03x33 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x33 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

The last semifinal duel
will now begin!

We're about to find out

Which one of our
egyptian god cards
reigns supreme!

keep fighting,
big brother...

Joey, voice-over:
and where exactly
am I anyway?


I'm dreamin'
about kickin' butt
at duel monsters!

Yugi, voice-over:
everything is riding
on this duel!

Obelisk the tormentor,
come forth--

Hold on, kaiba!

Go, lightforce

Now your obelisk
the tormentor

Is completely
useless to you

For turns,

Lullaby of obedience!

This magic card
allows me to take
slifer the sky dragon.



I believe
you owe me a card.

Slifer's in my hand,
thanks to you.

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

thank you, kaiba.

My egyptian god card
was buried
deep in my deck

Until your magic card
brought it out!

And now
slifer the sky dragon
is in my hand

Waiting to be summoned
to the field

So it can destroy you!

Kaiba, voice-over:
it may be in
his possession for now,

But eventually all
egyptian god cards
will belong to me!

And speaking
of egyptian gods,

My obelisk the tormentor
will be free

To grace this duel
with its presence
in two more turns...

Just as soon as yugi's
lightforce sword wears off.

In the meantime
I'll use my xy-dragon cannon

To destroy every one
of yugi's monsters...

So he'll never
get the monsters
he needs to sacrifice

In order to summon slifer.

I, on the other hand,

Will be ready
to call obelisk to the field
to finish yugi off!

Yugi, voice-over:
I'm in a tough spot!

The good news is...

I was able to get
slifer the sky dragon
into my hand!

The bad news is...

I had to use
my exchange magic card,

Which helped kaiba also.

It allowed him
to pick any card
he wanted from my hand.

And he chose
my life shaver card!

Now kaiba's holding
a really dangerous
trap card!

When he plays it--

Depending on how many
turns it stays face down
on the field--

I could have to discard
most of my hand!

That would give kaiba
a serious advantage!

Since slifer's
attack points

Depend on how many cards
I'm holding...

If he wipes out my hand,

My egyptian god card
will be worthless!

Kaiba: yugi, are you
gonna stand there

your next move all day?

I'm getting bored.
And so are my fans!

All right!
Here goes!

I summon
big shield gardna
in defense mode!

Then I shall place
one card face down.

That ends my turn.

Yugi, voice-over:
my big shield gardna

Should hold off
his x-y dragon--

At least for now!

That move seemed
pretty desperate to me, yugi.

All the defensive monsters
in the world
can't save you now!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
I must say,

This duel seems
quite hopeless
for the pharaoh.

Soon kaiba
will be free to unleash
obelisk the tormentor!

And unless the pharaoh
can bring forth
slifer the sky dragon,

He'll be crushed by
obelisk's mighty
fist of fate!

And even if
he is lucky enough
to out-duel kaiba,

The pharaoh
will have to face me...

Giving me the pleasure
of feeding his soul
to the shadows!

I can't stand
waiting like this!

Hang in there, serenity.

But joey needs help!

And I promise you
he's gonna get it!

Tristan and mokuba
are working on it now.

Yeah, but if they've
been gone this long,

I'm sure something's wrong.

Tea: duke!
You're not helping!

You mean you don't think
an emergency chopper's
on the way, duke?

Oh, no!

Poor joey!

Duke: yeah,
he's in bad shape.

[Clears throat]

I mean...don't worry!

He'll be on his feet
in no time!

Duke's right.

We just have to have
a little bit of
faith, serenity!

You're right.
Thanks, guys.

Tea, voice-over:
I just hope yugi's ok out there!

Because right now,
it seems like no one's safe!

the state championship continues
with joey wheeler in the lead!

Yeah! All right!

This is just da card
I needed!

Time for me ta summon
axe raider in attack mode!

Your dragon's history!

Do your thing, buddy!

[Joey laughs]

Now you have
zero life points!

Zilch! Zippo!

Aw, man! No fair!


I'm kickin'
some serious can!


Tea? Yugi?

They're gone.

Dat's weird.

It's not like those guys

To just walk out on me
durin' a duel!

I mean...where's da love?


All right, now
this dream is startin'
to creep me out!

Voice: joey...

I gotta wake up!

this is kaiba craft !

Come in!
Please come in!

Still no dice?

Mokuba: nope.

wouldn't it be faster
to just fix our engine?

The crew's working
on that, too.

But it looks like
the engine's
in bad shape!

Joey can't wait that long!


I wish you were awake
to witness this moment with me.

The pharaoh's ancient struggle

Is playing itself out
once again,

, Years after
the conflict first began.


Everything's happening
just as the ancient
scriptures predicted.

that's the pharaoh?

But that's...yugi!

And the monster
carved above him
is the dark magician!

On the left
is the sorcerer
fighting against him.

That's you, kaiba!

If you still have any doubt,
look at his monster!

It's the blue-eyes
white dragon!

The hieroglyphics read
that the mighty sorcerer

Marched into
the pharaoh's chamber

And challenged him
and his legion
of noble magicians

To a legendary duel
with the fate of
the world at stake.

Now are you
convinced, kaiba?

As I said before,
history is destined
to repeat itself!

It's not just

That yugi is your
greatest opponent!

You two have battled
in the ancient past!

Thanks for the lecture.

But I make
my own destiny!

And I do
what I want to do.

Wait, kaiba!

There's something else.
Look closely and you'll see

The most powerful creatures
in duel monsters.

Obelisk the tormentor.

Slifer the sky dragon.

The winged dragon of ra.

Control one
and you can destroy
a million armies.

Wield all
and the planet itself
will quake in fear!

And pegasus
turned them into cards?

You lie!

If he had them,
why didn't he use them
against me?

Because pegasus
feared the power of these
egyptian god cards.

You cannot fathom
the magical energy
contained within.

Pegasus could not control
the power of the cards
he created.

They threatened
to overwhelm
and destroy him!

I have a gift for you,

Take it.

Can it be?

It's obelisk
the tormentor!


The only egyptian god card

That wasn't stolen by
rare hunters!

You may borrow this card
for your tournament,
but I expect it back.

It's not every day
a card this rare
is handed to me.

What if I chose
to keep it forever?

What makes you think
I can be trusted?

I could walk out
and you'd never
see it again.

You will return
the card to me.

Ishizu, voice-over: it is
yugi and kaiba's connection
to the ancient past

That allows them each to wield
an egyptian god card.

However, the outcome
of this ancient feud
is still uncertain,

For nowhere is it written

How the conflict between
the great pharaoh

And the mystical sorcerer
finally ended.

No one living today

Knows which one of these
two ancient leaders
was victorious.

So all I can do
at this time is wait...

And hope that light
will shine once again

And mankind will be saved
from the impending darkness.

kaiba! Kaiba! Kaiba!

looks like I've got you
backed into a corner!

looks can be deceiving!
Now make your move!

What's your hurry?
Anxious to lose?

Suit yourself.

Kaiba, voice-over:

This is exactly what I needed
to complete my strategy

And yugi's annihilation!

[Kaiba laughs]

I place one card face down!

Yugi, voice-over:
I'll bet kaiba just played

The life shaver trap card
he got from me!

And the worst part
comes now!

The worst part
for you, that is!

I summon
z-metal t*nk
in attack mode!

That's the final creature
I needed to complete
my ultimate machine monster!

Now my beast
will be unstoppable!

Just watch.

Behold my xyz-dragon cannon!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
most impressive, kaiba.

Now I can see
how you were able
to defeat my sister.

Kaiba: say farewell
to your big shield gardna!

Now, xyz-dragon cannon,
attack his monster!

That's one monster down
and one to go!

Then I can sacrifice
my dragon cannon

To unleash the fury
of my egyptian god card!

Thank you.

Destroying one
of my defensive monsters

Is exactly
what I was hoping
you would do, kaiba.

Why's that?

Because you allowed me
to play this!


I reveal
my face down card!

Soul rope trap!

At a cost of
of my life points,

This card allows me
to summon

Any -star monster
directly to the field

Whenever one of my
creatures is destroyed.

And I choose
king's knight!

Observe, kaiba,

Now I have both king's
and queen's knight!

It's not possible!

Both cards!

That's right,

Which means
I can now summon

Jack's knight
to the field!

Then you'll have

I see you're
paying attention, kaiba!

I'll soon have
exactly what I need

To summon
my egyptian god card!

Jack's knight,
come forth!

Yami-yugi: thanks to you,

I now have monsters
to sacrifice!

You can't play
your egyptian god card
before I play mine!

I've been in control
of this duel
from the start!

Not anymore!

And now...

I sacrifice all
of my monsters!

Be gone now!

And next...

I summon
my egyptian god card,

Slifer the sky dragon!

Slifer the sky dragon!

Stare into the face
of defeat, kaiba!

Tea: hey...guys?

Check it out!

Summoned by the hand
of the pharaoh...

The first egyptian god
has arrived!

How unexpected.

The pharaoh
brought forth slifer

Before kaiba
summoned obelisk!

I'm not impressed, yugi!

And why not?

I managed to summon
one of duel monsters'
most powerful creatures!

That may be.

But it does
have its weaknesses.

For instance,
slifer the sky dragon's
attack points

Are equal
to , times
the number of cards

You're holding
in your hand, yugi,

And I count --

Giving your egyptian god
card only , points!

That's right,

Which makes it
attack points stronger

Than your
xyz-dragon cannon!

So I can eliminate
your cannon right now,

Leaving you without
a single monster

And preventing you from
summoning your god card!

If you're so sure,
then attack!

Yugi, voice-over: he's
definitely up to something.

Kaiba seems pretty confident
that his xyz-dragon cannon

Can survive an attack by
my egyptian god card.

But his monster only has
, attack points

And my slifer has , !

I bet I was right
and his face down card

Is the life shaver trap
he took from me!

Since it's been
on the field for one turn,

Kaiba can use it
to eliminate one card
from my hand!

And since my slifer's
attack points

Depend on how many cards
I'm holding,

It'll go down to , ,

Making it weaker
than kaiba's monster!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
the pharaoh may have
summoned an egyptian god,

But he seems hesitant
to use it.

Kaiba has him
questioning his strategy

With just one
facedown card!

Don't you realize
you're going to lose

Whether you attack me
or not, yugi?

Yugi, voice-over: if I don't
attack kaiba right now,

He'll sacrifice his monster
and summon obelisk!

But if I do,
he could destroy my slifer,

And without it
I'll never win this duel!

What should I do?

What's wrong, yugi?

Is the pressure
getting to you?

I told you,

It doesn't matter
if you attack me or not!

Either way,
I've got you beat...

Thanks to my facedown card!

So go ahead
and make you move!

Yugi, voice-over:
maybe I should
just play it safe

And end my turn.

No! I can't back down!

attack his monster now!

Kaiba, voice-over:
it's show time!

Not so fast, yugi!

Take a good look
at my facedown card!

That's not life shaver!

But what is it?

It's called inter-dimensional
matter transporter!

Just watch what it can do!

[Kaiba laughs]

It looks like
something major's
going on up there!

Hmm? Odion!

Slifer has just att*cked!

What was that
flash of light?

I'm not so sure...

But our transmission signal
is stronger now!

Man on radio: this is
kaiba corp headquarters
responding, over.

We received
your distress signal

And an emergency helicopter
is being dispatched momentarily.

Oh, yeah!
It worked!

Man, on radio: copter one
cleared for takeoff.

Set your course
for kaiba corp island.

It's on its way right now!

Joey's gonna get help!

I'll go tell

Ha ha ha!

I wonder
if I can transmit video...

Guess it's worth a shot!

Looks like I can watch
seto's duel now!

And so can the entire city!

Man: whoa!

Do you see
what I see?

What is that?

it's a monster, mom.


That must be a duel!

What happened
to your cannon, kaiba?

Tell me!

Ha ha ha!

My trap card was able
to take it out of play
for one turn!

Very clever.

It looks like your plan

To save your monster
from my attack worked!

I've also got a plan,

So I'll play this
face down.

Now go ahead
and make your move,

If you dare!

What's wrong, kaiba?

Did I confuse you?

Kaiba, voice-over:
yugi just lowered
his monster's attack points

By playing a card
from his hand!

Why would he intentionally
weaken his own monster?

Well, what are
you waiting for?

It sounds like
your adoring fans

Are eagerly waiting
for you to make
a decision, kaiba!

Slifer is weaker
than your monster now.

What's your point?

I'm wide open.

You can attack me
with your cannon,
right, kaiba?

You're afraid to attack!

Ha! Your scare tactics
won't work

'Cause I know
what I have to do!

The time has come!

And your time's up.

Your lightforce sword
is no longer in effect,

So my egyptian god card
is free now!

I think you know
what's next.

Now I sacrifice
my xyz-dragon cannon...

So I can summon this!

Come forth now,
obelisk the tormentor!

Use your infinite power
to bring me victory!

It's over, yugi!

[Kaiba laughs]

where is it!?

Look closely.


Yugi, voice-over:
here it comes!

My mighty egyptian god card
is here at last!

The battle of the gods
has begun!

But which one
will prevail?

Yugi, voice-over:
I hope I can hold my own

Against the power
of obelisk!

It's definitely
not going to be easy!

He's twice as strong
as my slifer!

Yugi, the egyptian gods
are about to clash...

But only one monster
will remain standing!

Now it's time
to find out which one!

[Kaiba laughs]
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