02x09 - Till Death Do Us Part-Maybe/Locked Away/Chubs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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02x09 - Till Death Do Us Part-Maybe/Locked Away/Chubs

Post by bunniefuu »

(Jack Jones' "The
Love Boat" playing)

♪ Love ♪

♪ Exciting and new ♪

♪ Come aboard ♪

♪ We're expecting you ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ Let it flow ♪

♪ It floats back to you ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Soon will be
making Another run ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Promises something
For everyone ♪

♪ Set a course for adventure ♪

♪ Your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ It's an open smile ♪

♪ On a friendly shore ♪

♪ It's love ♪

♪ Welcome aboard It's love ♪

( majestic theme playing)

Hello. Welcome
aboard, Miss, uh...

Ellen Garner. Mrs. Garner.

Oh, Mrs. Garner,
we're about to sail.

I hope Mr. Garner isn't late.

That's me. The late Mr. Garner.

I'm a widow.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You're sorry? Hm.

Our first barbecue
after our honeymoon,

I told her to pour lighter
fluid on the coal slow,

not coleslaw.

I'll never forget my last words:


Oh, here you are, Mrs.
Garner. Of course, excuse me.

You're on the Aloha
Deck, Cabin 350.

Thank you. Uh-huh.

What are you doing here?

Trying to find you
a new husband.

I told you, this ghost
can't rest in peace

until you're married again.

I don't wanna get married again.

Hey, look here, you
got a whole life to live.

And it's gonna be
with another man.

You're the only man
that I've ever wanted.

I swear, I never
saw the lady before.


See the trouble you're causing?

Me? Only one that can
hear or see me is you.

Mickey, I'll always love you.

But please leave me alone. Hey.

I would help you with
that luggage there,

but you know the Ghosts' Union.

We don't do bags.


( upbeat theme playing)

Miss McCoy, I don't understand.

What are Dr. Bricker and Isaac
doing boarding passengers?

Oh, well, sir... Where's Gopher?

Blow-drying his hair. What?

You see, sir, Gopher's sister's
coming on board for her birthday

and he wants to look terrific.

And that could take years.

His sister, hm?

Haven't I met her
before? Little, uh...

Chubs. You remember,
kind of chunky.

Ah, yes.

She was about
5 feet tall all over.

You better order
two birthday cakes.



Well, welcome aboard,
whoever you are.

Jennifer. Don't you remember?

You taught me to tango.

Of course, Jennifer.

The old tango. I
remember it well, sort of.

Doc. Jennifer.

GOPHER: Chubs.

Oh, Chubs. Chubs.

Hey, listen, you
remember Doc and Isaac.


And this is Julie,
our cruise director.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

This is my kid sister, Chubs.


Hey, come on. I'll show
you the cabin. Come on.

See you later, Valentino.

Ooh. Chubs, huh?

Well, maybe I need new lenses.


WOMAN: Oh, Wayne.

This whole cruise is a mistake.

If we don't get along on land,

what makes you think
we're gonna get along at sea?

Hey, come on, give
it a chance, Linda.

I mean, we haven't
even unpacked yet.

(knocking on door) I'll get it.

Hello there.

Gail. Oh, hi.

Hi. Hi, sweetheart.

What are you doing here?

We didn't expect
you to see us off.

Oh, well, any chance
I get to see my baby.

And, uh, speaking of babies,

any news in the blessed
event department?

Something I should be knitting?

Maybe a pair of socks for
Linda. She's always got cold feet.

Very funny. (knocking on door)

Oh, look, Gail,
there is a reason

we didn't invite you
down here to see us off.

What reason could you possibly
have for not inviting a mother?

A father.

Sorry to be late. Daddy, hi.

Oh, Les. What a
pleasant surprise.

What are you doing here?

I was invited.

What are you doing
here? I crashed.


Wayne and I thought
that the fairest thing

would be to have Daddy see
us off and you welcome us home.

Oh, honey, you don't
have to try to keep us apart.

The nice judge
took care of that.

Let's hear it for the judge.

LES: Yeah, we should be able
to get along for five minutes.

After all, we were
married for 20 years.

Twenty years? Was it 20?

It went by just like 40. Mother.

Hey, look, what do you say
we break open the bubbly, huh?

Yes. All ashore
that's going ashore.

STUBING (over PA): All
ashore that's going ashore.

Why don't you two enjoy this?

I'm sorry to be so brief,

but I have a very attractive
lunch date waiting for me.

Hey, good to see you
anyway. Have a great trip.

We're coming right back. Really.

Have really good fun.
Thank you, bye-bye.

Bye-bye now.

Oh, are you leaving now?

I thought you rats always
waited until the ship was sinking.

Goodbye, my darling. Goodbye.

Bye-bye. Enjoy the bubbly.

Thank you. So long. Thank you.

Let's see. Do we
go left or right?

Surely even you
can lead us off a ship.

Which way's the bow?
Well, that should be simple.

The bow's the sharp end,
the stern's the dull end.

You should know
from dull. Come on.

( mysterious theme playing)

Hey, now, there's an
eligible-looking dude.



The name's Greg. Greg Elkins.

Mm, expensive threads too.

We may already
have us a winner here.

I'm not interested.

You could wait till
you've been asked.

Hey, Mama, don't make
any hasty decisions.

He's almost as cute as me.

Will you drop dead?

Hey, Mama, you're about
two years late with that line.

I mean, get lost.


We are lost. Totally lost.

Nice going, Gail.

Gail? Gail?

Of course it would be my fault.

Oh, look, they're
redecorating this area.

I wonder what the
new suites look like.

STUBING (over PA): Last call for all
visitors. All ashore that's going ashore.

What are you doing? Look,
the ship is about to sail.

I just wanna take a
look at one of the cabins.

Who cares?

You just described
our entire marriage.

"Who cares?"

Hey, hey, don't go in there.

Hey, come on, we
gotta get out of here.

Now are you happy?

It's beautifully decorated in
early French penal colony.

Come on. I got a date.

And she's a lot more interesting

than someone who gets
turned on by empty rooms.


And does she get turned
on by the little things you do?

What little things?

Do we have to get personal?

No. We just have to get out.

Oh, my Lord.

Oh, well, you haven't
lost your touch.

I don't suppose you know how
to connect one of these things.

No, I always left that
butch stuff up to you.

(horn blows)

Help! Help!

There are two people
locked up in here.

Two people who
can't stand each other.

(horn blows)

( majestic theme playing)

(all chattering)

Hey there, sweet lady. Would
you like a drink or anything?

No, thanks. I wouldn't
like a drink or anything.

Hi, Isaac. Seen Doc?

Oh, sorry, Jennifer. Maybe
he's in his office with a patient.

Lucky patient. What
does a girl have to do

to get sick around here?

Maybe this will do it.


I've just created a new drink.

I call it my Isaac eye-opener.

You can be the first to try it.

Sorry, Isaac. It's terrific.

Just my luck. I can't
do anything wrong.

Hey. Hi.


Wait a minute.

That doesn't look like
a malted milk to me.

Oh, Captain Stubing, you
remember my kid sister, Chubs?


Well, Jennifer,
you've really grown up.

Whatever happened to the
little girl with the big appetite?

It's simple.

One day, I decided I'd rather
have dates than Ding Dongs.

Now, she has both.

Most of her dates
are ding-dongs.

Here's Doc. See you later.

Well, your sister has
turned into a real stunner.


I think it's goodbye,
Chubs, hello, Farrah.

Chubs, uh, you're not supposed
to be out on deck, honey.

Not over the measles yet.

Hi there, sweetheart.

Mickey, couldn't
you just fade in?

I mean, you scared
the wits out of me.

Now look here, I'm
only a freshman ghost.

They don't teach fading
in till you're a sophomore.

Anyway, you know that chap
we met in the passageway?

Well, he's a lawyer.
Very successful.

And mucho available.

You're wasting your time.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, uh, I said that I'm
having a wonderful time.

Good, good.

And what happened to that
string bikini I brought you?

Hey, you wear
that low-cut halter,

and you'll definitely
get Greg to the altar.

Once and for all, Mickey, I
don't wanna see this Greg

or anyone else.

Hey, how am I gonna get you a
husband if you don't cooperate?

Don't wanna talk about it.

Well, then when are
we gonna talk about it?

Later in my cabin.


He'll be later all right.

And he's gonna
have a broken leg.

Look, if you're gonna sit there
and bother me, I'm leaving.

Uh, w... Maybe one
of these will help.

Huh? Oh.

It couldn't hurt.


Well, that cooled me off.

But you know,
with a little coaxing,

I could get heated up again.

Oh, come on, Wayne.

Hey, what's with you, anyway?

Every time you get
the urge to be Mr...

Come on.

Mr. Romance, am I
supposed to drop everything

and rush off with you?

Why don't you think
about how I feel sometime?

We're starting up again.

Oh, why don't we just
give up and get a divorce?

Why don't we just
talk things out, huh?

What's the use?

We always end up fighting.

So, what's wrong with fighting?

Maybe your parents wouldn't
be divorced if they'd fought more.


You've gotta be kidding.

Just my luck to be locked in
with a woman that hates my guts.

Les, it was never hate.

That's right. Hate
is a little strong.

It was more mutual

Maybe dissatisfaction.




Anger. Rage.

Loathing. Hate.

Yeah, it was hate!

Let me out!

Hello out there. Help!

Hey, is anyone out there?

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Yeah? Doc.

Oh, Doc, I'm in trouble. Me too.

Do you think Stubing would mind

if I didn't wear a tie
to the captain's table?

Come on. Light's
better over here.

It's my sister, Doc. The
ship's wolves are hitting on her.

Aren't you being a
bit overprotective?

She's not exactly a toddler.

Doc, please.

I mean, can't you just
keep an eye on her?

You know, take
her under your wing.

You know what these cruise
ship Casanovas are like.

Wait a minute. I'm
talking to the wrong guy.

Gopher, I'm your best
friend. Jennifer's your sister.

You don't think that I...
I'm sorry. I'm overreacting.

Okay. I'll keep an
eye on her. Okay.

Those wolves won't get
within howling distance.

Oh, thanks, Doc. If there's
ever anything I can do for you...

Great. Can you get
me a date with Jennifer?

Just kidding. Okay.

Great. Thanks.

(band playing soft jazz)

Good evening. Oh,
hello, Mrs. Garner.

Let's see, yes,
you're at Table 17.

Yes, thank you.

Over here.

The table with the
ebony centerpiece.

Good evening.
Good evening, Julie.

Oh, hello,
Mr. Elkins. Let's see.

You're at Table 11.

Eleven? Right.

Oh, excuse me, I'm
sorry. That's my mistake.

You're at Table 17.

Thank you. Mm-hm.

Good evening. I'm Greg Elkins.

Ellen Garner.

Uh-oh. I think I'm
at the wrong table.

No, no, please. Please sit down.

Are you sure?

You haven't been too thrilled
about meeting me up to now.

Honestly, it has
nothing to do with you.

It's just that I've had a lot
of things on my mind lately.

Well, if you need
a sympathetic ear,

I've had a lot of practice.

I'm an attorney.

An attorney. Well...

The fish is hooked fine.

Now all you have to
do is reel in the line.

You know, my husband would
have made a great attorney.

Oh? I would have?

He certainly had
the mouth for it.

Isn't this the most incredible
day you've ever had?


What's the matter with you?
You haven't eaten a thing.

You know, the last time
I had Cornish game hen

was the night you
proposed to me.

Oh, yeah.

That little place in
Greenwich Village.

The waiter tried to
take us, remember?

He charged us
double for the drinks.

The service was the worst.

Is that all you remember?

Is that all?

(band playing tango music)

(both laughing)

You know, very few young
people today can dance the tango.

They used to call
it the dance of love.

Doc taught me.


Thanks, captain. I'll
take over this watch.

Ah. And they said there
are no more pirates.

(band playing funky music)

You call this looking
after my sister?

Gopher, I've got my eye on her.

Yeah. And he's got
his hands on her.

Don't panic. I'll
take care of it.

Doc, now.

Doc, there you are.

Hi. Hi.

Who asked you to cut in?

My old surgery teacher.

This cat ain't bad.
He ain't bad at all.

He ain't no Saturday Night
Fever, but he ain't bad.

Do you remember that great
night we spent in Chicago?


And you told me it
was a convention.

ELLEN: We danced
the whole night.

Well, uh, almost
the whole night.

But, Mama, that's all past.

Turn around and,
uh, face your future.

Latch on to this dude.

You're a fantastic dancer.

Thanks. See that?

He's right for you.

He may not have
my fantastic body,

but, uh, you can't
have everything.

Hey, Doc, dancing
with you is a real turn-on.

What was that? I can't
hear you above the music.

What? I can't hear
you over the music.

That's what I said. I can't
hear you over the music.


Let's go out on the deck.

Go out and neck?

Ooh. Hey, great idea, Doc.

Let's go.


I'm starving.

What do you plan on
eating, your lipstick?

I knew I had these peanuts.

They look like rejects
from a Carter rally.

Cut the smart talk
and you might get half.

Hey, not so fast. We
could be here for days.

We're gonna ration
these out. Now, let's see.

Don't put them on the floor.

Okay, that's three meals a day

for three days.

That's, uh, nine meals.

And about 27 peanuts.

That's three peanuts a meal.

Very good.

Here you are.

Thank you.

You know, some of this reminds
me of when we got married.

What do you mean?

Well, this cabin.

It's furnished better than
our first apartment was.


Well, you have to admit,

it was perfect by
our first anniversary.

Our dining room
suite was a card table

and two folded chairs.

I remember the great
dinner you made to celebrate.

Do you remember how
we celebrated after dinner?

How could I forget?

It seems like a long time ago.

It was. Eat your peanuts.

I did.

( majestic theme playing)

Well, uh, how was
your first year in college?

Kind of rough?

Look at that moon.

What are you majoring in?

The stars. Hm?

They're so close, you could...

You could grab one in your hand.

You know, Doc, you're
a very attractive man.


Would you believe I
started out as a math major?

Then in my
sophomore year... Doc.

When are you going to
stop treating me like a kid?

Oh, careful. Careful.

I'm crazy about you.

GOPHER: Chubs.

I found her! She's here.

She's with me, by the rail.

You promised me the
last dance. Oh, right.

I'll see you later, Doc.



You're the best.

Come on.

( mellow theme playing)

Terrific cruise.

Everybody's out
having fun except us.

Hey, listen, I've
been thinking...

Maybe things would be a
little different between us

if we had a baby.

Oh, that's a great idea. Yeah?

Yeah, I'd be stuck
doing the diapers.

And then there's
carpools and playgrounds.

Before you know it,

I'm an over-the-hill
housewife and you'll leave me.

Well, that's the way it
happened in your family.

Doesn't have to
happen that way in ours.

Do you mind? I'd like to
finish reading this book.

Yeah, well, that may not be
the only thing you're finishing.

( mellow theme playing)

Are you still carrying
those trashy paperbacks

around with you wherever you go?

Lord Derek's Wench?

I have seen Lord Derek's Wench

through 16 affairs,

five marriages, three
floggings and one branding.

Really? Well, that
was in chapter two.

It's garbage, Gail.

But you didn't seem to think
so when we were married.

Don't you remember?
We'd curl up on the couch

and I'd read to you?

"Lord Derek whispered
in the fair Sabrina's ear,

"maddening her with desire.

"'Your eyes are those
of a maddened tigress.

Your lips the color of
a ripe pomegranate.'"

Your skin is creamy white

like the jungle orchid.

Wait a minute,
that's not here. No.

It's there and there. Stop it!

I can't. You're gorgeous.

I was never gorgeous.

Terribly attractive,
but never gorgeous.

Will you stop it?

Oh, you haven't changed one bit.

There it is. The
same old hurt look.

Why shouldn't it be
the same old look?

It's the same old... nothing.

Well, maybe I wasn't
the sizzling sexpot

every time you came home.

But it's hard to
be the fair Sabrina

after a day of diapers
and dishes and...

Oh, tell it to Lord Derek.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


Stay there.

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Can I talk to you?

I never knew you were so sloppy.

The clothes dryer broke down.
And what am I gonna wear?

It's about Gopher's sister.

Jennifer. Terrific idea.

We're about the same size.

Doc, would you hold this?

Now, where can I put this
thing so it won't fall down?

There. Now can I talk to you?

Doc, that's perfect.

Thank you. I love you.

Great. Now that's two of you.


Jennifer is hitting on
me. You're kidding.

See, Gopher asked
me to take care of her.

And she really wants
me to take care of her.

Doc, don't make such
a big deal out of it.

She's just got a regular,
teenage crush on an older man.

She probably thinks
of you as a father.

Thank you very much.

She happens to
think of me as a lover.

Now, what am I gonna do?

Well, you be kind,

be nice and let her down easy.

Either that or
Gopher will k*ll you.

You really are sloppy.

I might k*ll you myself.

You know, I've been thinking
about what you said last night.

Was it really so terrible
being a wife and a mother?

Before I knew it,

15 years of my
life just went by.

Kids need taking care of.

Oh. I didn't mind
taking care of the kids.

Half the time, I found
myself being your mother.

It was always what you needed

or what the kids needed.

It was never what I needed.

But it... It wasn't all bad.

No. There were good times.

There were, weren't there?

How about that summer we
took the place on the beach?

We went clamming.


What I wouldn't give for
one of those clams now.

Oh, here. Take my last peanut.

Oh, I couldn't.

No, it's okay. I'm on a diet.

At least split it with me.

It's too bad we
couldn't be this unselfish

with each other all the time.

Maybe we can.

( tender theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Doc, you have been
just great with Chubs.

So far. And I really,

I hate to impose
on you. So don't.

(both laughing)

You know, I was gonna
take her to lunch today,

but the captain wants
that inventory report.

Doc, would you mind?

Well, Gopher, look, see...
Doc, Doc, you've gotta.

The wolf with the chains,

he's dying to have lunch
with her, and if he does,

she's the first course.

Okay, I'll take her to lunch.

Thanks, Doc. I love you.

Must be my aftershave.

Ha. My point.

Yeah, you win. I need a rest.

Where do you
get all that energy?

Teaching 30 kindergarten
kids, I've got to stay in shape.


Well, as an attorney,

I can say that the
prima facie evidence

does support that theory.

Why, thank you, counselor.


He's on her case now.

You know, this is the first time
I've been on a vacation alone.

Usually, I go with four
or five buddies of mine

and we go fishing.

Well, do you miss them?

Oh, yeah.

I would much rather be

with a bunch of unshaven,
beer-guzzling, smelly guys

than be here with you.


Oh, boy. Look what we got here.

A combination, F. Lee
Bailey and Richard Pryor.

Listen, I'm getting kind of
hungry. How about some lunch?

That's a good idea.


The verdict's in.

She's gonna give
him a life sentence.

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come on in, Goph.
The door's unlocked.


Oh, y-you're not
dressed. I'll wait outside.

Doc, don't be silly.
I'm glad you came.

I'm sorry we were
interrupted last night.

Yeah, I wanted to
talk to you about that.


Hey, I thought I
couldn't take you to...

Look, it's not what you think.

Then what is it?

You don't understand.

How would you like to
understand a knuckle sandwich?

Jennifer, go into the bathroom

and don't come
out till you're decent.

I am decent.

You are not.

Look, I don't suppose there's
any chance in explaining.

Explain? Get out of here.

I thought you were
my friend, Doc.

Like I said, no
chance in explaining.

( melancholic theme playing)

( tender theme playing)

(band playing soft jazz)

Well, we proved it can be done.

We're actually having a pleasure
cruise without any pleasure.

It's not this cruise.
It's our marriage.

Are you talking
about divorce again?

Look, it took Mom and Dad 20
years before they got divorced.

If it's gonna happen to us,

I'd rather it happen now.

All right, if that's
what you want,

you've got it.

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Doc. Jennifer.

Why aren't you at
your birthday party?

I'm not in the
mood for ice cream.

I wanna celebrate
this night with you.

Jennifer, wait.

(band playing soft jazz)

Well, everything's
here but the birthday girl.

Chubs is over 40 minutes late.

Oh, Gopher, have some patience.

She just wants to be perfect.

If she's anything like I
was when I turned 18,

she'll take at
least another hour.

The chef sure baked

an incredible birthday cake.

Sure we couldn't
start without her?

Isaac, don't be ridiculous.

We'll give her
another five minutes.


What's wrong with me?

I'm not pretty
enough, is that it?

You're very beautiful.

I'm not sophisticated enough.

Jennifer, you're 18 and
you're Gopher's sister.


What's he got to do with it?

He still thinks I'm a kid.


Yeah, now I get it.

That's what you think too.


I think you're a very
desirable woman.

Then why don't you
want me? I... I mean, I...

I wanna learn.

I wanna learn from someone
with a lot of experience.

You'd be a terrific teacher.

I'm very flattered,

but it's not terrific to find
someone experienced.

It's terrific to find
someone right.

Someone you care about.

Jennifer, your first love

is a very precious thing.

Don't throw it away.


I was so scared.

Love shouldn't be scary.

And when it really
is love, it won't be.

( tender theme playing)

Thank you, Doc.

You really are
a terrific teacher.


Are you cold?

Well, I'm real
warm on the inside,

but a mite chilly
on the outside.

I left my shawl in the lounge.

I'll get it.

"I'll get it."

"I'll get it."

I will get it.

Smooth-talking shyster.

Mickey, I thought you liked him.

I liked the cover, but I just
started reading the book.

Well, I think he's
kind of terrific.

Well, that's just great.

That's just great.

How do you think I feel
seeing the woman that I love

fall for the first
rinky-dink dude

that comes along?

But, Mickey... Oh, no, no, no.

You should see yourself.

Dancing, swimming, smooching.

Is that any way to mourn
your dear, departed husband?

You were the one who
wanted me to be happy.

Happy, but not flipped out.

I'm confused. Sure you are.

Why else would you be
falling for some jive-time dude

only two years
after my last supper?

Oh, Mickey, I'm sorry.

Hey, look, you need more time.

Believe me, there will be
other dudes to choose from.

I just wanna save
you from making

a monstrous mistake.

I got it. But it'll
cost you a kiss.

Uh, Greg, I think
I'll just turn in.

What's the matter?

Well, you're very nice,
Greg, and I like you, but...

But what?

But that's all.


Well, I thought we had
something special going.

But I guess I thought wrong.


(band playing jazz music)

I'm sorry, Gopher.

My excuses to Jennifer, but
I've got to get back to the bridge.

Captain. Oh, sir, no.

Five more minutes,
please. I'll go look for her.

All right. Please.

Everybody just stay put.
I'm sure she's coming.

What are you doing here?

Gopher, Doc's your best friend.

Yeah, so is Attila the Hun.

Now, wait a minute.

I don't wanna talk to
you, Doc. Then talk to me.

Doc wasn't trying to
take advantage of me.

I was trying to take
advantage of him.

I was throwing myself at him,
but... But he wouldn't let me.

Nothing happened?
Something did happen, Goph.

I learned there's...
There's nothing wrong

with waiting for
the right person.

Well, if I had a sister
as beautiful as Jennifer,

I guess I'd act the
same dumb way.

Dumb. I don't know what to say.

How about starting
with happy birthday?

Oh, I almost forgot.

Hey, bandleader.
Maestro, come on.

Hey, por favor.

(all humming)

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday,
Dear Jennifer ♪

♪ Happy birthday ♪

♪ To you ♪

( majestic theme playing)

(horn blows)

You sure you wanna
go through with this?

What do you mean?

Well, last night
was very romantic.

You know, as they say,
in the bright light of day...

The brighter, the better.

Now I can really
see what I've got.


I can't wait to tell the kids.

Let's get out of here.

Hello out there.
Anybody out there?

You don't have to do that.


It, uh, works
better if you bend it.

You knew how to open it too?

I've known for two days.

I've known for three.

(both laughing)

It really must be love.

Either that or we're
both peanut freaks.

I'm sorry, baby.
It's all my fault.

I mean, you should
be with Greg. I blew it.

Oh, Mickey, I just
don't know anymore.

Hey, look, I was jealous.

But it's still not too
late. I mean, grab him.

That is, if you,
uh, really love him.

I love him more than
anybody else in this world.


Eat your heart out, woman.

He's still mine.

Come on, you old letch.

Anyway, it's too late now.

It's, uh, never too
late for Super Ghost.

JULIE: Thank you
for sailing with us.

Oh, Mr. Elkins, I hope
you had a pleasant cruise.

I enjoyed it very much.

Oh, Mrs. Garner,
are you all right?

Yes, yes.

Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure.

Thattagirl. You
got him now, baby.

Don't let go.

Greg, about last night, I...

Hey, forget it. So we're
not meant for each other.

Yes, we are.

I didn't mean any
of those things I said.

Can I plead temporary insanity?

On one condition.

You let me
represent you for life.

Yeah. Thattagirl, honey.

And don't worry
about me, I'll be fine.

Honey? Honey?

I guess he must be
the right man for her.

She can't hear me anymore.

( majestic theme playing)

I hope you had a
good time. Good?

Well, let's just say different.

Oh, Linda, Wayne.

What are you doing here?

We've never left.

Huh? What's going on?

Well, it's too much to explain.
But here it is in a nutshell.

A peanut shell.

Well, your father and I

are getting back together again.

You and Daddy?

Well, I... I thought
you'd be happy.

Oh, I am. It's, um...

Well, it's just that we have
some news of our own.

A baby?

No. Wayne and I
are getting a divorce.

You can't. You did.

Well, yeah, but
that was different.

All right, it wasn't different.

But listen, we just
spent three days together

with nothing to do but talk.

I mean, we cleared
up a lot of things.

Maybe if we'd talked
this way 20 years ago,

we wouldn't have
lost each other.

That's right.


Baby, don't make our mistake.

What if...? Maybe
we should... Hey, uh...

What do you think?

It couldn't hurt.

Yes, it could.

But maybe. Yeah?


Goodbye, Jennifer.

I do love you. Like a brother.

It was such a
wonderful birthday.

Thanks, all of you, for
taking such good care of me.

And, Gopher, don't worry.

I can take care of
myself from here on in.


Bye, everybody. ALL: Bye.


Hey there, baby. Am I
gonna see you in the city?

Afraid not. I don't get
to the zoo very often.

I guess she can
take care of herself.

That's my Chubs.

ALL: Jennifer.

( upbeat theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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