02x27 - Friends 'Til the End, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x27 - Friends 'Til the End, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

everything is in place.

Kaiba and little yugi
should be arriving momentarily.

I think I see
someone on the pier.

And it kinda looks
like joey.


Not exactly.

Your mind is under
the control of marik

And you must
break free.

You'll never
set him free.

Welcome to my very
special dueling arena.

Try these on for size.

You're both securely
fastened to a chain

That leads
to a large anchor.

Seconds after
a player's life points
reach zero,

The anchor will drop
to the bottom
of the sea.

If you attempt to stop
this duel,

The crate you see
hanging over my head
will fall.

Hey, who are
you punks?

what's going on?

Get on my back.

Let's go.

Don't let 'em
get away!

I think it's finally time
to begin this duel.

attack his life points.

Yugi! No!

Ha ha ha.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel.

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: I've att*cked
your life points
yet again, yugi.

Ha ha ha.
You're finished.

As soon as I wipe out
the rest,

That anchor will drop,

Taking you with it
right into the sea.

Marik, I can assure you
that you'll never get
away with your plan.

Is that so, yugi?

I'd say you're
in no position
to make threats.

I know the real joey
is in there,

And I'm going
to set him free
no matter what it takes.


There's no way
you'll win my puzzle

Or my egyptian god card.

Marik: we'll just see
about that, yugi.

Joey belongs to me now,

Thanks to my millennium rod.

So destroy your former
best friend, my mind puppet,

And strip him
of all that he has

So that I may rule
the world as pharaoh.

Yugi, your friend
is gone.

I don't think so.

Then make your move.

Not that it matters.

Neither one
of your monsters
is powerful enough

To defeat my
alligator's sword.

Hey, joey.
Snap out of it.

We're your friends,

Yugi: tea's right.

I have an idea.

What is it?

I may have come up
with a way to save joey

And get us
out of this mess.

What's that?

Well, it just came to me
when tea reminded us
of our friendship.

There's a chance
we can break through
to the real joey.

I think you should let me
duel in your place.

But why?

Because through
thick and thin,

Joey and I
have always shared
a really strong bond--

A bond that I think
might break through
to him now.

We've been through
so much together.

Like the time he rescued me
from that fire.

Joey and tristan
risked their lives for us.

And now it's my turn.

This is a very
dangerous match, yugi.

I know it is.

But I can't let
that stop me.

I feel in my heart
that if there's anyone
in the whole world

That can get through
to joey right now,
it's me.

But, yugi...

I'm ready to go in there
and do whatever I have to do.

Joey's my best friend,

And I know that he would do
the exact same thing for me.

Please understand,

This isn't just
something I want to do,

It's something
I feel I have to do.

Well, yugi...

If you feel
that strongly...

Then go.

Go and rescue
your best friend

And know that
I will be right here
should you need me.

Ok, joey,
it's just us now.

What? No.

I want the pharaoh,
not this little runt.

I want to defeat
the ancient ruler.

That spineless coward.

He sent little yugi
to protect himself.

You cheat!

I want to destroy
the pharoah.

but then again...

Ha ha ha.

This might be
just what I needed.

I can win this duel
with ease

Now that I'm up
against little yugi
instead of the pharaoh.

And it doesn't
really matter which
one of them I defeat.

I'll still win
the millennium puzzle
and slifer the sky dragon.

My turn, marik.

Yugi, tea and joey
are counting on you,

And as long as you
believe in the heart
of the cards,

I know you'll come
through for them.

[Yugi, thoughts]

Come on,
heart of the cards.

Please guide me.

Its joey's red-eyes
black dragon!

This is my only hope!

Hold on tight,

You can't run

Wanna bet?

Yes, I do.

Nice try, kid.

What are we gonna do,

You're going to take
a little trip with us.

I suggest you
come quietly.

Guess again, pal.

We're not going anywhere.

You're even more foolish
than you look.

please be careful,

I guess we're gonna have
to do this the hard way.

you guessed right,
so bring it on.

Don't say we
didn't warn you.

This should be amusing.

You should've given up
when you had the chance,

But now it's too late.

Let's do this.

Hey, let me go.

Stop! Please!

And there's more
where that came from,
tough guy.

what's going on, tristan?

Whoa, is that
duke devlin?

The one and only.

All right, serenity,
hang on.


So how ya been,

Talk later,
run now.


They're gettin' away.

After 'em!

Yugi: I did it.

I drew the card
joey gave me--

His red-eyes
black dragon.

Now, how should
I use it?

Yugi, you may be able
to use that card
to save joey

But you must
play it wisely.

You're right.

This red-eyes has always
been special to joey.

He's gotta remember it.

[Thinking] yeah.
Joey gave me this card

So I'd always have
a piece of him
in my deck.

Once he sees it,
the real joey
will break through.

This had better work.

I know you're in there
somewhere, pal.

I just hope that you're
paying close attention,

'Cause I'm about to jog
your memory

With an old friend
of yours that's not
too easy to forget--

Your red-eyes
black dragon.

when time runs out,

That anchor falls,
so make your move.

Ok, in order
to summon red-eyes,

I'll need to sacrifice
two monsters.

I've got kuriboh

And big shield gardna
on the field.

All I need to do is send
them to the graveyard

And I can bring out

Well, here goes.

yugi, wait!

Are you sure you want
to summon red-eyes now?

Marik may have something
that can destroy it,

And with only ,
life points left,

We must be careful.

As soon as
they reach zero,

That anchor will pull us
into the ocean

And the entire world
will be in jeopardy.


What's taking so long?

Yami's right.

Summoning red-eyes
is too risky.

But wait.

Maybe there's a way
I can show this card
to joey

Without actually
summoning it
to the field.

But it might be an
even riskier move.

I'm not sure
what to do.

all right, yugi...

It's time
to sink or swim,

Quite literally.

There's gotta be a way
to get through to joey.

He's our friend.

We've all been through
so much together.

Joey's always said
that whenever he's down,

His friends give him
the strength

To get back up again.

And I know
our friendship
can save him now.

Joey, please wake up.

We're your friends.

You gotta remember
our bond.


This is the symbol
of our friendship.

It is?

I know marker ink will
eventually fade away,

But it doesn't matter

Because this ring
is never going to vanish
in our hearts.

Remember our ring
of friendship?

Nothing can break
that bond.

So snap out of it,
joey. Please!

[Yugi, thoughts]
tea's right.

No matter what
the risks are,

Joey is my friend
and I have to do
whatever it takes

To break
marik's control
and save him.

There's no
other choice.

After all,
we made a pact

That I'd always be
there for him

And he'd always
be there for me.

And I'd never break
a promise to a friend,
no matter what.

So now it's time
to show marik what
friendship's all about.

I play the magic card

A foolish move.

[Kaiba, thoughts]
what's yugi thinking?

The exchange card
allows wheeler to take

Any card he wants
from yugi's deck.

Look at you.


You must be desperate
to play a card like that.

But if you insist,
I'd be glad to take a card

From your hand,
little yugi.

Ha ha ha!

Not that I need
any help.

Show me your
pitiful cards.


Which card shall I take?

Joey: aah!
My red-eyes!

silence, wheeler.

You're under
my control now.

You have no mind
of your own.

I own you.

Marik: playing
that exchange card

Was a huge mistake,
little yugi.

Well, pick your card,

You can have
any one you want,

Including the red-eyes
black dragon.

Joey: it's the card
I gave yug.

My red-eyes!

quiet, you fool!

I'm in control
of your mind.

Yami-yugi: yugi,
it may be working...

Joey: yugi...

Needs that card.

That's why
I gave it to him.

you will do as I say

And take that red-eyes
black dragon from yugi, now.

You have no mind
of your own, joey.

Say it.

Joey: I have
no mind of my own.

Excellent. So take yugi's
red-eyes right now.

That's right,
my obedient mind puppet.

Take it.

Your friend
is long gone.

So I'll be taking your
red-eyes black dragon.

it's not working.

He's still under
marik's control.

hold on, yugi...

Look again.

[Joey, thoughts]
I can't take red-eyes.

It's yugi's card now.

I made a promise.

Marik: no, you fool.
Take that dragon.

I command you.

Take the red-eyes
from yugi.

No. I just can't.
Not that card.

Obey me.

Take that card so we
can finish yugi off now.

No. Yugi needs it.

Take it now!

Ha! Yeah, joey!

You didn't take it.

[Marik, thoughts]

How dare
you disobey me!

You'll pay for this.



I told you,
joey has gone away.

And I'm here to defeat
you with my arsenal
of rare magic cards,

So I don't need
your red-eyes.

That's what you think.

Now I get to pick one
of your cards, joey.

I said,
joey is gone...

And you're finished.

We'll see about that.

You can deny it
all you want,

But I know my
best friend is in there

And I'm gonna
set him free, marik.

You're fooling yourself.

I don't think so.

That's why you
didn't take my red-eyes,

'Cause the real joey
is in there fighting
to get out.

And he gave me
that red-eyes

When he promised to help
me defeat you, marik.

That's enough.

Admit it.

As soon as he
saw that card,

The real joey
came through.

What are you
talking about?

I'm controlling his mind.

Not for much longer.

I know I can use
this card to stop you

And bring my
best friend back.

Just wait.

Don't hold your breath.

Now let's get on
with this duel, already,

So I can claim
what is mine

And get rid of you
once and for all.

It's still my turn,
so stand back.

Go ahead and make
your pathetic move,
little yugi.

There's not a card
in your hand

That can stop me
from wiping out

The rest
of your life points.

And now I sacrifice
my two monsters,

So I can summon
this to the field.

Red-eyes black dragon!

Joey: it's my red-eyes.

Joey: it's my red-eyes.

That's right, joey.
Fight it.

Look at your red-eyes
and break free.

this can't be happening.

I'm losing control
of my mind sl*ve.

My power over him
is slipping away.

I can't let that
little brat yugi

Stop the power
of my millennium rod.


I'm afraid
joey wheeler's
sister got away.

Then why are you
standing here, you fool?

Go see to it that
she is captured. Now!

That's right, joey.

I know you remember
your red-eyes.

I remember my dragon.

Kaiba: that red-eyes
black dragon seems to be
affecting wheeler's mind.

Well, you heard yugi.

It used to be
joey's card.

Must be a hard spot
to be in...

A card you really
care about being played
against you.

It's about
to get harder.

Yugi: joey!

Marik has taken over
your mind and he's using
you to destroy me.

So I'm gonna try
to blast you back
to your senses.

If it doesn't work,

You, me and the whole
world are in danger.

Joey, I'm only doing this
because I'm your friend.

Now prepare to be knocked
back to your senses.

Red-eyes black dragon,

Attack his alligator's sword
with inferno fire blast.

Are you there, joey?

Argh! Get up
and fight back,
mind sl*ve.

Hey, joey,
is that you?

Sorry, yugi.
Your trick didn't work.

I'm still in control.

And now it's time.

I'll wipe out what's
left of your life points,
my little friend,

And take what
belongs to me.

Marik: yes. We'll attack him
with everything we have

And soon the power of
the pharaoh will be mine.

Yami-yugi: yugi.

This is getting
too dangerous.

I'm taking over.

No I can't let you,


I need to do
this myself.

And I have one
last idea.

But, yugi!

You have to trust me
on this one,

'Cause I know
I can save him.

Since the day
I put together
the millennium puzzle,

You've given me hope,
courage and confidence.

You've even helped me
to make new friends.

But I can't go
through my life
depending on you.

I need to know
that even without

The millennium puzzle
hanging around my neck,

I can still be brave
and help out my friends.

I guess what
I'm saying is...

Sometimes I need
to prove to myself

That I can be like you,
without you, you know?

Yes, I do.

Then you understand
that I need to finish
this myself.

You are aware
of what will happen

If you lose this duel,
aren't you?

I sure am.

That's why I need
to do this--

Because I can't let
that happen.


All right.

If you believe
in yourself,

Then I believe
in you, too, yugi.

Good luck.

You have the power
to win.

The fate of the world
rests with you.

And I won't
disappoint you, yami.

[Thoughts] all right.

It's time to save
my best friend,

And the world,
on my own.

Well, now.

Have you given up or
are you ready for more?

[Thoughts] I don't have
much time left.

My life points are low,

And if I lose,
marik gets everything.

My only hope is
to free joey's mind.

All right.

It's time for me
to finish you off now,

And take the power
I deserve.

So say good-bye,

As I attack your
life points again

With yet another
hinotama magic card.

Fire shower attack.

Oh, no.

Where'd they go?

They must be close.

Let's keep looking.

They can't hide

We'll find you, fools.

Duke devlin:
looks like they're
the fools.

Finally, a chance
to catch our breath.

And catch up
while we're at it.

I mean, that last time
I saw you, duke,

Was when you
were showing off

That dungeon dice
monsters game you created.

Yeah, well.

I heard about this
whole battle city thing
that's going on here.

It sounded like fun,
so I decided to stop by
and check things out.

I was actually hoping
to run into yugi,

But I guess
you guys'll do.

Speaking of which,
who's she?

To you?
She's off limits.

You remember
joey wheeler, right?

It's his sister.

Oh, right.

Wasn't he the guy
I made dress up in
that doggie costume?

Yeah, but do me a favor
and don't bring that up.

You'll upset serenity.

Now that that's
all cleared up,

Who were those guys
chasing us?

I have no idea,
but I didn't like
the look of those punks.

I wonder what
those robed freaks
were after, anyway.

Who knows?

I can definitely tell
you one thing, though.

They weren't very
fond of you guys.

Wow, sherlock.
You're real smart, pal.

Did you figure that out
all by yourself

Or did someone help you?

Very funny.
Well, someone's
after you,

And you need
to figure out why.

Hey, guys.

If those jerks
are after us,
does that mean...

Mean what?

That they're after
the others, too.

Joey, tea, and yugi
may be in even more trouble

Than we are now.

What's the matter,
little yugi,

Did my direct attack
leave you speechless?

Tea: please, joey.
Come to your senses.

Kaiba, mokuba,
can't you guys do
something to stop this?

But if we move,
tea will be...

we've got to stop
this whole thing

it's too late.

I know.

surrender yet, yugi?

I'm not going to stop

Until my best friend
is safe from harm.

And I know just
how to get through
to him, marik,

So watch me.

Too late.

I'm about to send you
into the sea

When I summon
rocket warrior.

Any monster struck by
rocket warrior loses
attack points

For the duration
of the turn.

Wait, joey.

I know you
can hear me.

And then I'll play

I know you remember.
Think, joey.

I said you're too late,
you fool.

Rocket warrior,
attack now.

In its invincible mode,

It will weaken
your red-eyes while
remaining unharmed.

Joey, hold on.

I just want
to give you
something of mine.

And now my attrition
card activates.

It takes the attack points
of my rocket warrior

And subtracts them
from your red-eyes,

Making it even weaker.

How sad.

what's going on?

I feel my control
weakening again.

You're my
best friend.

And just like
you gave me
your red-eyes,

I wanna give you
something that's
meaningful to me.

No. Forget about him.

Aah! What's
happening to me?

Joey, it's me.

Please take this.

It's my most
precious possession.

The millennium puzzle.

Now a piece of me
will always be with you.

Take care of it, joey.
It's yours now.
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