03x02 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x02 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh !
is King of Games ♪

It's time to duel !

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh !

[ laughing ]

[ Crump ]
Our analysis shows
your chances of

escape are % and
falling sharply !

In other words,
you kids are finished !

[ Gansley ]
Well put, Crump !

It's only a matter of time
before the five

of us are set free
from this virtual prison.

Remember when one
of us defeats you,

we'll claim control
of your body,

leaving your mind
trapped here forever !

These crooks haven't
changed a bit.

Let's start
this party.

You five stiffs
are going down !

[ Gansley ]
Who's going down ?

Joey, no !

As you can see, before
the virtual dueling begins,

we plan to separate
all of you.

What ?

Ta-ta !

[ screaming ]

Téa !

Serenity !Serenity !

[ yelling ]

[ Gansley ]
I'd say your profits
are plummeting !

Seto !

[ yelling ]

That is enough !

Where did my
friends go ?

You'll soon find out !

[ yelling ]

[ yelling continues ]

[ yelling continues ]

Seto !

Don't worry, Mokuba,
they'll pay for this !

[ Joey ]
Man, I don't think
I'm in Kansas anymore.

Oh great...

Now what ?

Hello ?

Can anybody hear me ?

Where am I ?

Huh ?

Yo, Duke !

Speak to me, buddy !

Hey, where's
Serenity ?

[ birds chirping ]

Seto !

Are you okay ?

I've been in better
moods, and you ?

I'm fine...

I think.

[ Noah ]
Make yourselves at home.


I have them all
right where I want them !

Each one isolated
in my virtual world.

And I'll be watching
from the front row,

as my associates
take care of business.

Now, who should be
the first to suffer ?

Hey, Serenity ?

Which way should
we go, Seto ?

Ahh yes.

Who better to destroy first
than the infamous Yugi Moto ?

Soon, you'll be
nothing but program data

digitally trapped forever
in a world that I created !

All this stuff
looks pretty real.

It's hard to believe that
everything here is virtual.

[ Gansley ]
Well, you'd better
get used to this place,

because I'm going to make
sure you never leave !

Are you familiar
with the phrase,

"It's time to duel ?"

Well, this is the last time
you're ever going to hear it !

Why, you look as though you
don't recognize me, boy.

Now you've gone and
hurt my feelings

Well, I'm Gansley !

Former Vice President of
Business Strategy at Kaiba Corp

and the proud founding member
of the Big Five !

But for now, I've taken the
form of the Deepsea Warrior.

Big deal, Gansley.

You don't scare me !

I know that behind
your virtual disguise

is nothing but a feeble
old man !

You wouldn't stand
a chance in a duel against

me if your life
depended on it !

Did you say
"my life" ?


once I defeat you, I'll
finally have a life again !

What ?

What're you saying ?

Don't tell me you've

the rules of our
competition already.

If you win-- which you won't--
you're free to go.

And if I win,

I get to return to the real
world in your body !

I can't wait to be
young again, but I will have

to change that
haircut of yours.

[ chuckling ]

And I'm sure your friends
will be the perfect

fit for the rest
of The Big Five.

This must stop.

Our friends are
in great danger.


'Cause if they lose,
they'll be stuck here !

So we have to defeat
The Big Five

at their own
twisted game !

That's right.

And it starts
here and now !

Yu-Gi-Oh !

Listen, Gansley !

You and your partners
won't succeed

in trapping my
friends here !

Mark my words !

Really ?

That's if you can keep
up with the new rules.

Just try me !

Very well.

You remember my demonstration
of our patented

Deck Master System
of dueling, don't you ?

It begins with each of us
picking a monster to serve as

our Deck Master for the
duration of the duel.

And since I've already
taken the form of a monster...

lucky me...

... I will serve as both the
duelist and the Deck Master !

Now, it's time for you to
build your virtual deck.

With what ?

With these.

Your cards aren't valid
in this world,

so you'll have to build a new
deck from our card database.

When you see a card
you desire, simply touch it.

Choose wisely, for once you make
contact with a card image,

it's yours for the
entire length of the duel.


Don't let any
gems slip by.

All right,
let's begin this duel.

How quickly we forget.

You still have to choose
your Deck Master.

Each monster card has
its own special Deck Master

ability under our
new system.

Of course, I won't tell
you what those abilities are.

You'll have to figure
that out for yourself.

[ Yugi ]
What card should I choose
to be my Deck Master ?

Without knowing all the new
rules, it's hard to say.

Well, my Dark Magician
has never let me down !

Kuri, Kuri !

Huh ?

Kuriboh ?

Interesting choice.

Hold on !

I didn't choose him !

Kuri, Kuri !

Sorry, the rules state
once a Deck Master

is chosen,
it cannot be changed.


Kuri, Kuri !

Kuri !

I didn't choose you, but now
we must win this together.

Kuri, Kuri, Kuri !

Kuriboh is now
my Deck Master !

Kuri !

Suit yourself.

As you know, I've chosen
Deepsea Warrior.

He's powerful
and ruthless, like me.

But enough chatting...

let's get down
to business !

I think I'll go first,
if you don't mind.

I summon a monster
facedown in defense mode !

And that's all for now.

What fun
would it be

if I wiped out everything
you own so soon ?

[ Gansley ]
Now, let's see if this
slacker takes my bait.

It's your move.

But realize it's
only a matter of time before

I eliminate all of
your Life Points !

Poor Yugi.

You haven't the business
skills necessary

to wheel-and-deal
with a mogul like me !

Listen, Gansley...

Duel Monsters is about honor,
trust and respect.

Not about business
skills and making deals.

So save your
corporate speeches

for the boardroom and stop
wasting my time.

Why worry about time ?

Once I defeat you, you'll have
nothing but time, as you spend

all of eternity
trapped right here !

Make your move, Yugi,
so I can seal this

duel and escape
from this cyber world !

Very well.

I summon
Obnoxious Celtic Guardian !

Then I'll place

one card facedown !

Now my, Guardian...

time to slay
his facedown beast

with Celtic Blade
Slash Attack !

Thank you.

Why are you
thanking me for

destroying your
monster, Gansley ?

The card you destroyed
was Ashinigray !

And ?

When it's sent to
the Graveyard,

its attacker must
throw out one card.


I have plenty of
other cards left.

But that's not my monster's
only special ability.

It also
allows me to summon

another Ashinigray
to the field.

Then I can
reshuffle my deck.

Such poor business planning
on your part, Yugi.

Had you done the
appropriate research,

you could have avoided
this embarrassing loss !

I'm not done !

Aww, how cute !

Maybe this place
isn't so bad after all.

The scenery is awesome.

The breeze is nice, too.

That's cold !


If this place is some kind
of virtual illusion,

how can I feel anything ?

I don't get this
place at all.

It feels...

so real.

I take it back.

I don't wanna be here
alone anymore.

I gotta find Joey !

Where are you ?

Yo, where am I ?

The last thing
I remember was putting

a scare into those
Big Five sleaze balls.

Now I'm stranded in
some weird castle.

All right, you monkey
suit-wearing pencil-pushers !

Show yourselves
so I can readjust

your uptown attitudes !

I know you weasels are watching,
so come out and duel !

I'm not scared
of your bald heads

and outdated neckties,
you old freaks !

Got that ?

And I don't have all day
to play hide-and-seek

either so let's
get this over with

so I can get on
with my life !

Gotcha !

Well, uh,
maybe not...

Don't look at me like that,
you oversized tin can,

or I'll turn you
into scrap metal so fast,

your head'll spin !

You got that ?

[ Tristan ]
Hey, Serenity !

[ Duke ]
Serenity !

You in here somewhere ?

We're coming to get you !

It's no use.

This virtual hallway
could go on forever !

We can't give up !

gotta be here !

Yeah, but where ?

I don't know, somewhere.

Look around, Tristan.

This thing must go
on for miles !

Look, Duke,
I don't know about you

but I'm not stopping
'til I find her !

You in or not ?Well, uh...

I guess...

[ Mokuba ]
Hey, Seto.

I know The Big Five wanna use
us to escape from this place,

but what's the deal
with that Noah kid ?

I mean, who is he and what's
he getting out of all this ?

Ah, Seto ?

Did you hear me ?

I was just wondering
who Noah--

Yes, I heard your
question, Mokuba.

I have no answer.

If I had to guess, I'd say
he wants what's mine.

Just like everyone else,

he wants to be as powerful
as I am.

What puzzles me the most
is how he created this place.

There's no way that
little punk built

a virtual universe
on his own.

Maybe The Big Five
helped him.

Oh, I doubt it.

Those old fools
couldn't pull this off.

Granted it's only
a copy of the

virtual technology
that I invented,

but someone else is
involved and I'll find them !

It's only a matter
of time.

I'll help you, Seto !

Come on !

Get ready...

to lose your mind !


Ipiria is just the monster
I needed to close this deal.

Soon I'll be free
again !

You know, Yugi,
I'm a businessman,

and in the world
of business,

there are three secrets
to success that are

guaranteed to
crush the competition,

so listen closely.

The first is build
a powerful workforce.

So, come forth, Ipiria !

This lets me draw

another card to
increase my dueling options.

Then I'll change Ashinigray
to attack mode.

Thus building up
my workforce.

[ squawking ]

The second secret of success
is quite a simple one:

know your own resources.

By changing Ashinigray from
defense to attack mode,

I triggered its
special ability, forcing

you to discard one card
from your hand !

All right.

I told you you couldn't
keep up with the bigwigs !

Now for the last
and most important

secret of success in
the business world.

Always keep your
competition guessing !

And I assure you, you
have no idea of

the horrors I have
in store for you !

[ panting ]

I give up, Tristan.

If we're going to rescue
Serenity, we need a new plan.

Plan ?

It's obvious this thing was
built to go on forever !

It has no end !

So what ?

So we won't find any
way out because

this virtual hallway
doesn't have one !


Try having a little
bit a faith, will you ?

You got any
bright ideas ?

Actually I do !

If there are no
exits in this place,

then all we gotta
do is make one.

We'll smash through
the wall, dude !

Good luck.

These aren't
even real walls.

Just some computerized
images that are

designed to look
like real walls, you see ?

Look, if you can
touch 'em,

then they're real
enough to break down !

Break down
with what ?

Whoa !

[ Duke ]
If that ax is just an illusion,
how can he be holding it ?

Batter up !

[ Téa ]
Hello ?

Anybody out there ?

Where am I ?

It's like a virtual
Grand Canyon.

This place is
creeping me out.

Where is everyone ?

And could it be
any hotter ?

[ rocks rumbling ]

Huh ?

What was that ?

I'm surrounded !

Just stay calm
and back up slowly.

[ growling ]

Help me !

Someone !

[ growling ]

Hey, Seto !

What's that ?

It looks like
a way out !

Come on, Seto !

Mokuba !

Slow down !

It's probably an
emergency exit !

Back to the real world !

Mokuba, stop
right there !

We have to
be careful.

I can't see.

It's too bright.

Wait a sec...

I know
this place !

It's the orphanage
we grew up in.

Who knew it was
still around ?

[ Seto ]
It's a trick, Mokuba.

A cheap virtual illusion,
like everything else.

But how did Noah
find out we once lived here ?

We may as well close the
book on this duel, Yugi.

Thanks to my wise investments,
I predict

a major growth
in power for me !

While you sink deeper
into debt thanks

to your pathetic
Deck Master, Kuriboh !

Kuri !

Kuri, Kuri, Kuri !

Well, it appears your little
fur ball has an idea.

Too bad
he can't speak !

Kuri !

Stay calm.

[ Yugi ]
I wish I knew what Kuriboh
was trying to tell me.

He may know something
about these new

Deck Master dueling
rules that I don't.

And right now I could use all
the advice I can get !

Give up yet ?

No !

Just what I needed.


I play Polymerization !

Fusing together
Berfomet and Gazelle,

the King of Mythical Beasts !

To form Chimera,
the Flying Mythical Beast !

Then I'll activate my
magic card, Quick Attack !

Allowing my Chimera to
attack your Ipiria now !

An interesting move,

But a very poor
business decision.

And now, it's time for you
to pay the price !

Explain yourself,
Gansley !

Remember, I've taken the
form of Deepsea Warrior !

And thanks to my
Deck Master ability,

I can sacrifice my two monsters
to create this !

Reflector Hole, bounce his
attack right back !

What ?

[ growling ]

No !

Looks like your Life Points
are starting to collapse.

And before long,
you'll be completely

drained of everything
you have !

You haven't put me out of
business yet, Gansley !

It's only a matter
of time, Yugi !

Soon my colleagues and I will
destroy you and your friends

in the greatest corporate
takeover in history !

Speaking of your friends,

I wonder how they're
holding up

in their
new environment ?

Think about it.

Those fools must be suffering
even greater losses than you !

And you can't
save them !

He's right !

We've got to end
this and find them !

One more attack to your
small reserve of Life Points

and your resources will be
completely wiped out,

leaving you
trapped here forever !

[ laughing ]
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