03x18 - Brothers in Arms — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x18 - Brothers in Arms — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Noah: the heat
is on, seto!

It's time for me to prove
that I am superior to you.

Keep dreaming, kid.

It's all true.
Who are you?

This isn't really me.

Your true stepbrother!

Explain yourself!


My father linked my mind
to a central computer.

I'm not human anymore.

I exist only as a digital file
in a supercomputer,

But as soon as I
defeat you in a duel,

I'll upload my mind
into your body.

You expect me
to believe that!?

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Meet my deck masteeeeeer!!!

Shinato's ark!

That boat's
your deck master!?

Now, seto...

My great ark
will allow me

To sail away with
everything you have--

Your company
and your brother!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game! ♪

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: what kinda freak
picks a giant boat

To be his deck master!?

Yugi: it must be really
powerful, joey!

Huh? It's opening up!

But why?

Duke: it's swallowing
every monster

That's been sent
to the graveyard!

are you wondering

What happened
to all your monsters?

It crossed my mind.

Just as that sphere
holds my brain,

My ship now holds
a precious cargo
of its own, seto.

I can see that, kid.

And from now on,

Every time a monster
is sent to the card graveyard,

It will be rerouted
directly into the belly
of shinato's ark!

And there it shall live
for the rest of the duel!

Let's just say
I'm collecting passengers,

Shall we?

But what happens
to those monsters

Once they
enter the ship!?

Joey: I got a feelin'
we'll find out soon!


You find this funny?

I find you pathetic!

Thanks to your
giant flood card,

You have no monsters
on the field
or in your hand!

And it's my move!

So if I draw
a monster now...

You have nothing
to protect you
from its attack!


I'm afraid you're
mistaken, amateur!

he's bluffing.

All I have to do
is draw a monster,

And I can
attack him directly!

Prepare to lose now!

Ha! Now I call
to the field...

The mighty spear dragon!


Go! Attack him now!

With cyclone blast!

Is that thing
supposed to scare me?

'Cause I can block its attack
with ease, seto!

With what!?

With this!

A creature
you might recognize

That now lives
within my ship!

Arise, vampire lord!

That's my monster, kid!

Not anymore...

He's a passenger
of shinato's ark...

Which means
he belongs to me now!

And thanks to my deck master's
special ability...

I have access to every monster
on board my ship.

So go ahead and try
to attack me now!

My vampire
will absorb the impact!

Nice try, seto!


This can't be good!

Noah has the power
to use every monster
on board his ship!

So anytime that kaiba
att*cks him,

Noah can just
summon a monster
to protect himself!

Plus whenever a monster
gets sent to the graveyard,

It goes right into dat boat!

Noah: you're forgetting
one thing, seto.

We're dueling in my world!

And I control
everything around us!

What's going on!?

I don't like
the looks of that!

Noah: here's a small
taste of my power!

Oh, man!

Tea: hey, guys,
look at the water!

Joey: it's dryin' up
or somethin'!

Duke: what's the deal
with that!?

Tea: check it out!

The whole virtual world
is changing!

Quite impressive,
isn't it?

I command every part
of this place!

Welcome to the dinosaur age!

I summon giant rex!


Your spear dragon's
about to become extinct!

Giant rex attack!

Lucky for you,

Your pitiful dragon
was in defense mode,

So your life points
were spared.

But I assure you,

You won't be so lucky
next time, seto!


What? Are you feeling

Because now you realize

That I'm more intelligent
than you!?

Look up!

My superhuman brain
sees everything!

And with each
passing second, it grows!

What's he mean by that?

It sounds

Noah's brain's
up there!

When my mind was digitized
into that computer,

Something happened...
Something unexpected.

It seemed my brain waves
were beginning to grow
more powerful.

I was able to access vast
amounts of information

Through the databanks of
my father's computer network.

I was constantly absorbing
facts and figures!

I learned the answers to
mankind's greatest secrets!

Before long,
I became a superhuman,

Infused with knowledge
beyond that of anyone on earth!

But all of this wisdom,
all of this understanding,

All of this intelligence
wasn't enough!

Something was still
missing from my life.

and what was that?

One thing--

A thing I was never able
to achieve as a human--

My father's trust.

And once I destroy you,

I'll finally
prove to him

That kaiba corp
should be mine!

Noah: you're just
a lowly human, seto!

You're nothing
next to me!

Ha ha ha!

I missed the joke.

Behind your so-called
"superhuman intellect"

Is nothing
but a spoiled
little brat!

Is that so!?

For your entire life,

People just handed
things to you, noah!

But I had to work
for what I have!

Kaiba corp is mine
'cause I earned it!

And the fact that
you think you can
take it away from me

By winning one duel

Proves what I
thought about you
from the start!

And what's that?!

You're nuts!

You must have spent
one too many years

Trapped in that bubble
in the sky, noah!

So you think I'm insane
for wanting to claim
what's rightfully mine!?

No, I think
you're insane

For trapping me
in a virtual
computer program

And forcing me
to duel you!

Just to prove
to your daddy

That you're
not the failure
he thinks you are!

Well, I'm here to
prove that you are!

There's a reason
why I'm in charge
of kaiba corp

And you're not.

Why's that?

Because I'm the best man
for the job!

I'm more fit
to run that company
than you'll ever be!

And deep down,
your father always
knew that!


I must have been
sleeping for days.

Last I remember,
I was in the hospital.

Wait a sec!

Maybe it was all just a dream!



Hey...what's going on!?

I'm...locked in!

Father! Hello!?

Are you there!?


Huh? What's that?!

Hmm. Father!

I had
the weirdest dream!

I was
in the hospital,

And everyone
was really worried,


I'm afraid it
wasn't a dream, noah.

There was...an accident.

And you were in bad shape...

Your body's gone.

Ohh! But how?

My team of scientists
and researchers
tried to save you...

But nothing they did
would help.

So I turned to my tech experts
and computer engineers,

And they found
a solution.

What do you mean!?

[Arf arf]

You'll understand in time.


I created this dog
for you, son.

You and he exist
in a different way
than the rest of us.

Noah, voice-over:
I soon discovered the meaning
of my father's words.

He created a new world
for me to live in.

Hello, noah!

Good morning.


Noah, voice-over:
but this world
was far from perfect.

Mint chocolate chip
ice cream?

I know
it's your favorite!

No thanks. Not today.

Mint chocolate chip
ice cream?

I know
it's your favorite!

Mint chocolate chip
ice cream?

I know it's your favorite!

Noah, voice-over:
the virtual environment
I lived in

Was full of glitches.


Get lost! Now!


[Arf arf]

Noah, voice-over:
I knew some improvements
needed to be made.

Happy birthday, son.

I trust you enjoyed
your trip to mars?


It was by far the greatest
birthday present

I've ever gotten, father.

How many kids can say
they've been to mars?


Of course, the whole thing
was just a virtual experience

In my mind.

Noah, voice-over:
I soon noticed a change

In my father's attitude
towards me.



Hold on a sec.

We can't celebrate without sam!

What on earth is that?

Noah! Explain!

Well, I just altered
his programming!

I got bored.

So I decided
to reengineer sam
into a robot dog.


And that's not all.

I've been working on
a few other projects

That you might be
interested in.

I've figured out
how to improve
the capabilities

Of the virtual world
you created for me!

All we have to do
is connect our
computer network

To other systems
all around the world.

I see...

And you thought up
this little plan

All by yourself?

I must say,

For the first time,
I'm impressed.

You'd be surprised
how much I've learned.

Yes. I can see
you've come a long way.

So you think I have
what it takes?

To run kaiba corp


Is that a yes?

Even you have to admit
that this virtual existence

Has done wonders for
my intellect, father.

I'm the perfect candidate
to take over this company.

Let's, ah,
discuss this further

Sometime in the near future.

Noah, voice-over:
but that discussion
never happened...

And soon father began
focusing all his attention

On his new family.

As for me...

My father began to visit
less and less,

Until finally he chose
to ignore me completely.

He didn't believe
that kaiba corp

Could be run properly
by a virtual president!

didn't give up on you

Because of
your virtual state.

I think...

He knew that
no matter how much
knowledge you gained,

You'd always be
a spoiled brat!

Expecting to get ahead
in the world

Without making
any effort at all!

As despicable
as your father was...

He knew the value
of hard work.

It was his own
determination for power

That got him
where he was,
after all.

And as much as it
pained him to admit it,

I think gozaburo knew
that I was the best man

For the job of
kaiba corp president!

And as for you, noah...
His real son...

You were
better off isolated
in your computer world,

Out of everyone's way!

Ha ha ha! Seto...

That could quite possibly be
the most ridiculous thing

That I've ever heard
in my entire life!

Come on, now...

My father wanting you
to be president!?

Why do you think
he created that
digital dump for you!?

You were in the way!

You actually believe
my father put me here

To focus his attention
on you!?

Seto...you always thought
you were top dog!

But of the kaiba brothers,

You're the low man
on the totem pole!

You're confused, noah.

That's your slot!

Why don't we ask mokuba
what he thinks?

Shall we?

Help noah.

My one true brother.

Let's finish this!
It's my move!


I play this!
Pot of greed!

It allows me to draw
two new cards

To refresh my hand!

Noah: as if
that'll save you!

Now's the time
to activate

My deck master's
special ability!

Kaiser seahorse
allows me to summon
a powerful monster

Without having
to sacrifice
a weaker one!

So now I call
to the field

My unstoppable

Then I'll place
these cards face down

And end my turn, noah!

Joey: what's kaiba

Noah's dino's gonna
blast his dragon
into da stone age,

Just like last time!

Noah could win dis duel
in his next turn!

Dis is not good!

kaiba's no fool.

I'm sure those face down cards

Are part of his plan
to win this!

That's all you've got?

What a pity.

Looks like this duel's
about to end
in my victory, seto!

As I take
the kaiba corporation
by storm!

For now I activate
the magic card
deepest impact!

Open the skies and unleash
your devastating power!

Duke: I've got
a bad feeling about this!

Joey: me, too! Look!

Take cover!

[All shouting]

Tell me when it's over!


Noah: history teaches us

That the age
of the dinosaurs
abruptly ended

Thanks to a meteor shower.

Then the earth cooled off,
and the ice age began.

And as we all know,

There were no dinosaurs
on earth

During the ice age.

So good-bye, my giant rex.

That rex was his.

Dis is gettin'

Call me crazy,
but if you ask me,

Dat boy's not right
in da head!

You may be wondering
why I used my deepest impact
magic card

To wipe out
all monsters on the field

And cut both of
our life points in half.

Well, it's all part
of evolution, seto!

It weeds out
the weak and helpless

And allows only the strong
to thrive!

then I'm safe!

Guess again!

My magic card
ice age panic

Is about to lead
to your extinction

By allowing me to summon
the most powerful beast
of the ice age, seto!

Meet last tusk mammoth!

Aw, man! Dat's nuts!

Now! Time
to bring back this!

Different dimension

Return to me now!
In defense mode!

My beast
has the power

To travel
between dimensions,

And now he's back
in ours!

unfortunately for you,

My dragon is stronger
than your mammoth.

Now brace yourself!

Because I'm about
to rewrite history

By cutting short
the ice age!

So prepare
to lose your mammoth!

His time is up!

You should know
better than anyone

That the past
can't be changed!

My tusk mammoth
will destroy your dragon!

Tristan: is it me,

Or is noah going to
attack a monster

That's stronger than his?!

You're in for
quite a surprise now.

You'll never defeat me!

I'm in control here!

Mokuba understands that now,
why can't you!?

This is my world...
And you're my prisoner...


Go ahead and attack me!
My monster's stronger!

Hey, wait!

Thanks to
the special ability
of noah's tusk mammoth,

Both players will
lose life points
when it's destroyed!

So when kaiba
clobbers dat thing...

It's like he's
attacking himself, too!

We've got
to stop him!

Noah: mammoth attack!

Activate trap card!

Ring of destruction!

This will stop
your monster
in its tracks!


I see that you're getting
desperate, seto.

It's true
your ring of destruction

Will destroy
my tusk mammoth,

But I'm afraid you'll
lose life points, too!

Not when I activate
my magic card
ring of defense!

It will shield
my life points!

All right!

Nice move, kaiba!

Way ta put
dat little runt
in his place!

Looks like
your ice age is over.

I guess you don't
control everything here!

Hey, yuge,

They're both down
to their last chunk
'a life points!

Yeah...let's just hope

Kaiba can wipe out
noah's first!

All right!

Now! It's time
to finish you off!

Ha! I'm shaking
in my boots.

You should be!

First I'll
switch my dragon

From defense
to attack mode!

Next I'll send
my thunder dragon
to the card graveyard,

Where he'll be absorbed
by shinato's ark!

But not before
his special skill
kicks in...

Giving me
two more dragons!

But that's not all,

Next I'll use

To fuse them both

Forming twin-headed
thunder dragon!


I'd hate ta meet dat thing
in a dark alley!

Kaiba: and thanks
to my quick attack
magic card...

I can attack right now!

And with no monsters
to protect you,

Your life points
are as good as gone!

You seem to have forgotten

About the powers
of my ark, seto!

Every monster that has been
sent to the graveyard

Lives on board!

And I have access
to all of them!


Tea: I thought kaiba
had him that time!

I guess not.


Ha ha ha!

You fool!

You fell
right into my trap!

Now...i can wipe out
what's left of
your life points

And end
this family feud!

I didn't forget
your deck master's

I wanted you to
summon those monsters!

For one reason...

So I could play this!

It's called
dragon's rage,

And here's
how it works:

If my monster's
attack points

Are higher than
your monster's
defense points,

The difference comes
directly out of
your life points!

Prepare yourself as
different dimension dragon
att*cks your giant rex!

One monster down
and one more to go!

Yeah! Nice!!

Now! Beat dat last monsta,
and it's ova!

This is where
it all ends!


Now, twin-headed
thunder dragon...

his giant soldier!

Mokuba: don't do it!

what's going on!?


What have you
done to him, noah!?


whoever you are...

If you want to attack
my brother noah,

You'll have to go
through me.

Snap out of it!

He's been brainwashed!
By noah!


That's right, mokuba,
protect me! From him!

He's the stranger
that's trying to break
you and I apart!


No, it's me!

Mokuba has chosen sides
based upon his own
free will, seto.

Looking back,

Maybe you should have
treated him with more respect.

I give him the support
you never could.



Noah: it didn't have
to be this way, seto,

But you left me
with no choice!

Now you have
a decision to make.

Forfeit this duel
and step down as
president of kaiba corp...

Or continue with
your final attack

And risk losing mokuba
for good.

Your brother's fate
is in your hands.

If kaiba att*cks noah now,

He'll be attacking
mokuba, also!

So...what's it gonna be?

Or control of kaiba corp?


Your choice will impact
the rest of your life!
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