03x08 - Courtroom Chaos — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x08 - Courtroom Chaos — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[ announcer ]
Previously on "Yu-Gi-Oh"...

[ Téa ]
Whoa, check it out !

It's some kind of
a door way.

Well, what are we
waiting for ?

Let's go !

It's Joey !

Hey, where
you been ?

I'm dueling one of
the Big Five.

And you're just in time

to see me wipe the courtroom
floor with him !

I think you'll change
your tune

once you've had
the opportunity

to meet my deck master
so please be seated.

The honorable
Judge Man presiding !

Meet my deck master,
Flame Swordsman !

I play the card,
Sinister Justice.

Joey's in big trouble !

As long as Sinister Justice
is on the field,

Johnson gets
extra life points every time

he att*cks Joey's life points
with his Kamionwizard !

You planned this all along,
didn't you, Johnson ?

Of course !

But I have far worse
in store for you, Joseph !

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh is king of games

♪ It's time to duel

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh

So far all of the evidence
points to your defeat.

I find you guilty
of poor dueling !

Oh yeah--
We'll just see.

My move !

All right,
what to do ?

His face down card is
probably a trap,

but I can't worry
about that right now.

I have to get a monster
on the field

or else he'll be able to
attack my life points again !

And I got just the guy
for the job !

So look out, Johnson !

Now I play
this card !

Panther Warrior
in attack mode !

And then...

I'll place
one card facedown.

His Kamionwizard has only
, attack points,

so my Panther Warrior should
be able to wipe it out

with no problem !

But just in case
he tries anything funny,

I've got my facedown card
as a backup !

That's it for me, judge !

You're up to

Oh well...
I'm not too worried.

Because I have
this card !

Ready, Joseph ?

Reveal the magic card,
Leading Question !

This card adds
attack points to any monster

that's made up of two other
monsters fused together !

So my Kamionwizard
is now stronger

than your
Panther Warrior !

Wizard, attack now !

Not so fast, mister tall,
dark and gruesome !

You triggered my trap !

Go Skull Dice !

The higher I roll,

the more attack points
your monster loses !

Yeah !

Perhaps he should take
a closer look.

What !

A one ?

No way !

All right...

I don't know how you did that,
but I got my eye on you !

In my courtroom, twisting
the facts is perfectly legal,

especially when it
helps me !

No, my Panther Warrior !

Once again you have no
monsters on the field.

And as for me, you remember my
Sinister Justice card,

don't you ?

It gives me
another life points.

Not again !

That will happen every time

my Kamionwizard att*cks
your life points !

Stop this guy !

You almost had him
beat once !

Until he turned things
around and whooped you !

Gee, thanks...

Order in the court !

Make your move !

Johnson's got me right
where he wants me !

Thanks to his
Leading Question magic card

his Kamionwizard gets a power
boost of points !

That gives it a grand
total of , attack points !

And all I have in
my hand is...

the Swordsman of Landstar,

who's not exactly what
I'd call the king of monsters.

What's the matter ?

Did little Joseph use up
all of his best monsters

during the first
five minutes of the duel ?

No !

The truth
is I did !

And now I'm paying
the price...

Make your move.

All right fine,

Graceful Dice !

If my luck improves,
I may be able

to raise my Swordsman Of
Landstar's attack points.

I summon Swordsman
Of Landstar !

And then...

I'll play this,
my Graceful Dice !

Yeah !

Raise my Swordsman's attack
points with a high roll !

All right,
it worked !

Not quite.

What did I do to
deserve all this ?

I've never seen him have such
terrible luck before.

Poor Joey.

Oh, Joseph,
it's my move now.

Time to Clear the Courtroom
of your monster !

His Deck Master
Special ability !

Yes-- For the mere price
of , life points

I've left you defenseless.

The verdict is in...

You're finished !

This case is coming
to a close.

It's not over
yet, Johnson !

I place two cards
facedown !

So you do.

Now !

Hang in there.

I play my
Pot of Greed card.

I bet you wish you'd drawn this
card, don't you, Joseph ?

Now, I'm able
to draw two new cards,

which is something that you need
to do quite desperately !

Thanks to you,
I can draw five cards now.

Cause I activate: Gamble !

You see, I have no cards
and you have six,

which is exactly
the combination I needed

in order to activate
this trap card !

Gamble ?


It's a risky
card, Téa,

but if it works it can help Joey
turn this entire duel around,

and it
starts with a coin.

And what exactly is so
risky about it, Yugi ?

Well, Joey flips
a coin in the air,

then he calls heads
or tails,

and if he's right he
get to draw five cards,

but if he is wrong, Joey's
next turn gets skipped

and he can't afford
to let that happen.

It could cost
him the entire duel !

He can take all
the risks he wants,

because in my virtual courtroom,
I control everything.


This could make or
break the game for me...

[ Mokuba ]
Maybe this door'll lead
us back home !

Guess not.

Oh well.

At least it's a change
of scenery.

Are you crazy ?

I don't wanna be on a virtual
beach, in a virtual forest,

or even in a
virtual amusement park !

I want outta here !

Sorry, Seto.

I just had to get that
off my chest.

This place is
really getting to me.

Just relax.

If you get upset, then
you're letting Noah win.

Noah, show yourself !

We're on to your little game
and it won't work !

You think you can wear us down
by toying with our emotions...

but you obviously don't know
who you're dealing with !

Really ?

I'd say I know exactly who
I'm dealing with, Seto...

A no-good thief.

Now where was I ?

Ah, yes.

[ Yugi ]
Come on, Joey,
you can do this !

You have a - chance !

Not exactly.

Its' heads !

Come on.

Ah man,
it's tails !

No fair.

No, not again !

This is bad.

When is this poor fool
going to learn

that as long as
we're in my courtroom,

I control the outcome ?

It's still my turn, so I'll
reveal my face down card !

Scapegoat !

Are those fur-balls
supposed to frighten me ?

I'll have them dismissed from
this trial in no time !

This ought to do
for starters.

I'll play my Reinforcement
of the Army magic card first !

Allowing me to add a warrior
to my hand !


I'll use Polymerization !

Know why, Joseph ?

To fuse together
my Armaill Warrior

and my One-Eyed
Shield Dragon !

Meet Dragoness
The Wicked Knight !

Wow, Big deal Johnson.

Your monster
looks weak to me !

But wait !

Thanks to that
magic card of his,

Johnson can increase the attack
points of any monster

that's made up of two
other monsters fused together !

Time for my Leading Question
magic card to kick in.

And power up my Kamionwizard

as it tears down your
first Scapegoat !

Now it will increase the
strength of my Wicked Knight

as it eliminates your
second Scapegoat !

Two down...

And two more
Scapegoats left !

Not if I stop
you first !

Objection !

Your turn is skipped !

You called "heads" but you
got "tails," Joseph.

All right, then go !

As you wish.


Time to destroy
one more Scapegoat !

And last but not least,
I'll enhance the strength

of my Wicked Knight
once more

and dismiss
your last Scapegoat !

No !

I'm done for !

Case closed !

Do you admit
defeat ?

No !

This duel won't be over

until your life points
reach zero, Johnson !

No way am
I'm giving up !


Note to self: do not punch
virtual railing.

That's right,
don't give up, Joey !

This bad luck of yours
is bound to change,

because it
can't get any worse.

Hey, Téa, listen...

As far as pep talks go, this
is not your best work.

I'm running outta
options here.

Don't give up !

There's something fishy
about this Johnson guy.

It seems like more than just bad
luck that's holding Joey down.

Yes, Yugi.

I agree--
Much more.

Johnson is controlling the
outcome of Joey's moves.

I've been sensing it since
the beginning of this duel.

This judge is cheating !

I knew it !

We've got to step in !

Or Joey's mind will be
trapped here !

[ Téa ]
Hey, check out
that light !

[ Yugi ]
Wait a second...

That's Noah !

Master !

What brings you here ?

[ Noah ]
Silence !Yes, sir.


It is him !

[ Mokuba ]
This is even worse than that
never-ending virtual forest !

Hold on, Mokuba.

It's Noah...

Time out !

Stop the duel !

What's the deal ?


You can't, sir,
please !

I'm only a few moves away from
taking over this fool's body !

You don't deserve
that prize, Johnson !

Not after what you
just pulled !

So, he is a cheater.

Sad to say it's true.

The honorable Judge Man
is nothing but a fraud

who's been cheating you
from the very beginning.

He's been using
my virtual technology

to tamper with your
dice rolls.

How 'bout I tamper
with your face ?

Mr. so called man-of-justice,
ya big, fat fake !

But Noah, I couldn't risk
losing this !

Please !

You must
understand me !

I can't take living in this
virtual prison

for one moment longer !

It's t*rture !

Your excuses bore me !

I brought you five into my
world with the understanding

that under my leadership you
would defeat Seto Kaiba

and his little friends.

But if you cheat, I can't prove
that I'm truly more deserving

than him.

Than me ?

More deserving
of what ?

For years I've lived in
Seto's shadow,

always trying to prove
that I'm the better one !

I should be the president of
Kaiba Corp, not him !

And it's about time
I've proven to Gozaburo Kaiba

that he should have left
the company to me !

What ?

But my stepfather

has been missing without
a trace for over five years !

And why would Noah want to prove
something to him, anyway ?

This kid is not
who he seems to be !

But who is he ?

[ Joey ]
Excuse me, boys.

If I may interrupt this little
quarrel for just a second,

the defendant
would like to speak.

If Johnson plays by the rules, I
may still be able to win this !

Sorry, but this
doesn't concern you.

Johnson !

It's time for me to do something
that I should have done

the day I met you !

Noah, please, don't !

Yoohoo !

What ?

Look, I'm willing
to forgive Judge Gruesome,

as long as he agrees to
duel fair and square.

Noah, if he wins, you still
get to prove your strength.

And if I win I get to prove that
Joey Wheeler doesn't sit back

and let freaky-looking
frauds get the best of him !


Well, good luck.

And I hope you understand
what you just did.

The stakes of this
duel still stand.

Wow, sure beats
the subway.

All right !

Let's do this
thing !

You did hear
Noah, right ?

You lose and I still
get to escape...

by taking
control of you !

Yeah, I get it !

Then I guess you are as
foolish as you look

because you're about to
lose everything, Joseph.

And with your body under
my jurisdiction,

your mind will be sentenced
to wander this cyber universe

for all eternity
without bail !

You got me shaking
in my boots, your honor.

You're real tough !

But it's too bad you can't
cheat anymore, Johnson !


Now let's
finish this duel !


looky here !

I think my luck is beginning
to change now !

Yes !All right !

Pot of Greed lets me draw
two cards.

Sweet !

These two bad boys right
here are just what I need.

And now it's time to move
my Deck Master !

Flame Swordsman !

Go to the center of the playing
field so I can use you

to attack this creepazoid !

But first I'll boost your
power with Burning Soul Sword !

Not so fast.

You need to sacrifice a monster
for Burning Soul Sword to work.

Hey, what makes you
think I don't know

how my own magic
card works ?

First I have to
sacrifice a monster.

And then whichever creature's
holding the Soul Sword

gets more attack points !

In this case,
that's my Flame Swordsman.

I stand corrected however you
seem to have forgotten

one major fact
about your strategy

that will prove to be most
unfortunate, Joseph.

Look at the field !

You have no monsters
left to sacrifice, you fool !

So your plan won't work !

I'm not through yet !

I still got
this little number left !

My Arduous Decision
magic card !

Talk about risk !

If this doesn't work, he could
lose the entire duel

to Johnson right now, Téa !

But how, Yugi ?

Playing that magic card allows
Joey to draw two more cards

from his deck and that's
where things get tough !

'Cause then Johnson has to
pick one of those two cards.

If he chooses a monster,
Joey can summon it.

But if he chooses
a magic or trap card,

it goes to the graveyard
and Joey's turn is over.

Your choice !

If you haven't figured
it out yet,

the outcome of this entire
duel depends on this one move !

And with Noah watching,
you can't cheat

which means our fate
will be decided by chance.

Your fate was sealed
the moment we met !

Just pick a card, Johnson !

And quit your
stalling already !

It's not a tough choice !

There's only two cards !

Of course, if you choose
a monster I can sacrifice it

to power up my
Flame Swordman

and blast away the rest of
your life points !

Yes, but if I choose a
magic or trap card

then your
Swordsman remains weak

and I'll destroy it, thus
winning the duel !

Come on buddy,
what're you gonna do here ?

Choose !

Right or left hand.

The time is now !

Yeah, Joey--
Stay tough !

Johnson is
losing his cool !

He'll never be able to cheat
his way out of this !

That fool Wheeler is risking
the entire duel

on a game of chance !

Come on, pick
a card already.

All this suspense is
driving me crazy !

Well, if you can't
take it

just imagine how
Joey feels right now !

Let's do this !

The more you put it off,
the harder it's gonna be !

Just pick a card,
Johnson !

All right,
all right.

Yeah-- I'm waiting.

I pick your
left hand.

Are you sure ?

I mean
really sure ?

I'm sure.

That's an old trick
but a good one.

However, I won't be
fooled by your childish antics !

You asked me twice
if I was sure.

Your hesitation proves
I've made the right choice !

If you say so.

I've spent years and years
convincing people

that lies were the truth,

so you have little chance of
outwitting me, Joseph !

I'm positive I haven't
picked your monster card.

So this case is closed !

Judgment in
favor of me !

Now please show me the card
in your left hand.

No wait !Yes ?

Ah... I change
my mind !

The right
hand, then ?

That's gotta hurt.

All right !

You chose my monster card
known as Goblin Attack Force !

So now, I'm able to sacrifice
my goblins

and add their attack points to
my Deck Master, Flame Swordsman,

thanks to the powers of my
Burning Soul Sword !

All right !

It's time for Flame Swordsman
to attack Dragoness,

the Wicked Knight !

No !

This can't be !

I never lose in
the courtroom !

I once
convinced a jury

that a man who was terrified
of water stole a boat !

How could I be
fooled by some kid ?

Ahhhh !

Oh yeah !

Look out--
Who's the man ?

Way to go Joey !

That was awesome !

Aw, yeah !

Wait !

We still have to go find
everyone else !

Yeah, the other members
of the Big Five

might be
dueling them right now.

Did you say
"dueling them" ?

Who's dueling ?

They want to duel
us all, Joey.

Everyone who's trapped here...

We are all
in this.

All of us ?Stop, Joey !

That's not fair !

Serenity's never
dueled before !

No !

We'll find her Joey, and
we'll make sure she's okay !

I promise !

Let's get moving !

I'm coming,
Serenity !

Wait for us !

Come back, Joey !

Please !
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