02x19 - Legendary Fisherman, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x19 - Legendary Fisherman, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

My friends are in danger!

I gotta find 'em before marik's
rare hunters do!

Going somewhere?

If you'd like to rescue
your friends...

You'll have to make it
past us first.

N' that's no easy task.

Listen carefully...

I will get past!


But I'm afraid the only way to
get by us is to defeat us

In a duel.

Yeah and that means you
have to defeat both of us.

Sorry but we have strict
orders from master marik.

So which one of us
shall go first?

The honor belongs to you.

Oh no, you first.
I insist.

Fine let's draw for it.

With our usual game?


Rock, paper, scissors sh**t!

Rock, paper scissors sh**t!


This always happens!

It wouldn't happen
if you played something
besides paper!

Why don't you play
something else?

Rock, paper...
Scissors! sh**t!

Rock, paper, scissors!...


That's enough!
Time's running out!

Not to worry, we shall
defeat you soon

But as you know only one of us
may duel you at a time.

But not if both of us
duel against you.


Now it's two on two.

We accept your challenge!

We'll win both their
egyptian god cards
at once!

You two won't win...

You got it?

But it is true that the losing
pair will hand over

Their rarest cards and locator
cards to the winners.

And if you two pathetic fools
believe you'll be taking our

Egyptian god cards away...

You obviously don't know who
you're dealing with.

And as soon as you two are
out of the way,

I'm dueling you yugi.

We'll see.


Its time to begin this duel

Yes so we can
receive our reward
from master marik.

For once we defeat you

He'll have all three
egyptian god cards!

Let's go!

It's time to duel!

Who shall begin?

We'll let you go first

Conquering you two chumps
won't take very long at all.

Trust me.

I play the magic card,
pot of greed!

It allows me to draw two cards
from my deck.

And next I'll summon a monster
known as the lord of dragons!

Now I'll add not one, but two
flutes of summoning dragon.

But what's the point
of all this, anyway?


Any amateur knows that one flute
can summon two dragons

To the dueling field....

So since I have two flutes
I can summon four dragons!

Four in one turn!?

That's right.

Now behold the awesome strength

Of three blue-eyed
white dragons!

Plus the mighty hyozanryu!

I told you this
wouldn't take long.


I must get past them
and find my friends.

I hope you realize
this is just the beginning

Of what my deck has
in store for you.

It gets better.

So please feel free to forfeit
the duel at any time.


I place one monster
in defense mode.

Very well.

I'll place two cards facedown.

Is that the best
you can do yugi?

If that's all you've got,

I can't wait to
battle you myself.

Let's end this!

It'll be over soon.

Then our duel can begin.

First I must make sure
my friends are safe.

Now let's get on
with this duel.

I play kuriboh
in defense mode!

Now rare hunter,
your move!

I hope you've
got a plan!

As a matter of fact I do.

And once we destroy them
we'll hand both of their
egyptian god cards

To master marik!

I drew mirror force!

Just the card I need
for our victory!

The first thing
that I'll do

Is place this one
trap card facedown.

Then a monster
in defense mode.

If you're trying to
lay a trap...

You're wasting your time
and mine.

Be careful kaiba - rare hunters
can be cunning.

Relax, yugi.

I'm about to end this duel.

Well then...!

Stand back and observe.

Now prepare to meet
a creature

Like none you've seen before.

I'll sacrifice...

My three blue eyes!


My great beasts!

So I can summon
my egyptian god card...

An almighty creature
that knows no equal!

Behold its absolute power!

Oh no!

What's that?!

The invincible obelisk
the tormentor!

You're no match for
my egyptian god card!

Now behold obelisk the
tormentor's special ability!

I sacrifice two more of my
monsters to increase his power!

Now obelisk...

Destroy all of their monsters!

He just wiped out
our defense!

And now my egyptian god card...

Finish them off!

I'm really sorry to
disappoint you!

But mirror force will
reflect obelisk's attack
right back at you.

I'm afraid that your weak trap
card won't work.

Now go!

Victory's ours!

You two are finished!

I appreciate your assistance

Now I can find my friends.

And then we duel!

Tell me now!

Where are my friends!?

Yugi, don't walk away
without taking
your prize first...

Your locator card,

I must make sure my friends
are alright.

Hold on!

I won't duel you now,

Mokuba, yugi's friends
are in danger.

Contact headquarters and tell
them to use our satellite system

To track the location of that
pathetic wanna-be joey wheeler.

I'm sure the others
will be there.

Thank you, kaiba.

I'll help you find your
little group of cronies.

Then be ready...
For our duel, yugi.

Our satellites should hone in
on joey's duel disk in no time.

It worked!

Master marik is about
to get his wish!

Everyone he wants...

All in one place.

I am the greatest fisherman!

In all the seven seas--ahhhhh!

What do you think
you're doing?!

I was just trying to
catch my lunch

When suddenly this great beast
att*cked me from out of nowhere!

This is an aquarium!

- And you were stealing
his lunch!

I'm feeling sick enough
as it is.

Now get out!

A thousand apologies!

I was just trying to
catch my daily meal!

Well go before
you are a meal!

You alright!?

I'll get you.

You're burning up!

But what about
the ocean world show?

I have to be in it...

Not in the shape
that you're in.

But I'm the only person here
the whales will obey.

Fear not!

For I am one with the sea

And all the creatures
that inhabit it!

Soon I shall reach the center
of battle city!

Then it won't be long before
the limitless power of
the pharaoh himself

Belongs to me!

I sense a familiar
dark energy...

The same force that
controlled bandit keith.

And my ring detects another
millennium item approaching.

I'll be sure to add it
to my collection.

Soon I shall possess all seven!

Hey bakura!

What's up man?

Here to check out some duels?

Oh hey guys!

So tell me, how is the
tournament progressing so far?


I already scored four
locator cards.

All I need are two more
and I'll be in da finals!

That's quite

And where is yugi?

We've been looking all over
for him.

I'll bet he's probably somewhere
kicking some serious butt.

Can't ya see it!?
Me and yugi in da finals

Battling in da rematch
of da century!

Aren't you getting ahead of
yourself there champ?


I do need to crush a coupla
more duelists first.

Hey, check it out.

Look guys!

Isn't that mako tsunami?


He should be dueling not
performing with shamu!

You're right!

Let's find 'im!

Den...i'll challenge 'im
to a duel!

Finals here I come!


Hey! Hey, wait for me!

Play your foolish games
while I become the most

Powerful being in the world!

So do ya see 'im?

He's the one
on the whale.

It's show time!

Man dats a strange sight.


Thanks for the lift!

Even the great beasts of the sea
can be tamed!


This is even better
than cats!

Hey mako!
Ova here!

Hi my old friends!

It's been a while.

Yes, since duelist kingdom
I believe.

It's nice to see you my friends.

What are you doing
performing at the
aquarium, mako?

We thought you'd
be here dueling.

I am here to duel - and win -

But my kinship with the sea
was needed first.

Well, hop off shamu
and let's duel!

Are you sure about that?


You'd be better off
just enjoying my show.

Here's your show!?


I have four locator cards.

Join da club fish boy.

I'm impressed!

Then we shall duel and give all
these people a show to remember.

Cheerin' fans?
Oh, I'm in.

Awesome, they're gonna duel!

That's even better
than the whale!


Wow! Dis crowd digs me!

So let's do dis!

Land lover...

Put up two locator cards!

Whoever wins this goes
directly to the finals.


Takin' your cards'll
be a pleasure.

Time ta duel!


Let's go!

Come on joey beat im!

Once I unleash my mighty
denizens of the deep,

You'll be all washed up, joey!

You've got a big mouth and
a short memory, shark bait!

I was da one fighting in
the duelist kingdom finals

While you were swimming
back home!

Now check dis out!

Aww yeah!


"Is this a dance or a duel?"

Here we go...

It's official -
he's lost his mind.

Wait'll he sees thi---

It's dat parasite card weevil

Snuck in my deck
to sabotage me!

I forgot to take it out!

Okay joey - just keep
dat adorable game face on

And never let 'em see you sweat.

Go already guppy!

Make your move or forfeit!

Quit rushin' me!

I'll give you a chance to
back out if you're scared.

You wish, squid brain.

This is a strategy.

I hope I can use dis this thing
to infect his monstas.

I place my card face-down.

Well it's about time.


I summon the mighty flying fish!

Attack his facedown card!

Prepare to be infected!

Hey wait!
My parasite didn't work!


That's because your parasite
was weaker than my monster,

Allowing me to destroy it!

So you mean...

You just wasted
your first turn.

Now who's the shark bait!?

Dis is so not good...

Come on joey, this is too
embarrassing to watch.


Here we go again.

I'll place another card
face down.

I was just gettin'
warmed up before.

Dis time it's fa real.

And I got a plan

Dat'll leave your little
goldfish high and dry!


Well I'll be ready for
this so called strategy.

I'll place a monster
facedown as well...

And end my turn.

Let's see your strategy!

Alright barnacle breath!

Watch da masteeeeer.

Get on with it!

Hey, I'm just tryin' ta give
dis crowd a good show!

Unlike you dat's what
I'm talkin' about.

I sacrificed
my facedown monsta

In order to summon
the ferocious garoozis!

Nice try.

But I activate
torrential tribute!

I guess...

He's the most dramatic opponent
I've ever faced.

Keep an eye on little yugi's
friends, my rare hunters.

I'll be needing all of them
very shortly.

You're in my way.

You have something I seek.

The millennium ring!

It seems you're
the dark force

Whose presence
I've been sensing...

Give me your millennium item
and you may pass by.

You are somewhat familiar
with the ancient ways.

Why do you want my item?

If you must know...

I'm a collector of sorts.

And once I possess all seven
millennium items,

I'll control ancient powers
strong enough to rule
the entire world.

So I'll ask you
once again to hand over
your millennium rod.


Whoever he is,
he has knowledge of
the ancient scriptures.

Fortunately for me
this stranger doesn't
know everything...

For he who possesses
the boundless power of
the pharaoh himself

Controls a magic
far stronger than the
seven millennium items.

My name is marik.

I don't care.

What if I told you I had
exclusive knowledge
of certain secrets?

You can have my millennium
rod if you want.

But before I hand it
over to you,

You have to do something
for me in exchange.

For I am somewhat
of a collector myself.

And once I possess
what I desire...

The millennium rod will mean
absolutely nothing to me.

Why should I help?

I can take your millennium
item by force as I've done
to others in the past.

Because I know the
whereabouts of several
of the millennium items

Including the millennium
necklace worn by my sister!

Perhaps there is a way
we can work together

And help each other
to get what we want.

You've made a wise choice.

With our combined power
no one in the entire world
will be able to stop us!

This duel rocks!

Mako's fish deck's
destroying wheeler!

Flying fish attack my opponent's
life points directly!

Go joey!

And now I'll place one card
facedown and complete my turn.

Feel the power of my sea deck.

Mako tsunami will show no mercy!

Who's askin' ya to?

For years I have searched for my
lost father on the open seas...

And I've used nothing but
a small wooden fishing boat.

Every time I battle the mighty
ocean waters I become stronger.

And no matter how
difficult the struggle,

I have vowed never to stop
searching until I find him!

I face my dueling opponents
with the same determination

And I fight every duel
in honor of my father.

I know in my heart we'll be
reunited someday but
until that time...

Even though
he's not right here,

He continues to inspire me
and give me strength.

Guess what?

I got someone who inspires
me like dat also.

My little sista serenity.

N' guess what else!?

I don't show any
mercy either, pal.

Then on with the duel
my friend!

Yeah baby!

This is awesome!

You can do it!

Just stay calm, joey.

A'right let's go!

I play...

Alligator's sword!

In attack mode!

And I place two more cards

Your turn flipper.

Perhaps I underestimated him.

He is more determined
than I thought...

Very well...

I'll just have to
teach him a lesson.

Prepare to lose!

The only ding I'm gonna
lose is my lunch

From da smell of all
dis rotten fish.

I sacrifice the weaker flying
fish in order to summon

The stronger amphibian beast!

I'm not frightened
a dat tad pole!

You will be when
amphibian beast att*cks
with sea claw!

Hold on!

Activate fairy box!

Where did your gator
disappear to?

Well what's a matta?

You never played

That's very clever.
But watch this.

Even the mighty alligator sword
can't breathe underwater.

So I play umi!

Raise the water level
of this field by covering
it with ocean water!

My alligator's completely
submerged in water!

It's only a matter of time
before it has to
come up for air.

And that time is now,

Hold on, frog face!

Activate skull dice!

The number that I roll

Will determine how much
your toad's attack
points get decreased!


They get divided
by four!

Frog legs anyone!?

All right!

That just about

Evens the score!

You're a worthy opponent

Joey, well done.

You're pretty worthy
yourself there, mako.

But this duel has just
begun and the sea hides
many great mysteries...

And great terrors.

The most powerful
and dangerous creatures
of all lie hidden

Deep beneath its waters.

I will prevail and obtain
my place in the
battle city finals...

For I have a secret w*apon
guaranteed to destroy him.

And it waits in the depths
of my ocean deck.

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