02x15 - Playing with a Parasite, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x15 - Playing with a Parasite, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh!

for someone?

Joey: let's do this!

So I play
reckless parasite,

Which brings
the parasite
in your deck to life!

But how'd he get
that parasite card
in my deck?

That kid must've been
working for weevil!

I bet he
slipped it in!

I activate
insect barrier!

It protects me
by repelling
all insect att*cks!

I can't attack!

Ultimate great moth!

Erupt from your cocoon

And reveal
your supreme power!

Behold your final

Ha ha ha!

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of game ♪

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

your parasite-infected

Still can't attack me!

Well, it's not
over yet!

Give it up, wheeler!

Now that
my ultimate great moth
has emerged,

You're as good
as squashed,

And your two
locator cards are mine!

You wish.

Zap that
big bug, joey!

Stay focused!

You'll be saying good-bye
to battle city

In no time, wheeler!


Prepare to witness

The devastating power
of my great moth!

Destroy his
alligator's sword now!

Unh! Uhh!

Come on!

You must have some
kind of giant fly swatter

Or something
in your deck.

What are you,

His pom-pom girl?

Don't make me
come over there!

Look. Thanks
to the parasite

Living off his side
of the field,

All of wheeler's cards
are now insects,

Allowing my insect barrier

To block every one
of their att*cks!

Besides, only gate guardian

And the blue-eyes
ultimate dragon

Have enough attack points
to defeat my great moth,

And I doubt you
have either of them

In your pathetic deck!


It doesn't look
too good for joey.

The great moth
is just too tough.

Maybe we should
just log off-line now.

No way, kenta.

Joey's gonna win,

And we're not
giving up on him.

How can you
be so sure?

His life points
keep getting lower.

Joey hasn't been
able to attack,

And this monster
seems unbeatable.

Maybe the best move

Is to just run away
and hide.

You mean kind of
like you did today?

I guess.

Some things are
just really scary,

when you have to
do them all alone.

And I don't want
my x-ray taken,

So I'm gonna
stay in here.

Thinking: how am I
ever gonna crush
weevil's great moth?

That thing's too strong,

And none of my monsters
can attack anyway.

Come on, deck.
Show me some love!


Yes! Just the card
I needed, baby!

Look out, you little vermin.
Joey's got a plan!

I place one card

And switch
all my monster cards

To attack mode.

Did I
hear joey right?

How can joey
attack weevil's moth

When his monsters
are weaker?

The pressure's
finally gotten to him!

He's cracking up!

Grandpa: unless he's
doing what I think he is.

Bring it on!

You got it!

Heh heh heh!

I doubt that
a fool like you

Could have
anything sneaky planned.

But just in case,

I'll place this monster
in defense mode.

Now, you remember
leghul, don't you?

Heh heh heh!

Perhaps I should
refresh your memory!


Bypass his monsters

And attack
his life points

Ha ha ha!

Get up, joey!


Now, since you put
your parasite card
in attack mode

And it's technically
your weakest monster

On the field,
I'm going to attack it,

Which will knock
your life points

Down to zero!

Finish him off,
my great moth!

Nice try, bug brain!

Reveal skull dice!

This card will reduce
your monster's
attack power,

Depending on
the roll of the die.

So the higher
the number,

The weaker
your moth gets!


What!? A two!

Oh, well, it still
cuts the attack points

Of your oversized
pest in half!

That was a sad attempt
to survive, wheeler.

My moth can still blow
your parasite to pieces!

Don't count on it.

I'll reveal my other
facedown card!

The magic card,
graceful dice...

Part of my ingenious
master plan!

The higher I roll,
the stronger

My parasite monster
will become,

You little termite!

Bet you're sorry
you snuck that

Into my deck now, huh?

Uhh! It can't be!

I need a or higher
to swat your moth.

All right!

Parasite paracide's
attack points

Multiply by
to , !

I can't watch!

Say bye-bye
to your bug!


Up high!

I knew joey
could do it!

Great dueling!

Kenta: whoa!

Hey! Check it out!


Joey just crushed
weevil's great moth,

And he used the card

Weevil snuck into
his deck to do it!

That's right, weevil.
Joey's back.

My moth, my precious,
precious, great moth!

You've squashed it
like a common fly!

Uhh, you'll pay!

This duel isn't over yet,
wheeler, not by a mile!

Ha! Bring it on,

I'll exterminate all
your little critters.

You won that round.

But my next surprise
will win me the duel

And send you packing.

We'll just see
about that, weevil.

Yes, we will. Ha!

First, I'll play this!


My insect soldiers
of the sky!

Next comes a magic card!

Eradicating aerosol!

This card has
the power to destroy

Any insect card
on the field,

And since all of your
parasite-infected monsters

Are still insects,

I could take
one of them out,

But I've got bigger plans.

So I play pinch hopper!

And now I can
destroy my own insect!

What gives?
pinch hopper

Goes to the

can summon

Any monster
from his hand!

Any monster?!

Yes! Eradicating aerosol,

Now destroy
my pinch hopper!

Heh heh!

Now I can summon
a creature

Whose attack power
is virtually limitless!

Ha ha!

Insect queen!

She's my rarest card
and, if played the right way,

Is totally unstoppable!

Prepare to lose
it all, wheeler!

You may have defeated
my great moth,

But my queen will trounce
your puny defense

And wipe out
your life points!

Now you will face a power
like no other!


Say good-bye
to battle city!

If you think my insect queen
is powerful now,

Just wait until you
see her special function!

She absorbs the attack points
of every insect on the field!

It's still got
less than your moth,

And I creamed
that thing.

You weren't listening.

She absorbs the points
of every insect,

Yours included!

Mine? That's right!

My monsters are still
considered insects

Because of that
stinking parasite!

Exactly! Now absorb
their power, my queen.

a thousand more
attack points!

Come on!
Oh, no!


Remember, insect cards
can be extremely tricky

And to battle
an insect duelist,

You have to think
like an insect duelist!

You destroyed
his great moth,

And you can destroy
his insect queen!

Hee hee hee!


Now joey's up
against a monster

That's even stronger
than the great moth.

It could be over.

How can he face
that thing all alone?

It's too powerful.

Joey isn't alone,

He knows I'm always
there with him.

And if I need help,

I know my brother's
always there for me.

When I was scared
to get my operation,

He gave me the strength
I needed to go through with it.

He's more than my brother.

Joey's my friend,
and we're there

To support each other
no matter what.

So even though I'm not
next to him right now,

He knows I believe in him,

And our bond of friendship
will always be there.

Hey, will you
be my friend?


So if you ever
get frightened,
I'll be there for you.

But right now, joey
needs both of our help.

So let's cheer him on!

And now
I give my queen

Another power boost!

I sacrifice leghul!


The more she feeds,
the more powerful
she becomes.

That's just

Insect queen, attack!

his tiny guardian!

Now your monster is...

Bug juice!

And you lost some
serious life points.

And it gets better.

With every monster
my queen destroys,

She lays an egg!

Ha ha ha!

These eggs let her keep
the extra attack points

Even after
the monster's destroyed.

Hee hee hee!

Plus, when
these eggs hatch,

I'll have
an entire insect army!

I gotta scramble those eggs

Before any munchkin monsters

They'll be on me
like a swarm of k*ller bees!

But as long as weevil's
insect barrier's in effect,

I can't attack!

Even if I do summon a monster,

That parasite card
will turn it into a bug,

And then his insect queen

Will absorb its attack points
and get stronger.

There's gotta be a way
out of this.

Here goes nothing.


I'll place one card
facedown on the field

And end my turn.


Joey, you
forgot to switch
all your monsters

Back into defense mode!


Tough luck.

Now there's nothing
defending your life points

Against my att*cks!

Time to finish
you off, wheeler!


Oh, no! If joey's
att*cked now,

His life points
will drop to zero!

Ha! So long, wheeler.

I summon
cockroach knight

To feed my queen!

And whenever my cockroach
is destroyed,

It returns
to the top of my deck.

So I can keep
sacrificing it

To increase
my queen's strength.

And now, my insect queen,

Destroy his panther,

Then knock him out
of the tournament

For good!

Now, insect queen, attack!
Your life points are history.

Don't be so sure,

Let's see
if you can guess

What's beneath
card number one!

No! Not a trap card!

You kept your monsters
in attack mode

On purpose, didn't you?!

On the nosey!

And because
you fell for it,

You went for the k*ll.
It's time to pay!

magic arm shield!

My insect soldiers
of the sky!

My magic arm shield

Lets me defend myself
against your attack

By using one
of your monsters
to deflect the blow!


Now whose points
are history?

What strategy!

Joey just
slipped through
weevil's traps

For the second time.

Thinking: I knew
you would, big brother.

You may have blocked
one attack,

But you're just
prolonging your defeat!

Ugh! I can't
stand him!

Joey will shut him up
as soon as he destroys
that insect queen!

What's the matter,

Did your flea-sized brain
run out of ideas already?

There's no way out!

As my queen
gets stronger,

She'll continue
to lay eggs

That'll hatch into a swarm
of insect warriors!

And as if that
wasn't enough

To ensure my victory
in this duel, wheeler,

to my insect barrier,

You still can't attack!

Don't count
your eggs yet.

To protect
my life points,

I'll put
both my monsters
in defense mode.

Ha ha ha!

Looks like someone's
running out of options,

But relax...

I promise that I'll
finish you quickly.

You recognize this?

It's cockroach knight

Eat and grow strong,
my queen!

And now,

Attack his panther warrior!


Hee hee hee!

Another one bites the dust!

Thinking: oh, man.

The only thing standing
in between weevil
and my life points

Is that parasite card.

I gotta summon another monster
if I want to squash him.

But whatever I summon
will become infected

By the parasite
and feed his insect queen.

And once those eggs hatch,

I'm in real trouble!

Time to hand over
your locator cards

And go home, wheeler!

Ha ha ha!

Maybe bug boy's right.
I used up my best cards already,

And that queen's way too strong.

Hang in there, joey!

We're all behind you!

trust yourself, joey!

Trust your deck!

Focus, joey!

You've gotten out of tougher
situations than this before!

And remember, serenity
looks to you for strength.

So you gotta stomp this
termite for your sister!


tristan's right!

Serenity's never
given up on me!

When I dueled that
psychic fraud, espa roba,

And the odds were
against me, she never
stopped believing in me.

So I'm not about
to let my sister down

By letting
this bug-eyed freak
get the best of me.

Plus, the whole g*ng's
rooting for me,

And with my friends
behind me,

There's no way I can lose!

That's right! Don't
quit on us now!

'Cause we
believe in you!

What's happening?

in a tight spot,

And he needs
all the strength
we can give him.

We got to keep
cheering, serenity.

Are you with me?


Both: joey! Joey!

Go! You can
do it, joey!

Don't let
that little bug
push you around!

Believe in yourself,

Weevil: just give up,
wheeler! It's over!

Joey wheeler
doesn't quit.

Maybe you'd understand
if you had friends.

Come on!

that's what I'm talking about!

Looks like things
are starting to turn around.

You're finished.

You know
parasite paracide

Will infect any monster
that you summon.

I'll place
one card facedown,
then summon...

the iron knight!

You fool!
Once your knight

Has been infected
by my parasite card,

He'll just be
another snack for
my ravenous queen.

Joey: don't be so sure
about that, weevil.

Some cards are bug-proof!

What's wrong?

Why can't the parasite
feed on it?

He's gearfried
the iron knight!

And that slimy
parasite's helpless

his metal armor.

How'd you
figure that out?!

He did
his homework,

You should
have known

That parasite

Wasn't able to feed
off of metal.

And you
call yourself

An expert
insect duelist?!


That means the knight
can smash

the insect barrier
and attack!

And I got a perfect plan

To wipe out
your insect queen, weevil!

And my plan starts
with those eggs!


the iron knight,

his queen's eggs...


Lower her attack power!


That's it! Next turn,
you're bug food!

Oh, yeah!
All right!

Joey remembered
her weakness.

The queen needs her eggs

To keep her
attack points high.

If they're destroyed,
she gets weaker!

Every time

The insect queen chows
an opponent's monster,

She boosts her attack points
and she lays another egg!

But until they hatch,

Those eggs are defenseless!

And now that
your insect barrier

Can't stop my att*cks,

I'm free
to wipe them out!

So tell me, weevil,

Does insect queen
like her eggs poached

Or sunnyside up?

Grr! Enjoy this
while it lasts,

'Cause after my turn,
I'll be one duel closer

To the battle city


No one gets away
with disrespecting
my queen like that!

Prepare to be pulverized,

As I power-up
my mighty insect queen

With even more attack points!

First off,

I will summon soldier ant,

Then activate
the magic card,

Ant reproduction!

Hee hee hee...

Watch them multiply
into an ant colony!

What now?

I'll explain--this card
takes one soldier ant

And turns it
into an army of ants

For the length of my turn.

I bet you know
what's next.

Right, wheeler?

gonna absorb

The attack points
of each one

And then
get even stronger!

That's right!

And now that
my mighty queen's
done powering-up,

It's the end
of joey wheeler
once and for all!



Uh-oh! If
weevil destroys
joey's knight,

This duel's

Good-bye, wheeler.

And now, my lovely queen,

Destroy his scrap heap
of a knight

And what's left
of his life points!

You can do it, joey!

Come on!

Ugh! You grub!

I was hoping
you would attack me.

You were?

All part of my plan.

Activate the trap card!


Not graverobber!

Yup. It can take a card
from your graveyard

And use it against you.

And he just nabbed
your can of aerosol!

Time to exterminate
your queen!



There goes
my pest problem!

What have you done
to my queen?!

But wait! I'm not
through with you yet,

Weevil underpants!

destroy his last egg

And the rest
of his life points!


Welcome to
loserville, weevil--


Uh, i--i lost?

I don't believe it!


All right!

You sure showed
that little sneak!

Way to go!

All right, weevil.
Cough them up--

Your insect queen
and locator cards!

Have mercy.

Mercy? No way!

You should've
thought of that

Before you
decided to cheat.

Now, just like
at duelist kingdom,

You're out
of the tournament!

Aah! Uhh!

It's over! He won!

Joey kicked weevil's
buggy butt!

He almost lost
a zillion times,

But he never
gave up.

Ha ha!


I'm through
running away!


I'm not afraid

I know I can
face anything

As long as I have
friends like you.

That's right.

And then who knows?

Maybe someday
I could become
a top-ranked duelist

Just like
your brother!

Then all my friends can
come and cheer me on!

Ha ha ha!

I'll cheer
the loudest.

So, can you get me
joey's autograph?

Wow! What a duel!

I can't believe wheeler
pulled it off!

He wasn't second
at duelist kingdom
for nothing!

Yugi, thinking: awesome!

Joey's almost made it
to the finals!

And he did it
all without his red eyes.

I know it's my destiny
to help yami save the world,

And I get the feeling
joey's red eyes

Is gonna help me do it.

It won't be easy,

Especially with marik's
rare hunters out there

Looking for me.

But I'll be ready!

Marik, voice-over
the time is growing close,

My mind-sl*ve.

Soon we'll destroy yugi
together! Heh heh!
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