02x30 - Shadow of a Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x30 - Shadow of a Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

You're in my way.

You have
something I seek.

Give me your
millennium item,

And you may pass by.

You can have
my millennium rod.

But before I
hand it over,

You have to do
something for me.

Perhaps there is a way
we can work together.

You've made
a wise choice.

With our combined power,

No one in the entire world
will be able to stop us!

It's bakura,
and he's hurt!

I just found him
lying on the ground.

He doesn't
look so good.

He needs to go to
a hospital quickly.

You're right.

I'll take him to see
a doctor right now.

He'll be all right.

Best of luck!

thanks a lot!

I'm num,
and you are?

The name's joey.

I'm tea.

Thanks for
all your help.

[Thinking] those
fools have no idea

Who I really am,

Or the danger that's
in store for them.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: we showed that
marik creep, didn't we?!

Now we can focus on
the battle city finals!

[Thinking] we may have
beaten marik this time,

But he will
definitely be back.

Maybe next time, he'll
actually show his face,

Now that he knows my
friends can't be controlled!


I won't forget how you
saved my life back there.

And now that you
can see again...

You'll be able
to watch me duel

All the way
to the top

And win the battle
city finals, sis!


Look, serenity, I know
you're really excited

To see your big brother
duel in the finals...

But I'll tell ya...

Between us,

Joey's not gonna
last too much longer

In the battle city

Especially once he has
to face me in a duel.

Oh, yeah?

Who beat who
last time?

Pure luck!

Besides duelist
kingdom's ancient history,

And this time, I plan to
wipe out both of you boys!

I'm sure you'll be
tough to beat, mai.

about it, yugi.

After what you
and I've been through,

The rest of this tournament's
gonna be a breeze!

Speaking of which,

It's time to use
our locator cards

And find out where
the finals are being held!

So, let's do this!

All right!

Here we come,
battle city finals.

Word on
the street is

We put 'em on
our duel disk

And the secret site
is revealed.

Mai: that makes
sense to me.

Yugi: check it out!

Tea: it's projecting

Tristan: what is it?

Tea: this
is so cool!

Yugi: it kind of
looks like a stadium.

But how do we
get there?

Female voice:

Our satellite network
has confirmed

That you are
a battle city finalist.

Stand by for directions
to kaiba corp stadium...

Seems everything's
going according to plan.

Yes, and I've
already done more
than I agreed to do.

I "took care" of
bakura like you asked

So you could
rescue him, marik,

And gain the trust
of those fools.

It's your turn.

You'll get my millennium rod
and the other items

When you complete
your end of the bargain.

Look, my patience is
growing thin, marik!

What's the next
part of the plan?

You'll obtain a duel disk

And enter the battle city
tournament finals.

I'll hand over
the objects you seek

If you can win me
the cards that I desire.



I guess you're not
duelist enough to
win them yourself,

Or is there
something else

You're not
telling me

About this scheme
of yours, marik?

Do you want the millennium
items, or don't you?

If so, I suggest
you do as I say.

Time to enter the finals
is running out.

You'll need to obtain
locator cards

In order to qualify!


Ha! Fine, marik.

Grandpa: bakura,
wake up!

Are you ok?


Bakura, please!

foolish old man.


Oh, thank goodness
you're all right!

You were shouting
and tossing around!

I'm fine.

It was only
a nightmare.

Well, you've been
through a lot.

This will
cheer you up!

Yugi and joey called
while you were asleep,

And they've both

For the battle city
tournament finals!

Hmm, that is
excellent news,

But I'm not

Did they
happen to mention

Where the finals
are being held?


I was so excited
by the news,

I forgot to ask
about that!



I'm really proud
of those boys,

Especially since
only duelists

Can make it
to the finals.

And to think
I've trained two
of 'em myself!

you must lie down.

I've got work to do.

You need rest,
and we haven't gotten

Your test results yet!

Back off, old man!


I don't have time
for this foolishness,

For my destiny awaits!

Who are you?



Not again!


That ought to hold him
for a while.

Now I must obtain
locator cards

To qualify for
the battle city finals.

Then I'll deliver
my winnings to marik,

And the greatest power
in the world will be mine!

Man: help! No!

Please give me
back my stuff!

I'm afraid they
belong to me!

Your duel disk
and your locator card

Are exactly what
I am looking for.

Please don't.

I need those so I
can keep dueling.

Stop groveling,
it's pitiful!

Your battle city
days are over.

Now then, let's see what
kind of deck you have.


And you call
yourself a duelist?

It's pathetic!

My cards!

I'll never get
to the finals now.

Man: you guys
hear the news?

Duelists have
already qualified
for the finals.

No way!

I heard it
was only !

time is running out,

And a practice duel
would be wise.

Dude, I can't wait!

These finals
are gonna rock!

You, listen,

I need to know
where I can find

A battle city
duelist immediately.

Get lost!

I wouldn't do that
again if I were you.

Hey, man!

Is there a problem?

Well, then?

I must duel now!

Ok, ok.

There's a rumor
that some duels

Are going on
in the cemetery tonight.

You better be right.

Man: hello?

no duelists here.

It must have been
some kind of trick.

Whoa! Whoa!

Would you look at me?

I'm scared of a crow.

Hey, dumb bird!



Going somewhere?


Hi! Smashing night,
ain't it?




You have entered the lair
of the living dead.

It's not
a very nice place.

In fact, it's
a blooming nightmare!

This is your
last chance.

Drop your duel disk
or perish!

Aah! This place
is haunted!



This gets more fun
every time.

He was even wimpier
than the last guy.

Looks like we got
our fifth locator card!

Ha! Brilliant, mates!

One more card,
and we've spooked our way

Right into the finals.

That's right.

And we deserve it--

Specially after
what happened
to us last time.

If that creep bandit
keith didn't take

All our star chips,
we would've made it

To the duelist
kingdom finals!


Bonz, another
bloke is coming.

I hope they got
a locator card,

'Cause if they don't,

Things are
gonna get ugly!

Things will also get
ugly if they do!

[Thinking] not
a duelist in sight.

Those fools deceived me.


[All growling]


The end is near!

This is
our turf!

What is the meaning
of this?

I'll show you!



So, you are duelists.

If this is how you
intimidate the competition,

You're even more
hopeless than you look.

You're no match
for my strength,

So we'll do
things my way.

I possess one locator card,

And if you'd
like to have it,

You'll have to
duel me for it.

Fine, we have
locator cards,

So once we win
yours, we'll go

Straight to
the battle city

What do you
say, guys?

I've seen him before.

But who knows where?

I can't even
remember what I had
for breakfast today.

Just duel them and win
that card, bonz!

I can duel
fair and square,

Especially if it means
a trip to the finals.

If we're going to duel,

Then take off your mask
and show me your face.

I'm afraid
you don't stand
a ghost of a chance

In a duel against me.

So, put up
your locator card,

And let's do this!

If you're so confident,

Why not raise
the stakes?

The winner takes all.

Not likely!

You think
we're dumb enough

To risk all cards?

Your cowardice comes
as no surprise...

But let me remind you,

The finals begin soon,

And you're running
out of time.

He's right!

I have stated
my case clearly,

And if you are wise,
you will duel me.

The winner will go
to the battle city finals.

I accept your challenge.

Besides, with only
one locator card,

You can't be much
of a duelist anyway.

Accepting my challenge
was your first mistake...

And once I'm
through with you,

It will be your last!

If you want
my locator card,

You'll have to be
prepared for anything.


This fog's as thick
as a, uh...

Really thick soup!

Time to begin our duel.

So, get ready.

Are you aware
of the legend
of this cemetery?

What legend?


This very cemetery
is haunted by the ghost

Of a knight who lost
his head in battle.


When the clock
strikes midnight,

He rises up
from his grave

In search of his
missing head!

believe you!


Meet headless knight!


Your face is
scarier than

That duel monsters
card, bonz!

Hey, I didn't
see it coming!

All right...

I'll place
one card facedown.

I'm afraid the worst
is yet to come.

This guy's
creeping me out!

I'll show him.

Now, I'll dig up
snake hair the sorceress!

She'll bury your knight
in no time!

Snake hair, destroy
his headless knight

With your stone
blizzard attack!




It looks like
your knight

Just lost a lot
more than his head!


I assure you,

You haven't seen the last
of my headless knight,

So observe and learn.

I reveal
my facedown card!

And it's shallow grave!

This magic card allows me
to revive one monster

From my graveyard
and place it

Back on the field
in defense mode.

So, welcome back
my headless knight!


Look out, bonzie,

The headless guy came
back from the grave!

Wake up, zygor.

Snake hair's
still got more
attack points

Than that
flimsy knight.

Oh, yeah, you got
a point there, sid.

This monster
may be too weak,

But watch as I sacrifice
my headless knight

In order to
summon a creature

Stronger than
your snake hair.

Rise up,
earl of demise!


Oh, no!

My monster's
a goner!

And now,
earl of demise,

Attack with your
sword of peril!

Ah! No!

Snake hair!


Have you amateurs
had enough punishment yet?

We'll see
which one of us

Is an amateur
when I do this!

I summon
dragon zombie!


Now I'll unearth
my magic burial card.

Look familiar?

This magic card costs me
life points,

But since it
brings snake hair
back from the grave,

It's a price I'm
willing to pay--

Especially once I activate
my polymerization card!

Creating a creature
so terrifying,

It will send shivers
down your spine!


Great mammoth
of goldfine!

You are finished!

Since fusion
monsters have to

Wait one turn
before attacking,

I'll lay one card

And then I'll wait
for you to make
your next move.

[Thinking] not only
will my mammoth

Trample his monster
in my next turn,

But when I spring
my trap card on him,

It won't be long before
his locator card is mine!

Hey, are you gonna
draw or what?

With pleasure.


I'm playing
a trap card!

Skull invitation!

Now every time
a card is sent
to the graveyard,

My skull invitation card

Will severely damage
your life points!


So, when my great
mammoth of goldfine

Destroys your earl of
demise in my next turn

You will lose
extra life points


Talk about having one
foot in the grave!

You are finished, bud!




Your trap card is
meaningless to me,

And to prove it, I'll send

Every card in my hand
to the card graveyard!


He must be mad
as a hatter to
make that move.

You can't lose,


Skull invitation,
do your dirty work!


That's right,

Squeeze the life points
right out of him!


Now what's
so funny?

You'll soon find out.

Not only are you about
to lose this duel,

But when I'm done
with you

You'll lose
so much more!

You were so distracted
by the hopeless thought

Of winning my locator card

And advancing to the finals,

You failed to notice
I've played a magic card.

Oh, no!

It's called
spiritualistic medium,

And it provides
my earl of demise

With an additional
attack points

For every card destroyed
during my turn.

It can't!

Oh, it can,

And if you
remember correctly...

I destroyed
of my own cards

Giving my monster ,
more attack points!

Go, my spirits,

And add your power
to the earl of demise!


Aah! It's grown
too powerful!


Earl of demise,
destroy his mammoth!

I lose ,
life points.

And because of
your own trap card,

You lose
additional life points!


The end is near...

And when I win,

You and your friends
will be trapped here.

What do you
mean by that?


Just look around you,
you fools!

We've been dueling
in the shadow realm!

[All gasp]

I transported us here
when I first arrived!

What do you think?

All: what are
those things?!

Those are lost souls,

Trapped forever
in the darkness!

And soon you
will join them,

Your souls
doomed to wander

In the darkness
of the shadow realm!


See you later,

come back!

He won't get far.



How did I end up
back here?

Let that be a lesson.

You cannot run
from the shadow realm.

Only by defeating me
in this duel

Can you hope to
escape its clutches.

whatever you do,

Don't you dare
lose this!

Or we'll
end up like
these guys!


Ok, let me
see here.

Hey, not bad!

I play
the magic card

steel cage.

You'll be trapped
in my cage

For two whole turns,

Preventing you
from attacking

Till you're free.

But just in case,

I'll play this
magic card face down.

You got
him good.

Now you have two
turns to wipe out
his life points.

Duh. Think I
don't know that?

I draw one card...


Aww, disappointed
'cause you can't move?

On the contrary,

I'm disappointed because
this duel has to end...

And I wanted to
prolong your misery!

What are you
talking about?

As long as you're trapped
in my nightmare steel cage,

None of your monsters
can carry out an attack
for two full turns!

That's only
partially true.

There is one card that
can penetrate your cage.

Activate ectoplasmer!

Ectoplasmer extracts
the very soul of my monster

And transforms it into
an energy so powerful,

It can penetrate your cage

And destroy the rest
of your life points!

No way!

Now go, ectoplasmer,

And finish
these fools off now!


Stop your whimpering.

Nothing can save you now...

It's over.

You dueled me
and lost.

And now your must all
wander the shadow realm...

Until I choose
to set you free.



Now it's on to
the battle city finals

To fulfill my agreement
with marik,

And soon I will obtain
the world's greatest power!

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