01x36 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 2" / "att*cks Ineffective!? The Invincible Toon Army"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x36 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 2" / "att*cks Ineffective!? The Invincible Toon Army"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously on

Croquet: the final duelist
contest will now begin.

The winner will be declared
king of games.

I play red archery girl.

Beaver warrior!


You've activated
my trap card:

Tears of a mermaid.

It blocks all
possible att*cks.

Beaver warrior is eliminated.

I guess there's nothing
we can do but wait

For the duel
to play out.


Tristan, where
are you going?

I'm gonna see if I can find
kaiba or mokuba anywhere.

Mokuba? Time to get you
outta here.

There appears to be a breach
and there could be an intruder.

The boy must not be freed.


Guard: over here!


Could the card you just drew
be summoned skull?

I think the summoned skull
will go very nicely

With your celtic guardian,
spellbinding circle,

Magical hats and horn imp.

Don't let him
psyche you out, buddy!

he knows all my cards
the instant I draw them.

He's unstoppable!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh


Joey: man, I can't believe
it's finally happenin'.

Yugi vs. Pegasus
for his grandpa's soul.

Everything we've been
workin' for comes down
to this match!


Don't let that creep
intimidate you.

Yeah, just play
your game.


Let's see what
croquet's up to, shall we?


What do you mean
mokuba's missing?

He is instrumental
in the plan to take over
kaiba corp.

Find him immediately,

How hard can it be
to recapture
a soulless body?

Do not make me
come down there.


Hmm? You got somewhere
to go, bakura?

Yes. I thought I'd go
and check on tristan.

He has been gone
a long time.

Too long, if you ask me.

I mean, what could be more
important than this match?


I'll be sure
to ask him.

pegasus: go ahead
and make your move, yugi-boy.

Ha ha ha ha.

Of course, it's not like

I don't already know
what it is.

First you'll lay
the spellbinding circle trap
face down,

And then you'll throw out
the summoned skull
in defensive mode.

Go on, yugi.
I'm perfectly prepared.

It's my turn.

And first I'm laying
this card face down.

And next,

I'll throw
the summoned skull
in defensive mode.

And I'll leave it
at that.

Goody. Now it's my turn
once again.

ha ha ha.

You see?
The eye never lies.

Nor does it fail
in sighting the vulnerabilities

For your pathetic moves.

Ha ha ha ha!

Pegasus: I'm switching ryu-ran

Into attack mode.


Ryu-ran, firestream attack!

With your attack,

You've activated
my trap card:

The spellbinding

My circle has stopped
your attack.

And that's not all.

It also ensnares ryu-ran
in a binding spell
of magic.


Oh, no.

And reduces his
attack power by points.

All right!

Looks like pegasus
is in big trouble.


[Thinking] where are you,
little mokuba?

And now, pegasus,

With my skull
poised for attack,

And the magic of my
spellbinding circle
trap in full effect,

Ryu-ran will be
struck down!

Go lightning
strike attack!

Hmm. Not so fast, yugi.

I play this.

What is that?

A trap.

Well, a trap
for traps actually.

It's called trap displacement,

And with it I can take
the spellbinding circle

You set on one of my monsters
and switch it to one of yours!


No! Now ryu-ran's
attack points are
back to normal

And my summoned skull
points weaker.

Why, it's almost as if I knew
exactly what you were thinking,

Isn't it?

Ha ha ha!


No! My summoned skull
won't be able to last
another turn

With that spellbinding
circle entrapping him.

Come now, yugi-boy.

Your skull won't even
last this one.

Firestream attack!

[Thinking] pegasus knows
every dueling strategy
I think up.

I can't hide anything
from his eye.

Awww! That mind readin' cheat!

What the heck's the use
in goin' on?

Don't say that!

No matter how bad it looks,
we can't give up, joey.

You're right, tea.

It ain't over
'til it's over.

We've gotta believe
yugi'll find the way
to beat this creep.

[Thinking] hmm.
That's right, joey.

We have to believe
in yugi,

No matter how bad
things look.

First servant: look!
He's got mokuba!

Second servant: stop him!

Hold it right there!


No place left
to run, punk.

You're surrounded.

Now hand over the kid,
tough guy.


Come and get him.

Bakura: ha ha ha.

Lay one hand on the boy

And you will rue the day you
imbeciles were ever born.


Hey, who's there?

Ha ha ha ha!

First servant: you just walked
into a world of trouble, kid.

Bakura, get outta here!

Come here, punk.

You heard him.

Now, step outta those shadows
right now.

Run for it, bakura!

Go on!
Save yourself!

Step outta those shadows
or else!

Or else you'll do what,
you pathetic little drones?

We warned ya.

Yes, and now I am
warning you.

Don't trifle with me.

What's that?

Chain energy!

What on earth?

I'm stuck!

Unh! Me, too!
But how?

Bakura, what did you do?

Come. Now is our chance
to escape.

Uh, ok. Hey, wait up!

Hey, stop!

Hey! Those brats
are getting away!

I can see that, moron.


"A" squad here.

We need backup.

My turn, yugi-boy.

[Thinking] yugi:
and I'm sure it's

Another perfectly
prepared move.

Hmm. If I'm
going to win,

I have to
find a way to keep
his millennium eye

From reading
my thoughts.

Pegasus: fat chance!

Nothing you do
can stop it.

Face it, yugi.

You're at the mercy
of my millennium eye.


Don't you see?

I already know
every card you
keep in your deck

And have in my

Every card needed
to stop them.

I can see every strategy
your feeble mind
has concocted

And have already
designed my own
counter tactics

To render them
completely useless!

But even without
my millennium magic,

You're no match for me.

After all, who needs
magic with this card?

Perhaps you'll
remember it.


That's right, yugi.

The magical toon world!

I thought as much.


Aw, man.
This ain't good.

As you recall, toon world
protects my monsters

Beneath its impenetrable
hardback bindings,

Bindings that they'll
only vacate

When they're about
to attack you!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, and seeing how
all my monsters

Have been transformed
to their super-powered
toon form,

It will be an attack
that's certain to leave
you in stitches.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee hee.

Heh heh heh heh heh.
Hee hee hee hee.

What's the matter, yugi-boy?

Don't you have
a sense of humor?

Ha ha ha ha!

Manga rya-ran!

Attack the monster
yugi has in defensive mode.

Nasty nostril flame attack!


Pegasus: looks like your
giant soldier of stone

Couldn't stand the heat.

Ha ha ha.


Aren't my toons
simply marvelous?

I can't help but feel
the same proud satisfaction

That a parent would.

I guess that's my reward
for having created the card.

Ha ha ha.

that cheat!

The toon world card
is one of a kind.

It was thought
too powerful
for distribution.

That's how he was
able to beat kaiba
with it.

And next I think I'll
switch the toon mermaid

Into attack mode.

You know?
To let her out of her shell.

Hee hee hee hee.

hmm. If I keep
throwing my monsters

In defensive mode,
pegasus' toons will just
keep picking them off.

My only chance is
to take the offensive.

Maybe by attacking,
I can uncover some kind
of weakness

In these toon monsters.

Celtic guardian!

In attack mode!

my guardian may not
pack enough punch

To beat that mermaid,

But with both
their att*cks at , ,

She shouldn't be able
to beat him either.


Celtic guardian!
Silverblade slash!

No way!

The clam caught
my attack!

Hee hee hee.

Tea: that toon caught
yugi's attack?

What's going on here?

I don't know, tea.

That match-up
shoulda been a draw.

Pegasus: ha ha!
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

I'm afraid that you're all
just going to have to accept

The reality
of the situation.

Yugi's guardian is
the catch of the day.
Ha ha ha.

And if there's one
thing I love,

Besides winning, that is,

It's a fish fry!


That was no draw.

You're right.
Something's off
with those toons.

[Thinking] ok, well,
maybe if I play
a stronger card.

Afraid not.

No card in your deck
is strong enough.

My toon monsters
can't be beaten
by sheer brute force.

Hee hee hee hee hee!

then what can I do?

Attack is useless.

That millennium eye
gives pegasus access
to my every card,

and strategy.

How can I possibly
win this duel?

It's my turn, yugi-boy.

And I think I'll just
lay these cards

Face down on the field.

great. More to worry about.

It's my move now.

[Thinking] hmm.
With those cards out,

I guess I should defend.

It may cost me
a monster,

But it's better
than losing life points.

Yugi: I'm throwing
a monster in defense mode!

Ha ha ha.

I knew you would,

After all, that's the reason
why I played this card
face down.

And then...

Behold the trap
known as gorgon's eye!

I think you'll find
his glance most arresting.

My imp!

He's been
turned to stone!

Pegasus: as will
every other monster

You throw in defensive mode.

For the gorgon's eye
is a permanent trap.

And you should know that
every time I destroy

One of his concrete

Half of their defensive
power will be deducted

From your life points!

Sorry, but there is
a bright side to having

A set of fossilized
monsters, yugi-boy.

They make fine
paper weights.

Ha ha ha!


Hmm. Tough crowd.

Well, here, maybe you can
learn to lighten up

From my second
facedown card.

Doppleganger, the copy card!

Know why he's
grinning, yugi?

Because this little fella
loves what he does

And does what he loves.

he used this on kaiba!

Correct, yugi-boy.

This little rascal
can transform himself

Into any card
on the field that I want.

Oh, beg your pardon.
Any card that hewants.

So which one will it
be this time,



Perfect. You always
have the best ideas.

Well, yugi-boy,

It seems that he would
like to transform into
that summoned skull

That I defeated a few
turns ago.

My skull? He's
in my graveyard.

Yes, but your graveyard pile
is on the field.

So it's fair game
for my doppleganger.


Go, my furry friend.

It's really something,
isn't it, yugi-boy?

I can copy one
of your monsters,

Recruit him to my team,

And turn him into a toon
all in one move.

And with that, a dark,
new chapter of toon world
has been written.

The chapter of fiends!

And here's our story's

Or antagonist,
depending upon your
point of view.

The toon skull!

What have you
done to him?

Pegasus: nothing compared to
what he's going to do to you!

You're twisted, pegasus.

You take such delight

In creating such
a monstrosity.

Don't say that.

You only hurt its feelings.

You may not know it,

But beneath that
gruff exterior lies
a very sensitive toon.

Ha ha ha.

Pegasus, just move!

Whatever you say,

Ha ha ha.

Toon skull,
lightning strike attack!

Your horn imp is demolished.

And since he was first
turned to stone

By my mystic
gorgon's eye trap,

Half his defense power is
removed from your life points.

What splendid showmanship.

Wouldn't you agree,

Perhaps I'll coerce him
to do an encore
a little bit later.

That creep sure loves
to hear himself talk.

Ungh! Come on, yuge,

Pop that muscle-headed toon
like a balloon.

but how?

The magic of toon world
makes it seem impossible.

Pegasus: it's your turn!

Ha ha ha.




Ha ha ha ha.

I see you've drawn
the fabled dark magician.


Pegasus: your favorite card,
if I'm not mistaken.

His trouncing should be
especially painful for you.

Ha ha ha.

I so look forward
to when you put him
into play, yugi-boy.

and I can crush him.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tristan: hey, bakura,
what was it you did
back there?

Using that magic card,
but for real!

Not now. Those guards
are still behind us.

Fine, but something's
up with you,

And you're gonna
to tell me what.


It's a no go.
This door's locked.

Come on!

[Footsteps running]

Look! A way out!

Aah! Ohh!

Ohh! Ooh!

Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!

Whoa, mama, please!



I owe you one, bakura.

[Thinking] yugi:
I don't know what to do.

I can't even try
attacking those toons

While they're inside
that magic book.

And the gorgon's eye
turns any defense monster
I throw to stone.


It all just seems
so hopeless.

Pegasus: it certainly does.

Oh, sorry.
Were you having

A private conversation
with yourself?

I'm so gauche.

I really must learn
to not keep butting

Into other people's business.

After all, accepting defeat
is such a personal matter.


Don't you listen
to him, yuge.

Remember everything
at stake here.

Your grandpa,
mokuba, kaiba.

They're all
counting on you,

And we know that
you're going to
come through

For all of them!

You can do it!
We believe in you!


joey and tea are right.

I just have to remember
what I'm fighting for here:

To save the soul
of my grandfather

And the souls of both
the kaiba brothers, too.


I can't let them down.

Well, seein' as how
jumpin's out of
the question,

I'd say we're
as good as caught.

There they are!
Come on!

Get 'em!

Well, we tried.

What do you mean,
"we tried"?

We are not captured
just yet.

What are you
talkin' about?

We're totally out-manned.

We won't be after
I enlist some help

the shadow realm.


The shadow realm?

This can't be good.

Ha ha ha.


Hang tough!

if I give up hope now,

I'll lose those

Their souls will
remain imprisoned

In the shadow realm,

And pegasus will be free
to continue his evil ways

With no one to stop him.

Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] yugi:
I can't let that happen.

I can't give up!

As hopeless as it seems,
I have to keep

I have to save
my friends.

your friends?

Ha ha ha ha!

Yugi-boy, you can't even
save yourself.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
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