03x30 - The Darkness Returns — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x30 - The Darkness Returns — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

that's the same dark cloud

That surrounded us
during mai's duel.

That means my brother
and marik are fighting
a shadow duel!

Yami-marik: thanks to
these dark energy streams,

Every time your
monsters are att*cked,

Your body is drained
of strength!

Go, plasma eel,

Weaken his panther

And his body!


If I don't gain
control of this duel,

I'm out of
the tournament

And marik advances
to the final round!

And even worse,
I won't be able
to rescue mai.

I call forth
an extremely powerful beast--

Lava golem!

kidding me!

I thought you'd be
pleased to receive

A monster with
, attack points.

You mean this thing
is mine?

Each turn, lava golem melts
and you lose life points!

Say what?!

Attack me
and save your friend!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-duel!

It's time
to d-d-duel!

Make your move!

All right! Quit
pressuring me!

This isn't so bad.

Now joey's got
a monster in his corner
with , points.

So if he att*cks
marik directly,
he'll win the duel.

It's not
that easy, tea.

Remember, marik
gave that monster
to joey,

Which can mean
only one thing--

Marik wants
joey to attack.

It's all part
of his strategy
to eliminate joey.

Thinking: I can't
let marik win

And advance to the finals.

Then I'll never rescue mai
from the shadow realm.

In fact, I'll be trapped
right there with her!

Come on, show me the...

So much for that card.

What do I do now?

I can't attack marik
with lava golem.

I'm sure that's exactly
what he wants me to do.

Why else would that
freak give me such
a powerful monster?

Lava golem belongs
to you, little joey.

Consider it a gift
with one small drawback.

With each turn,
you lose life points!

I can't just let

This thing melt away
my life points.

And if I hold onto
it, that's exactly
what it's gonna do.

So I better take
my chances and use
it against marik.

Joey: all right!

I think it's only
fair to use the gift
you gave me.

I must say,

That's the most intelligent
thing you've said
this entire duel.

Watch yourself.

I guess you finally
came to your senses,

Or perhaps you
realized the truth--

There's absolutely
no way you can win this.


Every pathway leads
to the shadow realm.

No way.

Don't listen to
a single twisted word
that creep says, joey.

He's trying
to psych you out!

Thinking: wheeler's
in quite a predicament.

If he att*cks,
marik will strike back,

But if he doesn't,
he'll lose life points.

It's over!

For once, you and I are in
agreement, little joey.

The moment you attack me,
it's all over for you.

Then I guess
I'll have to take
my chances. Attack!

Wait! Are you
sure about this?

Too late now!

I can't watch!
Is it over yet?


Time to block
your attack
with this.

Grr! Reveal trap!

This card, known
as relieve monster,

Allows me to return one
of my monsters to my hand.

Once that happens,
I can replace
that creature

With any -star monster
I'm holding in my hand.

Really swift
move, einstein,

'Cause you
don't have

Any monsters
to return to
your hand.

Hold on. You're forgetting
about the plasma eel

Attached to joey's
panther warrior.

Plasma eel,
return to me!

And since it's
a -star monster,
I can bring it back

In defense mode.

[Laughing sinisterly]

Of course, you remember
my plasma eel's special
ability, don't you?

It can't be destroyed
in battle.

So what?

So your monsters,
on the other hand,
are not so lucky.

Now go, helpoemer!

Say good-bye
to a random card
from your hand.

Ha ha!
Are you done?

Not quite. There's
one more thing.

Just look. That
lava golem of yours

Is beginning to melt now,

Costing you
life points.



It's all over.

Marik's dark side has beckoned
the shadows again.

I fear this madness
won't end,

For with every soul
he feeds to the shadows,

The evil within
my brother grows stronger.

Get ready.
My move!

machine duplication.

This is exactly
the card I needed

To finish
this fool off.

Tea: hang in there,
joey! You're still
ahead of this jerk!

Your friend's
life points

May be greater than mine
for the moment,

But that won't
last long.

how do you figure?

Go, machine duplication!

Turn one eel into !

Aw, man! Now
he can lower

The attack points of
more of my monsters!

[Eel grunting]

Now you're beginning
to catch on.

Go, plasma eels!

Drain his monsters
of points...

And his body of strength!


Stay strong, joey!

You remember
the rule, don't you?

When your monsters are
damaged, you lose energy.

And before long,
you'll be too weak to
move, let alone duel.

Ha ha!


Is that
all you got, marik?

Come on!
This is nothing!

It's gonna take
more than that
to keep me down,

You frizzy-haired

Then I shall place
one card face-down

And let you go
if you can stand.

Things aren't looking
so good for joey up there.

she's right!

Marik's shadow duel
is really wearing
joey down.

And if he loses,
he goes straight to
the shadow realm!

Come on, joey,
whatever you do,
don't lose hope!

Thinking: I gotta put out
this flaming monster of mine

Before I lose
any more life points.

But I only have one card
in my hand,

And it can't help me now.

If I don't do
something soon,

Marik's gonna win
and advance to the final round,

Which means the whole world's
in trouble.

And I promised yugi
I wouldn't let that happen!

Joey: if you think
I'm gonna let you win this,

Then you're even dumber
than you look.

Now feast your crazy eyes
on this, marik.

All right,
heart of the cards,
show me some love!

This is it! Come on!

gilford the lightning!

This guy could kick
some serious marik butt.

There's just
one little problem--

I gotta sacrifice
monsters to summon him!

Thanks to his plasma eels,

My monsters are tied up
at the moment!

So as long as those eels
stick around,

I can't sacrifice!

That gives me an idea.

But it's gonna take some luck.

I'm glad I'm not
in your shoes,

'Cause you're in
for some hurting,

Thanks to
my magic card.

It's called
graceful dice,

And it's about
to change my luck,
'cause I can use it

To raise
the strength of any
monster I choose!

Oh, yeah,
and I've decided
to use my card

To increase
the attack points
of your plasma eel.

Once that happens,

Your machine
goes buh-bye

And so do
your other two eels!


Excellent dueling
strategy, joey.

Since your magic card
only works

On monsters with
attack points or less,

Graceful dice was
just the card I needed.

Come on! Big bucks!

If I get a two or
more, you're toast!

According to my math,
is higher than two.

That means
your plasma eel's
points increase now

By times
its original strength,

Which means your
machine duplication
magic card

No longer works on it.


I bet you know what
happens next, marik.

My lava golem and my
rocket warrior

Are free
from your eels.

So now I
can sacrifice

All of my monsters

To bring out
my ultimate
fighting machine!


Meet gilford
the lightning!


Say hello
to my pal gilford.

He's about to crush
any hopes you had

Of winning
this duel, marik.

So how does it feel
to be staring into
the face of defeat?

Oh, yeah!

Way to rock
the ultimate
comeback, man!

Now finish
this guy off.

We knew you could do it!


I must have missed
the joke, chuckles.

Let me fill you in.

When you used
your magic card
on my plasma eel,

You raised
its attack points.

So thanks to you,
my plasma eel is

Now more powerful
than your gilford
the lightning.


It looks like your
strategy backfired,

Giving me the advantage,
little joey.


Do you think I'd
be dumb enough to
let that happen?


It looks as if marik
thought wrong,

Because the special ability
of gilford destroys

Every one of
marik's monsters.

It's time to take him
down, joey!

It's over!

Gilford, show
this wannabe

What your
special ability
is all about.

Wipe out his eel
with your
lightning sword.

Aah! But how?

My plasma eel's
special ability

Prevents it from
being destroyed in
battle by any monster.

Someone's not
paying attention.

Let me
make this easy.

Your eel's not
the only one with
a special ability.

And my gilford's
special ability

Destroys every
monster you have
on the field.

I guess you

Shouldn't have
skipped class
that day, marik.

But don't worry!

School's back
in session starting
right now.

And professor
in da house!

Gilford, teach
this kid a lesson,
the hard way.

marik's life
points directly.

Ha! You'd better
think again!

Reveal the face-down card,

Nightmare mirror!



Upset because
my nightmare mirror
blocked your attack?

Well, I'm afraid it's
much worse than that!

Take a close look
at the terrified
image in my mirror.

It's you--

The new target of
your monster's attack.

Now feel the wrath
of your own creature--
gilford the lightning!

Aah! Aah!

And I escape
without a scratch.


You, on the other hand,
are , life points weaker

And mere steps away
from the shadow realm.

There's only one small
price I have to pay,

And that's to discard
one card to my graveyard.

And this is
the perfect card for me
to part with for now.

Did you honestly think

That you could take control
of this duel away from me?

This is a shadow game,
you fool...

Ha ha!

Which means
that I make
all the rules.

Thinking: I don't
like the sound
of this at all.

Marik must be
up to something.

Thinking: play that
egyptian god card, marik.

I end my turn.

he doesn't have

Any cards
in his hand
or on the field.

So if I can get
through this next
turn, I got it made.

Are you ready?
My move!

[Chuckling softly]

Enough with
the laughing,

Just play your card
and let's move on.

Hmm, you'll regret
those words, you fool,

For I'm about
to eliminate you
from this duel

Once and for all with ra!

All: with ra?!

His egyptian god card!

but there's no way
marik can summon

A monster as
powerful as the winged
dragon of ra!

He has nothing
to sacrifice.

Seto, now's your
chance to find out

The weaknesses
of ra.

Thinking: everything's working
out according to my plan.

Now that wheeler
served as my guinea pig,

I can watch ra in action
and learn how to defeat it.

I may have been able to read
the egyptian text on the card,

But reading is one thing.
Witnessing is another.

When I first saw
the ancient writing,

I knew that the winged dragon
of ra was powerful.

But seeing marik summon it
was much more useful to me.


Behold, my great beast,

The most powerful of all
the egyptian god monsters.

Now, winged dragon
of ra, end this duel!

Thinking: I need to see

Marik's egyptian god card
one more time.

So when I face him
in the next round,

I'll be prepared
to crush it.

I activate the magic card,
monster reborn...

To bring back ra!


Show yourself,
my great beast
of the sky!

Oh, man!

[Laughing sinisterly]

This is
the last monster
you'll ever see,

Little joey!

But marik's monster
has zero
attack points.

What kind of
strategy is that?

Ra takes on
the attack points
of the monsters

That are sacrificed
to summon it.

But since marik
didn't make
any sacrifices,

His monster has
no attack points.

First I'll activate
ra's ability
of instant attack

So it can attack now.

But that's just
the beginning of
your troubles.

Someone want to
fill me in here?

Yami-yugi: it looks like
ra is transforming.

Behold the true
form of ra!

What? Tell me what's
going on here,

where I'm from,

Giant flaming
birds are not
a good thing.

So give it
to me straight.

My winged dragon

Has taken on the form
of egyptian god phoenix.

In this mode,
ra is unstoppable.

It's awesome!

Yes, and soon it
will belong to me.

Now my beast is ready,

Ready to feed you
to the shadows.



Thinking: I can't stand
not knowing what's
going on out there.

Sure, joey's
a great duelist,

But marik can't
be trusted.

Just look

At what
he did to mai.

[Clears throat]

Huh? Oh, hi, ishizu.

Serenity, shouldn't
you be out there
with the others?

I am certain
your friends could
use your support.

They'll be fine.

Besides, someone needs
to stay here and keep
an eye on mai.

Ever since she lost
her duel to marik,

Well, you know.

She hasn't said
a word for days.

Poor mai.

My brother's trying
to save her mind.

He promised not
to let anything
happen to her.

So he's dueling
against marik right
now in a shadow game.

He thinks winning
will bring her back.

So now both of
our brothers are
facing one another

In a battle with
the ultimate stakes.

I guess that's true.

And all I can do
is stay strong for joey
and wish for the best.

I'll never give up hope.

I know just
how you feel.

I know there's still
good within marik

And he will
be saved from
the evil inside him.

Then all of
the wrongs
he's committed

Will be fixed.

And everyone he sent
to the shadow realm
will return,

your poor friend mai.

Now, then why don't
you go and support
your brother?

But what about mai?

I'll keep an eye
on her for you.

Why should
we both stay?

Well, I promised
I would, that's all.

Well, I promise
you she'll be
fine, serenity.

So go. Be there
for joey.

Thank you
so much, ishizu.

Of course.

Stay strong,

I will! Thanks!

Thinking: I understand
their bond well.

But it's been so long

Since I've felt that bond
with my own brother.

And without the power
of my millennium necklace,

I am unsure what
the future holds for us.

I'm coming, joey!

I can only hope
that destiny has chosen

My brother
to be delivered

From the darkness
that now controls him.

Otherwise, the whole
world is in a great
deal of danger.

Thinking: now that
my beast has taken
its strongest form,

Victory is mine!

I don't get it!

First marik summons
the winged dragon
of ra

making a sacrifice,

So it has zero
attack points! Then
he transforms it

Into a totally



Take heed,

For one of you
will have to realize

Your darkest nightmare

And face my winged
dragon of ra
in the next round,

Once little joey has been
disposed of, that is!

Hold on.

Last I checked,
this duel was still
on, psycho boy.

I still got

My gilford
the lightning
up at bat

And he's got ,
attack points with
your name on them!


Your oversized

Doesn't have any.

[Chuckling softly]

You still don't
get it, little joey.

Like I said,
ra has powers beyond
your understanding.

And unfortunately
for you,

I'm about to activate

Yet another of
my creature's
special abilities!

Say what?
Not another one!

Yes. In its
phoenix mode,

Ra can instantly
your monster,

Even though it has
zero attack points.

All I'm required
to do is give up

, Of my life points.

Then ra will be

Free to banish you

Into the darkness.

So what if your
feathered friend
can use

Some secret ability
to wipe out
my gilford.

Your monster
still doesn't have
any attack points,

Which means that
I'm not gonna lose
any life points!

Don't you know?

Losing life points
should be the least
of your worries now.

Look down!

Thanks to that
energy stream,

When ra att*cks,
you will be drained
of all your strength.

[Laughing sinisterly]

In a few short moments,

Every ounce of energy
in your body will
be gone for good.

You'll be rendered
completely useless

At the hands of
the winged dragon of ra.

The time has come!

I'm moments away
from claiming my victory!

The phoenix rises tonight!
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