03x36 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x36 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 5

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

I'm dueling for
so much more

Than a mere
tournament victory!

I joined this to
help save mankind.

And nothing will
stand in my way!

Now I summon
blue-eyes white dragon.

I use monster reborn

To bring back a monster
from my graveyard!

Now dark magician,
come forth!

Behold! The rebirth of
my egyptian god card!

It's obelisk!

It looks to me like
you're out of options!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh


Tea: do you guys
see what I see?!

[Duke and tristan gasp]

That's obelisk!

Kaiba must have
brought him back!

Yeah but yugi's
egyptian god card

Is still gone!

Tristan: what!?

How's yugi gonna
stand up to obelisk
without slifer!?

Tristan: alright!

Tristan, no!

get up, joey!

please! Let go!

Serenity: tristan!!!
What are you doing!!??

It's all good!

Trust me!!
Joey needs to
see this!

It might make him
wake up!

But how?

Tristan: he'll see
that yugi's in trouble!

Duke: so?

So...that should be enough
to snap him out of it!

Tristan! Please...
Be careful with
my brother.

I will...

Now come on, joey,
I know you can hear me!

Wake up, man!

Yugi's in trouble

And he needs
your help now, joey!

your egyptian god card

Won't be around
for long, kaiba!

That doesn't matter!

Obelisk has served
his purpose already!

I won't be needing
his services
to finish you off!


Very well then.

I'll place one card

And end my turn.

Your move, kaiba!

Well, as you've already
pointed out...

It's time for obelisk to
return to the graveyard.

Now my egyptian god card,
be gone!

The wrath of obelisk's
may be over...

But the worst part
is yet to come!

So I'd suggest you start
living in the moment!

And forget
all that nonsense
about the past!


But then again...

There's nothing you can do
to save yourself at this point.

As soon as I make
my next move,
you're history!

it can't end like this!

I hafta defeat kaiba
to get to marik!

It's the only way
to stop his evil plan!

'Cause if the three
egyptian god cards

And my millennium puzzle
fall into marik's hands...

The world could meet
the same fate it did
in the past!

come on! Wake up, joey!

Gotta keep fighting...
For yugi!

P.a. Announcer:
ladies and gentlemen!

The tournament finals
are about to begin!

Where'd da g*ng
disappear to?


They couldn'ta gone
too far.


What's up, guys!?

What happened
to you!?

One second you were
cheerin' me on

And da next
you were gone!

We're not responsible
for what happens to us

In your dream, joey!

So let's thank
our lucky stars

We're not being
chased by giant
man-eating tomatoes!

Now as I recall

You've got
a very important
duel to fight!

You made it
to the finals!

Now we're gettin'

I'm gonna duel my way
straight to da top

And no one's gonna
stand in my way!

You heard it here, folks!

I'm da man!!!!

Uh, joey, the match
is starting...?

Oh yeah...

Now remember,

Everything you need
is in your deck!

You just have to
believe in your cards,

And a little bit of luck
wouldn't hurt either!

Who needs luck
when you got skills
like mine!?

P.a. Announcer:
duelists take your positions!

Alright I want
a nice clean duel.

You'll each start with
life points.

And direct att*cks on your
opponent are not allowed!

Now shake hands

And when the bell rings
come out dueling!

Good luck.
You too.

[Bell ringing]

Dis seems like more
than just a dream.

It's like I gotta win
dis fight at all costs!

All right!

If the two opponents
are ready

Then we'll begin the duel
right now!

Judge: start the duel!

You're in trouble now,

My move!

Now I play...

Nekogal number !

Not bad, huh?

Big deal!
It's my move!

Let's see...

M-warrior number ?

Dis guy's only got
attack points.

Remember, joey,

A monster's strength
is not always the key

To winning in duel monsters.

Combining your monsters
with magic cards

Is often more important!

Gramps has a point!

I play
m-warrior number !

But dat's not all!

I'll also throw in
da magic card
legendary sword!

Dat increases
my warrior's
attack points

By a whopping !

So read it
and weep junior!

Now for da fun part...

attack his monsta!


Not bad, hah?

There's more ta come!

Well now it's my turn
so look out!

You're going down!


First, I'll place
one card facedown.

Then I'll play this bad boy

Known as lesser dragon!

Take it away, wheeler!

Da pleasure's all mine.

I'm afraid you got a lot
to learn, half-pint!

You shoulda played
your little dragon
in defense mode!

Oh well, live and learn!

M-warrior do your stuff!

Blast his lesser dragon
into da next millennium
right now!

Not so fast, wheeler!

Watch this!

A trap!

But not just any trap!!

It's called reinforcements

And it raises the attack points
of my monster by !

Say goodbye
to your warrior!

Aah! Burnt to a crisp!

Not cool.

You call yourself
a duelist, wheeler?!

If that's your best
I'm gonna destroy you
one, two, three!

Hmm. We'll see, kid!


I summon tiger axe
in attack mode!

Whatta ya say
ta dat, twerp!?

Is that all you've got?

Go ahead and make
your move kaiba!


This duel has grown

The outcome is of
no consequence to me

As long as a winner
is declared soon!

For no matter
who wins this...

I will be
the ultimate victor!



Now it's time to bury
the past and move on!

If you want to believe that
we dueled years ago,

Be my guest!

But don't waste your time

Trying to convince me
that it's true!

I believe in
only one thing

And that's my supreme
dueling skills, yugi!

Everything else
is meaningless!

Now then...

Let's get on with this duel
so I can finally reclaim
what I rightfully deserve!

The title that you stole
from me, yugi!

I will be known as
the world's
greatest duelist!

I'm afraid
this is the final turn.

It's over!

I switch lord of dragons
to defense mode!

Then I activate
the magic card,

The flute of
summoning dragon!

Yami-yugi: this can mean
only one thing!

I take it your familiar
with my strategy!

As soon as my lord of dragons
plays this flute

Two more dragons will be
summoned to the field!

You're planning to
call forth

Two more blue-eyes
white dragons,
aren't you!?

That's precisely
what I'm doing, yugi!


How can I fight off
three blue-eyes!?

Now I summon
steel ogre grotto!

And I'll place him
in attack mode!

Dat tin can has
attack points!

Dats enough to tear
my tiger axe
ta shreds!

Come on!
Dis is my dream!

I'm not really sure
what you mean by that...

But you better wake up
and smell the duel, wheeler!

'Cause the worst
is about to come!

It's called polymerization!

And I'm using it
to fuse my ogre grotto

And my lesser dragon

To form...
Metal dragon!

Now my metal dragon,
destroy his tiger!

Look, kid!
Dis duel's not done!

By the way you're playing

I didn't know
this duel even started!

Real funny!

I'm gonna make you
eat dose words!

So watch da master!

Flame swordsman!?

He only has
attack points!

Normally dat
wouldn't be so bad,

But dis kid's
metal dragon
has !

I'm gonna have to
play it safe

And protect
my life points!

Now I summon
hero of the east

In defense mode!

I hope dat helps!

Man: this is
rescue copter one...

We're approaching
kaiba corp island...over.

Looks like I have four monsters
on the field now.

And you...

All you've got is
your dark magician

And you pathetic
magnet warrior, yugi!

And you know
what that means...

I can annihilate them
and wipe out your life points!

Yugi! Just give up now!

Yugi: oh no!
I'm out of options!

What do you think is
going on up there, guys?

Let's hope
that yugi's winning

So this whole nightmare
can end already!

Everything's gonna be
just fine, guys!

Isn't that right, joey?


Now I play the magic card...

Stop defense!

Joey: what!?

You heard what I said,

I'm using
my stop defense
magic card

To switch your
hero of the east

From defense
to attack mode!

Now metal dragon
attack and destroy
his monster!

No, not again!

I can't believe
this kid is dueling
circles around me!

I place one card facedown
on the field.

That's all for now!

And remember you only have
life points

So next turn you're a goner!

Oh yeah!? I got a plan,
don'chu worry!

Shield and sword.

I wish I really did
have a plan!

But what am I supposed
to do wit a magic card

Dat switches the attack
and defense points

Of every monster
on the field?

Let's see.

Dat metal dragon 'a his

Has defense points,

So if I use my shield
and sword magic card,

His dragon's attack
points become .

Dat means all I gotta do

Is play a monster with
higher defense points

Than his metal dragon!

Da problem is...

I don't have one!

It doesn't really matter
what you play...

Don't you know
it's way too late

For you to turn this duel
around, wheeler!?

What would yugi do
right now?

Yugi: remember...
Always look closely

And consider
all of your options!

Wait! Dat's it!

All I have to do is
use that magic card

On his metal dragon

And if all goes well

I should be
able to send it
to the graveyard!

Here goes...

First I'll summon
a good buddy 'a mine

Known as
flame swordsman!


Your metal dragon
is a wind attribute
monster, isn't it?


Then I can use this!

Now I activate
my gust fan
magic card!!

It raises
your monsta's
attack points,

But lowers
its defense

That was pointless!

Why would you waste
your magic card

Just to make my monster
even stronger!

The pressure's
getting to you!

Here I am
about to end this duel
in one more turn...

And instead of
helping yourself

You make it even easier
for me to win!

What kinda duelist
are you!?

Da kind dat kicks butt!
So check dis out!

It's my shield and sword
magic card!

Didn't see dat one
coming, did ya?


Now ya get
why I lowered

Your monsta's
defense points!?

Well, allow me
to explain it...

My shield and sword
magic card

Switches the attack
and defense points

Of every monster
on the field!

That means your monster's
stronger now!

Now you're catchin' on,

Flame swordsman,
attack his metal dragon!

Say goodbye to
'ol metal mouth now!


My swordsman
just bit da dust!

What's goin' on here!?

My castle walls trap card,
that's what!

Looks like I'm one step
ahead of you!

I sprung my card
before you sprung yours!

Wait, you did what!?

I added defense points
to my dragon...

Which, thanks to
your magic card,

Increased its attack
points instead!

I get it...

Because of me,
your metal dragon

Was able to overpower
my flame swordsman!


And I have a feeling you know
what this means,

Don't you, wheeler?

Your monster's attack points
were , ...

And my monster's attack
points were raised to , !

That means I lose
life points now...

I'm finished.

The duel is over!

I won!

He beat me...

But you know what?

I dueled my hardest today
and that's all that matters.

Nice duel!

You had some
great moves out there.


You weren't
so bad yourself!

That shield and sword switch
you pulled out there

Was great!

I'm serious.

One of the best
I've ever seen!

Sorry I said
some mean things about you.

Ahh, it's all good,

Smell ya later!

Thanks again for an awesome
duel, wheeler!

Sure... And best of luck
in the finals, all right?

I'll never forget that sweet
move you taught me.

Maybe I'll use
it in the finals!

Thank you!

This is where it
all ends, yugi!

There's no way you
can escape the devastation

Of my three blue-eyes!

The moment I've been
waiting for is finally here!

I'm in major trouble!

With three
blue-eyes white dragons,

Kiaba can easily wipe out
both of my monsters

And the rest
of my life points!

What am I gonna do?

It looks like the end of
the line for the pharaoh,

Which means seto kaiba will be
the next casualty

Of the shadow realm!

Now my three blue-eyes,

Finish him off
and end this duel!

Oh no!

once my dragons attack,
this duel is over, yugi!

hold on, yuge!


Yup, the one and only,

I'm about to
lose this duel!

Guess again, yuge!

It's like you
always tell me.

"Look closely and consider
all of your options."

All of my options?


I think you'll find a card
that could save you...

Let's see.

He's right!

There's still hope!

Nice try, yugi!

But you're no longer
the top-ranked duelist!


It's red-eyes black dragon!

Where'd that
come from?

If you recall, you used your
flute of summoning dragon

To summon your
blue-eyes to the field.

But you may have forgotten

That your flute
works on my hand as well!

So I owe you a thank you

For bringing out
this card,

Which is a gift from a very
close friend of mine, kaiba!

This doesn't
change a thing, yugi!

I can destroy you
and your red-eyes!


Don't be so sure
of that, you fool!

Now, my blue-eyes
white dragons

Will destroy all
three of your monsters!

Attack now!

Annihilate his
dark magician first!

Say goodbye to your
favorite monster!

Not so fast, kaiba!

Activate trap!

Magician's selection?

That protects your
dark magician from my attack,

Which means you and your monster
will escape unharmed!

That's right, kaiba!

But my trap also sends your
weakest monster

To the card graveyard!


But you'll never escape
my other two att*cks!

Beta the magnet warrior

Is gone and your
red-eyes is next!

So much for wheeler's gift!

That's what
you think, kaiba!

Reveal facedown card!

My spellbinding circle card

Puts an end to
your blue-eyes' attack

And lowers its strength
by !

Nice try, kaiba!

Time for red-eyes
to fight back!

Destroy his
blue-eyes white dragon

With inferno fire blast!

All right!

You may have
saved yourself for now,

But this duel's far
from done!

Well... It looks like
I made it out of that mess!

And I owe it all
to you, joey!

All I did was remind you of
the advice dat you gave me!

Now win this fight, pal!

You too, joey.

Hey, guys, look!

He's waking up!

are you okay, joey?

I must admit, yugi's move
took me by surprise,

But if he thinks
this is time to celebrate,

He's sadly mistaken.

Victory will be mine!

I have a long way to go,

But as long as I have faith
in the heart of the cards

And in my friends,
I know I can win this!

joey, say something!
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