05x04 - Byakuya Takes the Field! Dance of the Wind-Splitting Cherry Blossoms

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x04 - Byakuya Takes the Field! Dance of the Wind-Splitting Cherry Blossoms

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

There is a disturbance in the West Fugai area!

Precautionary orders three to eight!

I repeat…

There is a disturbance in the West Fugai area!

Precautionary orders three to eight!

The Bounts who came to Soul Society have defeated

two lieutenants of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads who tried to fight them.

They then disappeared into the vast Rukon District.

Meanwhile, we used Kukaku's home as a starting point,

and split up and began searching for the Bounts.

It’s not easy finding the Bounts

since they have the ability to hide their Spiritual Pressure.

At that moment, the female Bount Yoshi appeared before Rukia

as she headed to Seireitei to rejoin her Squad.

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads sensed their Spiritual Pressure

and headed to their location.

But that was just a trick

in order to destroy the Shishinro Repentance Cell,

a symbol of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Rukia was thrashed around.

And when Rukia was about to be k*lled,

Byakuya Kuchiki saved her.

During that time…

We received information that Kariya is hiding in Kusajishi,

the worst area in the Rukon District.

We headed to Kusajishi to find out if the information was true, but…

So you're…Jin Kariya…


It seems like you're just doing whatever you like…

Are you here to avenge her?

It doesn't matter.

I just have to k*ll Soul Society's enemies,

no matter who they are…

You're not going to take a stance?

You, too… You can come at me whenever you want.

I see…

I see that Bounts have speed equal to the Flash Step.

You grazed me.

I'm going next!

I've got you!

I hear that the Bounts control puppets…

That thing I can't see is your puppet, huh?

Well…I wonder…

Then I just have to cut you down along with your puppet.

As I expected of Byakuya Kuchiki…

You're far better than the rumors say you are.

I'm glad I met you…


Byakuya Kuchiki,

the current head of the Kuchiki family,

one of the famous four great noble families…

And said to be the strongest in the family's history.

It’s natural for someone with my level of skill

to want to challenge you.


Your strength is satisfying enough…

What do you plan to do?

My plan, huh?

The invincible Thirteen Court Guard Squads,

which protect Soul Society.

You're the most famous of all of them…

If you're defeated…

The people of Seireitei will be shocked.

Stop talking nonsense…

I'm serious…

There's no way that I would come here

if I weren't convinced I could defeat you.

But you're far more naive than I heard you were…

When my comrade tried to finish off Rukia Kuchiki…

I’m told you were desperate to protect her.

Furthermore, you've come by yourself

to avenge your younger sister.

I never thought that you would fall for such a cheap taunt…

How silly… I thought I told you,

“I just have to k*ll Soul Society's enemies.”

Well, that's fine…

Whatever the case,

you're going to die here as part of our great plan.

There is no use in talking…

You're the one who's going to die here.

Scatter, Senbonzakura.

So this is the famous Senbonzakura…

It's a beautiful technique…

But seems it won't work on me.

And now…

Allow me to attack.

Come to me, greater winds…

Come into me, greater strength…

I thought so…

The thing you were controlling earlier was…

The wind!

Wind Tanz!


Hado !


Hado ! Byakurai!

The Senbonzakura's thousand blades have been split so small

that it cannot be seen.

When they dance, they catch the light,

which makes them look like countless flowers falling…


My doll is wind…

There is wind in this world…

In other words, there is a limitless amount of air.

If I gather it, it can create a power that rivals your blade!

It's simple number theory.

Senbonzakura, Kido, and direct att*cks from zanpakuto…

They're wonderful att*cks, but they can't cut me.

Soon, you'll be the one on the ground.

You think so?

Stop acting tough…

The reckless valor to face the Senbonzakura bare-handed…

I commend you for that…

But…I can cut off your head in a single swipe at this distance.

I'll cut off your head before you can.

Now, we can't separate from one another.

Wind Tanz!

Scatter, Senbonzakura.

One arm is but a small price to pay

if I can defeat Byakuya Kuchiki.

Are you insane?


Hey, Byakuya…

Why are you having a tough time after turning down help?

Heh! What pathetic guys!


Now now, Ganju hasn’t done anything, remember?

Bonnie was the one who defeated them.

Oink! Oink!

Don't worry about the details…

Besides that…

That Spiritual Pressure just now was…Ichigo…

Yeah… It's Kurosaki! Huh? Where's Ishida?

He was here just now…

He probably headed in Kurosaki's direction!



Let's leave it to those two!


It's all right…

Ichigo and Uryu won't die that easily!


Besides, we need to know what's going on in Kusajishi first.

Hey, you!

Eep--! I-I'm sorry…

I want to know more about those skilled newcomers

who appeared in Kusajishi.

Y-Yes… It was a guy called "Kariya"…

I thought so…

So what is he doing?

H-He says that he's going to turn Soul Society upside down

and is gathering people…

Say what?!

Do you know anything else?

R-Right now,

they're at the gambling house bookie’s place.

He said that if we go, something good would happen…

That's all I know…

I see. Thank you!

Ganju, what are we going to do?

We've just got to go…

But if they're gathering people, it'll be dangerous…


Oh well…

I guess I'll talk to him…

By “him,” you can't mean…

The Bull of Kusajishi!

Brother! That’s dangerous!

What do you plan to do when you meet him?!

Shut up!

It's faster to hear about Kusajishi from guys from Kusajishi!

But if Bull is with the Bounts…

It's all right! Bull's not the type to be coaxed by the Bounts!


Kariya says that he wants to fight with you.

Fight against who?

The guys from Seireitei.

Are you guys serious about attacking that place?!

It's not worth risking my life over…

No… We can win.

How can you say that?!

We have a plan.

What kind of plan?

I need your approval in order to tell you…

Will you fight with us?

All souls should be sent to Soul Society equally…

But, in reality, this world is ruled by a part of it.

The power of Seireitei.

There shouldn't be poverty in Rukon District…

This place, Kusajishi,

is a place where you never know when you'll die…

And where blood is washed by blood…

We had similar experiences in the World of the Living.

No, in a way…

We lived in far worse conditions…

so we understand your feelings.

Don't you want to see the light of day?

Don't you want to live your lives the way you want…?

Without looks of scorn from the rest of the world?


Of course!

Everyone wants that!


Kariya is going to turn Soul Society upside down!

He will!

Come with us to a new world!


But I want proof that you're serious.

Anything's fine. Show me how serious you are.


Draw your zanpakuto!


Try and cut this arm.


Wh-What's this?

We are invincible.

You have nothing to worry about…

We're going to k*ll Seireitei itself…

Along with you, we're going to dissolve Soul Society

into the shape it should be!

Lirin… This is dangerous, so stand back…

Ichigo, what are you going to do?

It's all right!

What's with that?!

I'm worried about you!



Ichigo Kurosaki.


You appeared pretty quickly.


Byakuya, are you all right?

How unnecessary…

Heh! Shut up!

Ichigo Kurosaki…

I'll treat you as an enemy if you interfere.

What's this?

Soul Society is filled with good reishi.

It raises the power of us Bounts.

We Bounts are invincible as long as this world is filled with reishi.

You're healing your wounds by using reishi, huh?

You bastard…

Here I go.


What terrifying speed.

They're so fast that I don't know what's going on…


Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

You're in the way.

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Lying around, dozing as usual Flipping through nothing but manga books

My motto: Funny & Easy

I wanna live life carefree

"On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy"

Underneath the sun, smilin' every day

Being kind to others, and also to myself

But I get things done when I need to (Really?)

Now then, come with me (Can I trust you?)

Trust me or not, you won't really know until you give it a try

I mean, wouldn't you rather trust and laugh together?

(I wanna) Go for walk

Things won't get started if you don't act!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Amazing! Rukia's older brother and Ichigo are so fast

that I can't see them at all!

Heh. He can't beat the combination of Bonnie and me!

I'm the self-proclaimed “Sonic Noble of Rukon District”!

You're interfering. Out of the way!

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


That person is called “Hawk,” isn't he?


Come to think of it, I never introduced you to them…


First is “Fever.”

His real name is Mitsuru Ishino.



Sadatomo Saionji.





Kenji Yamashita.



Last is “Hawk.”

Taichi Miyamoto!


Did you give them those names?

Yeah! Aren't they cool?!


It's the same as his boars…

Four wheel drive!
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