01x42 - "The Ties of Friendship" / "The All-Powerful Shadow Ghoul"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x42 - "The Ties of Friendship" / "The All-Powerful Shadow Ghoul"

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously,
on yu-gi-oh...

Girl: hey!

Joey: who is that?

Is your name
solomon moto?

That's right.
And who might you be?

I, rebecca,
am a true champion.

I've travelled the world
and beaten many top duelists.

What exactly is it
you want from me?

My card back!

You've got my
blue eyes white dragon!

Now give it back to me!

That blue eyes
white dragon is mine,

And if you won't
give it back to me,

Then I demand the right
to duel for it.

Grandpa was just
released from the
hospital this morning.

He's in no condition
to be dueling rebecca.

I'll face you instead.

I play a magic card,
ring of magnetism.

While the ring
of magnetism is in play,
my monsters are all safe,

'Cause all you can att*ck
is my millennium shield.

[Thinking] wait,
I've seen that card

I'd nearly forgotten,
but almost card for card,

My friend professor hawkins
and I played this same duel.

what's your last name?

My name is rebecca hawkins,

And my grandfather
is professor arthur hawkins,

The man whose blue eyes
white dragon you stole.

Your grandfather's
a thief, yugi,

And you're gonna pay!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Now listen
to me, rebecca.

I'm only gonna say
this one more time.

My grandpa didn't
steal your blue eyes
white dragon.

You're lying!

He did! He did!
He did steal it!

It was my
grandpa's favorite,

And your grandpa
took it from him.

You won't get away
with this, you thieves!



Now what?

There's a story that you
need to hear, rebecca.

It's the story of how
I met your grandfather
professor arthur hawkins,

And of the danger
we faced together.

In other words,
more of your lies!
Forget it!

No, it's true.
And be assured,

It was one of the most
frightening experiences
I've had in my entire life.

[Scoffs] I'm so sure.

It happened years ago,

But it's an adventure
I'll never forget.

I had traveled to egypt

To participate
in an archaeological dig.

A brand new discovery
had been made not far
from the great pyramids.

We all wondered what ancient
egyptian secrets

Would soon be unearthed.

The desert was hotter
and drier than I expected,

So it was fortunate
that I soon made a friend.

You look like
you could use some cool water.

How can
I thank you?

I guzzled it down
a little too quickly.


But my new friend,
professor arthur hawkins,

Was just amused
at my enthusiasm.

He was a kind and very
brilliant man.

But in his
field of archaeology,

He was viewed as an
extremely radical thinker.

How come?

His theories.
He believed
that duel monsters

May have played
some mysterious part
in egyptian history.

All: huh?

Am I right, rebecca?

I don't
understand, grandpa.

His study of hieroglyphics,

The ancient
egyptians' writing,

Kept turning up
one particular word
over and over again.

And that one word
was "duel."


But why?


It was a mystery.

Using "duel" as a key word,
he worked toward

A new interpretation
of egyptian history,

And he came to
an astonishing conclusion.

It's here, my friend,
in these hieroglyphs.

"By the spirits
of the river nile,

"I combine
magic and monster

To vanquish my enemy
in our battle this day."

What on earth
can that mean?

If I'm correct,
it has to do with
incredible contests

In which ancient
egyptians participated.

Contests with high stakes...
I believe duels.

What kind
of duels?

I think you'll
find the answer

In that
inscription, solomon.


Arthur: look
at this.

Duel monsters cards.

Now, take
a look at those
ancient drawings.

The images are
nearly the same!

Which leads me to believe
the ancient egyptians

Must've played
a similar game to our own.

What an
amazing discovery!

When you present it
to your fellow scholars,

You'll revolutionize
the field of egyptology!

We shall see.

Man: that's ridiculous!

But arthur's colleagues
ridiculed his theories

And dismissed them
as wild fantasy.

Even in the face
of such disbelief,

He bravely stood his ground
and continued his
difficult research

Into the ancient game
of duel monsters.

He invited me
to join him in his work,

And I helped as best
I could.

In time, he discovered
a link between the game
and the millennium items.

What kind of link?

It's still
very mysterious, yugi.

The ancient egyptians
didn't play this game

Just for fun,
or money, solomon,

But rather for the power
to rule the world.

How can
that be?

The inscriptions tell
of a place called
the shadow realm

Where terrible
monsters dwell

And powerful warriors
battle for dominion
over the earth.


the ancient egyptians

Actually played the game
in that mysterious realm,

And the stakes,
according to this inscription,

Were the fate
of the earth!

So the stories
I heard are true!

And your friend,
professor hawkins,

Is that where your
blue eyes came from?
He gave it to you?

That's right.


You were never
his friend!

My grandpa would never
have given away his
blue eyes white dragon.

You stole it,
I know you did!

Isn't that right, teddy?

No, rebecca, I didn't.

I couldn't have because
at that precise moment,

That ancient tomb
caved in around us.

[All gasp]

The tomb caved in?

Yes, and we
thought we were lost.


Over here, arthur!
Are you all right?

I think so,
but the cave-in has
trapped us in this tomb!

There's no way out!

Wait, I've found the lamp!

Grandpa: as time passed,

We feared the pharaoh's
grave would become ours,
as well.

We consumed what little food
we had with us.

Soon, nothing was left
but a canteen of water,

Enough for only one person.


Yes, arthur?

What would you
say to a duel?


It'll help
keep our spirits up

And give us
something to think about
besides our being trapped.

It's better than sitting
quietly in the dark,

Waiting for
the end to come, eh?

Hmm, point taken.

I have an idea.

I'm listening.

We have only
a small amount
of water left.

There's not enough
for people,

So if we try
to share it

The chances are
that neither of us

Will walk out of
this tomb alive.

I propose
that the last
of the water

Should go to the
winner of this duel.
Do you agree?

Sadly, I do.

And so,
our grim duel began.

In his first turn,
the card that arthur played

Was the witch
of the black forest.

Sound familiar, rebecca?

It's the same
card she played.

That's right, yugi.

It was your grandfather

Who taught you to duel,
wasn't it?

Téa: never mind her!
Go on with
the story!

Well, you see--

No more lies!

Why should I believe you?!

You could be making
this whole stupid story up!

Mr. Moto
doesn't lie.

Yeah, well, I think
we should finish this duel!

Oh, yeah?
Well, some of us

Would rather hear the
rest of the story first.

No, let the duel continue.


Hmm. I think
it's yugi's turn.

We know that!
Why don't you
butt out, old man,

So we can settle
this thing?

As you wish.

Good. I'll get back
to kickin' yugi's butt!

Well, one thing's
for certain.

Rebecca may have learned
dueling from arthur,

But she never learned
manners from him.

Maybe this will
teach her some.

I play catapult turtle

In att*ck mode!

Catapult turtle
lets me sacrifice

Any monster
on my field!

When I do, I am then
able to deduct

Half of my sacrificed
monster's att*ck power

Directly from my opponent's
life points!

What a joke.
That won't help.

It will when I combine it
with my brain control!

Huh? Oh, no,
oh, no, oh, no!

With brain control,
I can seize any monster

And control it
for one turn!

Millennium shield
come to me!


And now I use
catapult turtle

To sacrifice your
millennium shield!

Aah! Oh, no!

And my turn isn't
over yet, rebecca.


Summoned skull att*ck!

Your cannon soldier
is toast!


It's not fair!

I'm still gonna
b*at you, yugi!

I'm gonna get you
and your thieving

Rebecca: [thinking]
ha! Guess yugi's

A little better duelist
than I thought.

Guess I can see
how he won the duelist
kingdom tournament.

But he's never been up
against a genius before,

And everything is going
according to plan.

Let's see. Right now
I have crummy monsters
in my graveyard.

Not quite enough!


Ha ha! Great! Fantastic!

Look what card
we drew, teddy!

Bravo, rebecca!

What's so funny?


"V" for victory!

I play this magic card--
judgment blaster!

What's that?

With judgment blaster,

I can discard cards
from my hand

And in exchange...

I get to obliterate
every monster you've got
on the field!


And one more thing.

Now I summon
my favorite monster...

Up from the depths
comes the creepy
and, oh, so lovable

Shadow ghoul
in att*ck mode!

And for each of
the lame-o monsters
in my graveyard,

This adorable fella
gains an extra
att*ck points!


For each monster?

I lost count, man.

How many monsters
has she sent
to the graveyard?

I think...it's .

, ,


Uh-huh. Shadow ghoul
now has an att*ck power
of !

What? You mean you
sacrificed monsters
to the graveyard

Just so you could use
their energy to power up
your shadow ghoul?

You're just now
catching on to my
strategy, yugi?

You'll have to think
faster than that.


Now what?

Duel monsters
isn't about
tossing aside

All your best

Each monster
has its own abilities

And demands its own
kind of respect.

If you just throw them

Are you out of your mind?!

Dueling has nothing to do
with respecting
your monsters.

Everyone knows the only thing
that reallymatters
is winning!

Besides, what would
a family of thieves

Know about
a duelist's
real power?

I learned
my dueling strategy
from a master--

My grandfather!

Anyway, duel monsters
aren't real.

They're just ink on cards.

What's to respect?

That's not what
arthur thought.

[Thinking] rebecca
understands the strategy

And tactics
of duel monsters,

But she's never
found the heart
of the cards.

if anyone can teach
rebecca the lessons

She needs to learn,
it's my grandson.


You're keeping
me waiting, yugi.

I didn't come here
to take a nap.

I came to duel!

All right then.

I summon a monster
in defense mode!

Well, well.

What you think
I lack in respect,
I make up in talent.

I drew a magic card:
stop defense.


She's forced
the dark magician
into att*ck mode.

[Everyone gasps]

And now, shadow ghoul att*ck!

Green vapor shrouds!


Bye-bye, dark magician.

mr. Moto, yugi's
getting creamed!

This couldn't be
how your duel with
professor hawkins went.

Actually, it went
exactly like this.

But the outcome
of this duel may yet
surprise you.

I play swords
of revealing light!

That will keep you
from attacking
for turns,


Well, that's really

Ok, then,
if that's the case,
I pass this turn.

Yeesh. It didn't
even phase her.

I can use this card--

Monster reborn--

To resurrect
the dark magician!

Hmm. He's trying
to reassemble
his forces, teddy,

While I'm prevented
from attacking him.

But that won't save him.

I'll play my next card
defense mode,

And I'll tell him
what it is,

'Cause there's no way
he can b*at
my genius brain.

Whee! Another cannon

Smart move.
She wants me to att*ck.

But I can't let
that cannon soldier
get off a sh*t.

You want an att*ck,
Well, here it comes!

Dark magician,
att*ck cannon soldier!

Hmm. Thank you.
You just raised
shadow ghoul's att*ck power

By another points!

Tristan: no matter what
card yugi draws next,

That ghoul's more
powerful than ever.

Rebecca's strategy
seems to be working.

Maybe she is
a genius.

Joey: don't
count yugi out yet.
He learned from the master.

Oh, I understand now.

You're using the swords
of revealing light
to stall for time,

Hoping for some special
card to come up.

But that isn't going to
help him at all,
is it, teddy?

Not when shadow ghoul
can att*ck again.

I'll pass this turn, too.

But next time,
when my ghoul's free
to att*ck,

I'll wipe you out!


Arthur: so, solomon,
on my next turn,

I'll be free to att*ck.

But I'm going to pass
this turn.

If that's really what
you want to do.

What card are you
waiting for, solomon?

That's my secret.

What's the matter, yugi?

Didn't you get
the card you need?


So, solomon,

Did you get
the card you need?


Come now.
Don't keep me
in suspense.

I surrender, arthur.

You win.


I surrender,


Joey: I can't
believe it!
Yugi's given up!

The game's over,

Tristan: unbelievable...


Yugi, why?

You can't just
give up, yuge!


You mean I win?

Yes. You win,

Bravo! Yay, me!

We b*at him, teddy.

Rebecca the genius wins!


I don't get it.
Why did you

Yeah, what's up with
that, yuge?

I won! Now give me
the blue eyes.


You tore it!
Oh, no!

You destroyed
my grandfather's
favorite card!

It wasn't me,
rebecca. I--

First you steal it,
then you lie,
then you ruin it!

You despicable,
mean man!

I treasured that card,

I would never have
destroyed it!

I've heard just about
enough of your lies!

Arthur: rebecca,
behave yourself.


Arthur? Arthur
is it really you?

It's been a long time,

Far too long,
my dear old friend.

I do hope
my precocious granddaughter

Hasn't caused you
too much trouble.

Can you forgive her?

For what?

Rebecca, did you know

Yugi was actually
the winner of your duel?

No, grandpa, I won!

Yugi, you're
just like your

You're a generous
young man and a very
fine duelist.

I knew it.

Rebecca, have a look
at this card.


It's a card called
soul release.

If yugi
had played this card
in the final turn,

You would have been
defeated for certain.

With soul release,

Yugi could have freed
up to cards
from his graveyard,

Or yours.

Do you realize
what that means?

Your shadow ghoul's
att*ck power

Would have instantly
dropped from
to .

Yugi's dark magician
had an att*ck power
of ,

And therefore...

You mean yugi really
never had to surrender?

Then why?

Don't you understand?

Yugi wanted to show you
that there's much more
to dueling

Than just winning
and losing.

He wanted you to see
that the way to the heart
of the cards

Is through your own heart.

After that tomb collapsed
and we bet our last drop
of water on the duel,

Solomon also sacrificed
a victory

To save my life.


I felt weak,
overcome by the heat.

Hold on, my friend.

You didn't have to

I couldn't let you
lose this duel,

You need the water.

Solomon...thank you.

Rescue man: we did it!
We've broken through!

Are you down there?

Second man:
did you survive?

He saved my life,

But there's more.
In my duel with solomon,

It's true that I sent
any number of monsters
to the graveyard

To bring the shadow ghoul
to its ultimate power,

But I never failed
to honor those monsters

For their sacrifice.

In their own way,
they were every bit
as important to me

As the shadow ghoul
card itself.


Even more than
the monsters, though,

A duelist must always
respect his opponent.

In solomon's case,
I felt such respect
and gratitude

That I gave him
my blue eyes
white dragon.

Yeah, and he showed
his respect and thanks
by ripping it up!

It was damaged,
Forgive me.

That doesn't matter,

What matters is that
you kept it as a token
of our friendship.

You valued the card
not for its rarity

But for what
it represents--
the bond between us.

Now do you understand,

Great duels can form
the basis of great
and lasting friendships

Because the cards
are about heart.

My heart?

The heart
of every duelist.

And the heart
of the cards.

That's what yugi
was trying
to show you.

Oh, yugi, I'm sorry.

It's ok, rebecca.

You mean
you forgive me?

Sure. Here,
take this card.

The ties of friendship?

Yeah. I'd like you
to have it.

Thank you, yugi.

Say, solomon,

It's been ages
since you and I have

Is that a challenge
I hear, arthur?

Oh, wow!
This I
gotta see!


Mr. Moto,

You just
got out of
the hospital.

Yes, but I could outduel
any of you young turks

Even if I was still
in a coma.

[All laugh]
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