03x29 - The Darkness Returns — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x29 - The Darkness Returns — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Roland: the first duel
of the semifinals is
about to begin!

The time has come
to take this duel
to the next level!

I'm ready for
your shadow game!

I decided to raise
the stakes

By adding these energy
streams to our game.

Now whenever your
monster's att*cked,

Your body will be drained
of a little more energy.

Time to attack!

Slice and dice
his helpoemer!

You activated my monster's
special ability!

What's its special

It's in your
graveyard now!

Oh man!

For as long as my helpoemer

Remains in
your card graveyard...

You'll lose one card
every turn!

If he keeps losing
cards from his hand,

Joey'll never
beat marik!

I'm afraid
your fate will be

An eternity
in the shadow realm!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

[Yami-marik laughing]

Serenity: that's
the same dark cloud

That surrounded us
during mai's duel!

Oh no!

That means my brother
and marik are fighting
a shadow duel!

Yami-marik: you could
use a rest, little joey!

Joey: and you could
use a haircut, so
what's your point!?

Don't you understand...?

Thanks to these
dark energy streams,

Every time
your monsters
are att*cked,

Your body is drained
of strength!

So what's the deal
with that card

Marik stuck in
joey's graveyard?

It removes one card
from joey's hand...
With every turn!

Some of his best
cards could be

Before he gets
to use them!

It's my move! Farewell!

My coffin seller
trap card.

Now I have several
traps on the field

Just waiting to be
triggered by one of
his pathetic monsters.

Ha! All I have to do now

Is lure this fool
into attacking me
and he's finished!

I place two cards facedown...

And now I'll end my turn.

Why isn't freak-boy
attackin' me!?

He's got
his drillago

On da field
in attack mode

And no cards left
in his hand!


Not that my cards are
anything to brag about.

Come on! I need a winna!

Here goes!

Aw yeah!
It's my insect queen!

There's just
one problem...

Since it's
a high level card,

I gotta sacrifice
two monsters ta play it!

Dat's too risky
right now.

I summon baby dragon
in defense mode!

I bet at least one
'a his face down cards
is a trap!

And as soon as I attack,
he'll spring it on me!


The shadows are growing
impatient little joey!

Are you too frightened
to attack me?

Perhaps you fear
my three face down cards

And the possible devastation
they could cause.

I can't let marik
bully me like dis!

I'm waiting...

Don't let him
push you around!

Yeah he wants you
to attack him!

You can't!

Cause he'll just
activate one of
his trap cards!

My friends
have a point...

But what am I
supposed to do

Just sit around
and wait?

For what!?

I'm through waiting.
I need ta take action!

Wait joey!
Don't attack!

He should attack!

In order for joey to win,

He must force marik
to reveal his traps right away.

Once joey knows what
marik's cards are,

He can devise a strategy
to destroy them!

Take him down, joey!

Rocket warrior!
Activate invincible mode!

Ha ha ha ha!

That's precisely
the move I wanted you
to make you fool!

For you have allowed me
to activate

My card of last will!

Now I can draw five cards!


Aw man!

Looks like my hand is full!

Now which of my new cards
should I use against you first?

Let's see...


I've drawn
my egyptian god card,

The winged dragon of ra!

Come on!

I don't care what cards
you got marik!

I'm still gonna
mop da floor wit
dat head-a-yours!

Good bye scapegoat,
hello pantha!

Grrrr. Ha ha ha ha!

Haddaya like dat!?


Wait! Hold on
you guys!

Marik's up to

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Nooow I activate the trap card,
coffin seller!


Now each time
one of your monsters

Is sent to the graveyard...

Life points

Are deducted from your total!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

No way!

Yes and there's more!

Much more!
Remember helpoemer!?

It's dat monsta
he put in my

It just took
my insect queen!

Dat was
the best card
in my hand!

Now I lose
life points!

It's over for you!

I've devised
a foolproof system

Of depleting your
life points each turn

Without having to do
anything at all!

I'm afraid he's right!

Joey loses one card
each turn,

And if that card's a monster
he loses life points!

That's not good!

And don't forget
that my plasma eel

Is still attached to
your panther warrior

Which lowers its attack
points even more!


My move... At last!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

First I'll place this card
face down on the field.

And then I'll activate this!

Premature burial!

This allows me to
summon any monster

That resides
in the graveyard!

What 'a ya
bringin' back!?

Once I give up
life points...

I shall revive drillago

From my card graveyard!

But there's still more!

Next I'll sacrifice drillago!

So I can bring forth this card!

What is that!?

I've summoned
an unstoppable creature

Known as legendary fiend!

wait! He's only got
attack points!

You should know that
things aren't always
what they appear to be!

Huh? And just whatta ya
mean by dat, marik!?

Ha ha ha ha!

My beast gets stronger!

By attack points
each turn!

Now make your move!

If you dare!

Joey still has
way more life points
than marik does

So I'm not
too worried!

While that may be the case

... Life points
aren't everything!

Marik's totally got
da uppa hand
in dis duel!

If only I had
my jinzo

I could destroy
all his traps!

But dat card's
in my graveyard!

If I don't draw
somethin' good now,
I'm a goner!

Come on...


Little wing guard!!??

He's too weak!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

You look disappointed!

The only thing
I'm disappointed about

Is dat I didn't kick
your butt sooner!

Now I summon
little wing guard
in defense-

Not so fast!

I activate the trap card
nightmare wheel!

Hey! My rocket warrior!

Your pitiful little monster

Is now held c*ptive
by my nightmare wheel

Which means he can't
attack me or defend you

As long as my trap card
remains on the field!

So basically,
he's completely
useless to you!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'll pick up
where I left off!

little wing guard

In defense mode!

Den I'll switch

My panther warrior

Into defense mode

So try
and get me now!!


Drain him! Plasma eel!

Weaken his panther
and his body!


[All gasp]

[Marik laughing]

Dat didn't tickle.

I don't know
what's worse.

Da fact
dat I'm losin'

Or da fact dat
I'm losin' ta marik!

If I don't gain
control 'a dis duel,

I'm out of
da tournament

And marik advances
to da final round!

And even worse,

I won't be able
to rescue mai!

Please be careful
up there joey

Or you're gonna
end up trapped

In the
shadow realm, too!

Just like mai.

Let the duel continue!

I forgot to mention

That you lose
life points

Every time my turn begins!

Thanks to
the special ability of

My nightmare wheel
trap card!


And of course

My legendary fiend gains
attack points!

Now it's time to
feel his wrath!

Legendary fiend,

Attack his
little wing guard!

Oh no!

Yami-marik: and there's more!

What's goin' on!?

Every time

One of your monsters

Goes to the graveyard

Coffin seller takes

Of your life points!

Next I'll place one card
face down.

And end my turn.


Make your move!

Although it's hopeless!

As soon as I unleash

My malevolent catastrophe
trap card,

That fool will be devastated!

For once it's activated,

Every monster on the field
will go to the graveyard!

But that's not all.

Thanks to my
coffin seller trap card,

He'll lose life points

For every creature
that's destroyed!

Then I'll wipe out the rest
of his life points

With my legendary fiend!

Ha ha ha!

This doesn't look good.
Not for joey at least!

Well I must say...
I'm not surprised.

Time for my comeback.

Here goes.

Marik's trap cards
are doin' me in!

Each one is worse
den da next!

I guess, like yugi says,

I gotta put my faith
in da heart of da cards!

Why are you hesitating!?

Perhaps you've
finally realized

That there's no way
you can win this duel!?

Trust me!

Before long you'll be
trapped in the shadow realm!

Fool! Ha ha ha ha!

We'll see!

Yes! We'll see
how long you last

Before I banish you
into the darkness!

it's my move, marik!

And you're goin' down!

Ha ha ha ha!

The card I'm holdin'
in my hand right now

Is gonna put an end
to your entire
duelin' strategy!

You lie...!

I'm afraid not!
Check it out marik!

It's a card
I like to call...



This bad boy
forces you
to guess

Which one of
my monsters

Is at the bottom
of my graveyard!


Now if
you guess right,

Dat monster is outta
da game for good...

But if you mess up,
it gets summoned to
the field

And I can use it
to take control
'a dis duel!


Come on!
Are ya scared!?

Just take a guess
tough guy!

I'm waitin'!

Da worst
dat can happen is

You guess wrong
and I crush ya!

I must remember!

Which of his monsters
did I destroy first!?

Perhaps it was that
alligator's sword of his?

No! That card was already
removed from his graveyard!

I've destroyed so many
of joey's monsters

I can't remember
which one was first!

Perhaps it was
one of the cards
my helpoemer destroyed!

But which one!?

You're in trouble!

Wanna know why?

Well I'll tell ya!

Da first card dat
went to my graveyard

Was chosen randomly
by your helpoemer!

So guess what!?

There's no way
you can rememba

Da first monsta
you destroyed,

Cause you neva saw
which one it was!

How much time left

Five seconds?!!

Five... Four...
Three... Two...

Time's up!

Oh, I'm sorry!

Stunned silence
was not the answer
we were looking for!

The joke will be on him

When my catastrophic
trap card

Destroys every monster
on the field!

Oh well! Guess what!?

Yoooou guessed wrong

So I get ta summon this!


Not jinzo!

Dat's right pal!

And I bet you know
what dat means!

It's time
to say goodbye

To every trap card
you have on da field!

Jinzo! Strut your stuff!


I just turned your
entire game plan

upside down, marik!

And it serves
ya right!

Nice one, man!
It's all you!

Well done...

Without the use of
his trap cards

Marik needs
a new strategy!

Alright! Go!

What's the matter,

In a bad mood?

I'd be mad too!

If I were on the
other side 'a jinzo!

He's da first monster
I won at battle city!

Espa roba: here.

My jinzo
and my locator card.

You deserve them.


Look, I'm sorry about
that cheating thing.

Ahhh, no worries.

You beat me
fair and square

And next time
we duel I'm playing
totally legit!

No more cheating!

I'll hold ya to dat!

Until then
smell ya later
roba brothers!

Ya know

We're a lot alike espa.


You got yer brothas

And I got my sista
and my pals.

And we're all there
to support each other
when we need it!

As long as we got dat,
nobody loses.

I wasn't alone back den
and I'm not alone now!

I got mai and my sista
serenity to inspire me!

Plus I got da rest
a da g*ng down there
cheerin' me on!

You can do this joey!

If you beat marik
he's outta the tournament

And the world is saved!

A'right tough guy!

I'm not through
wit you yet!

After all,
you still have
a monsta on da field

your life points!

And dat's just not
gonna work for me!

So, let me
start dings off

By switchin'
my baby dragon
into attack mode!

And panther warrior,

And now! Go jinzo!

Blow away
his legendary fiend!




Joey has destroyed
all of marik's monsters!

If he can successfully attack
marik's life points directly

He'll win the duel!

You da man,

Come on joey!

Put this evil creep
right in his place!

Hey seto!

It looks like
joey may win
after all!

I'll only believe that
when I see it mokuba.

Never underestimate
a duelist

Who holds
an egyptian god card!

Dis is it!
I'm gonna do it!

Mai... I'm comin'
ta save ya!

It's over marik!

A'right guys!
Attack his
life points!

Ha ha ha ha!

Do you think
it's that easy?!

Dark wall of wind!

No way!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh no!
Marik blocked the attack!

Ha ha ha ha!

Now helpoemer destroys
another card from your hand!

Ha ha ha ha!

And that's not all
little joey!

Go, plasma eel!

Drain his panther!


It looks to me like
I don't need monsters...

... To bring you
to your knees!

You thought you could defeat me,
didn't you!?

You should have known
that's no easy task!



Your little friend mai
made the very same mistake!

And you know well
what fate befell her!

An eternity of darkness
and despair!

And you'll soon join her!

Don't worry, mai.

Wherever your mind is

My brother's gonna
get it back!

Joey, I'm here for you.

And so is mai!

My move!

Just what I needed!


I'm about to call forth
an extremely powerful beast!

It's an eight-star monster

Known as lava golem!

Slow down there

You can't play
a monsta dat strong

Without makin'
a sacrifice first!

How perceptive of you!

I have every intention
of making a sacrifice!

Lava golem allows me to
sacrifice two monsters

On your side of the field!

You're kiddin' me!

Look on the bright side.

I said lava golem stays on
your side of the field!

Marik!! What's da deal!?

What's wrong?

I thought you'd be pleased
to receive a monster

With attack points
little joey!

Ya mean
dis ding is mine!?

That monster may belong
to joey now...

But it comes with a price!

Hey, I don't
get it, bro.

Lava golem is now
wheeler's monster

So all of its weaknesses
become wheeler's problem.

Just watch.

Take a look...

Your monster's
beginning to melt!

Say what!?

Each turn lava golem melts
and you lose life points!!


Dat's hot!

I shoulda packed
my sunscreen.

And now that your jinzo is
back in the card graveyard

I can set as many traps
as I want!

So I'll place this card
face down!

Now then...
Why don't you attack me
with your monster!?

He does have
attack points,

Which is more than enough
to wipe me out!

So what are you
waiting for!?


I must say, there's not
much else you can do!

Come on!
Think this
through, man!

Stay calm!

Even though lava golem
causes joey to lose life points,

It still has
attack points!

Which makes it powerful enough
to help joey win this duel!

So why would marik
give it to joey?!

It doesn't make sense.

Ha ha ha ha!

Are you beginning to sweat?

It's quite hot inside
lava golem's cage!

Better make a move

Before your monster
turns up the heat
even more!

Ha ha ha ha!


you'll be ok mai.

Joey's fighting
for you!

You can do this

Get me outta here now!!!


It's gettin' way
too hot in dis ding!

I gotta do somethin'
right now!

Come on! Attack!
Or are you scared!?

You don't really have much
of a choice little joey!

Ha ha ha ha!

Laugh it up

What's wrong!?

I thought you wanted
to rescue mai from
the shadow realm!?

Well now's your chance!

Attack me
and save your friend!
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