02x23 - Double Duel, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x23 - Double Duel, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Girl: where are
you taking me?

Welcome home!


Let me out of
this dump right now!

Man: when this
double duel is over,

You two will be banished
to the shadow realm!

Then we'll deliver both
of your egyptian god cards

To master marik,
and he shall possess all !

Boy: let me go!


Who's there?



Man: behold
the almighty power
of the masked beast!

monster reborn!

Now I can bring back my
blue eyes white dragon!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

My blue eyes
has arrived!

You're done!

Thanks to my monster
reborn magic card,

I was able to bring
my great beast

Back from
the graveyard!

Yugi: and this is
just the beginning!


Kaiba and I make
a powerful team,

And you two rare
hunters are no match

For the combined strength
of our decks!

And when we prevail,

You will lead us to
where you are holding

Mokuba and the others

I think what
my partner is
trying to say

Is that thanks to
my superior skills,
you're finished!

Not quite.

Don't tell
me you're still
stuck on

This teamwork
thing, yugi.

It's getting
a little old.

Listen up,
here's the deal:

I'll win this
duel on my own,

And if it's
convenient for me

I might help you,

But don't mistake
that for teamwork,

Or you'll be very

I'm in this
for mokuba.

Got it?

And I'll do
whatever it takes

To defeat these
rare hunters

And free my brother.

I'm not about to lose.

These fools
don't realize

No one disrespects my family
and gets away with it.

Yugi: this isn't
only about you;

My friends are in
danger as well!

That's your
problem, yugi!

I'm dueling for me!

But, kaiba, you need my
help, and I need yours!

Lumis and umbra still
have the upper hand.

Your partner
is right!

You may have summoned
your blue eyes
white dragon, kaiba,

But it's useless against
the ultimate power

Of our masked beast!

Our camouflaged creature
has more attack points

Than your pathetic dragon.

As soon as it att*cks,

Your blue eyes
will be gone!

Yugi: he's wrong, kaiba!

You can destroy
their monster!

I can!?

Look, if you
want to win,

You're going to have
to trust me on this.

Like it or not,
we're a team.

And if you attack them with
your blue eyes white dragon,

I promise I'll
back you up.

Trust me.

[Thinking] is this
some sort of a trick?

Why would yugi tell me
to attack a monster

That's stronger
than mine?

I smell a rat.

Attack them,
kaiba. Do it!

I will, yugi.

It's not in
your best interest

To give me
bad advice,

'Cause you
would lose, too.

Now, my blue eyes,

Attack their
masked beast!


White lightning!

this better work!

Your masked beast
is gone!

That's not

Our masked beast
was more powerful

Than your blue eyes
white dragon!

You must
have cheated!

He's right.
It's a trick!

Guess again!

Your creature
was beaten

By kaiba's blue eyes
fair and square.

Please allow me to
explain, rare hunters.

When I sent my
beast of gilfer

To the card
graveyard last turn,

I activated its
special ability.

It reduces
the attack points

Of any monster
I choose by ,

And I chose
your masked beast...

Lowering its attack
points to ,

And making it weaker
than kaiba's blue eyes.

And now, in case
you haven't noticed,

You have no monsters
on the field

To protect
your life points!

So, when kaiba
att*cks you again,

You'll be finished.

Kaiba, you need my help
more than you think.

[Thinking] yugi's trying
to take all the glory

For defeating
their creature.

But it was my blue eyes
that did all the work!

And we'll win this
duel thanks to me!

Well my turn is over.

But this duel has
only just begun.

And next time
I attack,

You two will be
begging for mercy!

So, go ahead and make your
pathetic move, lumis.

There's no hope
for you now!

We'll see
about that!


I'll place this monster
in defense mode.

Then I'll place two
more cards facedown

And that shall
end my turn.

What is his plan?

Ha! Once my facedown
cards are activated,

Kaiba's blue eyes
will be destroyed!

Ha ha ha!
And now!

Thanks to my two
magic mask cards

That are still
on the field--

Mask of the accursed
and mask of dispel--

You lose , more
life points, yugi!

So, go ahead
and draw a card,

Nothing can
save you now!


[Thinking] I'll take
a chance and attack
the monster

He's placed
in defense mode.

I may defeat it,

Or I may force lumis
to use up a trap card.

All right, lumis!

I'll place one
card face down,

And then I'll summon alpha,
the magnet warrior.


Attack now!

[Thinking] I can't waste my
trap card on this monster,

I must save it for
kaiba's blue eyes!

He destroyed
my -faced beast!

We've got to regain
control of this duel

And win their egyptian god
cards for master marik!

We don't have any
monsters left, lumis!

So, if kaiba att*cks

With his blue eyes
white dragon, we're done!

Not to worry,

I've got it all
figured out!

We can wipe out kaiba's
dragon right now!

My plan is guaranteed
to succeed!

Very well.

Say farewell to your
precious blue eyes

And hello to the shadow
realm for all eternity!

Mokuba: there's no way
these rare hunters

Are gonna get away
with this, tea!

As soon as my
brother finds us,

Those jerks
are gonna pay!

I just wish
there was a way

To get in
touch with seto

And let him know
where we are,

But they took
my laptop!

I guess we just
gotta wait it out.

Sooner or later,
he'll track us down.

Maybe there's a way
for you to get to him.


Man: I trust you've made
yourself at home in there.

Rise and shine.

So, what's the deal
with all of this,

You caped clown?

You'll learn what
we have planned
for you soon enough.

For now, you are
to keep quiet

And do what you
are told to do.

Or what?!

You rare hunters think
you're so tough, don't you,

Running around in
your dark hoods!

Why don't you untie
me from this chair

And I'll show you what
being a tough guy's all about,

You tattoo-faced
freak a nature!

So, what's it gonna be?

Let me go now,
and I'll go easy on you.


Keep your grubby paws
off of me, will you!

If you touch me,
you'll be sorry!

[Thinking] with joey wheeler
as my mind sl*ve,

Little yugi's egyptian god
card is as good as mine.

Tea: ok, mokuba.

This is the last one.

Thanks, tea.

[Distant laughter]

I think I can
reach now.

Hurry up!
Someone's coming!

our chance!

Come on,
let's go, tea.

I'll stay!

You go and find your
brother and yugi!

Man: hey, you!

Man: they're
I'm going!



Grab that little runt!




Oh, no!

Are you alright
down there?

Don't worry about me,
just get some help!

Ok! I'll
be back soon!

Man: he got away!

Go and get
the kid!


It's all up
to mokuba, now.

Man: he's gotta be
around here somewhere!

Second man: let's split up
and search the entire pier!

Check every corner
and inside every crate!

We'll find him!

Lumis: ok, umbra.

Let's teach these fools
a lesson, shall we!

All right!

I'm gonna play
rogue doll.

Don't you
think that

You're just
a little too old

To be playing
with dollies,
rare hunter,

Especially ones
that have such
low attack points!

[Thinking] that's weird.

Why would they play
such a weak monster?

They must be up
to something!

Ha ha ha ha!

Say goodbye to
your blue eyes, kaiba!

All right,
rogue doll,

Attack his blue eyes
white dragon now!

[Thinking] this
should be amusing.


It's time to activate
the card I have face down...

Mask of weakness!

What is that!?

What's your mask doing
to my blue eyes?



Don't you know?

Well, as its name
suggests, kaiba,

My mask of weakness is
weakening your blue eyes.

And then...

I'll play mask
of brutality,

Which gives rogue doll
, extra attack points,

Making it stronger
than your blue eyes!

It's all over, kaiba!


Umbra: thanks to
my magic card,

Your blue eyes pales

In comparison
to my monster!

Rogue doll,
smash attack!

Not so fast,

There's two of us!

So, I'll activate
this trap...

Mystical refpanel!

Looks like
you forgot that

You're dueling
against a team,

And that trap card

Just saved my
teammate's blue eyes!

Hey, what happened
to my monster's mask?

Yugi: my mystical refpanel
takes the power

Of your magic card
and transfers it

To kaiba's dragon,
which raises its attack

Points by , ,

Making it stronger
than your rogue doll!

Blue eyes
white dragon,


[Thinking] yugi
helped me again!

My blue eyes would
have been destroyed!

There's nothing
I hate more than

Depending on someone
else for my victory,

But it looks like
I may need to use yugi

To defeat these two
and save my little brother.

But in the end,

My superior deck
and dueling skills

Will be the reason
we prevail!

Yugi: all right,
rare hunters!

Your monster has
been destroyed!

Lumis, look what
you've just done!

What do you mean
what I'vedone?

Because of you,

I'm down to
, life points!

So, that's what I mean!

Oh, yeah?

You're blaming
me for that?

As I recall, rogue doll
was your monster!

[Thinking] looks
like lumis and umbra

Are losing their
team spirit!

In the end,

That could cause them
to lose the whole duel!

That's what I keep
trying to tell kaiba!

When you're fighting
a double duel,

The most important
thing is teamwork.

This battle is
far from over!

Your blue eyes
may have defeated

My monster this time,

But I have
a card in my hand

That will annihilate
it for good!

If lumis foils
my plans again,

Kaiba's dragon
will destroy me!

So, from now on,

I won't depend on
anyone but myself!

I place one card
face down...

And end my turn.

Woman over p.a.: Last boarding
call for downtown domino.

Man: my bad,

I though it was
leaving later!

Woman over p.a.:
All aboard!

Talk about
a close call!

Hey, at least
we made it!

Hey, how
you feeling?

I'm good.


We should be in battle city
in no time, serenity!


Yeah, what is it?
Is everything ok?

Yeah, you know,

I'm still
a little nervous

About taking off
my bandages.

I know, but you'll
be fine.

Woman over p.a.: Thank you
for riding the domino express.

Please have your tickets
ready for collection.

Tristan: it won't be much
longer now, serenity.

[Kaiba, thinking]
it's time to
finish this duel.

Let's go!

Now, I am once again
in total control!

Behold my blue eyes
in all its fury!

Prepare to lose
this duel, umbra!

Blue eyes,
direct attack now!

Say good-bye to
the rest of your
life points, umbra!

[Thinking] kaiba's
making a hasty move,

And a selfish one, too.

He's so caught up in
winning this duel on his own,

He didn't even think about
umbra's facedown card!

He could be falling
right into a trap!

I thought
you'd try that!

So, I'll
activate this!

Mask of

It protects me from direct
att*cks for one turn.

Oh, well!
Nice try, kaiba!

Looks like your
blue eyes barrage failed!


That was quite
a predictable move, kaiba.

And one which I was well
prepared to deflect!

So, I have
emerged untouched!

But what about
your friend lumis?


Yes, lumis.

Don't you wonder what
would have happened

Had my blue eyes
white dragon

att*cked you
instead of umbra?

Would he have protected
you with his magic card?

Or would he have
let you lose?


That's the danger in
depending on someone else

To help you
when the reality is

There's only one person
you can trust...


And if anyone tells
you otherwise,

They're lying!

What? Don't
listen to him!

Of course I would
have used my magic
card to help you.

Even though I'm
sure you wouldn't

Do the same thing
for me, lumis!

[Thinking] now I get what
kaiba's trying to do!

He noticed that
lumis and umbra

Were beginning to doubt
one another's loyalty,

So he's taking
advantage of that

And trying to destroy
their team trust.

[Thinking] maybe
kaiba's right.

Umbra seems to be
in this for himself.

He probably wants to
take all the credit

For winning their
egyptian god cards!

Master marik did
always like him better!

Well, I'll destroy these
two without his help!

This duel is over!

Tristan: check it out!

We're almost there.

I really
do appreciate

Everything you've done
for me, tristan.

I don't know what
I would have done
without your help.

When you updated me
on joey's duels,

You helped give
me the courage
that I needed.

Don't mention it,

I had a great time
hanging out with you.

Me, too.

And thanks for going
through all the trouble

To bring me
to battle city.

There's nothing else

I would rather be doing
right now, serenity.


I feel like the luckiest
person in the world

To have a friend as
awesome as you, tristan!

did she say friend!?

Aw, man, I'm stuck
in the friend zone!

Tea: joey, it's you!

I'm so glad
you're alright!

You gotta help me
out of this chair

So we can escape
from this rat hole!

Earth to joey!

Anybody home in there?

Joey, are you ok?

Joke's over.

Come on, joey, you're
freaking me out here.

I am not joey,
you fool!

That's not funny!


What did you
do to him!?

Lumis: now I'll draw!

The magic card,
pot of greed!

Thanks to this card,

I can now draw two new cards
from my deck, kaiba.


[Thinking] my hand doesn't
look very promising.

And with no monsters
on the field

And the pending threat
of a blue eyes attack,

I'm in no position
to have weak cards!

I will place one
card face down...

And then I'll activate
card exchange!

Playing this card allows me

To exchange my
entire hand with that

Of any other duelist
on the field.

And I choose you, umbra!


If you're not
going to use your
cards to help me,

Then I'll simply
take them!

How dare you?

All right,

According to the rules,
we swap hands,

So give me all of
your cards now!


And now I will activate
my facedown magic card,

Chosen one!

If this works,
you two are finished!

I'll explain...

First I'll place cards
facedown on the field.

And in the center of these
cards goes the chooser.

The chooser will select
one card at random.

If it chooses one of
my two magic cards,

All cards go
to the graveyard.

Those are my cards
you're risking!

I'm afraid they're
not your cards
anymore, umbra!

If this doesn't work,
you'll be sorry, lumis!

Now, chooser...

Make your selection!

I forgot to mention that

If the chooser selects
my third card,

I'll be able to summon
an all-powerful monster

To the field without
having to sacrifice

A weaker monster first,

And you'll both
be finished!


[Thinking] if this works,
I'll be unstoppable!

I'll destroy kaiba
and yugi on my own,

And master marik
will reward me!

It's starting
to slow down!

It's choosing a card!

That's it!


It's chosen
my ultimate monster!

Now the end is near!


I summon the masked beast
des gardius!

It's unstoppable!

Kaiba: it's more
powerful than

My blue eyes
white dragon!

very observant, kaiba.

Des gardius
could demolish

Your pathetic blue
eyes white dragon

With one swipe of
its almighty claw!


You're lucky the outcome
of your move was successful.

Yes, and now that
des gardius has
been unleashed...

There's no stopping it!

My masked creature
is so powerful,

You two pitiful
duelists won't stand
a chance against it.

And when it's
through with you,

Your blue eyes will
be in the graveyard

And both of your
egyptian god cards

Will belong to
master marik!

[Yugi thinking]
oh, no!

We've got to defeat
their monster!

Otherwise I may never
see my friends again!

But how can we take down
something that powerful?

And now, the question is:

Which one of you fools
should I attack first?

Decisions, decisions.

I could attack you, yugi.

With your useless magnet
warriors protecting you,

I'll wipe out the rest
of your life points.

Then again,
there's kaiba.

I could attack
your blue eyes

And rid the field of
that menace for good!

Umbra: it doesn't really
matter who you attack next.

It's only a matter of time

Before both of their
life points reach zero,

And they're
sent plummeting

Into the shadow
realm forever!

Lumis: exactly!

So, forget about
rescuing your friends...

They belong
to marik now!

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