02x22 - Double Duel, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x22 - Double Duel, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Tea: it's bakura,
and he's hurt!

I just found him lying
on the ground.

Tea: he doesn't
look so good.

He needs to go to
a hospital. Quickly.

Marik, voice-over:
those fools have no idea

Who I really am!

Joey, look
behind you!

Let go of her,
you creep!

Tea: joey, behind you!

What have you done
with my friends?

That's for us to know.

And look who else is
coming with us...

Big brother!

But there is one way
to save your brother.

Meet us at the top
of that building, kaiba.

If you expect
to be reunited
with your friends,

You'll join us
as well, yugi.

I see you two
decided to show up.

Yugi: yes.
Now tell us...

What is the meaning
of this?

It will be a double duel--
us against you two.

If you win, you'll see
your loved ones again.
And as for the losers?

When your life points
reach zero,

The surface below you
will be destroyed,

Opening up a vortex

That leads directly
to the shadow realm.

So if you're ready,
let's duel!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of game ♪

♪ It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel ♪

Lumis: accepting
our challenge was
a huge mistake.

When this double duel
is over,

You two will be banished
to the shadow realm.

Then we'll deliver both
of your egyptian god cards

To master marik and he
shall possess all three!

Yugi: wrong!
We will prevail

And you will
release mokuba
and my friends.


Just look at this.

It's my mask of
the accursed magic card.

And once I place it
on your monster,

It will be rendered
useless, yugi.

So try my mask on for
size, magnet warrior.

Ha ha!

It's a perfect fit.

As long as
this mask stays on,

Your monster
can't attack or defend.

And that's not
the only effect, yugi.

Until the mask comes off,

You will lose
life points for
every turn you take.

You're finished!

I'll also place
one card face-down.

Now it's back
to your side.

it's probably
a trap card.

Lumis hasn't played
one monster card yet.

I think I'm on to
their team strategy.

I bet umbra
holds their monster
arsenal in his deck

While lumis holds
a deck full of magic
and trap cards

To weaken
our monsters!

You'll be in
the shadow realm
very soon,

As soon as your
life points reach zero.

And speaking
of life points,

You lose thanks to
my mask of the accursed.



The beast
of gilfer.

Now I can sacrifice
my magnet warrior,

Destroying their
mask of the accursed

And summon this more
powerful monster!

Voice-over: if yugi
makes a foolish move,

He'll take me down with him.

So he'd better not
screw this up.

I defeated these
rare hunters

On my own before,

And I can do it again.

Why don't you
make your move, yugi?

Trying to delay your trip
to the shadow realm?

Ha ha!

Not quite.



My magnet

Not so fast, yugi!


You've just triggered
my trap card--
mask of restrict.

With this on the field,
you two can't win.

That's because

As long as my
mask of restrict card
remains in play,

Neither of you
can sacrifice
your monsters.

And without sacrifices,

You two can't
summon more powerful
monsters to the field,

Making it that much
easier to defeat you.

I knew it.

If we lose this duel
because of yugi,
he'll be sorry!

Of course, without
the ability to sacrifice,

Your egyptian god cards
are all but useless now

Until we claim them
for marik!

We'll see about that.

There's no way we can win
with weak monsters.

We've got to turn
this duel around!

I'll place one card

And then I
will summon

in defense mode.

Voice-over: if we're gonna
beat these rare hunters,

Kaiba and I will have
to duel like a team.

Kaiba, you know there is
only one way we can win.

I don't need you
telling me how
to duel, yugi.

So you can
forget the old
teamwork speech.

Got it?

Who needs it?

You do.

If you two
are finished arguing...

It's my turn.


I could attack your
magnet warrior, yugi,

But since it reduces
your life points
by every turn,

I'd be a fool
to destroy it.

Then there's
your monster, kaiba.

But your face-down card
could be a trap.

Not to worry, umbra.


I've got us covered.


First off, I'll set
one card face-down.

And now,
my shining abyss,

Attack kaiba's
vorse raider!

Hold on, fool.

You've activated my
ring of destruction!

My destructive
trap card

Will wipe out
your shining abyss.

Both of us
will lose close to
, life points,

But only you will
be out one monster!

Sorry to disappoint you,

But my card cancels
your trap!


curse transfer.

My counter-trap card
is triggered

Whenever you play
a trap card.

It automatically transfers

Your card's effect
back to your monster.

Say good-bye to
your vorse raider.

Voice-over: umbra and kaiba

Will both lose
almost , life points

When vorse raider
is destroyed

Unless they have
a magic card
to protect them.

Yugi: kaiba, they may have
something planned.

Zip it, yugi.

I know what's
going on,

And I don't need
your advice.

Prepare to lose
your monster

And almost half
your life points!

I've activated
my magic card--
ring of defense.

It will protect
my life points
from any damage.

Nice try.

Why, thank you.

But I'm afraid

Your ring of defense
won't be helping
you, kaiba.

Why not?

Because I activate this--

My spell transfer
magic card.

It transfers your
card's effects to me,

Which means my life points
will remain untouched

While yours are
almost cut in half.


Ha ha!

Too bad you
won't be seeing
your brother again.

But where you're going

That will be
the least of
your worries, kaiba.

Time to wipe out
the rest of
your life points.

Shining abyss...

Attack now!

Say hello to
the shadow realm.

Ha ha!

Now, which way is
the hospital again?

I knew I should have made
a left at that hot dog cart.

Ah, whatever...

Hi, doc.

Well...i'm here.

[Footsteps approaching]

Who is it?

It's me--tristan,

Your ride home.

Hey, tristan.

Hey, so I heard
the great news.

Yeah, I can take
the bandages off
my eyes tonight.

And I can take you
to battle city like
I promised I would.

But, tristan?

Yeah, what's up?

I'm kind of nervous
about the whole thing,

And I'm not sure
if I can do it.


Well, what if I
take the bandages off

And I'm still not
able to see?

Serenity, of course
you'll be able to see.

The doctor said you would.

And besides,

All of us will be
there to help you.


You're gonna take
those things
off your eyes...

And the first thing
you're gonna see
is your brother.

Thanks, tristan.
I needed that.

No sweat.

Now, what do you say
we hit the road, ok?

And I promise you,
before you know it...

You'll be watching joey
duel with your own eyes.

are you asleep?



The doctor said
you need rest.

You've been
through a lot.

It's a good

Namu found you
when he did.

I just wish we knew
who did this to you.

ha ha! You foolish old man!

Tea: hey!

Where are you taking me?
Let me go now!

You talk too much.

Do you creeps
really think

You're gonna
get away with this?

Welcome home!

[Men laughing sinisterly]

Get back here!

Let me out of
this dump right now!

I have friends
in high places,

And you're in
big trouble!

Come back!


There's got to be
a way out of this place.

I wonder what those
jerks did with joey.

And what do they
want with us anyway?

It's not like
I have anything valuable.

Like the millennium puzzle,

This necklace affords
me certain powers.

With it I have gazed
, years into the past

To a time
when evil sorcerers

Threatened to destroy
the entire world.

However, there was
one king who possessed

A magic powerful enough
to stop this evil threat.

Is this part of the threat
ishizu warned us about?

Maybe these are the guys
that are after yugi.

That's why they att*cked us.

It all makes sense now.

Someone's trying to get
something from yugi,

And they're doing it
by putting his
friends in danger.

You're finished,

What happened?


You saved
my life points.

Your attack
has been blocked

Thanks to my magic card.

It's simple.

It multiplied
my kuriboh.

Now your monster's attack
won't affect my teammate.

Your fur balls won't be
around for too long.

And when they go, so
will your life points.

I realize your
magic card saved
my life points...

But next time,
I'll do it myself.

Kaiba, if you ever expect
to see mokuba again...

We need to help each other!


The minute one of us falls,

The other
won't stand a chance

Against their unified
tag-team as*ault.

Are you questioning
my skills as
a duelist, yugi?

I'm saying
we must combine our forces

In order to defeat
these rare hunters.

They duel as a team,

Building on one
another's moves

And we have to do the same.

I saved you, and if
you don't protect
me the same way,

I may not be around
to save you again.

Voice-over: then
good riddance.

if they continue
to disagree,

Their egyptian
god cards will be
ours in no time.

Lumis, we have
to clear out yugi's
defensive wall

Before we can move in
and destroy the rest
of kaiba's life points.

Can you handle it?


Yes. And they'll never
know what hit them

Until it's too late.

I'm so close.

Almost got it.

Just a few more.

Come on.

Whoa! Uh!

Man, that was not fun.


Well, it could have
been worse, right?


Let me go!

Do you know who
you're messing with?

Who's there?



Are you ok?

Yeah. I guess.

So they're called
rare hunters?

Yeah. And I was trying
to find you guys
when they grabbed me.

The same thing
to joey and me.

And I think
I know why.

So do i. They're
just using us as bait

To trap my brother and yugi

And then take their rarest
cards away from them.

You know why, tea?

Because yugi
and kaiba both have
an egyptian god card.

Egyptian what?

Gods. They're
the most powerful
cards in duel monsters,

And there's only .

Whoever has them all
will be unbeatable, tea.

We just got caught
in the middle.

Oh. Are you sure that's
all these guys want?

Well it's the only thing
I can think of. Why?

Um...no reason.

it's nothing.

Voice-over: if this
has anything to do

With ancient
evil forces

Trying to destroy
the world,

Then it's got
to be about more
than just getting

A few good duel
monsters cards.

I know it!

Lumis: master marik
will be pleased

When we deliver both
of your egyptian god
cards to him.

Umbra: and tell him

You've been banished
to the shadow realm.

Enough of this.

my blue-eyes
white dragon.

This card
can destroy
their monster

With ease.

But I have
to sacrifice
weaker monsters

In order
to summon it,
and I can't do that.

As long as these
rare hunters have

Mask of restrict
in play,

I can't sacrifice

But I'll find a way.

I'll wipe them
both out by myself

And take back
my brother.

They'll be sorry
they ever met me.

we can do this, kaiba.

We just have
to duel as a team.

First I'll place
one card face-down.

Then I'll summon

Battle ox
in defense mode

To protect
my life points.

You can't expect to win

By hiding behind
weak monsters.

Our shining abyss has
, attack points.

It can easily annihilate
your battle ox

And tear down your
wall of fur balls,

Leaving your
life points wide open.

Right, lumis?

Precisely, umbra.

Looks like
you'll never see
your friends again,

Not where you'll be going.

But before I completely
wipe out your life points,

I must first demolish

Your defensive wall
of miniature monsters.

And I have just
the magic card to do it.

Another mask.


My mask of dispel!

Ha ha!

It will cover your
multiplying magic card

And conceal its effect.

So I'm afraid
your kuriboh army

Will be reduced
back down to one.

With your weak
defenses crumbling,

It's only a matter of time
before we destroy you both.

This was even easier
than I thought.

And I'm not
through with you yet.

Just like your
magnet warrior's mask,

With this in play,

You lose more
life points every turn.

[Laughs sinisterly]

Voice-over: oh, no!
With of my cards
covered by masks,

I'll lose ,
life points every turn!

If we don't figure
out how to stop them
soon, it's all over.

Next I'll summon

My grand tiki elder

And rid the field

Of your kuriboh!


Attack now!

Now your life points

Are wide open for
a direct attack, yugi,

Since your magnet warrior
can't defend you,

Thanks to the mask
it's wearing.

And as soon as your
life points reach zero,

You'll plummet directly
to the shadow realm.

You two can't possibly
win this duel.

Not only can't you
sacrifice your monsters
to summon stronger ones,

But thanks
to our mask cards,

You lose , life points
every turn, yugi.

You're finished.

We'll see!

this doesn't look good.

I need a card
to turn this around!

Yugi: I draw!

Voice-over: this trap card
allows me to destroy

One card
in my opponent's hand.

But that's not
enough to help us.

Maybe thatcard can help.

If I were to activate
card destruction,

Each duelist would have to
throw out all their cards

And redraw
an entirely new hand.

But wait...

If kaiba has a plan
to beat them

And I force him to get rid
of his entire hand,

I could ruin his plan.
What choice do I have?

Kaiba doesn't want
to duel as a team,

And I have no idea
what his strategy is.

I have to make a move, but
it could cost us the duel.

And we can't
afford to lose.

What are you
waiting for?

You couldn't
possibly make
things any worse

Than you already
have, yugi.

Thanks to you,
the cards
we're holding

Are absolutely

In fact, I have
a card in my hand

That could win
this game for us.

But due to your
sloppy dueling,

I can't summon it
to the field.

It's better off
in the graveyard.

It sounds like kaiba wants
to discard his hand.

I think I know
what I need to do.

Ha ha! Well...

Have you ever seen
such a pathetic team?

Defeating them

And taking their
egyptian god cards
will be simple.

They've already done
most of the work for us.

That's enough! I place
one card face-down.

And that will end my turn.

I see.

It appears you weren't able
to summon another monster

To defend your life points.

Not that it
would have mattered,

For I'm about to summon
an unstoppable creature.

But first, I need to play
my all-powerful magic card

Known as curse
of the masked beast.

What is that?!
What is that?!

This card allows me to
sacrifice both our monsters

And call forth

One of the most
destructive forces
you've ever experienced!

Behold the almighty power
of the masked beast!

[Beast growling]

Nothing can
stop his wrath.

So prepare to lose
it all, yugi.

It can't be.

Time to say good-bye
to your life points. Now!

Send him to the shadow
realm, my masked beast!

Kaiba: battle ox,

What's this?

Kaiba's monster
intercepted my attack?

It can't be.

Are you surprised?

This is a double
duel, after all,

And my teammate
was in danger.

So I used
my battle ox

To defend his
life points against
your masked beast.

I thought

That they weren't working
together as a team, lumis.

Thank you.

Look, yugi,
give it a rest.

There's one reason
I helped you--

So I could win.

then you're a fool!

Saving your partner

Caused you
to lose your only
defensive monster.

And soon it will cause
you to lose the rest
of your life points

When my masked beast
moves in for the attack.

unless yugi
returns my favor.

Lumis: you fools
can't win!

Reveal face-down card.

Card destruction!

Oh, no!

We lose
our entire hands!

That's correct!

Now each duelist
must deposit

Every card in their hand
into the card graveyard.

Once they're buried,
you must start over

By drawing
a completely new hand.

this might be my only
chance to save my friends.

Now I'll send my hand
to the graveyard.

Lumis: did your partner

Force you to give up
any cards you needed?

Actually, what
just happened is

Quite the opposite,
rare hunter.

Without the ability
to sacrifice,

I wasn't able to summon
the monster in my hand.

But now I can.


Watch closely!

Reveal monster reborn.

Now I can bring back

The powerful monster I
just sent to the graveyard,

My blue-eyes white dragon.

It's not possible!

It is!

This is
the price you pay

For using
my little brother
to get to me.

Now maybe
you'll think twice

Before disrespecting
the kaiba family.

Now go,
my blue eyes!



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