03x06 - Freeze Play — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x06 - Freeze Play — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[ announcer ]
Previously on "Yu-Gi-Oh"...

Who are you ?

And what do you want
from me anyway ?

The name's Crump, former
accountant of Kaiba Corp.

I'm one of the
Big Five !

There's a % chance that
we're going to duel !

Winner gets to leave this world,
loser is trapped here forever.

Looks like my
iceberg dueling field

is about to
leave you cold !

As per the new rules, it's time
to choose your Deck Master.

Dark Magician Girl's my Deck
Master, who's yours ?

I've already taken
the form of a monster

known as Nightmare Penguin,
you fool !

Time to duel,
shorty !

We won our duel,

but I sense a whole
new game has just begun.

Téa needs our
help right now.

We have to find
what part of this

virtual world Noah
sent her to !

mighty Sea snake !

My life points !

As each duelist's
life points decrease,

his or her body
will become encased

in a block of
solid ice !

Your mind will be frozen stiff
until the end of time !

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh is king of games

♪ It's time to duel

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh

[ Mokuba ]
I wonder if these virtual
berries have any taste.

I feel like I haven't
eaten in months.

Hey, do you think anyone's
serving food in that shack ?

I doubt it.

Hmmm... a house in
the middle of the woods ?

This seems a little
too convenient... !

[ Mokuba ]
You think it's another one
of Noah's virtual traps ?

Just let me open it and stay
right next to me, Mokuba.

What ?

Hold on !

It's our stepfather's
old house !

Another blast
from our past !

Look !

It's a virtual projection
of our first day in this house !

That's right !

It's the day Gozaburo took
us home from the orphanage !

And it was
no picnic !

[ professor ]
Now, if a train from Boston is
traveling at miles per hour

and a train from New York is
traveling at the same speed...

[ Hobson ]
Wake up !

I sincerely
apologize for

interrupting your
lesson, professor.

But it seems young
Seto was more

concerned with the
backs of his eyelids.


I have strict orders.

My boss has no
patience for slackers.

What ?

I don't slack !

[ stepfather ]
I hear you're falling
behind in your studies...

... so you'll no
longer have the

weekends off starting

But... I've been
working so hard !

Not hard enough !

You must have
discipline, Seto.

It's the only way
to crush your enemies !

But I don't
have enemies !

Of course you do !

You're just not
aware of them yet !

You have to learn
that you can

trust no
one at all !

Including me !

Hobson !

Confiscate Seto's toys

Yes, sir.

Maybe now you'll
concentrate on

your studies instead
of wasting your brain away !

[ Hobson ]
Well, that ought to do it...

It's for your own good.

Your stepfather's
a very wise man and

I think he knows
what's best for you.

So I'd advise you
not to disappoint him.

The way they
treat Seto stinks !

But I know how to
make him smile !

[ Mukuba ]
Well, here goes.

'Scuse me.

Hey, back to bed.

Okay, but first I gotta give
Seto his textbook back...

You heard dad !

Gotta study,
study, study !

If I see one more textbook,
I think I'm gonna barf !

[ Hobson ]
Sleeping ?

Already ?

You still have one more
lesson left tonight.

And you left this
textbook behind.

If I were you, I'd be more
careful next time.

Whatever you
say, Hobson.

Your next lesson's
in one hour.

[ Seto ]
I can't take this !

[ Mokuba ]
Dear Seto...

I guess you found
my hiding place.

Remember, big bro, they can't
take away everything from us.

So enjoy my gift,
but don't let them find it !

Love, Mokie.

Thanks, Bro.

My Duel Monsters cards !

Well, they're not the greatest
cards but they're mine !

A Blue-Eyes
White Dragon ?

Mokuba made me
a Blue Eyes card.

One day, I know I'll have
the real thing in my deck.

Just wait.

A good show by
the Kaiba boys.

That trip down memory
lane really

pulls at the heart strings,
doesn't it ?

[ Steo ]
Noah !

We've had enough of your
sick and twisted games !

Why, the game's
only just begun.

So get ready
to relive every

painful moment of
your entire lives !

What ?

It's gonna be
a very bumpy ride...

Look, kid.

What do you expect
to gain from this ?

Everything that
should have been

mine from the
beginning !

[ Yugi ]
This game's
pretty easy.

The stars above
each door represent the

strength of the
monster behind that door.

Beat the monster
and get through !

[ Yumi ]
There's a clue
we're missing.

But what
can it be ?

I know !

Maybe the stars represent
more than just

the power level of
the monsters !

But what, Yugi ?

Well what if, they're like,
directions for us !

Yeah !

Through the one-star
door first, then the two,

then the three,
then the four !

Yes, and the reason you
and I have been traveling

around in circles
is because we've only been

choosing to battle
against the

monsters that
have one star.

Well, let's try
this door !

So now I play
Obnoxious Celtic Guardian !

Attack !

Well done !

Now, let's go through
and find Téa !

[ Téa ]
A bit brisk,
isn't it ?

I can't even
f-feel my toes !

Advantage number
of being a penguin !

We have thermo-insulated
flipper feet !

Now let's get back
to business, shall we ?

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Be strong.

All right, let's
do this !


The sooner you make
your move the sooner

I can freeze you over
and win this duel.

You're already
knee-deep in ice !

And the worst is
yet to come, my dear !

My all-powerful
flying penguin is ready

to soar straight through your
puny defense !

No !

If his Flying Penguin att*cks
I'll be wide open !

And if I place you on the
playing field to defend me,

then he'll just
destroy you !

So very true.

And if your Deck Master is
destroyed, well, then you

automatically lose
the duel, my dear !

I'll place one monster
face down in

defense mode and then
I'll end my turn, Crump !

An extremely desperate move for
an extremely desperate girl !

And my hand continues to
grow more powerful !

And now, take this !

Flying Penguin attack !

Ha !

There goes your
facedown card !

Now you're back where
you started !

Not quite !

You revealed my Skelengel which
lets me draw one new card !

Magic Formula, this may
come in handy.

I ran the numbers and
you've run out of luck,

so play whatever pathetic
cards you'd like,

'cause it's only a matter
of time before you're frozen

here forever, or my name isn't
Adrienne Randolph Crump III.

A master in the art of Number
crunching, I must say,

and best dressed
penguin in the world !

You are a weird
little bird, Crump !

And I'm in the mood
for a barbecue !

What's this ?

Maha Vailo ?

No, he's not
powerful enough !

There's no way he'll
beat Flying Penguin !

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Téa, don't give
up so fast.

He has a secret skill
that can help you !

Huh ?

What kind of
a skill ?

Hold on !

I remember this !

Yugi once told me
about this card !

You wanna know which card
is most like me ?

Wait, I know.

Well, I think I know.

It's that purple guy with
the big hat, right ?

Uh, big hat ?

Oh, you mean my
Dark Magician card.

Well, even though
it's pretty great,

I don't think it's the
card that's most like me.


Ah !

This is the one !

Pretty cool, right ?

Maha Vailo ?

He may not be as strong
as the Dark Magician, well,

not when you first look
at him anyway.

But if you look
closer, you'll see

a hidden power
deep inside !

Of course !

It's hidden strength !

I'm not done yet !

Now I summon Maha Vailo
in attack mode !

That's weak !

Wait, I'm not done !

Check this out !

I activate
Magic Formula,

raising my monster's
attack points by !

You must have failed all of your
math courses, kid, because it's

still too short on attack points
to defeat my Flying Penguin !

I guess you don't know about
Maha Vailo's hidden power !

He gets extra attack points
for each one of my magic cards !

No fair !

Oh, it's fair.

Go, Maha Vailo !

Attack his Flying Penguin
with Sacred Lightning !

Add this up, Crump !

Extra Crispy Fried
Penguin, anyone ?

We're safe, at
least for now.

[ Téa ]
I'm f-f-freezing !

I don't know how much longer
I can last out here !

We're getting close.

Yeah, Téa's getting louder !

[ Yugi ]
Time is running out.

Yami and I have to defeat more
of Noah's monsters so we can

get through this
virtual maze and find

Téa before it's
too late !

I see another set
of doors ahead !

We need the
three-star door !

[ Yami ]
There it is !

Yes !

Swift Gaia,
the Fierce Knight, attack !

No, stop the attack !

It's too late !

Gaia !

That door has been
equipped with a trap card !

Look more closely.

Right under the stars !

Three facedown cards !

Of course !

Then that blast had to be
a Mirror Force trap card !

So try again.

Here goes !

I summon Gazelle !

[ Yami ]
It looks like Dark King of the
Abyss, a weaker monster.

Awesome !

Say goodbye !

No, wait !

Another facedown card
is being activated !

Now it's stronger !

Then I summon
Berfomet !

Then I'll use this !


fuse them together !

To form Chimera !

Now attack,
my Mythical Beast !

Yes !

Let's go !

Now where's that
four-star monster ?

There it is !

Patience, Yugi.

You must be
very careful.

This door has been
equipped with five cards !

Noah could have hidden just
about anything behind that door.

And you're low on cards,
so choose wisely !

You're right !

I only have
a few cards left !

Defeating a four
star monster plus

four facedown cards
is no easy task.

This may do it !

No, you mustn't play Dark
Magician yet !


Then how 'bout
the Heavy Storm magic card ?

It destroys all
magic and trap cards !

Nice work.

Now his monster
stands alone !

With no facedown
cards to protect it !

Destroy it, Yugi.

-Starred Ladybug
Of Doom should do the trick !

It may seem weak,
but watch this !

It automatically destroys
all -star monsters !

Oh yeah !

Excellent move.

Thanks !

It's a good thing
I had that little

critter stashed
in my deck!

This could be
the last door !

Come on !

Téa !

This doesn't look good !

Don't worry, Téa !

Stay strong !

I'm right here for you !

All right, then
I play Bolt Penguin !

In defense mode !

And as an extra precaution,
I'll play one card face down !

Your little turkey
only has defense points !

I can stuff it and
roast it with one blast !

So stand back, Crump !

Maha Vailo, attack his
bolt penguin now !

All my calculations
were right on the money !

Now I activate...

Revenge sacrifice !

Goodbye, Maha Vailo !

No !

Not him !

Revenge Sacrifice
destroys the card

you used to attack
my monster !

And now I'll defend
myself with this monster !

The impenetrable
Defender Iceberg !

Check that out.

It's like
a giant ice cube !

Yes, a giant ice cube
with defense points !

You'll never
get past that !

And don't think
I'm done !

I'll place this face down,
and summon Penguin Torpedo !

This little bird is
a real blast, kid !

Especially when my Deck Master
ability gives it a boost !

I almost forgot.

It can attack your
life points directly !

Téa !

And since you lost
a chunk of life points,

you gain another
chunk of ice !

Yes, it's quite chilling,
isn't it ?

L-L-Look Crump...

I'm not out yet !

[ Téa ]
These two cards
won't help !

I'm out of moves !

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
There is one thing
you can do, Téa.

Move me onto
the playing field.

Trust me.

It's your last hope !

I guess I have
nothing to lose.

I move Dark Magician Girl
to the field !

Don't you realize if your Deck
Master is destroyed, you lose ?

You must have a pathetic
hand to make that move !

Now watch and learn !

I activate
Ocean Of Regeneration

and bring back my old friend,
Penguin Torpedo !

This magic card allows me to
bring any water monster back

from my graveyard
for one turn !

Penguin Torpedo, attack her
life points directly again !

No !

Suddenly, I'm in the mood
for a tall glass of Iced Téa !

Soon I'll return to the real
world as a free bird !

Leave her alone !

Téa !

If she loses this duel
she'll be trapped here !

But it's not fair !

She's not experienced enough !

And she's losing badly.

Téa can win, Yugi.

By trusting herself
and believing

in the heart
of the cards !

[ Téa ]
I'm down to my
last few life points.

And my Dark Magician Girl
isn't strong

enough to get
past his defense.

Plus, since she's
my Deck Master,

if she's destroyed
I automatically lose !

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Téa, there is one card in your
deck that can save us.

It's the first
card you picked.

[ Téa ]

... is it the
Sage's Stone magic card ?

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Yes, Téa.

That's the card you
need to draw !

But, it could be at the bottom
of my deck for all I know !

I will help you
draw this card.

To do this, I must first invoke
my Deck Master special ability

to call upon every monster
in your graveyard, Téa !

Behold !

Dark Magic Energies !

Please hear my call !

Enter our graveyard and
revive the monsters within !

What's going on ?

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Téa, I have formed
a Soul Circle with the

four monsters in your card

This allows you to
draw four new cards.

The rest is up to you.

[ Téa ]
Let's see.

Did I draw the
card I need ?

Yes !

There it is !

Now to...ugh - play it !

Ugh, stupid ice !

There !

Did it !

So what exactly
does this card do ?

[ Yugi ]
What's up with
my duel disc ?


My Dark Magician !

But how was he summoned ?

Dark magician ?

I have no idea where he came
from, but I am not complaining !

What ?

My calculations assured me
that I would win this duel !

This just doesn't
add up at all !

The power of the Sage's Stone
magic card bestows upon me the

unique ability to call forth
the Dark Magician

from any nearby
player's deck !

What ?

It can't be !

Double Dark Magic Attack !

[ yelling ]

[ Dark Magician Girl ]
Our task is complete.

Whoa, I won.

[ Yugi ]
Téa, can you
hear me ?

Téa !

You did it !

Yugi, I was almost
a human ice pop !

I'm so glad
to see you !

Me too, Téa.

And now that we're together,
I promise it'll stay that way.

How cute.

Little do they realize
I'm just getting warmed up.

Fools !

They'll never escape
my virtual universe !

Never !
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