02x20 - Legendary Fisherman, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x20 - Legendary Fisherman, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Keep an eye on
little yugi's friends,
my rare hunters.

I'll be needing
all of them very shortly.

Tea: look, guys.

Isn't that
mako tsunami?

You're right.
Hop off shamu,
and let's duel!

So I play umi!

Raise the water level
of this field.

For I have
a secret w*apon

to destroy him,

And it waits
in the depths
of my ocean deck.

Give me
your millennium item,

And you may pass by.

You can have
my millennium rod,

But before I
hand it over,

You have to do
something for me.

Why should I help?

Because I know
the whereabouts

Of severalof
the millennium items.

Perhaps there is a way
we can work together.

With our combined

No one
in the entire world

Will be able
to stop us!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

[Crowd cheering]

it won't be long

Before I take your
two locator cards

to the finals!

Joey: those are
pretty big words

Comin' from a guy
wit no monsters
on the field!

Joey: and now
I can hit ya where
it reallycounts:

Your life points!

Ha! Remember,
I've covered
the playing field

With ocean water,

Giving me
the upper hand!

Joey: if you dink
joey wheeler's afraid

Of a few drops of water,

Guess again,
ya big sardine!

Now hold on
to yuh swim trunks
while I go.

yeah, baby!

Dis little numba's
exactly what I need

To harpoon dis whale!

A'right mako...
Brace yourself,

'Cause I'm about to
bite a serious chunk

Outta your life points!

Mako: I'd like to
see you try, land lover!

Don't say
I didn't warn ya!

I summon baby dragon
in attack mode.

Huh. A baby!?

I'd suggest getting
a life preserver
for him!

He may not
be strong now...

But I'll use

To fuse
my two monstas together!

Say "hi" to
alligator's sword

Mako: battle city rules
state fusion monsters

Must wait one turn
before attacking!

I know dat,
aqua boy.

That's why I
plan to sink you
in my nextturn.

Think ya can wait?

Hmm. Mako waits
for nobody.

Now the tides
shall turn!

As I summon a monster
and hide it in the deep!

Show me your
underwater monster!

My beast will show itself
when the time arrives!

Tristan: joey's chum
if he doesn't find out

What's lurking
beneath those waves!

I know...

mako's sea monster
could be anything.

I don't even know
if it's in attack
or defense mode!

Fear what you
cannot see!

The ocean hides all!

Yeah, well,
if your little
chicken' a da sea

Is gonna hide...

Den I guess my
alligator's sword

Just hafta
fly over it!

So take off, guys.

And now it's time
for my dragon

To take a little
nose dive

Right into
your life points!


Unh! Uhh...

All right!
Looks like

The greatest
ocean duelist
in da seven seas

Is all washed up!



We're almost home,

Mako's father:
there's a storm ahead!

Look out! Dad!


there's one thing
I've learned

About the sea.

Don't underestimate
its strength!

And now I'll
place a card facedown!

Deep below the surface!

Then I guess it's time
ta finish you off!

Nice try, though.

But it looks like
I'llbe goin'
to the finals

With your
two locator cards!

Joey wins
if this attack works!

Let's cross
our fingers!

alligator's sword

Wipe out da rest
of his life points!

I'm afraid that
won't work twice!

Because I activate:
tornado wall!

The ocean's power
will defend my life points!


Ha. My trap card
has created a typhoon,

Forming giant
pillars of water

That will block
every one of your att*cks!

Nice try, joey!

mako's tropical storm

Is usin' all
the power of the ocean

Against me.

Sure, I'm standin'
on dry land now,

But what happens if he
releases his tornadoes

And floods the entire
playin' field again!?

My strategy's sunk!

Never underestimate
the power of the mighty sea!

Joey: a'right,

Call off da storm
and release
your tornadoes!

I can take it...

So bring on da flood...

Joey: aah!

Dat wasn't so bad.

the ocean's water

Still conceals
one of my monsters.

And now I sacrifice
my hidden beast

To summon
an even greaterone!

now there's an even
stronger monsta

Lurkin' down there!

How'm I supposed
to fight somethin'
I can't even see!?

Dis isn't good.

what's down there?!

You're about to get
your answer!

Prepare to meet
my rarest monster!

Just when you
thought it was safe

To go back
in da water!

Meet sea stealth two...
The legendary fisherman!


Well, I'll weaken 'im
wit energy drain!

It allows my dragon
ta blast your monster's
attack points

Down ta zero!

Not with the mighty sea
on my side!

My dragon!

But he was
supposed to zap
your monsta!

What's da deal!?

It's simple.

As long as the sea
covers the playing field,

My legendary fisherman
is protected from
all magic cards!

No! It can't be!

Ha ha ha!

My monster is
a longtime friend
of the sea,

And the very waters
in which it lives
shield it from harm.

Yeah!? Huh.

Well, we'll just
see about that!!

I'll place my own
mystery monster
in defense mode,

To keep you
guessing, mako.

Not for long!

Legendary fisherman!
Attack now!

I don't dink he
heard you down there.

A good fisherman
takes his time.

Aah! Huh?

My tiny guardian!

So, is snapper-head
gonna hide like
a frightened shrimp?

My fisherman is brave!

He has more nerve
than the mighty whale,

More strength than
the great white shark.

Rise to the surface!

Look in his eyes!

Whoa. It kinda
looks like you!

Only a little older
and a little creepier!

Huh. Watch yourself!

To me, that card
represents my father,

A courageous fisherman
who loves the sea
as much as I do--

The very sea that
took him from me

When I was a child.

Young mako:
I can't hang on!

You'll be
safe here, son.
I promise.


Mako: the ocean
can be a violent
and unpredictable force,

As well as a calm
and tranquil one.

The storm passed
as quickly as it arrived,

But my father was gone.


Where are you?


Mako: I noticed
the lifeboat was
missing from our ship,

So I knew
my father escaped,

And I waited day after day
for him to return.

I even built a monument
overlooking the sea

To guide him home.

Years passed,
but still I waited,

Watching the waves
for any glimpse
of my father.

He taught me
never to give up,

No matter how hopeless
the situation seems.

Rain or shine,
I kept watch,

Knowing he had to be
out there somewhere

And that one day,

The sea would
bring him home to me.

And then it happened....

Man: special
overseas delivery
for mr. Tsunam--

Ahhhhhh! Unh!

Mako, voice-over:
it was a package

a duel monsters card

And an anonymous note
that read, "don't give up!"

The card in the package
was sea stealth two,

A legendary fisherman,
just like my father.

I won't give up, dad!

I'll find you someday!

Mako: so now
I battle every duel

In the name of
my father.

Thinking of
his bravery

Gives me strength
and determination.

And my legendary
fisherman card

Reminds me
never to give up,

No matter how hard
the struggle.

And I can promise
all of you
by the seas...

I will not
lose this battle...

My legendary fisherman
will take me

Straight to the finals.

Let's go!

Yes. Let's get back
to this duel

So I can win!

I got alotta respect
for ya, mako,

But I'm da one
goin' to da finals,

And I'm gonna fillet
all your fish
to get there!

Then go ahead
and make your move,
little minnow!

I'll place
one card facedown...

And then I'll
summon a monster
in defense mode!

Let's see
what you'vegot.

My ocean as*ault
shall continue...

So prepare
for the worst,

For this next monster
can't be stopped!

Now I'll play...this!

My fortress whale's
oath card!

I'll use this magic card
andsacrifice two monsters!

So I can
bring forth this!

my fortress whale!

What's that thing!?

The most powerful
creature in my deck,

Capable of crushing you
with a single swipe!

what do I need
to do for you

In order to receive
the millennium items,

It's quite simple,

All right,
I'm listening.

Well, first,
answer me this...

How strong are
your dueling skills?

extremely strong!


You should know,
I've dueled in
several shadow games

Throughout history.


I'm not.
It all makes sense now.

I've returned
for the sole purpose

Of obtaining
the millennium

And the power
they possess.

Now I'll ask you
once again,

What do you
want from me?

I'm going to need you
to duel on my behalf.

Then I'll deliver
the items to you.

I'll duel whomever
you want me to,

Provided I receive
my payment

Once I'm done.

But tell me,

Just what is it
you expect to gain

From this battle
I duel for you,

I told you.

I'm a collector
like you.

Win me the cards I want,
and the items are yours.

Joey: dats a whale
of a monsta
right there, folks!

and the ocean field

Gives it even more
attack points.

I dink I may be
in ova my head here!

I must agree!

For starters,

I'm going to destroy
your defense monster.

Legendary fisherman,


Now that you have
no monsters on the field...

Fortress whale, attack his
life-points directly!


Oh, no!

his life points!

Man: wheeler's
almost finished!

come on, joey!

You can do it!

This duel
isn't over yet!

You're one step away
from the battle city
finals, joey!

Mako: your life-points
are almost depleted.

One more attack,
and you're sunk!

if I'm gonna
get outta dis mess,

I gotta summon a monsta
and attack 'im.

But his whale's
too powerful,

And in order to attack
his fisherman,

I'd hafta findit

Come on, joey!

There's still time
to turn this duel

Just believe
in yourself!

Look! See those
two shadows?

One of them has
gotta be the fisherman

That mako hid
under the water!

Make your move, joey,
so I can end this duel!

With my fortress whale

And my legendary fisherman
hidden below,

You're finished!

Aah! Huh?

the aquarium's
k*ller whale!

If he's over there,

Then the other shadow

Must be mako's legendary

I found him!

Now I just need
the right card

So I can
destroy 'im!

Let's see here...

I got two magic cards,

One monster card,

And one trap card...

Plus one card facedown
on da field.

It's not gonna be easy,

But I think I know
how to destroy
both his monstas.

I'll place two cards
facedown on the field.

Then I'll summon
my panther warrior

In attack mode!

Since panther warrior
needs a sacrifice

In order to attack,

I gotta end my turn.

Go ahead, crab-cake!

As soon as
my fortress whale att*cks...

Your life points
will go down to zero!

Prepare to be capsized
by my almighty behemoth!!

Time to say good-bye
to your life points!

Attack, my whale!

Joey: not quite.

I got a plan to turn
both your monstas
into fish sticks!

So I'll activate
my trap card now!

Magic arm shield!

Attach to
panther warrior!

And now it's time...
To go fishing!

And I know just
where to find
da catch a da day!

Crowd: whoa!

Joey: now it's time
to reel 'im in

And use 'im
as a shield


My legendary fisherman!

have to destroy 'im

'Cause yourwhale's
about to do dat for me!

It can't be!

Daddy, look out!



I destroyed my own
legendary fisherman,

The most prized card
in my entire dueling deck.

How could I be
so careless

To let something
like this happen?

it's just a card.

It's more
than just a card.

I need
my legendary fisherman

In order to be...

Whatta ya mean?

You're one
'a da bravest
guys I know.

You gotta
give yourself

A lot more credit
den dat, mako.

It's not that easy,

Because that card
reminds me of my father

And what a courageous
man heis.


It's my fault.

I crushed my inspiration.

You're wrong.

You don't need
dat card.


You've already got
what ya need.

It's been insideya
dis whole time,

And you don't
need a card

Wit a picture of some
freaky-lookin' fisherman
sittin' on a shark

To inspire ya.

Do you hear
what I'm saying?

Back off!

Look, man...

What I'm tryin' ta say

Is that you can be
inspired by your father

Withoutdat card.

There's something
inside every duelist
that drives them.

How would you know,

I know...

Because iduel
for my little sister

Just the same way
that youduel
for your dad,

And she inspires me

Even when she's not
right next to me.

So don't be
so hard on yourself

For destroyin' your
legendary fisherman.

Your memories
of your dad,
and your courage,

Are in your heart,
not in dat card,

And nuttin'
can take dat away.

So let's get back
ta dis duel already!!

and it's my attack!

Fortress whale, take out
his panther warrior
for good!

I'm gonna
have ta stop ya.

'Cause I activate
kunai with chain!

Dis card
stops your whale
from attacking

And raises
my panther warrior's
attack points by !

Mako: but I'm afraid
my whale is still

And your point is?

Panther warrior,
attack his whale now!

It can't!

Crowd: ooh!

I already told you
that my fortress whale

Has more attack points
than your panther warrior,

Even with
its power boost!

So I'm afraid
been destroyed!

It's true
my panther warrior's
attack points

Are slightlylower
than your whale's,

But you're
forgettin' one ding,

Dis little
facedown card
ova here!

What about it?

I'm glad you asked!

It's got
just da power boost

That my monsta

Lightning blade's
electrical jolt

Raises my panther's
attack points
by !

Which means
your whale's
going down!

He did it!
He did it!

and there go

Most of
your life points!

Any last words?

Yes, .

This duel
is not over yet!

So I'll play this:
return of the doomed!

It brings back
one of my monsters

And hides it

That's...not good.

Oh, no!

One of mako's monsters
is back again!

Come on now, joey!

A'right mako...

Here goes...

giant trunade.

Dis card sends all
magic and trap cards

Back to
the players' hands
and off the field.

So I coulduse it
to dry up mako's ocean

And expose
whatever monsta

He brought back
from his graveyard.

But what if
my panther warrior

whateva's hidin'
down there?

What on earth
are you waiting for?

Hurry up
and make your move!

So my creature
of the deep

Can strike
and end this duel.


When mako
covered the field
in ocean water,

It gave
his sea monstas
a power boost.

But if I
dry things up,

It'll lower
his hidden monsta's
attack points!

Huh. Activate
giant trunade!

Drain the sea!

It worked!

You've exposed
my fisherman.


It's all over now.
Just finish him off!

It's been an honor
ta duel ya, mako.

Now I play scapegoat.

And I sacrifice
one of them...

So my pantha warrior
can attack!

I'll never give up,


Joey: you all right,

Yes. That was
an excellent duel.


Dank you.

Here are
my two rarest cards...

And two locator cards.

Hold on.

You don't need
ta give me
your fisherman card.

Yes, I do.
You earned these cards.

you were right.

I don't need a card
to remember my dad.

His courage and support
are always with me
inside my heart.

Dat's right.

Dank you.

And don't worry.

I'll treat it
with respect.

You'd better.

And best of luck
in the finals.


You're a'right,

[Crowd cheering]

Man: mr. Kaiba,

Joey wheeler's duel disk
was traced to sector - - .

Good work.

Our satellite
tracking system

Found your friends,

Well, then,
where is he?

Hey, not so fast.

I'll tell you exactly
what you want to know--

That is...

If you agree to duel me
as soon as we find them!

That's enough!
This is not a game, kaiba!

My friends are in jeopardy,
and they need my help!

A madman is after them!

And I already
accepted your challenge,

So you will
get your duel,

As soon as I
know my friends
are safe from harm.

Well, if that's
the case...

Then I think
you had better
follow me right now!

Yami-yugi: I hope that
we're not too late!

[Marik laughing]

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