03x05 - Freeze Play — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x05 - Freeze Play — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh is king of games

♪ It's time to duel

♪ Yugioh

[ Téa ]
I've had enough man-eating
giants for today !

Well, I'm almost there...

I wonder if everyone's
having as much fun as I am.

Does this tunnel
ever end ?

It might.

But only when Noah
wants it to.

You mustn't
forget, Yugi...

he's controlling
everything around us.

Noah can try to stop
us if he wants to,

but we're gonna
find our friends...

no matter what !


[ Noah ]
Keep running, Yugi...
you fool !

You're getting absolutely
nowhere very quickly !

But not to worry,
my good friend...

I have a destination
in mind for you.

Unfortunately, you won't be
anywhere near your friends !

[ Yugi ]
What's going on ?

[ yelling ]

[ Crump ]
Mr. Noah ?

Speak to me, Crump.

[ Crump ]
I'd like to volunteer
to duel the next

victim and make up
for Gansley's defeat.


just don't fail
me, Crump !

I've already chosen
your dueling opponent

and it shouldn't be
too difficult

for you to
defeat her !

Good luck, Téa.

This easily wins the prize
for the worst day ever.

I need a nap.

[ Téa ]
Just a small one so I can...

get my... energy... back.

Hey Yugi, I had a dream that we
were trapped in a virtual world

and we had to duel these
five old guys to escape !

Ah, Téa ?

This is the dream !

And when you wake up,
you'll need this card.

I will ?

Yup, it's the
Dark Magician Girl.

Remember ?

There was a Broadway
play about this card.

We saw it a few
years ago.

[ Téa ]
We did ?

Well, not really, but this is
your dream, so just go with it.

[ man ]
Ladies and gentlemen...

The Dark Magician Girl !

And now, the most
powerful being ever to

step foot on the
Broadway stage will choose

a volunteer from
the audience to

join her in her
first Number !

Cool !

[ man ]
Give our volunteer
a big round of applause !

Thanks, Yugi...

Thanks, Yugi...

Who's there ?

Wait, I know you !

I thought I was
seeing things, but

I really was
rescued by a penguin.

Thanks for getting
me out of that cave.

Say what ?

I guess I'm supposed
to follow you ?

Just when I thought things
couldn't get any weirder.

There are more
of you guys ?

Well, what do
I have to lose ?

Let's go.

[ Téa ]
Take it easy, guys.

Yup, I'm talking
to penguins.

Mr. Penguin ?

Could you squawk twice
if we're almost there ?

[ squawking ]

Hey, don't go !

Oh, you have got
to be kidding me.

Of all the possible
places I could have gone,

I had to end up on a raft ride
to a virtual Antarctica !

Or worse, Planet of
the Penguins !

Um, hi there.

I come in peace ?

Uh... take me to
your leader ?

If I'm gonna
climb , stairs,

there better be someone up
there who speaks English.

[ Téa ]
Hello ?

Is anyone in there ?

[ man ]
Of course.

Open your eyes and
look around, will ya ?

You're surrounded
by my penguin army.

I know !

I meant is there anyone in here
without feathers and a beak ?

There's no one here but us
penguins, Téa !

You know my name ?

I know more than
that, Téa Gardner...

five-foot five...

size six sneaker...

I've got all the
Numbers in my report.

And I'd say your
Number is up !

Because I'm about to put
the freeze on you !

Who are you ?

And what do you
want from me, anyway ?

[ man ]
Don't tell me you forgot
our last meeting.

I think I'd
remember you.


things are never what
they appear to be here,

so when we met earlier
I looked a bit different.

Give up ?

I'm one of
the Big Five !

The name's Crump, former
accountant of Kaiba Corp.

Disguised as
a penguin ?

Yes, and I'll explain
all that soon.

But for starters, let's do a
quick run through your Numbers.

According to my notes,
there's a % chance

that we're going
to duel !

Me versus you ?

Exactly, winner
gets to leave this world,

loser is trapped
here forever.

Now then, let's get back
to my calculations.

Says here you've dueled
five times in your life,

which gives you a % chance of
actually winning this duel.

It also says you've eaten
slices of pizza.

Hey, how do you know all of
this stuff about me, birdbrain ?

Collecting facts and
figures is my job.

And you'd be surprised
by what Numbers

tell you about
a person's life.

Look, Crump !

My life's none of
your business !

I'm going to have
to disagree with you.

I need to know
everything about you.

That way, when
I win this duel,

I'll be ready to
become you !

No way !

My partners and I no
longer have our own bodies.

So that's why...

Yes, that's why I've taken the
form of a giant virtual penguin

and come here to live with my
penguin brothers and sisters !

[ clapping ]

Why don't you
stay here !

'Cause I need the
real world, Téa !

And once I completely
out-duel you

here in my very
own Palace of Ice,

I can finally return to the
world disguised as you !

Listen to me,
Flipper Feet !

I've had enough of this,
so I'm outta here !

We'll see
about that !

[ Crump ]
You can try and run away, Téa,
but the odds are against you !

What's going on ?

This can't be good !

[ Crump ]
Nice try !

Looks like my iceberg
dueling field

is about to leave
you cold !

Before we start,
we'll have to choose

our virtual decks from
this card database.

Not that it really matters
what cards you decide to pick.

The probability that you'll be
victorious is slim to none !

How am I supposed
to choose when I've never

even seen most of
these cards before !

Wait !

That one actually
looks sort of familiar !

Good thing I've
spent so many hours

watching Yugi
and Joey duel.


As per the new rules it's time
to choose your Deck Master.

It can be any monster
in your deck.

I know exactly who
I want to choose...

So check it out !

Dark Magician Girl's my Deck
Master, who's yours ?

I've already taken
the form of a monster

known as Nightmare
Penguin, you fool !

So I'm both the duelist
and the Deck Master.

Two threats in one !

And once you're put
on ice, I'll be free

to waddle my way
to the real world !

Guess again, Crump !

It's time to duel,
shorty !

Which door to choose ?

If we don't pick one,
we're stuck here.

Don't touch it !

We have to test all
these doors for traps first.

Testing doors is
definitely smart.

It's true.

We won our duel, but I sense a
whole new game has just begun.

Time to kick your
feathered butt !

Hmm... Mirror Force...

To begin I'll place
one card facedown...

And then I'll summon
Ancient Elf to the field !

And that's all
for now, Crump.

Now the fun begins.

Watch this...

I'll start off by summoning
my Giant Red Seasnake !

And he gets
a little power boost.

How did your snake get more
attack points already ?


My Deck Master's Special Ability
increases the attack power

of every Water Monster on my
side of the dueling field.

So now my snake
has , attack points

and that's a Number
you can't argue with !

[ Téa ]
That's what
you think !

So, are you going
to attack me or what ?

[ Crump ]

We accountants are
a cautious bunch.

I never rush
into anything unless

the Numbers are
there to support it.

To attack now, I'd have to
ignore one important fact...

your facedown card !

I'm more than %
sure it's a trap.

That's not the
kind of risk a man

in my position can
afford to take.

Of course there's
one way around that.

I can activate
the magic card Cold Wave !

When Cold Wave is in effect,
it freezes all magic

and trap cards on
the field for one full turn,

which means your Ancient Elf
is now a sitting duck !

Attack, mighty Seasnake !

Oh no, my
life points !

Oops, I forgot
to mention...

As each duelist's
life points decrease,

his or her body
will become encased

in a block of
solid ice !

So get ready for quite
a chilling ending !

Your mind will be frozen
stiff until the end of time !

Man, it's cold...

[ Téa ]
I can't take this
much longer !

Téa !

Where are you, Téa ?

Tell me !

It's... so... cold...

Téa needs our
help right now !

We have to find
what part of this

virtual world Noah
sent her to !

Noah's letting us
hear her just to t*rture us.

What a cruel trick.

We have to break out
of here and find her !

Don't panic, Yugi.

That's just what
Noah wants you to do.

What about Téa ?

Look up over
the doors.

A star ?

Of course !

In Duel Monsters, stars
represent a card's strength.


So I'd say behind that door,
a one-star monster awaits us.

And I bet if we
can defeat it you

and I can get
through that doorway !

I summon Winged Dragon,
Guardian of the Fortress !

Attack !

And see what's
behind door number one !


All right,
we'll go in...

But who knows
where it leads ?

Hopefully to Téa !

[ Crump ]
What's the matter, Tea,
got cold feet ?

Real funny, Crump.

You accountants
are hysterical.

I-- I place a monster
in defense mode.

Sounds like someone's
got a case of the chills.

You should really
dress more

appropriately for
the weather, dear.

Sorry, my tux was
at the cleaners !

You got spunk, kid.

Too bad it'll all go to waste
when your mind is frozen here !

Now then...

Let's see... this could
take me some time...

this card's good, but,
there's always these...

Hurry up, beak breath.

It's freezing !

So just go !

I need to weigh the percentages
before I make my decision.

Dark Magician Girl isn't much
of a risk to me on her own,

but if you added
other cards,

she could become
more of a threat !

Add other cards
to her ?

Of course.

Every duelist knows
that fact !

What's the problem ?

There is no problem.

Oh I get it, you forgot
to devise a strategy

when you were
picking all your cards !

I knew it !

Only a pure amateur would
make that mistake !

I'll keep you guessing by
playing these two cards.

Then I'll wait
for your meltdown.

[ Téa ]

He didn't attack, which means he
must be planning something big.

Soon my brain will be inside
that empty head of yours.

Then I'll finally
be free !

You're not flying the
coop just yet, so chill out.

I play Mystical
Space Typhoon !

This card allows me
to destroy one of

your trap or
magic cards !

So say goodbye
to that one !

You took my bait !

You destroyed one trap card
only to fall victim to another !

It's called
Driving Snow !

When activated, it
creates a giant blizzard

to blow away one of
your facedown cards !

So get ready for the storm
of the century !

Cold enough for ya ?

Now you've got nothing
to stop my attack,

so my Giant Seasnake is
free to strike !

Oh yeah ?

It'll take a lot more
than that to freeze me out !

[ Crump ]
Isn't the weather
wonderful today ?

It's a pleasant
negative degrees !

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Téa, wait !

My Deck Master ability allows
us to communicate mentally.

I'm here to guide you.

Okay, you have
my trust.

Now I activate
this card !

Offerings to
the Doomed !

Looks like I've got
this duel all wrapped up,

'cause my magic card destroys
one of your monsters !

See ya, snakey !

Now for my
facedown monster.

I'll switch it from
defense to attack mode !

Reveal Fire Sorcerer !

Pretty cool, right ?

And now, it's time
to warm things up a bit !

Much better.

Next I'll activate Fire
Sorcerer's special ability !

By discarding two
of my cards...

I'm able to burn through
of your life points !

Ouch !

Hot, hot, hot !

And don't think I'm
finished with you yet, Crump !

Fire Sorcerer, put that
bird on the hot seat !

And since you lost
life points,

your own rule gets
turned against you !

How do you like
being frozen ?

I absolutely
love it !

If you hadn't noticed,
I'm a penguin

and we like things
on the cool side.

Or do you need a lesson
on Antarctic birds ?

Well now that you mention it,
I do have a question, Crump.

Where did I get
my good looks from ?

No, not quite.

I wanna know why you're
so obsessed with penguins.

Not that it's any
of your business,

but when I was
a young man,

these little
flightless birds saved

me from living
a life of misery !

You see, I was an only child and
my parents were never around.

They worked late and were too
tired to spend any time with me.

So to entertain
myself I would sit

for hours and
count things...

crumbs on the rug,
dots on the wallpaper,

whatever I could find.

Then one day while counting
books on the shelf,

I discovered a book
about penguins.

I learned that
a mother and father penguin

actually take turns
sitting on their eggs.

These birds had
a bond with their

children that I never
knew could exist.

From then on my life revolved
around my two loves:

Numbers and penguins,

and I devoted
myself to both.

As I grew I dreamt
of a career that would

combine my two
great passions.

Then one day that
dream almost came true.

I climbed my way to the top of
the Kaiba Corporation as the

company's chief accountant
and Number expert.

And I had an idea that would
have tripled our profits,

an All-Penguin
theme park.

So I brought my proposal
to Seto Kaiba...

[ Seto Kaiba ]
Please, don't waste
my time.

We're a gaming corporation
not a petting zoo.

Look Crump, stick
to your calculator.

That good-for-nothing
punk shot down my dream,

and once I'm free from here
I'll finally have my revenge !

[ Téa ]
But what does that
have to do with me ?

I told you I need
a human body in order

to escape from
this cyber realm.

You just happened to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

In the future, be more careful
about who you hang around with.

Of course, the odds
of you actually

having a future
are slim to none !

So let's continue
this duel so

I can get out of
this place already !

Now I summon...

Flying Penguin !

And thanks to my
Deck Master's special ability,

it gains attack
points right away !

But that's just
the beginning !

Next I'll play
Penguin Sword, raising

its attack strength
more points !

That's not good.

My monster's toast !

That's right !

And now my
Flying Penguin...

Attack her
Fire Sorcerer !

That's my
last defense !

And since you lost more life
points, the freezing continues !

[ Téa ]
You're s-sick !

It'll all be
over soon, Téa.

Your life points
are down almost %

and with no more defensive
monsters to hide behind,

you're out
in the cold !

You wish !

We don't seem to
be getting anywhere !

[ Téa ]
It's... freezing...

... my legs are... numb !

We're coming, Téa !

We gotta find our way
outta here, right now !


Look on the floor...

Huh ?

That's the same
coin I threw at the door !

We were here, before !


that means we've just been
running around in circles !

[ Crump ]
A little chilly,
are we ?

That's the least
of your worries !
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