02x36 - Rage of the Egyptian Gods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x36 - Rage of the Egyptian Gods

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Listen closely,

The time has come

To put the final
part of my plan
into motion.

This is where I
need your help, odion.

I must hide my identity.

Everyone shall think
you are me.

As for myself,

Those fools already
believe me to be
a friend named namu.

I'll gain
their trust,

Then crush them
with the winged
dragon of ra!

I'll keep bakura's
millennium ring,

And I'll also

Occasional control
over tea's mind.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of game ♪

♪ It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel ♪

Finalists and guests,

May I have your
attention, please?

The second duel of the battle
city finals is about to begin.

That's right!

And the selector
will now randomly pick
the next two duelists!

Remember your numbers.

If you are selected,

You'll be participating in
the second duel of the finals!

And the first duelist
chosen is number ...

Joey wheeler!



It's time to kick
some major butt!

And mr. Wheeler's
opponent in this duel is

Number --marik ishtar!

It's go time!

Thinking: joey's
facing off against marik!

I'm sure he's planning
on using his millennium rod

To win this duel,
so joey's got to be
ready for anything.

I hope you brought
a parachute

'Cause I'm blasting
you right off this blimp!

You got that, marik?

All right!

Both duelists will now take
their places in the arena.

Elevate the field!

Tristan: come on, joey!

The winner of this duel
will advance

To the next round of
the battle city finals!

The loser
will be dismissed.

All right, gentlemen.

It's time to begin.

So if you'll please
take your places

On either end
of the playing field,

We can get this duel


Roland: uh, gentlemen?


Show tattoo-face what
dueling's all about, joey!

Wow! Joey looks really
fired up to duel marik!

Of course, when joey
gets really steamed,

He tends to sh**t
his mouth off.

But he better watch
what he says to this guy.

Marik's mean enough
without joey's lip!

tristan's right.

Joey's got to stay
focused. And stop shuffling
his deck already!


I hope
that joey's ok.

I almost forgot,

This is your
first time seeing your
brother duel, isn't it?

That's right.

Well, I'm sure with you
here cheering him on,

There's no way he'll lose.

let's go, huh?

You've shuffled
enough cards
for duels.

Now both
of you take
your positions!

Thinking: I'll make
this wacko wish

He never tried
to control my noggin!

Yo! Listen up,
you bald-headed freak!

According to my math,
you're gonna be all
washed up in turns.

That's if you
can count!

Where'd he
come up
with ?

Tristan: look, with
joey you don't ask.

My brother's
so awesome,

He's got this whole
duel calculated
in his head already.

That's right, serenity.

You just keep believing
everything he says.

Joey: that must be
what he used
to control me.

the millennium rod!

I knew marik
would use it
to win this duel!

That coward can't
win on his own!

Joey: point that
thing somewhere else
and duel like a man!

Very well.

Look, marik...

Did you say,
"very well"?

Thinking: that's a relief.

Marik must have realized

That joey's mind is
too strong to be controlled.

That's why
the millennium rod
didn't work last time!

little do they know

That odion's
millennium rod is

Merely a replica of
the original item
held by me.

These fools
will never suspect

That I am the one
they fear and despise
so greatly!

And while I hide
safely in the shadows,

Odion will fight
my battles for me.

But something else
concerns me.

It's seto kaiba
and his role
in this struggle.

Little yugi
isn't the only one

Standing between me
and the power
of the pharaoh,

For the ancient tablets
also depict a sorcerer,

Who bears a striking
resemblance to kaiba.

And what concerns me
even more is

What appears to be
my millennium rod in
the hands of this sorcerer!

So I'll keep an eye
on him as well.

And before
the finals are over,

Kaiba's egyptian god card,

the tormentor,

Will belong to me!


Kaiba could never comprehend
that card's power!

And as long
as odion continues
to deceive everyone

Into believing he is me,

My plan to obtain
the two remaining
egyptian god cards

And yugi's millennium
puzzle should be simple.

I'll show seto kaiba
what true power
is all about.

Hey, seto!
If marik really is

The leader of
the rare hunters,

He must have, like,
a ton of rare cards
in his deck!

There's only one
card in his deck
I care about...

And that's his
egyptian god card--

The winged dragon
of ra.

And hopefully
that hack joey wheeler

Will last long enough
in this duel

For me to see how
marik's card works

So I can win it
for myself.

Listen to me, odion!

If you can't defeat this
pathetic fool--joey wheeler,

Then you don't stand
a chance against the pharaoh!

So unless
you'd like to take

An unexpected journey
to the shadow realm,

I'd suggest you refrain
from disappointing me.

Yes, master marik.
I pledge my word

That I shall defeat
this worthless opponent.

Let's do this,

Thinking: it's time to
duel and destroy you!

Gentlemen, let the duel begin!

Prepare for defeat.

Don't count
on it, marik!

I'm not
scared of you!

I'll start,
ya freak.

That's right!
You da man, joey!

Show this robed
weirdo who's boss!

Duke devlin:
yugi, did joey
ever take back

His red-eyes
black dragon


He'll be all right.

Come on, joey, you've
come this far, man.

You can beat him!

Yeah, but I'll bet
he's never faced

An opponent
as unpredictable
as this guy.

Well, we've all seen
the kind of evil
marik's capable of,

And it's pretty obvious
he's not to be trusted.

Tristan: joey's just got
to keep his cool.

Thinking: all right,
this is it.

I've worked
really hard to get
to the finals,

And I can't screw
this up!

And just think,
if I defeat
this evil nutcase,

I'll be a hero!

I'll have
knocked him out
of the competition

And saved
the world. I'll be
famous, baby.

[All gasp]

Duke devlin: hey, joey!

You might want to
actually hold onto your
cards for this duel.

You guys,
he needs support.

Nice catch,
big brother!

note to self,

Beware of
gusty winds!

What was kaiba
thinking, holding
a duel up here?

Thinking: come on, joey.
Stay focused.

Now, then,
where was i?

like a fool!

That's enough
out of you, marik!

So check this out.

Now I summon

the iron knight

In attack mode!

Ah, now this is
looking like a duel!

And there's
more where
that came from.

Now let's see
what you've got,
tough guy.

I'm waiting.

I'll play
temple of the kings--

A card like none
you've ever seen!

what's going on?

What's the deal
with that
building, marik?

The structure
behind me is

The ancient
temple of the kings.

Within this
, -year-old
sanctuary lie

The greatest treasures
of the kings of egypt.

And what does
that big shack do?

To protect
the kings' treasure,

It limits the number
of magic and trap cards
you can play in one turn.

Aw, man!

And in front
of the temple,

I'll lay two cards
facedown as an extra
boundary of protection.

And with this move
I end my turn.

So try to attack me
if you dare.

You have no idea
what danger lurks
within these temple walls.

Marik hasn't even
summoned one monster!

Attack his
life points!

That's stupid.

Oh, and why's that?

Because marik
probably wants
him to attack

So he can
activate his
facedown cards

And put
a serious
hurting on joey.

It's way too
risky, dummy.

Good point.

Thinking: joey does
need to watch out

For marik's
facedown cards,

But what worries me even more
is marik's egyptian temple.

Who knows
what's hiding in there?

Thinking: these fools
have no idea

Of the ancient fury
that awaits them!

I can't let him
smell my fear.

Stay calm, joey.

all right, joey?

Tristan: you look
pretty scared, dude!

Thinking: that's what I
was afraid of.

Ok, if I'm gonna
beat this guy,

I got to pull
myself together.

What am I
worried about?

That two-bit temple's
got nothing on
my giant trunade!

This card will get
rid of all his magic
and trap cards

So I can totally
dismantle his
temple of the kings.

Marik: what's the delay?

Don't you realize that
no matter what you do,

You're finished,
mr. Wheeler?

So make your move.

I got my plan
to win this duel
all figured out.

First, I'll summon
a few more monsters

To build up
my attack power,
but I won't attack.

Then marik
will probably play

A couple more
facedown cards,

Thinking he's
got me trapped.

And that's when
I'll spring my giant
trunade on him,

Blasting away
all his trap cards

And reducing
his temple to
a pile of rubble!

And finally,
my army of monsters

Will wipe out
his life points!


That evil freakshow
won't know
what hit him.

Say good night,

I summon
tiny guardian

In attack mode!


And that's all
I'm gonna do for
now, chrome dome.

Joey's got to attack
him sometime.

I'm sure that
my big brother has
some kind of plan.

Observe, you fool...

I place two more cards
facedown on the field,

And now my move
is complete.

Now marik's got
cards facedown.

That spineless snake
is just gonna sit back

And wait for joey
to attack him!

When he does, marik will
spring one of his traps.

It's the oldest and wimpiest
trick in the book.

All right, cue ball,
take this!

I summon
hayabusa knight!


Now I have
enough monsters
on the field

To wipe out
his life points!

But first I got to
play giant trunade

And clear the field
of all his magic
and trap cards.

It's time for me
to demolish

That ancient
palace of yours...


With this!

I play
giant trunade!


Marik will have
nothing on the field
to protect himself!

It looks like joey's
the winner!

Beating this guy
was way easier
then I thought.

Come on, trunade,

Blow his cards
off the field!


Why did it stop?

Your cards should
have been history.

What's going on?

Your giant trunade
is no more.

And your troubles
have only just begun.

I don't get
what just happened
to my magic card.

It was supposed to
get rid of every card
you had on the field.

What's the deal?

When you made
the very foolish
decision to activate

Your giant trunade,
mr. Wheeler,

You in turn triggered
one of the most
dangerous traps

I've placed on the field
to protect myself.

Is that so?


And now it's time
for you to pay the price
for your mistake.

You see, with all of
my trap cards in play,

I knew you wouldn't
attack me with a monster.

You'd try to destroy
my traps with a magic card.

Oh. So you played
a trap card that
destroys magic cards?

But that's not
all that it does.

The trap you've
just triggered

Is about to devastate
all of your monsters

And an extremely
large portion of
your life points.

So prepare to feel

Its wrath right now!

Go, judgment of anubis!

Never have you

A trap with a destructive
force such as this!

Judgment of anubis
will now annihilate

Every monster you
have on the field

And deduct half of
their attack points
from your life points!

What? No way!

Anubis, destroy!

Building up your army
of powerful monsters

Was a grave miscalculation

Because they're
about to disappear

With more than ,
of your life points!

Hey! You just
wasted my best guys.

When you see
the horrors
that await you,

Those monsters
will be the last thing
on your mind.

By thinking he
had the duel won,

Joey fell right into
marik's trap.

right, tea.
Joey thought

By not
with monsters,

He was
safe from
marik's traps.

But the trickiest
and most dangerous
cards in duel monsters

Are trap cards,
and now marik's field
is full of them!

Let's just hope joey
learned his lesson,

Because one more
mistake like that,

And he can kiss
the finals good-bye!

And he's come too far

To lose it all to a creep
with a bad attitude,

Not to mention
a bad hairdo.

It's more of
a hair-don't.

marik is tough,

But you still
think joey can
win, right, guys?


Tristan: think he can win?
I know he can, right, yuge?

Mm-hmm. Don't
worry, serenity.

Joey's been in tougher
situations than this.

He just needs
a little support from us,

And he'll be crushing
marik in no time.

Come on, joey!
You can do it!

Tristan: yeah.
Hang in there, man.

Have you realized
you can't win?

Or do you want more
punishment, mr. Wheeler?

I got you good.

You may not
realize this

Because your
tied too tight,

But I fell into
your little trap
on purpose, marik!

Yeah, that's
the ticket!

I was just testing
you to see

If your dueling
skills were

Any better than
your sense of style,

And it looks like
you passed my exam.

Now I'll kick
my game up a notch

And open up a big
tub of duel whip
all over you!

Ok, he has got
to be kidding me.

I knew it!

Joey had this planned
the whole time!

Thinking: will someone
please buy this girl a clue?

I don't think marik's
buying his story.

But you got to give
joey credit

For staying strong
and never giving up.

The only thing I give
wheeler credit for
is being all talk.

All right, marik.
standing around.

Let's finish
this duel.

You're in quite
a rush to lose.

Now watch as I place
two more cards facedown.


That ends my turn.

I'm getting really
tired of this.

You know,
they call this
game duel monsters

'Cause you're
supposed to fight
your opponent

With monster cards,
not spend the whole
game hiding

Behind your
little trap cards
like a coward.

If you can find me

The rule that forbids
me from playing
trap cards,

I'll stop, mr. Wheeler.


That does it, marik!

I guess it's time
for me to show you

How this game
is supposed
to be played--

With monsters!

So now I summon


In attack mode!

If I attack now,

Marik's definitely
gonna counteract
my move

With one of
his facedown cards.

And I can't afford
to lose any more
life points.

I'm waiting. I thought that
you were going to show me

How you're supposed
to play this game. Go on.

If I strike,

He'll knock
me out of the finals!

What do I do?

I'm gonna let you
off easy, marik,

By holding back
my attack

And playing
this card facedown.

Back to you, baldy.

Thinking: that's a smart
move for now,

But he'll have to attack
marik eventually,

And when he does,
he could lose everything.

Joey needs a strategy.

Ok. Let's go!

Actually, I choose
to end my turn without
making any move.

Thinking: what? He's
skipping his turn?

He's trying to force
me to attack him.

Two can play
at that game,
so I pass, also.

Perhaps now I'll draw
a card worth using.

No. This one
won't do at all.

I'll pass again.

All right, now this is
getting out of hand, seto.

If neither one of
them plays a card,

This is gonna be a long
duel and boring, too.

No need to worry
about that.


Knowing wheeler's
amateur style,

He'll crack long
before marik does.

You asked for it!

Oh, no!

Hey, come on, joey.
Don't attack.

That's exactly what he
wants you to do.

All right!

You're not gonna
know what hit you!

Here it comes right now!

I summon rocket warrior!

You asked for it!

I don't care
how many trap cards
you got on the field

'Cause I didn't come
to the finals to watch!

I fought my way here
to duel like a man

And to win this, marik.

Now, rocket warrior,
attack his life
points directly!

Seek and destroy!

Joey, this is
a big mistake!

Activate trap card!

Eye of ujat!

Now that the eye of ujat
appears on the front
of your rocket warrior,

It is under my control,

And I shall redirect
its attack toward
one of your monsters!

No way.

Rocket warrior,

Attack his
alligator's sword.

I don't
think that's
gonna work!

I got a facedown
card, too!

Activate fairy box!

Thinking: what's this?

He's activated a trap card
to hide his monster?

Thanks to fairy box,

Rocket warrior's plan
of attack has been

Time to
play peek-a-boo!

Rocket warrior,
attack at once!

So much for that.

I missed?

Nyah nyah! I guess you
haven't hung out

In the arcade
in a while, huh?

I'm on to your
little game, marik,

And I found out
the weakness of
your trap strategy.

[All gasp]

You don't even have
one single monster card,

Just a deck overloaded
with trap cards, marik.

Talk about putting
all your eggs
in one basket,

You egg-head.

So once I clear
the field of
your trap cards,

There'll be nothing
your life points.

That's why
I'm joey wheeler,

Future battle city

And you're just
some ugly bald freak
wearing a cape, right?

You can insult me
all you want.

But the truth is

You've already fallen into

Another one of my traps.


Enough talk, odion!

Finish him off

So we can move
on to more
important matters!

What do you mean,
I've fallen
into another trap?


You're about to see
what I mean firsthand.

You see, while I may
be short on monsters,

I possess a trap card
that is both a trap
and a monster.

I think
the barber clipped
some of your brain

When he was
cutting your hair.

Prepare to experience

The power of an extremely
rare breed of card

That's known
as a trap-monster!

But is
there such a card?

Well, I've
never heard of it.

Not only do I possess
a rare trap-monster card,

But when you att*cked,
you activated it!

And now feel the rage
of a card like none
you've ever seen before!

It can't be!

It is!

There's no escaping from
embodiment of apophis!

My card activates
like a trap but att*cks
like a monster!

I'd say this card

Your theory
about my deck
and its weakness,

Mr. Wheeler.

So it's true?
Marik has a card

That does the job
of a trap and a monster
at the exact same time?

I guess so, mai,
but I'm worried

About how
powerful its
attack strength is.

If this card is
strong enough,

Well, then
this could be
the end of joey.

I'm afraid it only gets
worse, mr. Wheeler.

You see,

You've triggered not one
but of my apophis cards.

And now it's time for
you to meet your doom.

Come forth, my beasts!

What am I gonna do?

He can attack me
with monsters.

That's insane.

I must say
I'm impressed.

Thinking: those
monsters can wipe out
his life points!

You can do this, joey!
Just be strong!

You're at the end
of your rope,
mr. Wheeler.

Now, then, for someone
who was so vocal before,

You seem to be very silent.

Perhaps you've realized
that talk doesn't win duels.

It takes skill and power.

And as soon as
my creatures attack,

You'll see exactly
what I mean!

You're finished!

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