02x40 - Awakening of Evil, Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x40 - Awakening of Evil, Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Marik: the rage of my
egyptian god card

Is going to strike everyone
involved in this duel!

I'm sorry...


Beware, the great evil
hidden within!

Master marik has
a darker side...

I'm finally
free again.

I'm the true marik,

And I'm not as kind as
the one you've come to know.

So, get ready for
the real battle.

And when I'm
though with you...

Your puzzle will
be around my neck,

Where it belongs.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: so, what's
the diagnosis, doc?

Well, so far odion's
heart rate is steady,

His tests were fine.

But I'm afraid all
the mental stress

He's gone through has
left him unconscious.

Yeah, I could
use a nap, too.

The doctor means he's
been knocked out, joey.

You should be
really thankful

You're not in
the same state.

You got a good
point there.

I mean, he and I were both
standin' right there

When his egyptian god
monster went all kablooie.

But I'm
perfectly fine...

Tristan: aside from
the brain damage

You had going into it.

Zip it!

I guess
that means

We're not
gonna find out

Who this guy is until
he's able to wake up.

That's right,

But there is one thing
we do know for sure...

He was determined
to protect marik

For as long as he could.

And for what!?

Just look at him!

Odion's lying in
a hospital bed,

And marik could care less
if he ever wakes up again!

That creep's as
nasty as they get!

Mai: what did you
expect marik to do?

Send flowers!?
Poor odion.

It's times when
you're down...

That you need friends
around the most.

[Joey thinking]
hmm, she's right!

That's why I was able
to stand up after

The lightning blast

And odion wasn't...

You guys,
I figured it all out!

I know how I was able
to get to my feet

And win the duel!


'Cause you helped me!

See, you guys...

I had this dream
and it reminded me

That my friends were rooting
for me all the way!

And it was like
you were all on

The field with me,
ya know?

Yes, joey.

And having you there
gave me the strength

To get back up and win!

Wow, that dream's
almost as touching

As the one where
you were making

Vanilla pudding
with that monkey!

Hey, that
was a secret!

Whoa, easy,
big bro.

Ah, friends...

Hey, guys, isn't
it time for kaiba

To pick the next two
duelists in the finals now?

Oh, yeah!

What do you say we get
a move on, eh, yugi?

Let's go.

Tristan: I wonder
who's dueling next.

Mai: hey, joey, about
that dream of yours...

Er, which one, mai?

The one without
the monkey.

I was in it,
wasn't i?

You know,
to help you up.


Tristan: come on.
Let's get out of here, joey.

Thing is, I would...

But something's wrong.

I don't have enough
strength to stand up.

Little help, guys?

Mai: sure, joey.

Joey: you guys are the best
friends I've ever had!

Tristan: we'll always
be here for you buddy!

Right guys?

Joey: I'll never
forget about this.

Er, actually,
you weren't, mai.

Nope, definitely
not there.

Nowhere to be
seen, sorry!

Maybe next time,

Though most of my dreams
are very manly,

You know, drivin' cars,
fixin' stuff...


Playing soldiers...

Being a sports star,

Eating donuts.

You know, guy stuff.

Yeah, so I'll see
you later, ok? Bye.

typical guy...


Phew! That was
a close one!

Last thing I want
is for mai to think

I'm thinking about her.

That would cause
all kinds of problems.

And who has time for...


Why are you so mean?

You're the one
grabbing ears!

Mai wanted to feel
like your friend,

But you were too
immature to let her!

Next time grow up!


oh, well...

Looks to me like
odion's not the only

Forgotten person
in this room.

Eh, what are
you gonna do?

It's nothing I'm not
used to, I guess.

I'm a loner.

I do things my way,
and that's how I like it!

Who needs friends!?

I got where I am by myself.

No one tells mai valentine
what to do.

That's how I live,
and that's how I duel!

After all, there's
only one person

You can truly depend on
in the heat of battle...

And that person
is yourself!

Man: attention!
It's time to choose

The next two duelists
for the third match

Of the battle city finals!

looks like marik's
missing in action.

And still, no sign of
that eighth duelist.

Joey: hey,
before we start,

I was thinking...

Since marik entered this
thing with a fake name,

Shouldn't he be

Wishful thinking.

But this contest is
about skills and not names.

What's that mean?

It means to get rid
of the competition,

You should be man enough
to use your deck

And not some trivial


[Thinking] besides...

To obtain the winged
dragon of ra,

I must defeat marik,
not disqualify him.

Only then will I
be able to return

To the glory
I once knew.


Mokuba: this is it,

Let 'er rip!roland: yes, sir!

Duelists remember
your numbers!

Selector, start!


Here we go...

Let it be me
against marik!

Roland: remember
the results are final.

Come on, bingo baby,
keep bouncing!

And give us
something good!

Tea: this is it!

Roland: and the first
duelist participating

In the next
match-up is...

Number !

I repeat, its duelist
number , mai valentine.

Joey: all right!
Way to go!


Let's see who
mai is dueling,

And then its
show time!

Roland: selector,
begin again!

Mai: later guys.

Hey! Don't you
want to see

Who you're gonna
duel against, mai?

Oh, like it really
makes a difference!

I'll win no matter
who it is.

As for you fellows...

I'll be seeing you
at the finals.

But, mai...
We'll be at
rooting for you!

Don't bother.


Tea: but why not?

I don't need
you guys to win.

Believe it or not,

I was a good duelist
before I met you.

And quite frankly,

Certain blond-haired
knuckleheads in your group

Are beginning to
get on my nerves!


That's right, joey!

It's perfectly clear
that you

Don't consider
me a friend,

And I don't
consider you one.

So, let's just leave it
at that, monkey boy!

That is
completely untrue!

And I'm no


I'm out of here.

Hmm! Girls!

I'll take that key,
if you don't mind.

It's time to take
care of something

I should have
done ages ago!

Odion, you poor,
pathetic fool.

Now, my old friend,

It's time to take a trip
to the shadow realm!

After all, we can't
have you waking up

And trying to
contain me again,

Now can we?

Goodbye, odion.

And when you see
my father,

Give him a message
for me...

Tell him that I can't thank him
enough for creating me!

Roland: duelist
number , marik ishtar,

Will be facing off
against mai valentine!


Both duelists
must report

To the dueling
arena immediately.

Well, how fortunate for you.

But don't you worry,
I will be back.

where's marik?

The announcement was
broadcast in every room!

Mai: maybe
he chickened out.

or maybe not.



[Thinking] well,
speak of the freak show.

Mai: it's about time!

This won't take
too long.

[Thinking] yeah, it
won't take long for me

To seize this loser's
prized egyptian god card

And then use it to win
the battle city finals!


Prepare to be
cast into the shadows!

Roland: elevate
the playing field!

Mai valentine,
marik ishtar,

Ready your decks!

This duel
will now begin!

So, let's go!

I'm ready to show you

What real
dueling's all about!

Good luck.

Thank you!
Now ladies first!

Hmm, not too bad.

I play dunames
dark witch

In attack mode!

Take it away,


Starting things off
quickly, are we?

I see.

Now let's see what
my deck has for me--

Rather us.


Now, I'll summon
my revival jam.

In defense mode.

And the magic card,
jam breeding machine!

This monster-producing

Will create one
slime token for me

With every passing turn.

So, I'd suggest
you attack now

Before my slime creatures
far outnumber you!

[Thinking] let's see
that egyptian god card!

Joey: aw, man!
It started already!

Yugi: mai!

Joey: I knew we
shouldn't of waited

For tristan to get
out of the bathroom!

Tea: hey there, mai!
We're with ya!

Joey: show this
creep who's force!

Mai: and just what are
you guys doing here?

Didn't I make it clear

That I don't need your
help to win this duel?

We all know that, mai!

But friends are
still allowed to
come watch, right?

Just to show we care!

Like the time my
grandma came to see me

Play a tree in
the school pageant!

Then suit

Yugi! What's
that thing!?

It's not good!

Marik used these same
plasma monsters against me!

And it can only
mean one thing!

I must warn mai!

Or she'll be in a great
deal of danger!

My move now!

Wait! Before you go,

You need to know,

Yugi, were you listening
to what I said?

But this is--

I said I don't
need your help!

So, I'd appreciate
it if you could

All just mind
your own business!

Are we clear?

Tea: I guess so...


Do it yourself, eh?

Those are brave
words from someone

With no idea what
they're up against!

Oh, clamp it.

I know exactly what
I'm up against,

And exactly what
I'm gonna do to
beat you as well!

Then why do I see such
fear in your eyes!?

[Marik laughs]

Our battle
has only just begun,

And already you
doubt yourself!

You are wrong again!

Now, my dark witch,

Attack his revival jam
with spellbinding flux!

That's it for
revival jam.


Oh, is it?

You'd better look again!


Revival jam is able to
regenerate itself

Whenever it's att*cked.

I had no idea...

That doesn't
surprise me.

Perhaps you
do need help.

Now let's see.

I'll play this,
my pot of greed--

A magic card
that allows me

To draw two more
cards from my deck.

Now then,
have you realized

That this duel is far more
than you can handle?

Observe as my jam
breeding machine

Creates the first of
many slime tokens!

And finally...

I place this face
down on the field

To render your
att*cks useless!

Huh? What's
he mean, seto?

Marik must've thrown
down a trap card

That's somehow able to
block mai's att*cks.

We'll soon find out.

[Thinking] this is just
what marik did to me!

He's probably using his
jam breeding machine

To create enough
monsters to sacrifice!

Then he'll summon his
egyptian god card,

The winged dragon of ra!

All right,
tough guy!

Check it out!

I play this--
the magic card,

feather duster!

It blows away all your
trap and magic cards!

[Wind howling]

Sorry, marik,

But I saw your
dirty little plan,

So I swept it
right up!


[Thinking] mai sure
handled that fast,

But she's in
for much worse

If he summons his
egyptian god card!

my dark witch!

The coast is clear,

So attack that
slime token

With spellbinding flux!

All right! Mai's
already got the lead!

Keep it up, mai!

[Thinking] yes,
rejoice, you fools!


I want you all to
be full of hope,

So it will be that
much more devastating

When I thrust each of
you into the dark abyss!

And now, to
complete my turn

I think I'll place
one card facedown

And that'll do it.

Very well.

I summon melchid
the -face beast.

Then I sacrifice
revival jam

And melchid
the -face beast

To summon the masked
beast des gardius!

[Thinking] that is one
powerful monster...

Now attack,
my masked beast!

Destroy her dark witch!


Now, I activate
my trap card,

Mirror wall!

It att*cks your beast
with its own reflection,

Cutting its
power in half!

Dark witch, finish off
his masked beast!


Ka-blam! Marik's lost
even more life points!

Hold on. It's not time
to celebrate yet.

Dark witch!

When it's destroyed,

My masked beast
leaves behind

The mask of remnants,

Which allows me to
reshuffle my deck,

But more importantly...

I gain control of
your dark witch.

Next, I think
I'll do away with

Your pathetic
little trap.

As I play the magic
card remove trap!

Good riddance!

Aw, man!

Looks like mai's in some
serious trouble out there!

She'd better come up
with something

Before marik unleashes
that egyptian god card!

Joey: hey, she's
doing just fine, ok?

I mean, take a look at
the scoreboard, bozo,

She's winning
this whole thing!

I guess joey's
trying to be nice,

But tristan's right.

If marik pulls out that
winged dragon of ra,

I'm a goner.

I can't let that happen!

Ok, marik, you may've
gotten a few lucky sh*ts,

But that's over,

Things are
about to change!

Indeed. Much more
than you know.

What does that mean?

And what's up with
that creepy smile

Marik's wearing
all of a sudden?

Mai, something's
not right!

I said I don't
need your help!

Well, excuse me.
Then I won't help.

oh, yes you will.

You'll help me.

All of you will.

You just don't
know it yet.

Now listen to me,
foolish girl,

I'm afraid that
practice-time is over.

So, I'd like to
take this match

To the true home
of duel monsters,

The shadow realm!

I beg your pardon?

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

Let the shadow game begin!

[All gasping]

[Marik laughs]

Yugi: this can't
be happening!

I'm scared, you guys!

with this fog?

This is not part
of the game!

What have you
done, marik?!

Welcome to the heart
of darkness!

Yugi: it's just as I feared.

Marik has summoned
the evil powers

Of the shadow realm!

Of the shadow what?

It just looks like
we flew into a fog.

This is no ordinary fog.

I remember this place!

[Thinking] so, they've
experienced the dangers

Of this realm before.

Well this time, there
will be no escaping!

Yugi: marik,
end this now!


The shadows are hungry,

And they will be fed.

If little mai wants
to continue this match,

She'll have to do so
in my world--

A world where there's
much more to lose

Than just a simple duel!

Mai, this duel
must end now!

There's more at stake
than you know!

Forfeit the match!

Yugi, have you
completely lost it?

I've worked hard for this.

It'll take a lot more
than some creepy fog

To scare me off.

So, if you'll excuse me,
I've got a duel to win!


Listen, yugi,
joey, everyone,

I appreciate your
concerns, but...

My mind's made up,

And I'm going to stay
in this duel,

And nothing can
change that!

Very good,
foolish girl.

I knew that I
could count on you

To use that stubborn
mind of yours

While you still
remember how!

Well then,
that's that...

If there's one
thing about mai:

Once the girl makes
up her mind,

There's no way
to un-make it!

That's true.

But this
time it might
cost her big.

You ready, marik?


I'm always ready
for a shadow game!

[Thinking] I hope mai knows
what she's up against.

All the rules of the game
as she knows them

Are about to change!

All right,
here I go!

I place one
card facedown.

And I summon
the unfriendly amazon!

why is she glowing?

Confused, mai?

The energy that
surrounds your amazon

Is a symbol of you--

Or your mind to
be more precise.

If it goes out,

So will a portion
of your mind!

This is the nature
of the shadow realm.

Don't worry.

You'll understand
it much better

Once you've experienced
my dark magic first hand!

Oh, how I love
watching someone

Feel these shadow powers
for the first time!


[Thinking] there
is something very
wrong with this guy.

But I can't get

Now, my unfriendly

Attack the dark witch
with soaring slash!


Very good,

You've wiped away some
of my life points.

However, dark witch
was originally
your monster...

Therefore you've wiped away
part of your memory as well!

What are you
talking about?

You see, mai,
each monster we play

On the field carries
with it the memory

Of a person we hold
within in our mind.

So, when a monster
is destroyed,

The memory of
a person from your life

Is destroyed with it!

There's no way!

Say what?

What on earth is
marik talkin' about?

That psycho's gotta
be out of his gourd!

There's no way he's
telling the truth!

Marik: now, let's see
which one of your friends

Will become your
first lost memory.

Not, tea!?

Yes, and now she'll be
banished from your memory!


I don't believe
you, marik!

You can't do that.

It's impossible!


Nothing's impossible
in the shadow realm!

Why do you
think I brought
you here, my dear?

For, I'm controlling
this kingdom

Of infinite blackness,

And by the time
I'm through,

You'll be a mindless
shell all alone

In a world
full of strangers!

Can you feel them

Drifting slowly
away from you?

into the light?

Fading from the chasms
of your mind?

The wells of
your heart?

Wait! Come back!

No, this can't be!

Now, now, don't
worry, my dear.

You're only losing one
of them for now.

I can't see her!

That's right!

Now, tea's nothing more than
a faceless phantom to you.

Mai: my memory's
growing faint...

Yo, mai!
Are you ok?


Marik: oh, you're
far from ok!

I'm afraid this is
just the beginning,

For behind each
dark corner,

The shadow realm holds
another frightening twist--

Like an eternal nightmare!

Only this is quite real.

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