02x14 - Playing with a Parasite, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x14 - Playing with a Parasite, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Girl: that slacker should
have been here minutes ago.

I've got duels to win!

Boy: here comes
joey now.

Hey guys,


Still in the tournament,

You bet.

I'm already
the proud owner

Of two locator cards.

Then I guess
I'm twice as good.

What? You got
locator cards?!

Awesome job,

I've got
so far.

Joey: aw, man.

I got the least!

How am I ever gonna make it
to the battle city finals!?

Don't worry, joey.

There's still
plenty of time.

You need a total
of locator cards

To get to the finals,
and I know you can do it!

Well, none of
us are gonna

Get to the finals
if we're standing

Around here.

Mai's right.

Watch out, 'cause
I'm about to

Do some serious
catching up!

Good luck
and miss me,

See ya.

Luck is
for amateurs!

Later, yuge!

I know one of marik's
hunters is after me.

I'll be ready for him.


Marik: I'm watching every move
you make, little yugi.

Girl: yugi already
took off!?

Man: yes, he wanted
to get an early start

On the tournament today.

I told you to
get off of the phone

So we could meet
him on time!

Yeah, well I was on

An extremely
important call.

I needed to take care of
some serious business, tea.

Tea: you mean flirting
with serenity!?

At this rate,
I'm never gonna

Get to see yugi duel.

Not true! I'll slip
on my comfy shoes

And help you
two find him.

Joey: I gotta snag me some
of those locator cards

So mai doesn't
totally show me up.

But who's gonna be
my next challenge?

Now I'm ready for anyone
who wants to duel!

This deck of mine
always comes through.

Boy: joey wheeler?!


I knew I
recognized you!

Think I can have
your autograph?

I can't believe you're
just walking around

The street like
a regular guy.

Yup, it's me,

So who should
I make it out to?

Let's see...

Make it out to my
sister jessica.

She'll love it.

This will totally
blow her mind.

She has a big crush
on you!


Let's see,

"To my adoring fan,

That duel disc is
so totally cool!

Oh, yeah...

I do make this thing look
pretty cool, don't i?

Hey, joey,

Do you think it would be
ok if I tried it on?

Just for a sec!

I promise I'll be
careful with it.

Okay. I guess it
couldn't do any harm.

Here you go.

Wow! Say,
this is so cool!

Bein' a duelist
is hard work.

You don't just
put a duel disc

Onto your arm
and then presto.

You gotta exercise...

My duel disc!

Get back here
you little rat!

Tea: yugi could
be anywhere.

We'll find him.

We have a pretty good
view from up here.

Check that out, guys.

Joey: you little
lying punk!

It's a chase?

Looks like some
youngsters are
playing tag.

Tea: wait a sec!

All: hey, that's joey!

I got your back, man!

What's the rush?get off of me!


What's he doing with
your duel disc?

That's what I'm about
to find out!

Boy: I'm really sorry.

I didn't know how else
to become a duelist.

See, I finally built a deck

That I could duel with

When this guy
stole all my cards.

So, you stole
someone else's.

I know it was wrong.

I just wanted to be in
the battle city tournament.

That's all.

The most important part
of being a great duelist

Is always playing with honor.

There would be no satisfaction
in cheating your way in.

You're right.
I'm sorry.

So, who's the punk that
stole your dueling deck?

I don't know--

He had beady bug eyes

And a head
like a blue beetle.

Bug eyes?
Head like
a beetle?

Wait a sec!

All: it's gotta be
weevil underwood!

I guess weevil's still up to
his old tricks, eh, joey?

Joey: alright,
now I'm angry!

Where is he?

Now I'm gonna teach
that little bug

A thing or two!

Boy: he's by
the fountain.

Joey: he's mine!hold on!

Goodbye, now!

See ya,
and good luck!

So, were you

Yup, totally!

I did what
you told me to,

And they believed
every single word.

Ha! Then the fools have
crawled right into my trap!

Wheeler is mine!


Alright, I did it.

Now give me that rare
card you promised me.

Ah, yes, the rare card.

Oh, awesome!

Hey! It's a stinking
gokibore card!

has this one!


So, you want me to
give you something else?


How about a taste
of my arachno slime!!


My plan is coming
together perfectly.

Yugi may have defeated my
great moth in duelist kingdom.

But after the trap
I've set...

Wheeler won't
stand a chance!


Woman: kenta! You
can't hide from me!


Did you hear anyone
come in here?

Why do you ask?

There's a little boy
running around the ward

Trying to avoid
getting his x-rays taken.

He must be scared.

Yeah, he won't go
near the machine,

Even though I told him
it's painless.

It's okay. You can
come out now.

You knew I was here?

I could hear
you breathing

Under the bed.

So, how come you
didn't turn me in?

I was kinda scared of
some of the tests here, too.

But you know,

They're not as bad
as you think they are.

There must be
something I can do

To pay you back
for covering for me!

Any ideas?

Yeah, I've got it.

You could check out
the battle city
web site for me.

Sure, but how come?

My brother's dueling today.

He's a duelist?

Joey: where is that
bug-eyed punk?

That kid said he
was around here!

Weevil: looking for someone?

Tristan: yeah, I thought
I smelled a dung beetle.

That's my greeting
after all this time?

You stole that
little kid's cards,

Didn't you,

I don't remember
stealing any cards.

Well then, maybe I can help
refresh your memory.

Tristan, wait.

We'll settle this fair
and square with a duel.

Tea: be really
careful, joey.

Remember when
weevil threw
yugi's exodia cards

Off the boat to
duelist island?

This guy's
a major cheater!


Careful where you point
that finger, tea.

It might get bitten
by one of my pets.


Joey: alright,
let's do this!

That's fine with me,

But we'll duel for
two locator cards!

Two of them?

Tea: but if you lose
both locator cards,

You'll have no way of
getting to the finals!

It's way
too risky, joey.

That's if you
even have two!

That's it!!

Be careful,

Yugi squashed this
creepy little bug

The first time
they squared off

At duelist kingdom.

Now I guess it's my
turn to do the same.

How many locator cards
do you have?


Then once I step on
ya and take them both,

Plus your rarest card,

I'll be personally

For kicking your
ugly mug out of
the tournament!

Just like yugi did
last time!


Let's do this!

Both: it's time to duel!

Joey: first
I'll play...

My swordsman
of landstar
in att*ck mode!


And I'll leave
this little number

Face down for later.

Take your best sh*t.

Your "swordsman"
looks like

He popped out
of a toy-box!

This toy's gonna slice
and dice your hive.

Well is that so?

Not if I play
the much more powerful

Flying kamakiri # !

Now my flying friend,

Crush his mini-monster!

Watch this!

It's my shield
and sword magic card!

It swaps the att*ck
and defense points

Of both our monsters,

Making my swordsman's
att*ck strength

A cut above your bug's!



Nice try.

But when flying kamakiri #
is sent to the graveyard,

It automatically summons
the even more powerful warrior

To take its place!

The dreaded
flying kamakiri # !



Your brother's name
is joey wheeler, right?

That's it.

Oh man! It says
he's dueling

With a regional
champion right now!

Hey, don't sound
so worried.

My brother came
in second place

In the duelist
kingdom tournament.


I know joey will
b*at this guy.

You're no match for
my winged warrior,

So give it up, wheeler!

awesome--it's jinzo,

The card I won
from espa roba!

Now I just need to
get it on the field.

Hurry up, wheeler.

My flying kamakiri
is getting hungry.

And it's feeding time!

Just ignore him.

come on, joey.

Ha, no sweat.

I'll just sacrifice
my swordsman,

So I can put jinzo
on the map!


Jinzo! Smash
his kamakiri

Like a bug
on a windshield!

Joey: yeah!


That wasn't
supposed to happen!

Ha! Eat dirt,
you little grub!

Tea: squash that
mealworm, joey!

Here's one more...
In defense mode!

Just try to att*ck this!

You just set 'em up...

And I'll knock 'em down.

Jinzo, att*ck!


Ha ha ha!

What's that?

That's my flying
leech, kiseitai!

It attaches itself
to the first monster
that att*cks it.

Then it increases
my life points

By every time
it's your turn.

So, as long as my leech
continues to feed,

My life points
continue to grow!

That's not cool.


And this is just
the beginning

Of what I have
planned for you.

You've got a lot to learn
about the insect world,

And I'm just the duelist
to teach you, wheeler!

Now I'll play another
monster in defense mode.

I'll take care
of that!

And I'll take
more life points!


Thanks to my
leech friend.

Jinzo may have
a leech on him,

But he can
still cyber-att*ck!

You're too kind.

Hey wait.
More life points?

That's right! You att*cked
my skull-mark ladybug,

Which gives me an extra
life points!

Didn't I tell you,
you had a lot to learn!?

Insect cards can be
very, very tricky.

I'm afraid joey is
going to have to be

Ready for anything.


I'll play yet another
monster in defense mode.

And since it's
your turn again...

More life points please.


With my leech feeding
on your monster,

My life points will
continue to grow

Making me indestructible!

Say goodbye to
the battle city tournament,


Now how's joey doing?

Well, it looks like he's
in kind of a tight spot.

Don't get me wrong,

He's playing
really well...

But this underwood guy
keeps turning things around.

I know my brother
can handle

Whatever his opponent
tries to do.

How do you know?

My brother joey won't
let anything stop him.

He's been in tough
situations before,

And he always comes
through and makes me proud.

I hope
you're right...

Because if he loses his
only two locator cards,

He's out of
the tournament!

There's only
one thing

That my brother
needs to do right now:

He needs to believe
in himself.

Here goes

Ahh, this
will help.

It's time to burn
off your leech.

Bug boy,
meet panther warrior!

It needs a sacrifice
in order to att*ck,

So, I'll sacrifice my jinzo

And get rid of your leech.

Now panther warrior,


Joey got rid of that
bloodsucking leech!

That stops weevil's
life points

From increasing!

Okay, wheeler,
enough playing around.

Up until this point,
I've been going easy on you.

But you're
starting to bug me,

So the time has come
to unleash

The fury of my ultimate

I summon the larvae moth!

It's the bug that weevil
used against yugi...


I see your memory's
better than your
dueling, wheeler.

Then you probably know
that you're about
to get demolished!

Once I wrap my
terrifying larva

In the all-powerful
cocoon of evolution!

This isn't good!

[Weevil laughs]

Over the next turns,

The cocoon of evolution

Will transform my mere
larvae moth...

Into a huge beast known as

The perfectly ultimate
great moth!

Uh-oh. This is bad.

Your brother might be
in serious trouble.

Weevil just combined some
of the most powerful cards

In all of duel monsters.

I'm sure that joey
can handle it.

Well if he's really as
good as you say he is,

Now's the time
for him to prove it.

Weevil: more turns,

And my ultimate great moth

Will emerge and turn
you into bug-chow!


I gotta pop
that pupa!

I don't think so,

My next card will crush any
chance of that happening.

You see, there's
already a parasite

Living inside
your deck.

Parasite--an insect that
lives off of other animals.

So, I play
reckless parasite,

Which brings the parasite
in your deck to life!

You gotta be
outta your mind!

My deck doesn't have
any insect card--


You were saying?

Looks like you had
a parasite paraside card

In your deck
and I've activated it!

Now every monster you
play will be infected!

really gross.

That little germ!

It looks like weevil pulled
a fast one on you, joey!

I know!

But how did
he get that

Parasite card
in my deck?

That kid musta been
workin' for weevil!

I bet he
slipped it in!

A great duelist prepares
for an encounter

Long before it takes place!

But that's against
the rules!

Tristan: you creepy
little cheater!

Cheater? It's not my fault

That joey didn't think
to examine his deck

Before challenging
me to a duel.

Hey, watch it!

And while your monster's
being infected,

My great moth
will be evolving.

So, I'll play one
card face down...

And end my turn.

It's true my
panther warrior

May be infected...

But he can
still att*ck you

As long as I
sacrifice another
monster, bug breath!


Remember every
monster you play

Becomes infected
by the parasite.


So, you can't sacrifice

A parasite-infected monster,

Which means your pathetic
panther warrior can't att*ck!

Well, I got
another plan,

So I'll play
tiny guardian.

Now another one of your
monsters is infected,

And my great moth
is still evolving!

You don't seem
to realize

That your cocoon
of evolution

Has zero att*ck points.

Ha! att*ck points
mean nothing, you fool!

It's defending me!

Take a closer look,
flea brain!

It can't be!

I forgot to switch my
cocoon into defense mode!

That's right!

And with zero
att*ck points,

It's a sitting duck.

Tiny guardian,

Oh, no!

I'm done!
Or so you think!

This magic card
will save me.

I activate
insect barrier!!

It protects me by repelling
all insect att*cks!

And since every monster

Infected by a parasite
becomes an insect,

My barrier will protect
me and my cocoon

From all of your monsters!

I can't att*ck!

Come on, joey,

You gotta
kick weevil's
cheatin' butt

To stay in
the tournament!

Joey, you've got
to stay calm

And believe
in your deck.

There may be a way
to use weevil's

Own trick against him!

It is hopeless!

Once my great moth awakens
and then emerges

From its cocoon
in just turns

It will completely
annihilate you!!

What's going on
with my brother?

Well, his cards are still
infested with that parasite.

What about that
gross moth thing?

It says here that
joey still has

Moves before
it hatches.

That's good.

But when
that happens...
Yeah? Go on.

It's gonna take a miracle
to keep him from losing.

Come on, joey!

Wheeler! Thanks
to my barrier,

None of your monsters
can att*ck me!

And while I wait for my
great moth to evolve,

I'll start weakening
your life points.

I know I can
take this guy.

First, I gotta
build up my defense

To protect
my life points.

Then, like yugi's
grampa said,

Maybe I can use
that parasite card
to help me.

Weevil: now,
I summon leghul!

att*ck his
life points directly!

Aah! How'd you
do that?

I still have monsters
on the field!


Leghul is able to
bypass your monsters!

Your life points are
in serious trouble,

And you still
can't att*ck me!

Care to throw in
the towel, wheeler?

I don't think so.

I switch both of
my monsters into
defense mode.

How sad.

You know what happens
in just more turns.

My great moth is born!

But meanwhile...

Leghul att*ck his
life points directly!

Don't give up, joey!

Two turns, and you
still can't att*ck me!

I gotta pass again!

Just one turn to go!

I promise you this.

My ultimate
great moth is like

Nothing you've
ever faced before

Or will ever face again!

Enough with
the moth underwood,

We get it!

Stay cool, tristan.

Joey, thinking:
this is just like when yugi

Dueled that rare hunter

And I was freakin' out.

But he showed me that even
when the odds are against you,

A true duelist keeps his
cool and trusts his deck.

This duel isn't
over yet, weevil.

I still got some
preparin' to do

Before your moth hatches.

I play alligator's sword
in defense mode.

And I play another card
face down to end my turn.

Ha! Now your gator
is parasite-food, too!


I'm all set to face
this big moth of yours,

So why don't you
bring it on now!


We're about to see exactly
how ready you are!

Times up, wheeler!

Ultimate great moth!!!

Erupt from your cocoon

And reveal your
supreme power!


Man! That's big!

Weevil: behold
the insect embodiment

Of your
final destruction!


It's all over for you wheeler!


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