01x20 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 2" / "Fusion of Three Gods! Gate Guardian"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x20 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 2" / "Fusion of Three Gods! Gate Guardian"

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Para: before you pass...dox: across this chamber...

You must agree...

To face the danger.

So let the contest...now begin.

Against us,
one mere duelist
would be creamed.

So you must duel
as a team.

Tag team it is.

And I'd be honored
if joey would duel
by my side.

You got it, bro.

First-turn honors are mine.

Uhh. Uhh. Labyrinth wall!

A maze?

Quite right.
And unless you can
navigate it correctly,

You'll be lost
in this passageway

Axe raider
in att*ck mode.


And I'll also
place one other card

Face down on the field.

Jirai gumo.

I'll also lay
the labyrinth t*nk
in att*ck mode

And move it forward
spaces.@!@!p[+# m[[@,+@

I play
the celtic guardian

In att*ck mode.


Advance paces
into the maze.

Wall shadow,
att*ck celtic guardian now!


Hmm. I'm afraid not.

Kunai with chain!

What is this?

Joey: reel him in,
axe raider.

The card I played
face-down before

Was a trap card--
kunai with chain.

It captures any opponent
that att*cks.

Yugi: celtic guardian,
att*ck wall shadow!


Joey: so now
it's lights out
for your shadow.


Heh. If we keep this up,

We'll win
this double duel

And have
enough star ships
to enter the castle.

Teamwork, yugi!right.

Master pegasus,

I thought
you'd want to know

Seto kaiba's
been spotted
on the island.

Don't worry.
Kaiba will come to us.

After all,
we have the bait.

[Pegasus laughs]

Captioning made possible by
wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

your move, your move,

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Kaiba, thinking: I'm almost
to pegasus' castle.

I've gotta be
on my guard.

His g*ons are everywhere,

But they won't stop me.
Nothing will.

Mokuba's life's at stake,

And nothing's more important
than my little brother.

After our parents d*ed,

I promised I'd always
take care of him,

And I will.

He's always
looked up to me,

And I won't
disappoint him.

Not now. Not ever.

Kemo: so it's the famous
seto kaiba.

Searching for your
little brother, no doubt.

Heh heh heh heh.
You're comin' with me.




you're coming with me.


You're gonna help me
find mokuba,

pegasus has him.

And you're gonna start

By getting me
into that castle.

Para: with a trap,
you stopped our att*ck...

Just as you did pledge.

But with our scores...

Ahead of yours,

We still have the edge.


Joey: we're
just gettin' started.

[Thinking] hmm.
So far, the only monster
I got in the field

Is my axe raider.

I need to bolster
our att*ck force.


Now my flame swordsman
will heat things up.

I put it in att*ck mode.

Its power level is ,

But I'll move
only spaces.

I'll also
move axe raider
forward spaces

To join him
and consolidate
our forces.

I've already
used up kunai with
chain's trap effect,

But it still works
as a regular
accessory card,

Raising axe raider's
att*ck power
by points.

Let's see you
take that on,

You twisted twins.

Para: it doesn't matter
if your forces are one
or many, for soon...

There won't be any.

Labyrinth t*nk,
advance more spaces.

Labyrinth t*nk
wields futuristic weaponry.

Your archaic soldiers
don't stand a chance,

And soon they will
be within striking range.

Para: and somewhere
in the labyrinth

Lurks another trap
for your unwary warriors.

Do you really think
you stand a chance?

Joey: don't you two
ever stop yakkin'?

You're up, yugi.

Then I play
dark magician

In att*ck mode.

I move him forward

To defend
our other warriors.

Joey: cool.
Nice move, yugi.

Now the g*ng's all here.

They're a team,

Just like
you and me, pal.

right, joey. There's
strength in numbers.

Together they stand
a much better chance

Of conquering
this murderous maze.


Para: we shall see
about that.


Joey: quit grinnin'
and spit it out.

What is it?

it's a magic card,

And that's cause
for celebration, brother.

Dox: right!




Now face the wall-warping
power of...

Magical labyrinth!

What's goin' on?

Téa: the maze,
it's changing,

And that changes
the whole game.

Oh, no. The maze
is changing shape!

Joey: yeah,
but what's it all mean?

[All gasp]that's just great.

Our guys are cut off
from each other.

ha ha ha ha.

That's the power
of the magical labyrinth--

To reshape the maze
according to our will.

That should rattle them.

Dox: tag teams
are only as strong
as their weakest link,

And the link that's
about to break is you!

Oh, no.
Our strategy's blown.

Yugi: don't let them
rattle you, joey.

Huh? Right, yug.

Gotta keep calm.

Axe raider,
flame swordsman,

Advance and regroup.

The closer our boys
get to the maze exit,

The closer we get
to gettin' outta here.

Heh heh heh heh heh.heh heh heh heh heh.

Yugi: wait!
Joey, look out!

Too late.

He activated my trap.

and now
the land mine spider

att*cks axe raider.


Joey: fend him off,
axe raider.

He's too weak.

Jirai gumo reduces
axe raider's att*ck power

To its original , .

[Gasps] that means--

Dox: your axe raider
is vanquished...

Para: and you lose
light points.

[Both chuckle]


You're right.
Joey just walked

into that one.

good trap, my brother.

Mmm. That's
just the beginning.

Labyrinth t*nk,
advance more.

And then
I'll lay one more card

In defense mode.

Joey: aren't you gonna
tell us what it is?


You have enough
to worry about.

My labyrinth t*nk is now
within striking distance

Of your flame swordsman.

It's all over for him
in the next turn.

Then you can worry
about what other surprises

I have in store.

Heh heh heh heh heh.[Groans]

This doesn't
look good.

Tell me about it.

It's a good thing
yugi's up next.



We'll counterattack.

I play the magic card
mystic box

In combination
with the dark magician.

Both: aaaiii!i seal my dark magician

the first mystic box

As swords
rain from the sky!

Hmm. What's this?

The duelist's gone mad,
sacrificing his own monster.

No, wait. Look.


Dox: another box

Around my jirai gumo?


Dox: my spider is skewered!

And his dark magician is...


Right. My dark magician

Magically switched
his position

With that
of your monster,

Trapping him in
the first mystic box

And ending
my magic act.

Joey: all right.

Let's see
cue ball top that.


and now for his t*nk.

Dark magician--
dark magic att*ck!

[Electricity crackles]

Let's see what that does
to your life points.


Together, joey and I
will overcome any obstacles

That you two
put in our way.

Kaiba: you have
security clearance.

Open it.

Kemo: don't you think
we should ring the bell?

I think you should
shut your mouth
and open the door.

Open it now.


You do know no one
takes pegasus by surprise.

He probably already
knows you're here...


Mokuba, thinking:
big brother...

Where are you?

ok, dumbo duo,

Now we're gonna
clean your clocks.

Dox: of yourself
you think too much.

Show them, brother,
our lucky touch.



Joey: I don't like it
when that goon grins.

Para: sanga of thunder
is one of gods

That control thunder,
wind, and water.

The remaining cards
are suijin, god of water,

And kazejin, god of wind.

If our luck holds
more turns

And we acquire them all,

They can be combined
to create the gate guardian!

Quit your mumblin',

Just hurry up
and move.

Not so hasty.

I will lay this card
face down, ending my turn.

Intriguing, eh?

What could be in there?

Joey: heh. I don't know,

But we'll bust it open
and find out

When our guys get there.

Flame swordsman,
advance more spaces

Toward the end of the maze.

We're almost there, yugi.


I can't let them
escape the maze

Until we've assembled
all the pieces

Of the guardian.

Now we'll test my luck.

[Sinister chuckle]

suijin, the water god.

Looks like I've
doubled our delights.

Heh heh heh heh heh.heh heh heh heh heh.

Another chinese box.

Bakura: what could they be?

[Yugi sighs]

I've got a bad feeling
about those boxes.

I sense something
ancient and evil.

It's like
I can feel a powerful,

Dangerous energy
pulsating inside them.

we cannot summon
the gatekeeper yet,

But we can still slow
our enemy's advance.

I now play
my hidden card.

Dungeon worm, return
to the surface now

In att*ck mode.

And I will strengthen it
with invigoration,

Which raises
its att*ck power

By points.

What is that beast?!

Dox: it's a burrower,
and it's coming for you.

Where'd it go?
Where's that thing



Joey: no!
My celtic guardian!

Dox: watch your
life points go slithering away.

[Both chuckle]

that's not fair.

That creature
can pop up anyplace.

That's true. This field
gives their monsters

All the advantage.

That's right.
No one escapes
the labyrinth.

It's up to you, yug.

You're gonna
have to pull a winner

Out of your hat.

Great idea.

I play magical hats.

Hats, materialize!

As for our warriors,

Now you see them...

Now you don't.

Aah! The hats!

all their

All right, yug.
That should sure confuse

That slimy worm
of theirs.

And the dungeon
worm's att*ck power

Is only , ,

While the dark
magician's is , .

So if
the worm chooses
the wrong hat

And uncovers
the dark magician,

He'll only
destroy himself.

[Both groan]

And that guarantees
your swordsman's
safety as well,

Because with
the dark magician
lying in wait,

The worm dare not
strike any hats.

Ha. Your little plan
is not as foolproof
as you think, yugi.

Monster tamer, appear now
in att*ck mode!


Hmm? The monster tamer?

Ha. Normally,
I couldn't control
the dungeon worm

Or any other monster

My brother
placed on the field,

But by using
this monster tamer,

I can add points
to the dungeon worm's
att*ck power

And also make the worm
follow my tamer's instructions

During my turn.

oh, , .

That raises
the dungeon worm's
att*ck power

Higher than
the dark magician's.

Now, monster tamer,

Command my brother's
dungeon worm

To destroy
one of the magic hats!

with their dungeon
worm powered up

By the monster tamer,

This all
comes down to luck.


Hmm. Empty hat.

Whoa. That was close.

[Thinking] luck
was with us this time,

But the dungeon worm
will att*ck again
next turn.

And then, with only
one empty hat remaining,

The odds
will be against us.

What can we do?

Don't sweat it.huh?

I got it
all figured out.

You just sit back
and watch me

And the flame
swordsman go.


Joey, what are you doing?

Is joey nuts?

His swordsman
was safe.

Don't worry. This time
I know what I'm doin'.

I played a magic card--


That's right.
You oughta be scared.

It juices up
any fire-based blade

And raises
its att*ck points .

salamandra flamestrike!

Where is it going?!

Good show. Not only
does salamandra

the swordsman's
att*ck strength,

But because
of the worm's
weakness to fire,

It negates
the bonus points

The worm got from
the monster tamer,

its att*ck power
to , .

Joey: less than my
supercharged swordsman.

The worm turns.

Or should I say burns?

Top that!

Joey, great move.
Good going.

You did it.you did it.

You must draw
the card we need.


Hmm. Ha!
The third piece!

This will
seal their fate.

Hmm. The third piece,ha.

With which
we'll now create...

A monster
who will...

Both: annihilate!



Against the...trinity.

Para: they can't defend...

Dox: all their life points
we will rend.

Both: summon
kazejin, god of wind.

Uh, yugi, what's happening?

Oh, no.
The trinity!

It's in
the class of exodia.

Joey: whoa.

Para, dox:
elements of thunder,
water, and wind,

Suijin, sanga,
kazejin, begin.

Meld your powers
in eternal light.

Show these fools
your unstoppable might.

Here it comes.

What is it?i don't know.

Para: he is pain
beyond description.

Dox: he'll mark the graves
with your inscription.

Both: gate guardian!


Para, dox:
against our gate guardian,

You cannot possibly win.

Oh, it has the strength
of monsters.

He's guys in one.

We're never gettin'
out of this maze.

Téa: now what do they do?

I don't know.
This looks bad.

Don't be
so downbeat,

If they
don't b*at 'em,

We'll never
get out of
the labyrinth.

Tristan, thanks
for cheering me up, mate.

So, think
you can b*at us

With your
big multiple guy?

Well, we're
not givin' up.

Let's go. Bring it on!

Ha ha ha ha ha.
You must be mad.

No one's
ever gotten past
the gate guardian.

He is composed
of parts,

Each controlling
an elemental force.

never get past
his combined power.

You will wander
the labyrinth...

Both: lost for all eternity.

Me and yugi'll take on
anything that you got!

Joey's right. We're a team.

You'll never b*at
our combined power.

Take your turn.


I told you
to take me
to mokuba,

Not on a tour.

It's endless.

These tunnels
are honeycombed

the entire island.

Without me to guide you,

You could get lost
down here for years.

Don't get any ideas.

Listen, slim,
I'm much bigger

And much stronger
than you are.

You only
got the jump on me

'Cause you snuck up
and took me by surprise.

What's to stop me
from spinnin' around
right now

And knockin' your--uhh.

Try it,
and I'll drop you

Where you stand.

Well, when
you put it that way,

would please me more

Than to reunite you
with your brother mokuba.

you promised, seto.

You promised you'd never
let anyone separate us.

Even at the orphanage,

When all the other boys
were being adopted
one by one,

Some parents wanted you--
said you were a genius--

But you refused
to go without me.

Young mokuba: thank you.
That could've been you.

but you said we weren't
leaving the orphanage

Until we could both
leave together.

Young mokuba:
you won't let them
separate us?

Young seto: never.
Don't you worry.

No one will
ever keep us apart.

but what about pegasus?

You couldn't stop him
from capturing me.

Is he too much
for you to handle?

What if
he's got you, too?

Kemo: ok, this
is as far as we go.

Where's mokuba?

In pegasus' grip,
just like you'll
soon be, kaiba.

Stop playing games.

[Buzzer sounding]ah! The alarm.

If you want
to find your brother

Before reinforcements
arrive, better hurry.

Security will be here
any moment.

Mokuba! Unh.

I've gotta get him
out of here,

Away from pegasus.

Sir, kemo
has reported in.

It seems
seto kaiba

Has been spotted
in the tunnels.

once again, croquet,

You report
what I already know.

I beg your
pardon, master.

You can beg later
when you are punished.


Seto kaiba's presence
on the island

Was not part
of my original plan,

But perhaps
I can turn this

To my advantage
and my amusement.

mokuba? Mokuba?


My brother's here!

It's your turn,

att*ck that
big, ugly lug!

Nothing in my deck
is powerful enough

To att*ck the gate guardian.

I can only play these.

Para: what a waste
of a turn.

You're frightened,
for all your monsters

Are too weak
to att*ck ours.

Gate guardian,
use your immense power.

att*ck flame swordsman.

Eliminate him
from the field.

This is it, bud.

We're goin' down
in a big way.


Para: thunderstroke att*ck!

Joey: flame swordsman
is about to flame out.
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