01x14 - "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" / "Pitch-Black Duel! The Castle Hidden in the Darkness"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x14 - "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" / "Pitch-Black Duel! The Castle Hidden in the Darkness"

Post by bunniefuu »

your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Tristan: whoa.
What a nightmare.

I just dreamt bakura
went totally mental.

Same here.
Last time I snooze

With duelling cards
under my pillow.

Sleep well, guys?

Let's see.

I dreamt yugi had us
all dressed up

Like duel monster cards,

And that you'd
gone nuts. So, no.


That voice!

like mai.

Come on!

[Maniacal laugh]

Bye-bye, birdies.

My harpies!
They're gone.

Heh heh heh heh.
I think you mean eliminated.


Just like you.

Now hand over all your
star chips, you loser!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!




Yugi: mai!
Are you ok?!

[All panting]

You're too late.

Too late
for what?

This sideshow freak
giving you a hard time?

That's right.
Just like pegasus
pays me to do.

Root out all
the duelling filth
on this island

And dispose of it.

Doesn't that make you
a garbage man?

This is no joke!

Panik's one
of the island's

And if you don't
get out of here,

He's gonna do to you
what he did to me.

What's that, mai?

Look. This is what
she means, right here.

Check out
her duelist's glove.

Not a star chip left.

But that
would mean she's
been disqualified.

You're out, mai?

I am.

It all happened
so fast.

The way
panik duels,

I just lost it.

isn't right.

Ha! She was one
of my easiest victims yet.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You creep!

Move it!
There's no excuse
for pushing a girl.

Calm down, joey.
I know how you feel,

But that guy's
more than twice
your size.

I can take him.

Yugi: no, joey.
Fists aren't the answer.

v*olence won't
solve anything.

I've dealt with a lot
of bullies in my life,

And I'm afraid
there's only one way

To deal with them.

What do you mean?

You have
to stand up to them!


But, yugi--

Now, let's see you try

intimidation tactics
against me, panik.

I don't scare easy,
especially when

I'm standing up
for my friends,
so let's duel!

Just like I did her!

Tell him how
I trounced you!

Please, yugi.

Let her go, panik!

If you're looking
to bully someone,

Try bullying me.

Playtime is now
over, panik.

It's time to duel!

Joey: all right, yugi!
No problem.

Show panic here
how we deal with
dogs like him.

Yugi, huh?
Must be my lucky day.

Pegasus has promised
a generous bounty

To the eliminator
who defeats you.

I wonder. Think he'd
throw in some extra cash

For inflicting
bodily harm?

Not that I wouldn't
do it for free.

Ha! You better start
thinking of other ways
to make money, panik,

Because after I
get done with you...

Not only will you be out
some star chips,

But you'll be
out of a job.

Whoever said
I was an eliminator

Just for the money, yugi?

I've made enough cash
to have retired long ago.

But I won't quit because
there's no better thrill

Than breaking
weak duelists, like you.

So get ready, yugi.

I'm about to take you
into a world of hurt!

I won't be bullied
by the likes of you, panik.

I play with my heart--

That's why I'll always win
against your type.

You've never faced
my type before.

When I'm in a match
with someone,

There's a lot more to it
than sheer dueling strategy.


Panik's ruthless, yugi.

He had me totally

That's right,
and she's not
the first, either.

We eliminators
have built our career

On stalking
weak players like her

And strong-arming them
into dueling us!

You see, when you're
as good as I am,

You learn to appreciate
the hunt as much as
the duel itself.

And now I'm gonna
take you down

Just like I did mai!
Ha ha ha ha!

I see how you work,

Sneaking up on
unsuspecting duelists

Because you haven't
the courage to challenge
them face-to-face!

Watch your mouth,
you insolent cur!

True duelists fight
with honor and respect,

Not the underhanded
tactics of a poacher.


And to prove it,
I wager all the
star chips I have

To win back mai's.

It's a deal.

If you win, I'll give you
all of her star chips.

The bet
makes no difference to me.

What do you mean?

What I mean, little yugi,
is that when you duel
against panik,

You're putting much more
than just your measly
star chips on the line--

Much more! Ha ha ha!



ha ha ha ha ha ha!

ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What's the matter,
yugi, hmm?

Can't take the heat?

Well, get used to it,
because you're strapped in
for the long haul.

Turn it off, panik!

Panik used those
on me, too.

Stay strong, yugi.


I can see the fear
growing in your eyes, yugi.

I can hear you quaking
in your boots!

You're beginning to realize
the nightmare you stepped into!

I do believe you are
beginning to panic!

Get a life, you psycho!

Forget this guy, yuge.
This wasn't part of
the job description.

yeah, no joke.
Come on,

Let's get you
down yugi,
what do you say?

Are you finished
blowing smoke, panik?

[All gasp]

Joey: what's he think
he's doing?

Yugi: it will take much more
than cheap pyrotechnics

To make me lose my cool.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

The last time
someone had the nerve
to talk to me like that,

I broke them in half!

Now, let's duel!

Fight time.

[Thinking] yugi's good,
but he's never faced
an eliminator before.

Once panik
gets inside his head,
it's all over!

Seeing how
the blaze of my fire
didn't phase you,

Let's turn down the lights.

My castle
of dark illusions

Will turn this duel
into your darkest hour,

Its magic
shrouds the field
with a veil of shadows,

And the castle itself
is extra fortified,

Thanks to the field
power bonus I get
for playing it at night!

I'm not afraid
of the dark, panik.

You would be
if you only knew

The fearsome nightmares
within its shade!

The blanket of shadows

Cast over my entire
side of the field

Make it impossible
for you to see
the creatures I summon

But leaves your
entire side exposed

And vulnerable
to my att*cks.

Unnerving, isn't it, yugi,

How the darkness
preys on your fears,

On your mind

Until you're
too scared to think,

Too terrified to fight!

[Sinister laughter]

Don't listen, yugi!

This is exactly
how he threw me
off my game!

Now you tell us?

And if you think
you can storm my castle

With the help
of a field power bonus
of your own, think again,

Because just as my shadows
block the light from above,

They've blocked
the field power
from the ground below.

Only the night
grants bonuses here.

without any idea

waiting for me
in those shadows,

I can't risk
an attack.

I'll just have to
play it safe
for now.

Celtic guardian.
Defense mode!

Not a very bright idea.

[Thinking] I can't see
what monster he played.

Ha ha ha ha! Attack!

Dark grasp of fury!


Our first victim
of the night.


That's cheap.

How do you defend
against what
you can't see?

Yeah, or defeat
a monster
you can't find.

Tristan: hmm. Anybody
got a flashlight?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Even your friends
have lost hope for you.

[Thinking] I need
to get his monsters
out of those shadows.

But the only way
I can do that

Is by destroying
his castle
of dark illusions,

And with its defensive
point set at ,

No card in my deck
has an attack power high
enough to scratch it,

Let alone destroy it.

Boy, I'm beginning
to understand why
they call him panik!

The game just started,
and I'm already

Play any monster card
you like.

The creatures within
my veil of shadows

Will consume them all!

Winged dragon
and guardian
of the fortress

In defense mode.

Ha ha ha.
This defensive maneuvering
may keep your life points

Safe from one monster,

But not two!

Ha ha ha ha!

I hate to admit it,
but he's right.

Defending alone
won't win this duel
for me.

Ha ha ha!
You're terrified,
aren't you, yugi?

Admit it!
All your courage
has been devoured

By my shadowy fog!
Ha ha ha ha!

Yes. All that's left
is a trembling
little duelist,

to defend himself.

How's yugi supposed to
take this guy out, mai?

If I was able
to figure that out,

We wouldn't be in
this situation.

[Yugi, thinking]
there's gotta be
some way

To neutralize
veil of shadows.

But it's generated
by his castle
of dark illusions,

And that thing's

Wait a minute!
I may not be able to
attack panik's castle,

But what if I attack
the darkness itself?

Guardian of the fortress,
take flight!


Fireball attack!

His monsters!

Ha ha ha ha!
So you saw my creatures.

But I doubt it gives you
the foresight

To see what's coming

Dark grasp of fury!


Lights out
for your guardian
of the fortress.

My creatures hungrily eye

Your remaining life points,

And I'll see to it
that they feed again
quite soon.

Has it sunk it yet, wimp?

Standing up to a bully
leaves you nowhere
to go but down!

down is right.

My life points
are way down

While panik's
haven't even
been touched.

His shadows have destroyed
of my best monsters

While I still can't see
what I'm up against.

He's got me outmaneuvered
and overpowered,

But I'm still
gonna find a way

To put that big bully
in his place!

the night has eyes, yugi.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
And all of them
are on you!

[Thinking] as long as
panik's castle
of dark illusions

Shrouds his side
of the field
with that shadow,

It's impossible
for me to see
any of his monsters.

But panicking about it
will only make things

So I gotta
do my best not to
let him see me sweat.

Keep struggling, yugi!

so much more fun
when you resist!

Tough talk, panik,
coming from someone
who makes all their att*cks

While hiding
in the safety of shadows!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tea: yugi, look out!

Joey: you ok, pal?

You uppity little cretin!

Perhaps you should
think twice before
you insult someone

Who can scorch you
with the touch
of a button, huh?!

You're afraid, yugi!

You're lost and alone
in the dark,

And I'm the big,
bad bogeyman,

About to leap out
and give you
the scare of your life!


If you could see
what I have in store for you,

You wouldn't be laughing!

But that's why
I'm laughing...

Because I can see...
Right through you.

What? What are you
talking about?

You little runt!

You are the bogeyman,

Scaring children
into being afraid
of the dark...

Until they realize
the dark is nothing
to be afraid of...

Like you.


Once a person conjures up
the confidence

Not to be fearful
of the unknown,

They've disarmed
the only w*apon
the dark has.

You wish it was
that simple, you--

But it is that simple!
I have the card
to prove it.

What card?

A card
that'll expose you

And lift up
that veil of shadows
you cower behind.

What's that?

It's just a little
something that'll
teach you a tough lesson

In broad daylight.

Hey, mai, why would
yugi tell panik
his strategy?

It's panic.

Same thing
happened to me.

You start making
amateur mistakes.

I don't know, mai.

He doesn't look like
he's panicking.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
You almost had me there.

But we both know
that card's nothing
but a big, fat bluff!

Prove me wrong, yugi.
Go ahead.

Let's see you give me
my tough lesson!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha. Why should I
show you my card

After you've gone
to such lengths

To keep yours
in the dark?

I think
you're stalling.

You don't trust me,

Believe it or not,
not all duelists are
lying dogs like you.


And to prove it,
I'll show you.

After all,
I wouldn't want you

I was
some kind of liar.

Show me!

You don't need to prove
anything to that slime, yugi!

Ready, panik?
Here it is.

The swords
of revealing light!

Huh? Revealing light?

The blinding magic
of the swords
of revealing light

Not only stops
all enemy monsters
from attacking

For full turns,

But it bathes
the entire field

In a light so luminous

That even your lurking
shadow creatures
will be exposed!

Soon, panik,
the monsters
in your dark empire

Will have nowhere
to hide.

But rather than
play it now,

I'll take a page
from your book

And let you worry
about when and how
I'll use it

Just like you do
with the monsters
you hide in the dark.

You're going down
in turns.

Turns, panik!

Then my monsters
will finish you off!

Curse of dragon!
Defensive mode!

And, of course,
the card that will
make you see the light.

Your turns start now,

It's your move.

grrr! He's taunting me!

That must be the swords
of revealing light!

What's the matter, panik?

Has bullying
lost its thrill?

I'll teach you
about loss--just you wait!

Hey, mai, why is yugi
keeping that card out

If he's not going to
play it yet?


I hate to say it, guys,
but it's not a good sign.


I was able
to keep it together
for about this long, too,

But after a while,
panik has a way
of getting to you

And making you slip up.

Not my pal.
He knows what
he's doing.

I sure hope so.

He does.

Mai: listen,
I know yugi's good,

But fighting panic
isn't about being good.

It's about keeping
a level head while
you're lost in the dark

Or being att*cked
by fire.

Yugi's gonna need guts
to win this duel,
not skill.

Guts, huh?
Well, he's got heart.

You got that right.

Yes, but he did just
leave his best card out,
fully vulnerable.

You don't make
those kinds of mistakes
unless you're nervous.

And panik's not one
to let a mistake like
that go unpunished.

Make your move,

Ha ha ha ha ha!
I must say...

It was quite
a daring move

To illuminate me
with the presence
of that card, little yugi.

But it was a critical mistake
to leave it on the field
completely exposed!

If you thought idle cards
were safe from att*cks,

You were dead wrong!

Reaper of the cards!

The reaper?

When the reaper is summoned,

All magic cards
hear the ghostly toll of doom!

He'll be sending
your revealing light card

To the discard graveyard,
leaving you defenseless!

Reaper, attack!


But that card was
yugi's only chance!



Your fate belongs to me now,

Call of the graveyard!

Huh? [Gasps]

Ha ha ha ha ha...huh?

What's going on?

It can't finish
its attack.


Ha ha ha ha ha!

It should have
destroyed your card,

The swords
of revealing light!

I said my swords
of revealing light

Is the card that
would illuminate
your monsters.

I never said it was
the one I placed
on the field.

You just assumed that.

But if that's not--

The card I placed
on the field was
a different card.

The spell binding
circle--a trap card.

A trap...card!!

Yes, a trap card
that snares your reaper,

Stopping him dead
in his tracks,

Encircling him
in a magical prison.

In duel monsters,
one must be wary of
the reaper of the cards

And its ability
to send magic cards
to the discard pile.

I figured that you
probably had one

Stalking around
in your deck somewhere.

But now that
he's frozen, unable
to damage my deck,

I'm free to lay

Whatever magic cards
I want on the field.

Great thinking!

Way to put one
over on him, yuge!

What is it with this kid?

I can't even
keep up with him
here on the sidelines.

Bakura: he's doing good,
but it's not over yet.

How dare you!!

You fooled me!

[Chuckles] you fooled
yourself, panik,

And wasted quite
a powerful card, too.

But now that
the coast is clear...

I'll really lay
my swords
of revealing light!


And the second
magic card...

Both facedown.

Facedown? Why?

Now what's up?

I don't know,

But I bet we're going
to find out soon enough.

So what. You captured
my reaper.

But he's only one
of my powerful monsters.

The ones that remain
will destroy you!

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