03x17 - Brothers in Arms — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x17 - Brothers in Arms — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Your move, your move,
your move, your move,
your move.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

Tristan: hey hands off
the merchandise, man!!

What do you think
you're doing!?

If you think robot monkeys
can't barf, you're wrong!

Just calm down!

Dis could be
the only way

To save us
from dis place!

Torturing me's
gonna save us!?

Look man.

You may hold da secret
to escapin' from noah's
virtual world!

Oh, so you're back
to thinking I work for noah!?

It's me! Tristan!

Everyone knows it's you
trapped in there dude.

But we figure since
your robot body was
designed by noah

It may hold some clues
about how to get outta here!

So cough up some
answers baboon-boy!

Stop grabbin'!
There's nothing--

Hey check it out!

It's a secret
Let's try dis!

What's goin' on!?

Somebody stop meeeeee!

Let me handle this,

Two's my lucky number!

Something tells me
it's not mine!

Hey, this isn't
so baaaaaadddd!!!


Dat didn't work.
Maybe there's
some kind of code.

Hey guys...maybe this
red button is the one!


Robot voice: initiating primate
emergency escape sequence...

I think we hit
the jackpot!

It's projecting

Activating virtual
destination matrix.

Passageway revealed.

Program complete.

Kaiba land!? What's that!?

Kaiba, thinking:
noah may have tried his best

To re-create my duel monsters
theme park...

But it's obvious that this is
just a virtual rip-off.

[Train whistle]

Man, on p.a.:
Blue eyes white train
approaching the platform.

Stand behind the white line

And please let all passengers
off the vehicle before boarding.

Welcome to kaiba land.
Please watch your step.

At least
he got this right.

Step in and stand clear
of the closing doors.

This train better
lead me to mokuba!

Noah, on p.a.: May I have
your attention please!

All passengers who have
stolen family empires

From their rightful owners
listen carefully!


Prepare to exit
at the next stop.

Noah: don't believe
a word he says!

Yes sir...not a word.

You're my
only brother noah.

Yugi: it looks like some kind
of kaiba corp amusement park.

Remind me never ta waste
my money here!

Hey! Where is tristan?

Look! There he goes!

Follow him!

Slow down, will ya,

Robot voice: halt!

Intruder alert!
Intruder alert!

Non-authorized personnel are
forbidden to enter!

And just how are you
gonna stop us
ya little metal twerp!?

You've been warned,

Danks for the warning!

Serenity: oh no!

Hey tristan...
You okay?

What's goin' on?

Noah, on p.a.:
Attention you fool!

We are now leaving
kaiba land.

Welcome to your
final destination!

For eternity!

And don't mind
the lava pits below.

The molten rock is only
two thousand degrees!

right on schedule seto.

Please watch your step
while exiting.

I wouldn't want you
to burn to smithereens
before our duel!

Look! I want
my brother back

Right now, you
cowardly little runt!

He's my brother.

Watch what you say!

Mokuba hates you!

He'll be much better off
when I scatter your mind
throughout cyberspace!

The heat is on, seto!

And it's time for me to do
what I've been waiting
to do for years!

Prove to myself,
and prove to my father...

That I am superior to you
in every single way seto!

If you're so great,

Why am I the president
of kaiba corp!?

Because of
an unfortunate twist of fate

That never
should have happened!

But I'm about to correct
that mistake.

Gozaburo kaiba is
my father, not yours!

And he always intended
to pass his company
on to me!

Keep dreaming kid.

It's all true!

Who are you!?

I saw your home movies!

And you owe me
some answers!

How can this
have happened?

Gozaburo: don't worry!
There's nothing I can't do!

What's this?

It beats me.

Tea: listen.
They're talking
about noah.

This must be
some kind of an
old home movie.

Yugi: they look
pretty upset.

What are dey
so down about?

Gozaburo: if I'm going
to save him we have to act fast.

Save him?
You hear that!?

It sounds to me
like noah

Was in some sort
of an accident!

Noah: you want
the truth seto!?

Are you sure you can
handle the truth!?

Well, you won't be here
much longer anyway.

So what's the harm!?

It's true!
I haven't aged in years!

In fact,
this isn't really me!

The real noah is up there!

Your true step-brother!

Explain yourself!

That metal sphere
above us is a shell...

Which protects
and nourishes
my living brain!

Tristan: hey guys!

I found something!

Check it out!
Train tracks!

Don't tell me
you guys are

Of following
those tracks!

got any other ideas!?

We have to find kaiba
and mokuba,

Get my body back,
and get outta here!

So come on!

Let's go!

Maybe we can
just wait for
the next train!

who needs a train!?

When you got one
of these bad boys!

Nice score, tristan!

Yugi: whatta ya say
we slow down a bit!?

Are you kidding me?
Speed it up, you wimps!

Easy for you ta say,
mr. "My arms are
too short to drive!"

Tea: you do know
where the brakes
are, right!?

Yugi: yeah, have either
of you guys even seen
one of these things before?

Joey: on tv once!

This is real life

Dis looks like a brake!

Hey! It's working!


Did you say your
brain's up there!?

That's right.
It's hardwired to a computer

That projects
a virtual image of me!

But things weren't
always that way.

I used to be
a normal kid...

A normal kid
who had everything!

As the only child
of a multi-billionaire,

I was afforded every luxury
known to man.

My father's servants waited
on me hand and foot!

I was groomed for success
from the time I could walk.

Mathematicians and scientists
from around the globe

Lined up for the chance
to teach me,

The son of the world's
most powerful man.


Champion athletes...

They were all lured to
our front door by my father,

Gozaburo kaiba...

With the sole purpose
of raising me into an educated,

Well-rounded, future president
of kaiba corp!

So you see, seto.

It was me who was destined
to run my father's company.

Not you!

And I would have,
had it not been for
a freak accident!

What happened to me is
of little importance.

The point is, my body
was rendered useless,

But my mind was still
sharp as ever.

So my father used his
company's cutting edge
technology to save me.

He linked my mind
to a central computer,

Transforming my brain waves
into electromagnetic pulses.

Every thought pattern,
every memory,

Every bit of knowledge
I had was digitized

And downloaded into my father's
mainframe computer.

It was the end of
my former life as a human

And the beginning
of my new life

As a virtual being
whose power is limitless!

Soon after that,
you came along.

Originally, father adopted you

To motivate and challenge me,
as part of my training

To take over kaiba corp.

But that was
no longer possible.

Although I was extremely
powerful in cyberspace...

With no body of my own,
I couldn't serve

As the future president
of my father's company.

Until now!!!

So you see, seto,

I'm not human anymore.

I exist only
as a digital file

In a supercomputer
built by my father!

But as soon as
I defeat you in a duel,

Proving once and for all
that I should be running
kaiba corp,

I'll upload my mind
into your body.

Then I'll fulfill
my father's wishes by
taking over the company!

Ha ha ha ha!

You expect me
to believe that!?
Noah, please.

The only thing
more ridiculous
than that story

Is you out-dueling me!

Then let's go!

What better way to prove
my power over you...

Than by defeating you
at your own pathetic
game, seto!

I've heard enough!
Is that clear!?

I re-built kaiba corp
from the ground up!

On my own terms!
With no help at all!

That company is what
it is because of me!

No one else
could run it!

Especially not some kid!


I'll show you
real power...

Let's go!

All right. Then choose
your cards seto!

I already have!

And I've already chosen
my deck master!

Say hello to my friend--
kaiser seahorse!

You have no idea
how long I've been
waiting for this, seto.

Time to lose it all!

Both: let's duel!!

I'll go first!
And noooooow behold!

I summon giant germ
in attack mode!

Then I'll position
this card facedown.

his first mistake was
taking mokuba.

His second was
challenging me
to a duel!

With my facedown
crush card on the field,
he's finished!

When he att*cks
my giant germ,

My crush card's power
will activate,

Destroying every monster
in his hand and deck

attack points or more!

Let's see what you've
got, step-brother.

With pleasure seto.
So stand back!

This should be amusing.

I summon chiron the mage!

Joey: dis can't be goood!


Tea: I think I left
my stomach back
at that last turn!


Yugi: is...everyone...
All right?

Joey: define...
"All right. "

Hey look!!

where are we!?

Beats me.

But I don't think we're
in kaiba land anymore!

Hey! Look ova there guys!

Kaiba versus noah!?

Joey: no way.

Be careful kaiba!


Looks like your
fan club has arrived!

And they came
just in time...

To witness
your last duel, seto!

And my rebirth into
the real world

As the new leader
of kaiba corp!

No! He can't let noah win!

Let's continue!

Behold the power of my mage

And his mirror of truth!

Nothing can remain
hidden from me now,

For the mirror of truth
reveals your facedown card

And destroys it as well!

Now let's see what you
tried to hide!

Oh no!

Your crush card is gone,
now watch this!

Attack, my mage!

Destroy his giant germ!

Giant germ
return to me now!

It's back and you lose
life points!

I'm not too worried.
Your card's weak!

That may be.

But what makes you think
I brought it back
to attack you?!

Watch and learn!

I sacrifice
my giant germ!

In order to summon
my vampire lord!

Now my creature
of darkness,

Attack his chiron
the mage!

And that's not all!

Thanks to his
special ability,

Every time my vampire
sucks away some of
your life points,

He forces you to send
one of your cards

to the graveyard!

So say goodbye
to another
monster card noah!

At this rate,
your deck will be
empty in no time.

I doubt that...i'm afraid
that fanged freak of yours

Is about to take his own trip
to the card graveyard now!

But you have
no monsters!

I never said anything
about using a monster!

I'll destroy him with this!

The magic card fissure!

Adios bat boy!

And now that
you're defenseless
I'll play this!

Oh no! Kaiba's wide open
for a direct attack!

Go my aeris!

Attack seto's life points!

Surrender now while
you have the chance!

Don't give up,

Show dat little
green-haired twerp
who's boss!

I'll place one card
face down.

Kaiba: you'll never get
away with this, noah!

I'd rather see
my company crumble
to the ground

Than fall into your
grubby little hands!

Kaiba corp is mine,
you got that punk!?

You stole it!
I'm just taking back
what belongs to me!

Keep dreaming kid!
Okay then...!

I think you might
remember my old friend--

Vampire lord!

You look surprised.

Don't you know
about vampires?

They can't be destroyed!

My vampire lord possesses
the power of immortality,
you fool!

So when he's sent
to the graveyard
he comes back!

And there's more!
I summon this!

Slate warrior
in attack mode!

I neva thought dat I'd
be rootin' for kaiba...

But let's go rich boy!

I can't be beat!

We're in my world now
and I make the rules!

Listen. You may think
that you created this
virtual world you punk!

But all you did was
rip off my system!

Vampire lord attack!

I don't think so!

Your vampire has activated
my trap card!

So reveal...
The mighty earthshaker!

Time for me
to shake things up a bit!

Now allow me to explain

How this ground-breaking
trap card of mine works

In case you don't know.

You have two kinds
of creatures on the field,

A wind monster
and a dark monster.

And one of those two monsters
is about to be destroyed.

But which one?
That is up to you seto!

So his trap card
forces me to choose

One of my own monsters
to be destroyed.

If I choose wind,
I lose my slate warrior

And if I choose dark
my vampire's gone.

Let's go!

I choose my creature
of darkness!


Swallow his vampire lord!

Why'd he pick dat!?

Kaiba's vampire lord
was much stronger
den his otha monsta!

Yeah, but don't

When kaiba's vampire
is destroyed

It comes right back
to the field
in his next turn.

A'right! Kaiba may be
a pain in da butt,

But he knows how
ta play duel monstas!

Now it's time
to say goodbye
to your monster...

Slate warrior attack!

Now you're completely

Dis duel is lookin' up!

Kaiba made a good move,
but noah's still ahead
of him

By almost two thousand
life points, joey.

There'll be plenty
of time to celebrate...

I was thinking, seto...

Maybe you and I just got off
on the wrong foot.

Perhaps it's time to
wash away our differences...

And this should help!

The magic card giant flood!

I hope you packed
a virtual swimsuit!

What's goin' on?!

Look over there guys!

Duke: I don't know what that is,
but it doesn't look good!

Joey: I'll tell you
what it is--a tidal wave!

Run for your lives!

Wait, there's
nowhere ta go!

Time to drown out
my competition!

Time to drown out
my competition!

Noah: looks like your monster
needs a life jacket!


My slate warrior!

Flushed right out
of da game yuge!

And that's not
the only one, look!

What's happening!?

Every monster
in my graveyard is
getting washed away!

Now it's time for you to see
what my deck master can do!

But you never picked
a deck master!

Oh...forgive me
for being so rude.


What's freak-boy
up to now!?

Meet my deck masteeeeeer!!!

Shinato's ark!

Ha ha ha ha!

Joey: dis is nuts!
Look at da size
a dat thing!

No way!

That boat's
your deck master!?

That's right! Now seto...

My great ark will
allow me to sail away

With everything
you have--

Your company
and your brother!
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