could be.

It's the exact same kind of hat.

But what's his picture
doing in the paper?

What'd he do, win
the Pillsbury Bore-Off?

Listen to this: "Los
Angeles police report

"that despite an
intensive dragnet,

"Roscoe Toler,
international jewel thief,

has once again eluded capture ."

"Roscoe Toler, jewel thief"?


Those are the same
initials as Robert Tanner.

That's him.

You know, I think you're right.

I knew that hick
accent was phony.

Should we tell the captain?


So he can arrest him.

Harvey, let the
captain arrest him later.


First, let's... Let's
get to know him.

I mean, how many
people do you know

that can say that
they're best friends

with an international
jewel thief?

Two, maybe three, tops.

( dramatic theme playing )

GOPHER: You and Roxy Blue?

Hey, man, this is
Isaac Washington.

I mean, yeah, I know
I'm just a bartender

and she's a star, but
you gotta know her.

I mean, she's not like a star.


like a woman.

I mean, you know, she's like...

( sighs )

Well, she's like
the kind of woman

you wanna marry.

( laughs ): Come on, be serious.

I am serious.

I think you are.

I'm happy for you, man. Really.

Thanks, Gopher.

Now, you're sure that
she's the right one for you?

Gopher, when you
meet the right woman,

you know it.

( chuckles )

( tender theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Don't worry, sir.

Anything you want, I'll make.

You name it.

Just a small chocolate
cake. And on top:

"Happy Birthday, Denise."


"A beautiful wife and
a dedicated mother."

Yes, sir.

"With all my love,
"forever and ever

till the end of time."

That's it?

Yeah. Oh...

And I'd like it all spelled
out in strawberries.


How about pineapples?

( upbeat jazz music playing )

I'm sorry I'm late, but I
just ordered the cake.

I've never seen a man
go through so much trouble

to give his wife
a surprise party.

( sighing ): Oh, she's worth it.

I found the
perfect gift for her.

Oh yeah?

It's a gold choker. Beautiful.

A gold choker. You
know, that's a terrific idea.

Good. By the way, what
size neck does she have?

I don't know. Why?

Well, it should fit
snugly to looks its best.

Oh. What am I gonna do?

I can't ask her her size,
because that'll give it away.

And I can't just walk
up to her and measure it.

Ooh, that's right.

You got any ideas?


Tonight, wait
until she's asleep,

and then take the sash
from your bathrobe,

and slip it around her neck...

( mysterious theme playing )


( gasps )

( breathing heavily )

( whimpers )

Pull yourself together, Denise.

That's better.

Now, remember,

when he knocks on
the door, don't let him in.

Don't let him in all night.

What'd you say? Agh!

Oh, Denise, you look beautiful.

What are you... doing here?

Don't you remember?
We share a room.

Honey, something the matter?

No, oh. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

No, nothing. I... I'm just
really not feeling very well.

I have a cold, a slight cold.

Oh, poor baby.

Let me take a
look at your throat.

No! Uh... it's nothing.

I... You know,

I think it's probably
better if I stayed in, though.


Why... Why don't you go dancing.


The way they dance
today, it doesn't matter.

( giggles nervously )

I, uh...

I can't have a good
time without you,

so why don't I stay in too.

Hm? We'll relax,

and, um, I'll catch
up on some reading.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( laughter )

I had the veal
curry, three helpings.

I had steak tartare.

Please, Mr. Tanner
is our friend.

Some people are so pushy.

Would you like to know
what I had for dinner?

I sure would.
That'd be real nice.

Well, I had rack of lamb.

Why didn't I think of that?

Are you sure it
wasn't the leg of lamb?

Didn't I have rack of lamb?
Tell him I had rack of lamb.

Yes, she did. She
had the rack of lamb.

What vegetables did you have?

Broccoli. Golly.

Oh, I had carrots.

Brussels sprouts.

I had zucchini.

More important than what we had,

Mr. Tanner, what did
you have for dinner?

Well, you know how I
always order liver and onions,

and then at the last
minute I change my order?

Well, this time I didn't
change my order.

I had the liver and onions.

( all laugh )

That's a beautiful
necklace, Mrs. Grove.

Oh, thank you.

Isn't it, Mr. Tanner?

Oh, it sure is. But to
be honest with you,

I don't really know
that much about jewelry.


( all laugh )

Well, you know, now,

tomorrow night's
our last night out.

And I have really given
a lot of thought to this.

And I'm gonna
have the roast beef.

Rare. Rare.

( all applaud and cheer )

You must sit at our table.


Denise, why don't you go to bed?

It's midnight.

I'm hungry. I... I want
another sandwich.


you've ordered up from
room service seven times.

Come on.

It's late.

You'll be dead in the morning.

( mysterious theme playing )

Come on.


I-I just wanna finish
reading this book first.

I-I'm at the most exciting part.

What page are you on?


( romantic theme playing )

You know, all we've got
is what's left of tonight,

then tomorrow night
and then it's all over.

Yeah. That's about it.

Roxy, nothing better than this

has ever happened
to me in my whole life.

Don't go getting
sentimental on me. Please.

I mean it.

Deep in my heart, I mean it.

Deep in... What's with this
"deep in your heart" business?

I'm on vacation.

What are you getting mad about?

Because you're getting
serious on me. Knock it off.

I won't knock it off.

Can't you see where
I'm comin' from?

I love you.

Don't say that anymore.


"I love you"?

I do.

I love you more than I've
loved anybody before in my life.

Well, you just blew that.

You're acting like I
said something dirty.

You're supposed to like it when
someone says they love you.

You're supposed to
say "I love you too."

And everybody's so happy
that they can't see straight.

You really don't
understand, do you?

I understand how I feel.

You know, a lot of people

have been bugging me
to get out of this cabin.

I think I'll take up

that standing invitation
from your captain.

Isn't there gonna be a
farewell party tomorrow night?

What's that got to
do with anything?

Well, aren't you
going to be there?

Of course I am. I'm working.

Fine. I think we should
just get some sleep.

It's getting late.

I don't want to.

Now, Roxy, I know you love me.

Now, why can't you just
come out and admit it?

Isaac... Close your eyes.

We have tonight, tomorrow night

and then it's over.

Roxy, I just love you
so much. I know that.

Oh, please, hush.

( sighs )

There's gonna be a
big party tomorrow night.

Roxy Blue's gonna be there.

So just hush and
let's go to sleep.

( eerie theme playing )


Are you asleep, honey?

( playful theme playing )


Help! m*rder*r!
He's trying to k*ll me!


( all chattering indistinctly )

He's a m*rder*r.

So is he.

Stop. Silence.


Would it be too
much for one person

to explain what is happening

in a simple, quiet,
logical, calm manner?

Yes, sir... ( all chattering )

I said, one person.


Well, captain, it all started

because I wanted to give my wife

a surprise birthday party.

Why didn't you tell me that?

If I had told you, it wouldn't
have been a surprise.

Oh, then who was that
man on the telephone

who said he was
trying to sh**t me?

I confess. But this is what
I wanted to sh**t you with.

I wanted some candid
sh*ts to put up at the party.

Julie coordinated everything,

even the present.

A gold choker.

I just woke the lady
in the gift shop to get it.

I was only trying to
measure your neck, silly.

( playful theme playing )

( laughing )


Bert, it's beautiful.

Captain, it's after
3 in the morning.

( mouths indistinctly )

He's on his way.

ALL: ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Denise ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Oh. Oh, wow.

Oh, honey, that's fantastic.

"Happy birthday,
Denise. A beautiful wife

and dedicated... moth."


I ran out of strawberries.

( upbeat theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Gee, where do you suppose he is?

Say, you don't think he
found us too boring, do you?

Oh, Myra.

Hey, everybody.



Set yourself down.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Say, did you all hear
the news? No. What?

Well, there was supposed to be

an international
jewel thief on board,

but the police found
him on another ship.

Where did you hear that?

One of the ship's
officers told me.

I don't remember his name.
He's kind of a short fella,

you know, with long
sideburns and frizzy hair.

Why, you little fake, ya!

Come on, Harvey. I
told you he was nobody.

MR. TANNER: Well, wait a minute.

Wh-what's the
matter? Uh, what...?

Don't... Don't you wanna know
what I'm gonna have for dinner?

( band playing
funky jazz music )

There she is.

Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen.

Miss Roxy Blue!

( all applauding )

( both laughing )

Miss Blue, it's a
tremendous honor

having you with us.

Uh, we were afraid you
were going to deny us

the pleasure of your
company for the entire voyage.

Oh, well, I thought
so too for a while,

but then I got to
feeling like a party.

( both laugh )

Could I have your autograph?

Uh, i-it's for my niece. Uh...

she'll be thrilled.

Are you sure this isn't for you?

( chuckles )

That's all right. Just
tell the truth, sugar.

Okay. Thank you, thank you.

( band playing
smooth jazz music )

( laughs )

Ha-ha-ha-ha. You're funny.

And Dean's another
one, you know.

He's been making outrageous
suggestions for years.

Ha, ha. But I tell 'em all,
and I'll tell you too, sugar,

I'm not a girl who
falls for uniforms.

I'm only faithful
to that one man.

( chuckles )

And that one, and that one.

( both laughing )

And that one over there.

Hi, honey.

Isaac, a refill for
Miss Blue, please.

Yes, just don't stand
there, sweetheart.

Roxy is thirsty.

Thank you.


Miss Blue, I wonder...

Now, I know this
may be an imposition,

but, uh, could you,
as a favor to me...

What did you have
in mind, honey?

Could you possibly sing a song?

( laughing ): Oh.

Well, I'll try.

But you know, I'm
really not prepared.

Ha-ha. I haven't
rehearsed anything,

and we didn't bring
any arrangements

or anything like that.

Of course, it's very
sweet of you to ask.

STUBING: Ladies and
gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen.

Miss Roxy Blue will
now honor us with a song.

( applause )

( pianist playing Harold Arlen's
"Come Rain Or Come Shine" )

♪ I'm gonna love you ♪

♪ Like nobody's ♪

♪ Ever loved you ♪

♪ Come rain ♪

♪ Or come shine ♪

♪ High as a mountain ♪

♪ Deep as a river ♪

♪ Come rain ♪

♪ Or come shine ♪

♪ I guess when you met me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It was just ♪

♪ One of those ♪

♪ Things ♪

♪ Well, don't ever bet me ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm gonna be true ♪

♪ If you let me ♪

♪ Ah-ha-ha ♪

♪ You're gonna love me, yeah ♪

♪ Just like nobody's loved me ♪

♪ Come rain ♪

♪ Come rain ♪

♪ Or come shine ♪

♪ Happy together ♪

♪ Unhappy together ♪

♪ Won't that be fine... ♪

( upbeat theme playing )

GOPHER: Bye-bye, now.

Thank you. Bye.

So long, Mr. Tanner.

Uh, sir, one moment.

Uh... Uh-huh.

I just wanted to make sure

you weren't stealing
any liver and onions.

( laughs )

Oh, listen, thanks
for everything.

Thank you, thank you.

I'm gonna tell all my
friends to take this cruise.



( quiet upbeat theme playing )

You didn't come
to see me last night.

I was too tuckered out from
serving all that champagne.

Us help get that way sometime.


You gonna invite me in?

Why not? I hope you don't
mind a servant's quarters.

Isaac, I tried to tell
you how things are.

It was pretty rough, huh?

( sighs )

Well, we...

We had a little
world all our own,

but it didn't have
anything to do with reality.

I just had to show you
who Roxy Blue really is.

She's just a... A showpiece.

She's a... An object.

She's... She's a star.

She's also a woman,

and that's the part I thought
I was getting through to.

Oh, you did.

You got through.

You got through to a part
of me that I even forgot.

Why can't that
part belong to me?

Maybe another
time, another place,

but this isn't another time.

This is now.

Now stinks.

Look, Isaac, you're
too much of a man

to ever be a Mr. Roxy Blue.

I was married to
three other guys

who went through
an awful lot of pain

because they couldn't handle it.

And they had a lot
more going for them

out there in this
world than you do.

I'm sorry.

I know it's cruel,

but you've got to understand.

Even if you don't understand,

please forgive me.

Forgive you?

For what?

We had a few laughs.

Oh, we had more than that.

We had a lot more than that.

Julie. Ah.

Julie, thank you
again for everything.

Uh-huh. Oh,
especially my present.

You have wonderful taste.

Well, it was fun being
part of your birthday.

Just count me out
next year, okay?

( both laugh )

Bye-bye. Bye.

We still have a couple
of days' vacation left,

so, what do you say
we fly to Las Vegas?

Fly? In a... In a plane?

Over the mountains?

A-across the desert?

Relax, Denise.

Helen loved the flight.

Hel... Helen?

Who's Helen?

Your mother, Denise.


( chuckles )

( both chuckle )

My jewelry!

My jewelry's been
stolen! Captain.

I've been robbed!
Calm down, calm down.

Now, are you sure?

Maybe you misplaced it. No! No!

It was there this morning
when I was packing.

Wasn't it, Harvey? Yes.
Yes, it certainly was.

Captain, captain.

My jewelry case!

A man down on the dock
asked me to return this.

Well, you see? Someone found it.

Honesty is still
the best policy.


It's empty!

What's this?

MR. TANNER ( voice-over ):
Please forgive my dishonesty.

I'm sorry I lied to you
at dinner last night.

I told you I was gonna
have the roast beef,

but at the last minute
I changed my mind

and I ordered the
crabmeat au gratin.


That's capital R, period,

capital T, period.

"P.S., I figure
your jewels I took

"are worth $90,000.

"Don't let the insurance
company rob you.

"R.T., Roscoe Toler."

( upbeat theme playing )

Nice lady.

I got to talk to her
a little bit last night.

She's okay.

So you gonna see her again?

No, I doubt it.

She was getting
too serious, right?

Talking about
marriage and everything.

Yeah, well, you know, that
sort of thing is for chumps.


Besides, I'm saving myself

for somebody really terrific.

So you dumped her, right?

Yeah, you could say that.

( melancholy jazz
theme playing )

( car engine starts )

( upbeat theme playing )
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