02x43 - Mind Game, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x43 - Mind Game, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Serenity: joey,
she's not waking up!


Tea: she can't hear you.

Marik trapped her mind
in the shadow realm.

Poor mai!

Joey: this tournament's
gotten way out of hand!

You know why?

'Cause there's
a mind-warping
psycho on board!?


Just being

Hey, you guys,

Why don't you all
go to the next duel,

And I'll stay here
and keep an eye on mai.

I'll be ok,

And besides we don't
all need to be here.

Hold on.

Look, I'm fine.

And besides,
the next duel

Of the finals
is about to start.

So, go watch!

If mai were all right,

She'd say the same thing.

Now, you go out there
and be strong for mai.

And I'll sit by her side
till you get back.

You sure?

I've never been more sure
than I am right now.

Everyone here has
taught me so much

About being brave
and facing my fears--

Including mai.

The way she stood
up to marik

In that duel was
so incredible!

You guys are
all so strong

And the way you
support each other,

And support me,
is amazing.

Thank you!

But now it's my turn
to help out!

And I can start by
being here for mai!

It's the least I can do,

And it's really
important to me, guys.

What do you say?well, all right!

Duke: nicely said!

All right, you
convinced me, sis!

Just be careful.

Man: as soon as the eighth
duelist arrives,

The next match of the battle
city finals will begin!

Tristan: who is this
eighth duelist anyway?

Yugi: let's just hope
they're not working for marik.

that's for sure!

We have enough people
on bed rest already!

[Thinking] my egyptian god card
will crush this eight duelist,

Whoever it is!

Mokuba, on radio:
seto, come in!

It's me!

Mokuba, what's
the update?

So far, so good!

The winged
dragon of ra

Has been
successfully scanned

Into the kaiba
corp mainframe.

Our network
is translating

The egyptian text
on the card.

We should be able
to decipher its meaning

And find out all the secrets
of this card in no time!

Ok. Contact me as soon
as you get the results.


Man: if duelist number

Does not arrive in
the next minutes,

An a*t*matic victory will
be awarded to seto kaiba!

Yugi: kaiba, I must
speak to you right away!

Save it, yugi.


Yugi, let me guess:

You want to request
an emergency landing

To get your friend
to a hospital.

You can forget it!

I told you already
when your friend bakura

Couldn't deal
with his injury!

My tournament stops
for no one, got it!

Kaiba, the guy's got
a heart-a-gold, right?

Yeah, his cheeks must hurt
from smiling so much.

Joey: well, mr. Sunshine's
gonna advance

To the next round if his
opponent doesn't show!

Kaiba, thinking: marik,
soon your winged dragon

Will be in my deck.

It looks like my competition
came to his senses

And decided to back out.

Winning this duel was even
easier than I thought.

Wait a minute,
someone's arriving!

The eighth duelist is here!

It seems this duel
will take place!

Seto kaiba will face

Uh...he will face...

[Clears throat]

You've got
some nerve

Showing up late
to duel me!

Were you scared?

Did the thought
of facing a duelist

As superior as myself

Make you second guess
your own abilities?

Who are you!?


Let's begin.

Tell me...
What's your name?

You may call me ishizu...

Ishizu ishtar.

Sister, help me!


Stay out of my way,
you fool!

Yugi! She's the woman
that you and I met

At the egyptian

You're right.

Ishizu: hello, my pharaoh.

Yugi: who are you?

I am ishizu,

And I have uncovered many
mysteries about you

And these ancient carvings

Using the magic of
my millennium necklace.

This is quite
a surprise.

Yes, we meet again,
seto kaiba.

So, you've come to
win back obelisk.

What I've come for is
of greater importance.

I've come here to
save my brother.


For the past
, years,

An ishtar has
stood guard

Over the pharaoh's

Only marik,
he turned against us

And the evil within him
is even stronger now.

He is my brother.

Oh, boy.

One ishtar
was bad enough.

Who needs two?

She can't be any
worse than marik.

Well, for once
you're right.

I know there is good

Buried deep
within my brother.

Help me, ishizu!

There's only room
in here for me!


No! What have
you done to me?!

If you remember,

My millennium

Has the power to
show me events

That are yet to come.

And right now
it tells me

You will lose
this duel to me!

Enough with
the millennium items!

I don't believe
in that nonsense,

Is that clear!?

And as for this duel,

Just because you
were foolish enough

To hand me obelisk,
the tormentor,

Doesn't mean that I won't
use it to destroy you now!

And I don't appreciate
you using my tournament

To solve your personal
family issues.

I planned this with
one goal in mind,

To reclaim my place

As the number one duelist
in the world!

Have you forgotten
that it was my idea

For you to organize
the battle city tournament?

To lure duelists...
Like marik.

Say what!?

And my plan worked,

For my brother is here.

But the hardest task
is yet to come.

The evil within him
must be stopped.

And this mission can
only be accomplished

With the help of
the great pharaoh,

Which is precisely why
yugi needed to enter this
tournament as well.

For this ancient pharaoh

Dwells within yugi's
millennium puzzle.

How lame.

You went through
all of that trouble

Just because of some
egyptian fairy tale?

I'm surrounded by
superstitious nitwits.

Do not deny
your heritage.

As I've shown you
before, you, too,

Can trace your origins
back to ancient egypt.

All right!
That is enough!

I know who I am!

I'm a far better
duelist than you,

And I plan to win
this tournament--

Regardless of what you

And your demented
brother may believe.

You made two mistakes:

The first was handing
obelisk to me;

The second was
expecting it back!

That card is mine!

And soon I'll possess the other
two egyptian god cards.

Then I'll have the world's
most powerful deck!

And you can do
a favor for me,

Take your hocus
pocus nonsense

To someone else's

'Cause to me it's
a colossal waste of time!

Let's go, roland.

Begin this duel at once!

Yes, sir!

Begin now!

All right.

My millennium
necklace predicts

That kaiba's
lack of faith

Will be his

I'll go first!

I don't need a magic trick
to predict your demise!

So, I will summon
the mighty vorse raider!


[Thinking] now he'll
place a card face down.

And now I'll place
one card facedown!

That ends my turn.

Kaiba, the power of
my millennium necklace

Shall predict
your every move,

And you will
suffer defeat.

[Thinking] kaiba may
be a skilled duelist,

But he's no match
for the power

Of a millennium item!

There's no way he can win!

This isn't good!

The kaiba corp mainframe

Can't seem to decipher
the last line of text

On the winged dragon of ra!

I summon keldo.


Hey, yug, did you
see that, man?

She didn't even look
at that card!

That's right, joey.

Her millennium necklace
shows her events

Before they occur.

So, she knows
everything that's
gonna happen

Before it happens!

Hey! Hung on!

This sounds just like that
trick espa roba played on me!

Yes, joey, but
I can assure you

That this is
not a trick!

Ishizu's power is
very much real!

[Thinking] what those
fools don't realize

Is that my sister's
power has limits.

I will now activate
a powerful magic card,

Michizure of doom!

[Thinking] oh, no!

That card allows her
to select two cards

From my hand
and discard them.

But then I get to do
the same thing to her hand.

I choose polymerization
and kaiser glider.

[Thinking] she couldn't
possibly have known

I had those two
cards in my hand...

Unless, of course,
she's cheating.

Enough trickery!

Show me your cards
right now!

You'll regret ever having
played that magic card.

Time for you to discard

Revival magic
and monster reborn!

As you wish.

That ends
my turn.

[Thinking] ahhh...
I remember ishizu's

Dueling tactics
all too well.

She may have defeated me
when I was a weak child,

But now she wouldn't stand
a chance against me!

Ishizu, you'll
never transform me

Back into the pathetic
fool I once was!

[Thinking] he is wrong.

I know my brother's
kind and gentle spirit

Is in there somewhere,
and I will set him free!

I promise, in the name
of the tomb keepers,

Marik will be saved.

Listen, my brother--

Your brother has been
getting in my way!

So, he must be banished!

Say good-bye!



Kaiba: let's see
which is stronger,

Your tricks or my skills!

Vorse raider,
attack her keldo now!


Well now, maybe your
future isn't so bright!

Perhaps if you
spent less time

Predicting the future
and more time

Focusing on your dueling
you wouldn't be...losing.

You still don't
understand, do you?

I am aware of every twist
and turn that will occur.

I know exactly what card
you're going to play

Before you do...

And I know how you're
going to lose.

I don't know what kind of
imbecile you think I am,

But your little mind games
won't work on me, ishizu.

[Thinking] I have
the perfect plan.

With the magic card
shrink in my hand...

And the trap, crush-card,
face down on the field,

I'll be able to completely
devastate ishizu!

She won't know what hit her
until it's too late!

I still think it's
gonna be a tough duel.

Ishizu may be able
to see the future,

But kaiba's got
an egyptian god card!

Now I'll place one more
card facedown on the field

And end my turn.

Just as I'd expected.

This card will
be needed later.

[Thinking] she'll never
expect my next move.

I'll destroy every powerful
monster in her deck

Using shrink and crush-card.

Now I summon mudora!

I am left
with no choice

But to call
upon the powers

Of my millennium

To ensure my victory!

And it shows me
that kaiba

Will attempt to
win this duel

Using the egyptian
god card I gave to him.

However, obelisk
will fall by my hand,

Causing kaiba's defeat.

And his loss
shall be my gain

As I move closer to
rescuing my dear brother.

Kaiba: what's
the hold up?

patience, kaiba.

I used up my patience

Waiting for you to
show up tonight.

Now, go already!

The less I have to hear about
your insane brother the better.

How dare you
insult my family!

You'll regret
those words!

Marik, thinking:
I don't blame seto kaiba
for his frustration.

I, too, am growing tired
of ishizu's speech.

I will now play the magic
card sword of dagra!

It increases
the attack strength

Of my mudora
by points!

Now attack
his vorse raider!

[Battle cry]

why, thank you!

Facedown cards, go!

You're finished!

First up is
my shrink card!

This cuts my
vorse raider's attack
points in half!

[Thinking] in order to
activate his crush card,

Kaiba had to first lower his
own monster's attack points!

Kaiba: and as if
that word enough,

Watch as my crush card
destroys both monsters

On the field as well as
every powerful monster

In your entire deck!



Oh, man! Kaiba's
move was brutal!

If I were ishizu,

I'd trade in that
millennium necklace

For a crystal ball
or something!

[Thinking] joey's right.

If she can see the future,

Why didn't she see that coming?


Now every monster
in your deck

With over , attack points
goes to the graveyard!

Yes, I know.

Looks like you're
left with nothing

But a deck full
of worthless monsters

Who pose absolutely
no threat to me!

According to my
millennium necklace,

I don't need a powerful
monster to defeat you.

So, watch as I stop
you from attacking me

For whole turns!

For now I play this:

Swords of revealing light!


You're trapped!

Please enlighten me.

If my future's bleak,
why are you stalling?

I'm not stalling, kaiba.

Fate dictates our moves.

And it's your
destiny to lose!


And I can clearly
envision your downfall

As you can't help
but destroy yourself.

Well, I have
a prediction of my own:

Once your swords of
revealing light are gone,

I'll crush you with
my egyptian god card!

So, while you count
on fate to win this,

I'll count on brute force!

Fine, and I'll place
one card face down.

Now make your move.

It's only
a matter of time.

virus cannon! Perfect!

She may have prevented
my monster from attacking,

But I can still play
this magic card!

And when I do,

She won't know
what hit her!

[Thinking] watching ishizu
toy with kaiba's mind

Is quite amusing.

I always knew she
had a dark side.

Stand back!
It's my move!

And I summon dark gremlin...


In defense mode!

And then...

I'll place this
card face down.

Very well, I shall
draw one card.

But I don't need it yet,
so, I shall pass.

How sad.

You stopped me from
attacking you for turns...

Yet you still
can't destroy me.

So, much for
your prediction, ishizu.

Actually, kaiba,
you shall draw the card

That will lead to
your demise

In two more turns.


You're even more insane
than I first thought!

The only thing
I'm gonna draw

Are cards that
will lead to

Your own demise,

Duel monsters is about
skill and power,

Not fairy dust and fate!

How poetic.

He's got such
a way with words.

He's a regular
william shakespeare!

I got a couple
of words for him,

However there's
a lady present.

Kaiba: all this
talk is pointless!

It's time for action now!

I'll save this card.


The translator's
working now!

Hang in there, bro!

It won't be long now!

Soon we'll know all the secrets
of the winged dragon of ra

And then no one can stop you!

Make your move,

For the end is near.

You fascinate me.

You speak so much
about your victory,

Yet other than
stall for more time

With your swords of
revealing light,

You've done absolutely
nothing to win this!

And next turn your
swords will be gone

Allowing me to strike back

And defeat you once
and for all, ishizu!

So, beware!

I believe you'll pass.

Yes, you're right.

I know.

my sacrifice's
blast trap card

Will seal his fate
in my next turn.

My millennium necklace
was indeed correct.

The time for you to
make your final move

Has arrived, kaiba.

For whole turns you failed
to summon a single monster.

And now I highly doubt

That I'm facing any
sort of danger at all.

So, spare me the threats.

My swords are gone.

You are free to attack.

Well, thank you for
stating the obvious.

And now stand back!

[Thinking] it's time
for me to destroy ishizu

With the very card
she gave to me.

Ishizu: pegasus created
all-powerful cards

That were never released
to the public.

They are known as
the egyptian god cards:

Obelisk, the tormentor;

Slifer, the sky dragon;

And the winged dragon of ra.

You cannot fathom
the magical energy

Contained within!

Pegasus could not control

The power of
the cards he created.

They threatened to
overwhelm and destroy him!

Rare hunters then
stole these cards

To build all-powerful decks!

But they didn't steal all ...

This card is for you...

Hmm? That's it!

Obelisk the tormentor!

I managed to retrieve
one in time.

You may borrow it
during the tournament,

But I expect it back.

Kaiba: she will
regret the day

She handed me
an egyptian god card

Because that was the day
she sealed her doom!

And now it's time to
finish her off!

It's over!

Ishizu will be eliminated
by the very beast

That she placed in my hand...

Obelisk, the tormentor!

Before I play this card...

Dark gremlin, attack
her life points now!



So, tell me,

Did you predict that
would happen to you?

The dark gremlin is the least
of your problem's, ishizu!

'Cause I plan to destroy you
with my egyptian god card now!

Your future is decided.

Use obelisk and you'll
be destroyed.


You can't win!

Nothing can save you
from obelisk's wrath!

So, don't resist it!

For the end is here!


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