05x15 - I Don't Play Anymore/Gopher's Roomate/Crazy for You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x15 - I Don't Play Anymore/Gopher's Roomate/Crazy for You

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love-- life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow.

It floats back to you.

Love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

Yes, love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

Rachel Johnson reporting
for her first cruise.

I certainly hope it
won't be your last.

Are you trying to tell me
the captain is a rotten driver?

Rachel Johnson,
you're in cabin .

That's on the promenade deck.

Just through those
doors, hang a right,

and you're practically there.

Aye, aye, mate.

I'm Dr. Bricker.

If you need anything--
aspirin, band-aids,

a dancing partner-- call me.

I'm on the boat.

You guys, did you
see that simple looking

chick going up the stairs?

Did you check her in?

I checked her in, and
doc checked her out.

I guess she didn't
trust my directions.

She's in promenade .

I could've sworn I told it
to go through those doors.

Well, maybe she's got a guy
stashed away on another deck.

She looks familiar to me.

What's her name?

Rachel Johnson.

Then you're probably not the
guy she has stashed away.

Wishful thinking, I guess.

Welcome aboard.

Mr. Krakauer, i'm
captain stubing.

It's an honor to
have you aboard, sir.

Thank you very much, captain.

Thank you.

Vicki, this is Mr. Paul
krakauer, one of the world's

greatest concert pianist.

And my father's one of the
world's greatest captains.

Mr. Krakauer.

You're the pianist, right?


Didn't I tell you?

We'll see you
later, Mr. Krakauer.

Oh, Mr. Krakauer, I sure
would like to shake your hand.

I'm sorry.

I don't shake hands.

Oh, come on, Paul.

Shake her hand.

Why, she's your biggest fan.

I don't shake anybody's hand.

I make it a rule.

Well, you're certainly
going to play for us later,

aren't you?

I don't play anymore.

I manage musicians now.

If you'll excuse me, it was
nice meeting both of you.

You think he thought
we had dirty hands?



I'm David Jackson.

I was told to check in
with a lovely young lady

named Julie McCoy.

What gave me away?

Was it my charming personality
or my irresistible smile?

Actually, it
was your name tag.

Well, welcome
aboard, Mr. Jackson.

Thank you.

You can take the elevator
to the aloha deck-- cabin .

Thanks very much.


Hello, I'm Dr. Lisa lansmen.

Could you tell me where
my cabin is, please.

Yes, of course.

You're on the promenade
deck, cabin .

What branch of medicine
are you in, Dr. Lansmen?


I'm the corporate psychologist
for schuyler enterprises.

Julie: Oh.

Oh, that reminds me-- did
a David Jackson check in yet?

Yes, just a second ago.

He's right over there.

Goodbye, mom.

I'll miss you too.

Of course I'll write every day.

Now if you'll be so kind.


Your glove.

Is he crazy?


Crazy like a fox.


[Music playing]

Oh, I'm sorry, sir.

I'll be finished
in just a moment.

Don't worry about it.

Is something the matter?

No, no, thank you.

May I help you?

Please, I'm not a cr*pple.

I never said you were, sir.

I'll clean it up.

It'll just take a minute.


I'll clean it myself.

[Music playing]

I tell you, I know
that girl from somewhere.

Well, it couldn't
be from here.

She said this is
her first cruise.

Well, if you
think you know her,

why don't you go over there
and ask here where you met?

Oh, because that's the
oldest trick in the book.

And if we haven't
met, then she's going

to think I'm coming on to her.

Yes, but if it turns out
that if you really do know her,

and you don't go over
there and ask her,

then you'll never
know if you knew her.

Hey, if everybody
thought like you,

then people who used
to know each other

would never get to
know each other again.

I'll go just to get
out of this conversation.

[Music playing]

It does get warm, doesn't it?

Yes, I love it.

I think I'll
take a short swim.

How about you?

No thanks.

Rachel Johnson?

One of Isaac Washington's
famous banana daiquiris,

compliments of your
simple purser, burl Smith.

Thank you.

My name mean anything to you--

burl Smith?

No, I'm afraid not.

I don't look
familiar to you at all?

Not even this much.

Maybe we met at a party.

Why don't you tell me all the
parties you've ever been too.

Look, I would love to stay and
run through the list with you,

but I promised someone that
I would take a swim with him.

You really must have me
confused with somebody else.

I'm sorry, gopher.

Wait a minute.

How'd you know my
name was gopher?

[Music playing]


Mr. Krakauer.

Gilliam stockwell.

Listen, I'm sorry if I
embarrassed you before.

I know I come on
a little strong,

but listen I got a
proposition for you.

I'm really not
interested, Mr. Stockwell.

Well, Millie's
birthday is tomorrow,

and I want to do something
real special for her.

It's worth $ , to me
if you play something.

Oh, Mr. Stockwell--

now, come on.

I don't mean to insult
you, but what do you say?

$ , . , one tune-- any
tune you say-- long, short.

It don't matter.

Come on-- $ , bucks.

Be a sport.

I don't know what to say.

I'd honestly love to.

Well, then do it.

I told you I
don't play anymore.

[Music playing]

[Whistle blowing]



Julie, hi.

Listen, would you
do me a favor--


--And seat me next to David
Jackson at dinner tonight?

The plant molester?


If you don't mind
my asking, why?

Oh, well, schuyler enterprises
sent me to check on him.

He used to work for them.

Not as a gardener, I hope.


Matter of fact, he was about
to become vice-president.

You know, he worked for
it for about years.

And then at the last minute,
Mr. Schuyler hired his nephew

to do the job instead.

That would drive a guy nuts.

That is precisely
what David Jackson

would like me to believe.

I don't understand.

Our company pays a
sizable amount of money

to anybody who's
disabled on the job,

either mentally or physically.

Oh, so he convinces
you that he's crazy.

He gets all the money.


Dinner for two,
coming right up.

All right.

What do you call this drink?

I call this the aztec temple.

One sip, and you
feel like a ruin.

Sounds great.

He's as sane as we are.

Oh, ladies, won't you join us?

The drinks are on me.

Man (on loudspeaker):
Attention, please,

early seating
dinner is now being

served in the call dining room.

I'm sorry, sir.

I came to turn the bed down.

I can come back later.

Oh no, please come in.


[Music playing]

I'd like to apologize
for this morning.

It's all right, sir.

Look, let me
make it up to you.

There's nothing to make up.

I'd like to buy you a
drink if it's all right.

Honestly, it's not necessary.

What time do you get off duty?

: .


I don't drink.

You don't have to drink.

We can just talk.

All right.

Starlight deck?

I'm new here.

I don't know if I'm allowed
to mingle with the passengers.

We're not going to mingle.

We're just going to talk.

[Music playing]

Hey, goph, did you and
that mysterious beauty

ever uncover your
darken, intriguing past?

Nah, she said she'd never
seen me before in her life.

Well, if you have
met, I say you've made

your usual lasting impression.


I'm sure that I know her.

Oh, hey, did you tell her
that my name is gopher?

No, but if anyone
asks you, it is.

Hey, if it isn't my
old pal Rachel Johnson.

Listen, I know that I know you.

And if I ever remember
where, I'm going to call you.

Even if it's in the
middle of the night.

Please, don't bother.

It's no bother.

It is to me.

See, gopher, you do make
a lasting impression-- not

a good one, but a lasting one.

[Music playing]

$ , .

You can't be serious.

Money talks.

And money is now talking--

$ , 's worth.

Cash on the barrel here.

One tune-- your choice.

Millie wants it.

Mr. Stockwell, for $ , ,
I still couldn't play.

You think you're too
good for us, don't you?

[Music playing]

Hello, Julie.

Did you get it all set up?

I sure did.

Table nine.

He's all yours.

Ok, great.


Oh, hi.

Table nine?

It sure is.

Won't you sit down?

Yes, delighted, thank you.

Oh, no, no, no,
not there, please.

You'll squash Pierre.


Oh, I'm sorry.

Pierre the gnome, miss--

Lisa lansmen.

Don't let me interrupt
your dinner, Pierre.

Go right ahead.

May I sit down?




What's that, Pierre?

No, I never heard
that joke, Pierre.

Tell me.

Oh no.

Come on, David.

You know perfectly well who
I am and what I'm doing here.

And frankly, I just
don't buy your act,

so why don't you drop it?

Shh, please.

Let Pierre tell a joke.

[Inaudible] No, no, really.

Oh please, Pierre.

Pierre, there's a lady present.


[Music playing]


You know, you should
feel pretty flattered.

I've never asked a man
to dance with me before.

And why did you
ask me to dance?

Well, because I just thought
it would be an excellent way

of finding out more about you.

Oh, really?

Now, what is it that you
want to know about me?

Oh, little things
like do you remember

a Mr. Schuyler and his nephew?

Oh, sure.

I remember them very well.

So you do remember.

[Music playing]

Krakauer-- my grandma
had a krakauer piano.

That's my family.

Do you play?

Once upon a time I played.

Do you ever forget how?

Oh, I haven't forgotten how.

It's just too painful.

You won't believe
this, but there's

a fellow on board who offered
me $ , to play one song.



You can't play at all?

Gee, I feel so bad for you.

Isn't there some kind
of cure or something?

I'm afraid not.

What's the problem
with your foot,

if you don't mind my asking.

It was on my sixth birthday.

There's nothing left of the car.

My leg was broken
in four places.

The bones in my ankle
fused too early.

The outside of the foot
grew, but the inside didn't.

But can they fix it?


They always could have.

All that's needed is
money and courage.

And I've never had
very much of either.

How much money?

Oh, around $ , .

I guess that doesn't
seem like a lot of money

to a successful man like you.

Yes, it does.

For the past few years, I
haven't been that successful.

Don't frown.

You're a very
pretty girl, Irene.

No one's ever said
that to me before.

Thank you.

Thank you for putting a
little music back into my life.

[Music playing]

Will you excuse
me for a minute?

I'll be right back.



I'm sorry about the way
I acted in the dining room.

It was rude.

It's ok.

No, it's not.

You deserve more than that.

You're much too nice a guy.

How would you know?

You haven't met me
before, have you?

Well, no, I mean
you seem quite nice.

Anyway, I wanted to
apologize, and I have.

Would you like to seal
that apology with a dance?

Uh, no thanks.

Maybe some other time.

No, really.

I'm not much of a dancer.

That is exactly what
ginger Rogers used

to say to Fred Astaire, but
when they started dancing--

a natural.


Well, we're probably
not Fred and ginger--

possibly Mickey
Rooney and Ann Miller.

Mickey Rooney and Mitch Miller.

Andy Rooney and [inaudible].

[Music playing]

Anyways, in this
dream, I'm being chased

by a giant English muffin.

David, there are plenty
of perfectly normal people

who have wild dreams.

Yes, but when I wake up,
there are crumbs in my bed.

You see, I have this problem.

I never know when i'm
dreaming or when I'm awake.

Like now-- pinch me.

Oh, come on, David.

Come on, please.

How else am I going to find out?


I thought I was dreaming.

I mean, after all,
here I am, floating

in the middle of this calm sea,
feeling the soft, salt breeze,

looking at a very
beautiful woman.

Still, I know I'm awake.

Why do you say that?

Because if I were
dreaming, I'd be kissing you.

[Music playing]

You're not really
crazy, are you?


Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

Speak for yourself, pal.

Singing is so wonderful.
(Singing) When I sing my


[Music playing]

Ok, let me see.

We've been through grade
school, junior high.

Ok, if it wasn't high school,
then it must have been college.

Gopher, it's getting late.

I should be turning int.

Oh no, no, wait a minute.
Let me see.


Let's see-- Rachel
Johnson, Rachel Johnson.

That's funny.

I had a roommate my freshman
year named ray Johnson.

Oh, wait a minute--

Rachel Johnson.

I'll bet you're
Ray's sister, right?

Of course, I see it now.

You've got the same
eyes and the same nose.

Except you're a lot
prettier than he is.


Uh, can we continue this
conversation tomorrow, please?

Well, why?

I mean, you are
Ray's sister, right?

Hey, wait a minute.

Ray's all right, isn't he?


Gopher, I am ray.

It's the truth.

I'm your old college
roommate, ray Johnson.

You'll have to excuse, gopher.

He's got so much to
learn about women.

[Music playing]

Hey, come on.

Don't make the bed.

Let the girl do it.

I am the girl.

I know.

Be the girl later.

Right now, you're still my girl.

I like being your girl.

I like it too.

Listen, I've got a couple
of hours off after : .

Do you want to have a
picnic on the fantail deck?


I've got an awfully nice
dress that I save for only very

special occasions.

And I've got an
awfully nice occasion

for your very special dress.

[Music playing]

Do you mind if I join you?

No, no, i'm--

I got to go on duty,
though, so I'm going to have

to take off pretty quick.

You took off pretty
quick last night too.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I-- i-- I guess--

no, gopher, really,
it's mostly my fault

for surprising you like that.

But you just kept hounding me.

I'm sorry.

I just-- I guess I
kept hounding you

because I thought you looked
like someone you used to know.

I am someone used to know.


I guess we have a lot
of catching up to do.


Ok, I'll go first.

Since college, I've had an
operation-- a sex change.

You know, if you don't want
to talk about it, it's ok.

I mean, if it's too
difficult. I understand.

Where'd you go?




The operation is
legal in this country.

But you'll never know
what I went through

before I made my decision.

I mean, it was two
years of therapy, tests,

meetings with specialists.

Am I keeping you from something?

No, i--

I've got to go to
work, and I just--

you know, gopher,
you're right.

This really is very difficult
for me to talk about,

but only because it's too
difficult for you listen to.

What do you mean?

I'm listening.

Well, it's obvious that
I'm embarrassing you.

- No, I'm not embarrassed.
- Oh, no?

Then how come you keep looking
around to see if anyone

can overhear our conversation?

I'm not doing that.

I'm just-- i--

forgive me, gopher,
for taking up your time.

I mean, you know, I really
thought I could hang

on to some of my old friends.

You proved me wrong, though.

It's a new life, and I guess I
have to wipe the slate clean.

It's funny though.

You're one of the few
I would have guessed

who could have handled it.

$ , .

You named the figure.

I believe you said
you couldn't play

even if the price was $ , .

So let us see.

Tonight Millie and I and
some very keen doubters

will be in the acapulco lounge.

Now, you play, you get a check.

I put my money
where my mouth is.

[Music playing]

Oh, good.

David, you're still here.

I need to talk to you.

All right, it won't
do any good, though.

I've been talking
to myself for weeks.

This might do you some good.

I'm going to recommend that
your disability claim be honored

because I've been
thinking about it,

and I decided that anyone
who went to such lengths

to prove that they were
insane must really be insane.

Well, you're the expert.

So if it's the money
you want, you've got it.

Well, come on.

I thought you'd be
jumping for joy.

Hard to celebrate
when you've just been

declared mentally unbalanced.

David, you know
I hated doing this.

Not because I believe
you're a fraud.

I don't anymore.

But I really thought
that there was

something building between us.

You did?


I really liked you, David.

But I just can't let myself
get involved with anybody

who's just not all there.

I'm really sorry
this had to happen.

Lisa, wait, wait.

Come here a second.


I can't go through with this.

You're right.

I'm a phony.

I was just pretending to be
nuts to get back at schuyler.

You came along.

And now it doesn't
matter anymore.

How do I know that's true?

Just tell me what to
do, and I'll prove it.

Well, maybe if you'd
sign this form disclaiming.



Now, in honor of
the occasion, let's

do something to celebrate.

Anything you want.

You name it.

Thank you, but I have
everything I want right here.

[Music playing]

Julie (on loudspeaker):
Welcome to acapulco,

ladies and gentlemen.

There's water
skiing, scuba diving,

parachuting, shopping, or
fabulous seafood on the beach.

Take your choice,
but be back by : .

We sail at : pm.

[Piano playing]

Excuse me, I don't
mean to intrude.

But I'm the ship's doctor.

May I see those hands?

Quite a bit of
inflammation there.

It's going to rain tomorrow.

The redder my knuckles,
the sooner the rain.

Well, then it ought to
rain in about five minutes.

I've got to play tonight.

It's very important.

Is there something you
could do to help me?

I've got some pills
that may help temporarily.

If not, we'll just
pray for a drought.

[Music playing]

Lisa, how's it going?

Any news to report?

Well, it's all settled.

David admitted his
little scheme and dropped

his claim against the company.

Oh, congratulations.

You got what you wanted.


How come I feel so awful?

Well, you're the doctor.

You tell me.

I know this sounds
terribly unprofessional,

but I was really beginning
to fall for that guy--

different than any
other man I've ever met.

You can say that again.

I don't think the world's
ready for any more like him.

Spontaneous and fun.

I'll tell you, we could have
really had a good thing going,

but I just fouled it all up.

Lisa, as a
psychiatrist, do you

always advise your patients to
run away from their problems?

Of course not.

Then don't you think
it's about time the doctor

followed her own prescription?

I mean, the worst
thing that can happen

is you can find out David's
been right all along.

What do you mean, Julie?

Well, if he doesn't want
somebody as nice as you,

he really is crazy.

Thank you.


[Music playing]



I'm wondering if I could
talk to you for a moment.

Of course, gopher.
What is it?

Well, do you remember Rachel?

She was that good
looking girl that I

was dancing with last night.

Yes, yes, I
think I recall her.

I went to college with her.


She was my roommate
freshman year.


Well, I know they
have coed dormitories

now, but coed rooms?

It wasn't even a
coeducational college.

It was all guys.

I don't understand.

When Rachel was my
roommate, she was a he.

Oh-- a sex change operation.

So you see my problem.

Your problem?

Sir, I have always
considered myself to be

an open-minded kind of person.

But when Rachel came to me today
hoping for some understanding

and some friendship,
I didn't even have

the courtesy to listen to her.

I just hung out a
do not disturb sign.

I simply could not deal
with who she has become.

And obviously an
awkward situation.

Say that again.

But under the
circumstances, I think you are

right in not getting involved.

After all, I don't know too much
about these kinds of people.


excuse me, sir,
what do you mean

by "these kinds of people"?

Well, you know--


What do you mean
by "different."

She is the same person.

Oh, come on, gopher, really.

She is, except that she
probably has more guts

than both you and I combined.

I mean, do you have any
idea what she probably

had to go through
before she even

reached the decision she did?

The strings of doctors and the
tests that you have to take,

and who knows what
else, not to mention

the pure physical and emotional
pain of the whole thing--

this takes encourage.

You really sound
as if you admire her.

I do.

And I resent your
implication that I

should just desert my friend.

Off the record, sir, I am
deeply disappointed in you.

I came here today because
I had a major problem,

and I needed some advice, and I
wind up doing all the talking.

Don't stop now.

You're on a roll.

[Music playing]

You baited me, didn't you?

Because you wanted me
to stick up for Rachel.


And you came to all the
correct conclusions.

You know, gopher,
I have a feeling

that right now your
friend could use a friend.

[Music playing]

Julie (on loudspeaker):

All passengers ashore,
we sail in minutes.

[Music playing]

Julia, have you
seen Rachel Johnson?

She wasn't at dinner,
and I can't find

her in any acapulco lounge.

Don't tell me you're still
bothering that poor girl,

telling her that you
know her from somewhere.

I hope you're not the
reason she's leaving.


Yeah, she asked me to
check on flights leaving

for Los Angeles from acapulco.

You mean she's flying
home from acapulco?

No, she was too late for
the last flight tonight.

So she's staying on board
and leaving at the next port.

Well, why didn't
you tell me that?

Gopher, you just asked me.

I just told you.

I heard her.

He's getting stranger every day.

[Music playing]

Man (on loudspeaker):
Attention, please.

We hope enjoyed your
stay in acapulco.

Our next stop is
puerto vallarta.

Isaac, bring me a scotch.

Make it a double.

You want that on the rocks,
or would you rather just

pour it over your head again?

[Inaudible] On the rocks,
in honor of my love life.

Uh-oh, that
sounds kind of bad.

It is.

I tried to con a terrific
lady, and she ended

up making a fool out of me.

I never thought when I started
my little crazy game that i'd

end up on the injured list.

Well, you know what
they always say--

there's always next season.

David, I've got
to talk to you.

Sorry, Dr. Lansmen,
I was just leaving.

Thank you, Isaac.

Well, wait a minute, David.

This will only take a minute.

Look, Lisa, it's all over.

You won.

I'm sure the company will
be very proud of you.

You're a very clever young lady.

[Music playing]

If I'm so bloody
clever how could

I have made such a
mess out of everything?

You want to talk about it?

You know, some problems
are so hard that it's

very difficult for one
person to deal with it alone.

Isaac, that's perfect.

Thank you.

That's the fastest
I ever helped anybody.

This is a big
night tonight, folks.

Paul krakauer is going to
play a song for my Millie.

Yeah, Paul and Millie
and me go way back.

We're old friends.

Way back-- right, honey?

When Paul krakauer told me
he wanted to play tonight,

I couldn't believe it.

I thought that he retired
because of severe arthritis.

Oh, severe isn't
the word for it.

I gave him some
pills for the pain,

but every time he
touches those keys,

it'll be like having
a tooth pulled.

Well then why is he playing?

I guess it has
to be his decision.

He asked me to introduce
him, and I will, proudly.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I
have your attention please.

Thank you.

It's a great honor
for me this evening

to reintroduce to you
the world famous pianist,

Mr. Paul krakauer.

He's consented to play for us.

This is the first
time in many years

Mr. Krakauer has
played in public.

And I, for one, have
missed him sorely.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Paul krakauer.


How do you like that?

Paul's come out of retirement
just to play for my Millie.

[Playing piano]

[Music playing]


I've been looking over
this ship for you--

lounge, pirates cove, the cabin.

I'll bet you didn't find me.


I hear you're
going to jump ship.


Just like that.

Nothing in my life has
ever been just like that.

Gopher, this is very
difficult to explain.

I want you to understand.

I never felt right as a man--


I was always more
comfortable with women.

I identified with them more.

I wanted to be like them.

So I finally made a decision.

Are you happy?

I'm very happy.

I've never regretted
it, not for a minute,

well, at least not
until this cruise.

I guess I was wrong.

I guess I was wrong to think
that I could combine my past

and present.

Are you crazy?

You just give up on a friendship
that has taken years to build?

I take that as a personal
insult. I liked you as a man.


Quiet, lady.

We were good friends in college.

We had a lot of laughs together.

Now, why shouldn't I like
you just because you're--

just because you're a woman?

Yesterday you weren't so sure.

Yesterday I had
a big surprise.

Today I'm surprised at myself.

I'm not surprised with you.

You've made a decision
about what you're

going to do with your life.

And I just hope it's
a good decision.

That's all.

You're not saying all
this just because you

feel sorry for me, are you?


I don't feel sorry
for you at all.

However, if you had left this
ship without giving me a chance

to say what I came here
to say tonight, yes, then

I would feel sorry for me.

I'm very lucky to
have a friend like you.


I'm the lucky one because
I used to know ray,

and now I'm going to
get to know Rachel.

Remember that first
fraternity football

game against the phi delts?

Yeah, that was the
one where you threw

that great block that
got me into the end zone

for the winning touchdown.

Right, well, gopher, I
have to tell you from now on,

that sort of thing is
definitely out for me.

[Playing piano]


That was for you, baby.

[Music playing]

Mr. Krakauer, for
what it's worth,

you made Millie very happy.

Thank you, Mr. Stockwell.

And you're going to make a
lady very happy tonight too.

[Music playing]


Hang on.

I'm coming.


Come on, ladies.

We've got a little
job to do here.

Dr. Kislev, you sit right up.

[Inaudible] Come on, Dr.
Amir, right over here.

There we go.

Oh, that's a good.

Put that dress down, now.

Now, ladies, there he is.

Lisa, what in the--

David, we're right in
the middle of a conference.

Now, just a minute.

What was that, honey?

Harriet, you know, he may
have been in the wrong,

but I'm the one that
feels like a skunk.

Oh, but Dr. Kislev, I know
that guilt is unhealthy.

I'm very well aware of that.

But I can't help myself.

I am not overreacting,
absolutely not.

I've never met a man like
him before in my life.

He's imaginative
and warm and loving.


Oh, well he's a
little pigeon-toed,

that nobody's perfect.

Lisa, welcome aboard.

You're crazy.

Yeah, I think am crazy.

I've been trying to get
aboard for quite a while now

because I think i'm
absolutely in love with you.

Oh, excuse me.

But [inaudible].

Thank you.

I hope you don't mind,
we'd like to spend

the rest of this session alone.

The little one's got great legs.

I left you some
clean towels, sir.

Irene, about the
picnic, I'm sorry.

There's no need
to apologize, sir.

I'm not apologizing.

I'm explaining.

I was with Dr. Bricker.

He gave me some medication so
I could play the piano tonight.

I heard you.

It was beautiful--
truly beautiful.

I better go.

I-- it was for you.


I was playing for you.

You were?


$ , .

It's for you,
Irene, for doctors,

hospitals, whatever you need.

Paul, I can't accept that.

Irene, listen.

When I was young, my father
told me I had a great gift,

but unless I was lucky, I
probably wouldn't have it long.

But as long as I had it, I
had an obligation to make

the world more beautiful.

I thought I lost
the gift forever.

And tonight, I had
a brief reprieve--

one last opportunity.

Let me help make your world
a little more beautiful.


[Music playing]

Thank you for sailing with us.




Listen, we both want to
thank you for your advice.

It just goes to
show you that expert

counseling really does help.

From the looks of
things, looks like you

and David patched things up.

We sure have.

Oh, and by the
way, I called Mr.

Schuyler, and he's
going to reconsider

David for that vice-presidency.

I thought Mr. Schuyler
hired his nephew.

He got fired.

He was driving everybody crazy.

Krakauer, you played
more beautifully than ever

last night.

Yeah, you're something else.

You said it.

I'm going to press that
night in my album of memory.

I'll never forget it.

I'm really pleased
you enjoyed it.

And Dr. Bricker, I want
to especially thank you.

My pleasure.

I really mean that.

Mr. Krakauer, I just
want to shake your hand.

Sorry, Sonny, Mr.
krakauer never shakes hands.


Let me explain that to you.

Well, goodbye for now.

I wish you the best.


Irene, I've been
looking for you.

Paul, I want to thank
you for what you've done.

But I don't have the courage
to go through this operation



Irene, I may not be able to
hold onto a glass of water,

but you just wait
and see how tightly

I'm going to hold onto you.

[Music playing]

So long, old buddy.

Thanks for a cruise
I'll never forget.

Me neither.

Listen, stay in touch, ok?

You bet I will.



Hey, goph.


Did you ever remember where
you met that pretty lady?

Yeah, we figured it out.

It was in college on
the football team.

Oh, she was a
cheerleader, huh?

No, left tackle.

[Music playing]?
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