02x44 - A Duel with Destiny, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x44 - A Duel with Destiny, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh"...

We meet again,
seto kaiba.

The power of my
millennium necklace

Shall predict
your every move,

And you will
suffer defeat.

Let's see which
is stronger,

Your tricks
or my skills!

Face down cards, go!

Watch as my crush
card destroys

Both monsters on
the field as well as

Every powerful monster
in your entire deck!

According to my
millennium necklace,

I don't need a powerful
monster to defeat you.

It's time for me
to destroy ishizu

With the very card
she gave to me.

Use obelisk
and you'll be destroyed.

Nothing can save you
from obelisk's wrath!

So, don't resist it,

For the end is here!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Kaiba: tell me, ishizu,

Do you still think
destiny is on your side?

Or have you finally faced up
to the undeniable truth

That this duel is mine!

[Thinking] I have seen
the future quite clearly.

Kaiba will lose at the hands
of his own egyptian god card.

You know, I gotta
hand it to her...

She's about to
get stomped,

But that ishizu's
keeping her cool!

Yeah. I'm
starting to think

That maybe she does
know something we don't.

No way. That's
just an act.

Act or no act,
she's in big trouble.

Yeah, thanks to kaiba,
most of her monsters

Are in the graveyard now.

Oh, no!

[Thinking] what if
ishizu does lose?

Will the evil within
marik grow even stronger?

She joined this
tournament to help me

Defeat her brother and to
uncover the good inside him.

She has to win!

Kaiba: your most powerful
monsters are in the graveyard,

And soon the rest of your
cards will join them!

Ishizu: I'm well aware
of your plan, kaiba.

seto kaiba
is so naive,

that mere skill

Can lead to
victory in this game.

That fool must accept
his ancient past

In order to win!

[Thinking] she has
no idea what she's in for!

[Thinking] now
he's coming after
my magic cards.

Ha! This is it!

My facedown card will
finish you off!

Virus cannon, wipe out
magic cards in her deck!

What's this!


I'm about to
destroy your deck--

Or what's left of it!

And now, almost every
magic card in your deck

Has been sent to
the graveyard!


As if your deck wasn't
pathetic enough!

First, my crush card

Destroyed all your
high-powered monsters,

Then my cannon did the same
thing to your magic cards.

Your deck is no
longer a threat!

So, do you still
think I'm gonna lose?

I do.

You've played into
my hands, kaiba.

Now you've sealed
your own fate.


I've heard enough of
your false predictions!

My predictions
are quite real.

And now you've fallen
into my trap!

But how?!

You're cards...
They're gone!

I still have my
trap cards!

Reveal exchange
of the spirit!

This trap card will
be the beginning

Of your downward spiral
toward defeat, kaiba!

At a cost of ,
life points,

My trap replaces the cards
in each of our decks

With those in
our graveyards.

But that leaves me with
a deck of only cards!

Mokuba: so far so good.

I almost have the entire
paragraph translated.

Soon we'll know
exactly how

The winged dragon
of ra works!

It won't be long now!


Oh, no!
Seto's in trouble.

Don't worry!
I'm coming!

[Thinking] how could
I have let this happen?

[Thinking] by playing
exchange of the spirit,

Ishizu brought all
of her powerful cards

Back from the graveyard

And destroyed kaiba's
deck at the same time!

Ishizu hasn't
lost her touch.

She strung
kaiba along

Just as she used to

String me along
as a child.

Earlier kaiba sent
almost every monster

In ishizu's deck right
to the graveyard.

Now she gets
them all back

Along with the magic
cards she lost last turn.

But kaiba's not so lucky.

He had only cards
in his graveyard.

Once he uses them up,

His deck will be empty
and he'll lose the duel!

I believe it's
my turn, kaiba.

Then go!

Very well...
I summon kelbek!

It looks like
kaiba's toast...

There's no way he
can turn this around
with just cards.

He still has that
egyptian god card

In his hand,
doesn't he?

Wouldn't he win
if he played that?

Joey: look at you
with all the answers!

Ishizu: I'll place
one card facedown.

That ends my turn.

[Thinking] this
is my tournament.

If I lose I'll
be humiliated!

Joey: I love seeing
kaiba squirm like this!




What happened
up there?!

Never mind...

Have you finished
that card yet?

Not quite yet!

There's still one
line left, seto!

make your move.

When I'm ready!

You will pick
virus cannon.

Take a look?

You have chosen virus
cannon, correct?

I'll take your
silence as a "yes."

So, go ahead and play
your trap card right now.

You can't escape
what the future holds.

I will not listen to any
more of this nonsense.

Activate virus cannon!

My trap
will send it

Straight to
the graveyard.


Ishizu: activate muko!

I'm afraid that's
the end of your cannon.

And soon it will be
the end of you, kaiba!

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

Have you accepted
the power

Of my millennium
necklace yet?

Or do you still deny
that I have

Already foreseen
your defeat?

Make your move.

Kaiba's dark
gremlin's standing
there doing nothing

When everyone
knows it's stronger
than her monster--

So why isn't
kaiba attacking?

Maybe kaiba doesn't
want to attack yet.


That doesn't sound like
the kaiba I know, yug.

Yes, well...

Kaiba's in quite
a tough situation here.

He wants to summon
his egyptian god card,

But he doesn't have enough
monsters to sacrifice.

So, he may be planning
to sacrifice

Ishizu's monsters

Joey: oh.

So, that's why he's
not attacking her!

Kaiba, thinking: there's only
one way for me to win this:

I must summon obelisk,
the tormentor!

Ishizu will
cower in fear

Before the very egyptian
god card she gave to me!

And now I summon...
Zorga, in attack mode!

[Thinking] soon kaiba
will sacrifice

My monsters
to summon obelisk,

Continuing his
path to defeat.

[Thinking] I may only have
a few cards left in my deck,

But I have everything I
need in order to win this duel.

Yugi: kaiba,
listen to me!


You're in over
your head.

Stay out of this!

This tournament
of yours

Is more than
just a game!

Have you not
seen the damage

Marik has
caused so far,

The people
he's harmed!?

You might be next!

There is an ancient
magic at work

That cannot be denied!

And if you
continue to ignore it,

You're a fool!

All right,
let's go!

Make your move!

You'll regret
those words, kaiba.

Zorga, attack
his dark gremlin

With cape of



But that's not all.

Come forth, kelbek,

And attack his life
points directly!


Are you done?

No, kaiba.

Next I'll place
this card face down.

And now I am done.

[Thinking] ishizu's facedown
card must be a trap,

But what kind
of trap is it?

Well, I know what
I need to do:

Avoid losing my life
points long enough

To summon obelisk,
the tormentor!

Then this duel will be over!

I hope you're ready...

Ready to lose that is!

I draw.

trap card muko!


My card!

It goes straight
to the graveyard!

Looks like kaiba's
running pretty low
on cards to me.

If he still wants
to summon obelisk,

Then he better move fast.

You got that right.

But is it possible?

Joey: it's possible,

But it seems like
a long shot to me.

Let's go,

I know you
can do this!

Come on!

There's no way you're gonna
lose this, big brother!

Use your secret w*apon now!

[Thinking] hmm. He's right.

I have to summon obelisk
now if I'm going to win!

But I'll need to sacrifice
monsters first.

That's where
ishizu comes in.

Once she summons
a third monster,

I'll activate
soul exchange.

It will let me
sacrifice her monsters.

And once I do,
obelisk is mine!

I play this face down!

Make your move!

One more direct attack
and kaiba's history.

So, whatever facedown card
he played better be strong.

[Thinking] if what
ishizu said is true,

There's nothing kaiba
can do to win.

It's his destiny to lose!

Ishizu, thinking:
soul exchange...

This is the card
kaiba will use

To sacrifice
my monsters.

He will summon the egyptian god
I placed in his deck,

And then victory
will be mine.

It's the beginning
of the end, kaiba.

Now I shall place
one card face down.

[Thinking] play a monster!

She needs to have
on the field

For my plan to work!

[Thinking] the facedown
card I've just played

Is the key to my victory

And to kaiba's

This trap card has
already begun working,

Infusing one of
my own monsters

With a dangerous w*apon--

A biotic blaster
that will be hidden

Deep within the body
of my creature.

When kaiba sacrifices
this monster,

The w*apon will
transfer into obelisk!

Now I summon
the monster, agito!

[Thinking] excellent!

Now the stage is set
for my sacrifice!

[Thinking] the way ishizu
has toyed with kaiba's mind

Is quite amusing indeed.

hold on!

What if ishizu is expecting
me to play soul exchange?

I could be walking
into a fatal trap!


This is my only chance
to summon obelisk.

I must seize the moment now!

Kelbek! Agito! Zorga!

These monsters are
now in my control

And will soon be sacrificed!

Open facedown card,
soul exchange.

as I predicted.

And now I will summon
my egyptian god card!

Show yourself,
obelisk, the tormentor!


Ah! Things are
getting interesting.

All right! Go, bro!

Whoa! Kaiba sacrificed
ishizu's monsters

So he could
summon his own!

Still think I'm
going to lose?

Let's see which
is stronger,

Your necklace or my
egyptian god card!

We shall find out.

Counting on
a piece of jewelry

In order to win this
duel is pathetic!

To win a duel
takes skill

And an extremely
powerful deck.

You'll see that soon

When I attack you with
obelisk, the tormentor

And wipe out your
life points!

[Thinking] you are
sadly mistaken, kaiba.

When I secretly played

The trap card
sacrifice's blast,

I infused my own monster

With a self-destructing trap,

One that now lives within
your egyptian god monster--

Waiting to destroy
it from the inside!

When you activated
soul exchange

And sacrificed my
monsters to summon yours,

This secret trap card infected
obelisk, the tormentor.

So, as soon as you
use it to attack me,

Your egyptian god card
will self-destruct,

Taking with it the remainder
of your life points.

Then finally victory
will be mine.

Try as you may, there's
no escape from

The defeat that awaits
you in your next move.

Fat chance!

You have no monsters
left to protect you!

So, spare me the gloom
and doom speech...

And just surrender
to me now!

Yugi, can
ishizu be right

About kaiba losing
even though

He has an egyptian
god card on the field?

Ahh, yugi?

[Thinking] ishizu
predicted she'd win,

But how can kaiba lose
with obelisk on the field?

what's up with yugi?

Could her millennium
necklace be wrong?

Or does ishizu
have a strategy

To defend against
his attack?

attack me, kaiba!

The end is here.

No one can survive
the fury of obelisk!

[Thinking] that card
belonged to me

Before he even
knew it existed!

And now it shall
destroy him.

I can see the future
very clearly!

And now...

Ishizu: kaiba will
be completely unaware

That my trap beats
within obelisk!

Attack her life points
directly, my beast!

Ishizu, thinking:
the moment it
begins to attack,

My trap card will
be triggered,

Destroying obelisk
and kaiba!



You've ridiculed
my powers

And turned my own
creature against me.

Now you'll pay.

Marik, thinking: this duel
won't last much longer,

And once kaiba's

Ishizu will come looking

For her brother's
good heart.

She's in for a surprise.

All right,
obelisk, attack!

destiny is served.

[Thinking] what's this!?

My millennium rod!

It's activating
by itself!

What's going on?



I feel something
strange inside.

Joey: hey,
check out kaiba!

Yugi: for some reason
he stopped his attack!

Yeah, but why?

You ok?

Snap out
of it, bro!

[Thinking] this is crazy!

I've never felt
anything like this before!

Is this another one
of ishizu's tricks?


Why are these visions
flashing before my eyes?

Ishizu's mind games
must be getting to me.

Wait a second!

That's the stone carving of
my blue-eyes white dragon!

What does this mean?

Maybe I should rethink
my strategy

And call off obelisk!

Someone else is
controlling my
millennium rod!

Kaiba, thinking: this feeling
is too strong to ignore!

Yugi: the millennium rod
is affecting kaiba!

[Thinking] my instinct tells
me obelisk isn't the answer.

It's as if my blue-eyes
white dragon

Is calling to me.

Maybe I should attack
ishizu with blue-eyes

Instead of obelisk!


This goes against
my entire strategy!

I planned to destroy
ishizu with obelisk

From the beginning!

But now I know
to win this duel,

I must summon my
blue-eyes white dragon!

Observe as I activate
my magic card...

Silent doom,

Which lets me summon
a card from my graveyard!

Gadget soldier
in defense mode!

[Thinking] this
isn't the future my
necklace predicted!

Everything has changed!

Before I can summon my
blue-eyes white dragon,

I must sacrifice
two monsters!

First, this!

Oh, no!

That's right!

It's my egyptian
god card!


No way, man!

What's he

It can't be!

Hear me now:

I won't be controlled!

I decide my future!

So, now I sacrifice
my monsters.

Obelisk and gadget soldier,

I send you to
the card graveyard!

[Thinking] but how could
my millennium necklace

Have been wrong?

You're so quiet, ishizu!

Where's your magic now?

Or have you realized that

There's no such
thing as destiny!?

Now, observe as
I summon my blue-eyes!

Show yourself!


So, somehow kaiba was able
to change the future

By summoning his
blue-eyes white dragon!

But how?

What did he see?

[Thinking] something
from kaiba's past

Must have awakened
inside him!

For he was the ancient
keeper of the blue-eyes!


If you could foresee
all my moves,

How did blue-eyes
surprise you?

Unless, of course,
you're nothing but a fake--

As I suspected!

[Thinking] soon he
shall see the truth.

Time to finish
you off now!


Kaiba: blue-eyes
white dragon, attack!


Wipe out her
life points

With white
lightning attack!


Victory is mine!
That's it!

Roland: the winner of
this duel is seto kaiba!

All right.

I knew that
you were gonna

Win this duel all
along, big brother!

[Thinking] that was insane!

Marik's millennium rod
must have shown kaiba

The secret to
winning this duel!

I bet it has
something to do with

The images on that
ancient stone tablet.

Kaiba's destiny is connected
to the blue-eyes white dragon,

And I bet that's why
he had to play it!

Maybe now he'll
believe in destiny!

Very impressive,

You managed to
overcome the fate

That my millennium
necklace showed me.

Your past is the key
to your power.

I won this duel
for the same reasons

I'll win the tournament--

My superior skills
and intelligence.


But you've taught me
a valuable lesson

About the nature
of destiny,

And for that I am
grateful, kaiba.

You have given me hope

For changing the future
of my brother.

[Thinking] though I know
the task will be more difficult

Than I can imagine.

To save the goodness
trapped within,

I'll need more than
my millennium powers.

I'll need the wisdom
and the strength

Of the people around me--

Especially seto kaiba.

[Thinking] the brother
she knew no longer exists!

I may have
lost the duel,

But in the process
I have gained

Something of far
greater importance:

The realization
that if I am to win

This battle for
my brother's spirit,

I will need
your help, kaiba.

Thank you.

For I know you will help
me save my brother.

Hmm! Believe whatever
you need to, ishizu,

But I'm only in
this for myself.

All right, seto!

What an awesome

You really
are the best
duelist I know!

Joey: here comes
johnny sunshine.

If I were you,

I'd start preparing
for our duel now, yugi.

I will.

Good luck.
You'll need it.

[Thinking] when
the time is right,

Kaiba will accept
destiny's role for him--

And my brother,
and the world, will be saved.

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