03x38 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x38 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

your reign is over!

Once I beat you
I can forget
the past for good!

Behold the power
of dark paladin

The ultimate
magical swordsman!

Blue-eyes ultimate dragon,
prepare for attack!

Tea: yugi!




This duel is over!

You lie!

My de-fusion card!

This splits up
your blue-eyes ultimate dragon,

Thus stopping your attack!

You have dragons on the field
instead of one!

And since my dark paladin
receives attack points

For every dragon
on the field

He's now the strongest
monster in play!

Dark paladin, attack!

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Yami-yugi: this duel
is now over, kaiba!


Joey, voice-over:
way ta go, yuge!

Yami-yugi: I told you
hatred never triumphs!

Kaiba: but I had
the perfect strategy!

My dark paladin
would disagree, kaiba,

For thanks
to his attack,
you've lost!


There must be some mistake!

Yugi, voice-over:
kaiba was fighting
for all the wrong reasons!

And in the end,
it was his own anger
and jealousy

That did him in!

Kaiba, voice-over:
battle city
is my tournament!

The entire event was designed
so that I would be
the ultimate victor!

I wanted to put the memory
of my step-father behind me

And be crowned
the world's best duelist
atop my duel tower!

But instead
it's yugi who now
stands victorious!

I was close.

Victory was in my grasp!

But it somehow
slipped away!

Now...it's over.

I'm nothing.

And the winner is
yugi muto,

Who now advances
to the final round

And faces marik ishtar
for the battle city crown!

Tristan: a'right!

you the man, yuge!


Thank you!


Dat's right!
I'm back!

I see...but how?

Joey: it was easy!

Dink about it, yuge!

I'd never let
a freak show like marik
get da best 'a me!

And besides,
I gave you my word that
I'd help ya beat him,

So here I am!

Thank you!


The g*ng's
together again!

Dat was some ending, right?

You know, da way
my red-eyes black dragon
came through

And helped yugi to win?

Yeah, you were snoozin'
but your card wasn't!

Ha ha!

I guess yer right.

Either way,
I was there for my pal.

Yugi, voice-over:
joey's right!

If it wasn't for him,

I would never
have crushed kaiba!

blue-eyes ultimate dragon,
attack now!

Joey, voice-over:
hold on, yuge!

Yugi, voice-over: joey?

Yup! Da one
and only, pal!

I'm about to lose
this duel!

Guess again, yuge!

It's like
you always tell me,

"Look closely
and consider all
of your options!"

All of my options?


I think
you'll find a card
that could save ya!

Yugi, voice-over:
thanks to joey's red-eyes,

I got the power boost
I needed!

We won this duel together!


Seto's out
of the tournament now.

He's done.

It's all over.

But he came so far...

I don't get it!

My deck was unbeatable.

Where did I go wrong?

I ex*cuted
my strategy perfectly,

Carefully playing each card
exactly as I planned!

Yami-yugi: that was
the most challenging duel
I've ever fought, kaiba!

Just save it!

It's true.

Destiny may have chosen me
to be the victor, kaiba,

But you fought well.

I don't need
the pep talk, yugi!

It's quite obvious to me

That you haven't
learned anything
from our duel today,

And I'd say
that's a shame!

You can never
truly be a success

Until you're able
to conquer the monsters
within your heart, kaiba!


I've heard enough
out of you!

Deny the truth
and it will destroy you!

You were doomed
from the start!

Fueled by your anger,
your hate,

Your jealousy,
your rage,

And lastly,
the denial of your past!

I, on the other hand,
was fueled by faith,

Faith in destiny
and faith in my friends!

That's how I won!

Yugi, voice-over: it's true!

Even though joey was unconscious
for most of my duel,

It was like
he was right here with me!

And there's no way
I could have beaten kaiba
without him!

Hmm? Mmm....

Yugi, voice-over:
after all, it was joey's
red-eyes black dragon

That made my victory

Kaiba, I didn't
crush you on my own.

Joey and I
did it together

Using the card
he gave me!

Kaiba: red-eyes?

Where'd that come from?

If you recall,
you used your flute
of summoning dragon

To summon your blue eyes
to the field.

But you may not
have realized

That your flute works
on my hand as well!

So I owe you a thank you

For bringing out
this card...

Which is a gift
from a very close
friend of mine, kaiba!

is no ordinary card.

Its strength comes
from the bond of
my friendship with joey.

That means I never
duel alone, kaiba!

Dat's right.

You never duel alone?

Wake up!

Don't you realize
that every single one of us

Is alone in this world,

Look at me!

I've never had to ask
for anyone's help!

Yugi, voice-over:
that's not true.

I've helped kaiba
plenty of times before

And he's helped me, too!

In fact, I wouldn't be
the duelist I am today

If he hadn't pushed me
to be my best.

He may be one
of my toughest rivals,

But I also consider him
a friend.

Deep down I bet kaiba
feels the same way about me,

He's just too caught up
in his need for power
to realize it!

You don't consider
anyone your friend,

Friendship is for fools!

Didn't I tell you
I duel alone?

Depending on others
is for the weak, yugi!

My future is in
my own two hands,

So keep your friendships
to yourself!

I'm not interested
in having any pals
to slow me down!

How sad.

The time has come
to accept my defeat
like a man, yugi.

Since there's no one else
that I rely on,

There's no one else
that I can blame.

As per the rules,
take my rarest card!

Yugi, voice-over:
obelisk the tormentor!

Now I have
two egyptian god cards!

[Kaiba laughs]

Let's go, mokuba.

Wait up, seto!

Hold on, kaiba!

Why doncha duel me?

We'll see who get's
da third place crown.

Unless of course
you're scared
'a losin' ta me?



I asked you a question!

Out of my way, wheeler!

You think
you're too good

For the rest of us
don't ya!?

Well, I used to be
a stubborn jerk
just like you are.

I picked
on everyone else,

And inside
I felt alone!

Then I was in
a tough situation

And yugi stuck out
his neck for me.



Joey, voice-over: he showed me
what friendship is all about!

Now I realize
dat lookin' out
for otha people

Actually makes us

Yugi changed my life
dat day!

Thanks, joey.

And I've seen yugi
stick his neck out
for you

A whole bunch
a times, kaiba!

And did you ever once
say, "thank you?"

Not dat I ever heard!

Trust me,
you need friends!

Take away all
your kaibacorp flunkies

And who's left
on your team?

Please tell me
you're done.

All this nonsense
about friendship

Is starting to bore me,

That's right.

The last thing
my brother needs
is a lecture from you,

So why don't
you just lay off!

Oh, really?

How can you
defend dis guy

After what he said
about you?

Me? What'd he say?

He said he was happy
being all alone.

So I guess
what dat means

Is he doesn't need
you, mokuba!

Some big brother!

Look, pal!

You've done nothin'
but bust my chops

About my duel
monster skills ever
since I met ya!

Now it seems like
you're afraid
of losin' to me

And lookin' like
a fool, kaiba!

Hmm. Watch it.

Push me too far,
and you'll regret it,

I'll take my chances.

So are you gonna
duel me or what?

I'm afraid I don't see
what the point is

Other than to waste my time!

Besides, I'd crush you.

Den prove it to me,
rich boy.

All right.

I've had enough
of your nonsense.

I'll accept this
ridiculous challenge
of yours!

It shouldn't take too long.


We agree on somethin'!

But, seto...

Relax, mokuba!

I'll silence this amateur
once and for all!

Now as soon as you and I
begin this duel of ours,

All the friends on earth
won't save you!


Den bring it on, kaiba!

Ishizu, voice-over:
the ultimate battle
is fast approaching.

Soon the pharaoh
will face my brother,

And the future of mankind
will depend on the outcome.

I'll destroy you

Even without
my egyptian god card,

Take yer best shot,

Trust me,
it won't take my best

To defeat an amateur
like you.

Den take
your worst shot

For all I care,
tough guy!

Let's do dis!

I got a duel to win!

I don't think
I've never seen joey

Look this confident
before, guys.

That's true.

Joey has certainly
come an extremely long way
to get where he is today.

He knows he can win.

Go, alligator's sword!

Teach this fraud a lesson!

Now, battle warrior
and swordsman of landstar,

Attack his life points!

He's done well.

Even marik quivered in fear

When faced
with joey's skills.

So now I can sacrifice
all 'a my monstas

To bring out my ultimate
fighting machine!

Meet gilford the lightning!

Now, show him what
your special ability
is all about

And wipe out his eel!

Yami-yugi: with everything
joey's learned from this
battle city tournament,

I'd say he has
a good chance at finally
defeating kaiba.

Tristan: yeah!

And earning the respect
he deserves

From that stuck up punk!

Marik, voice-over:
tea, please!

Take me to my sister.

Joey: I'll even let you
go first, kaiba!

Very well. Stand back!

Kaiba, voice-over:
now, it's time for me to show
this third rate wannabe

What real dueling
is all bout!

This'll be over soon.

I'll play
ryu-kishin powered!

Then I place
two cards facedown

And end my turn!

Kaiba, voice-over:
he'll never survive

My shrink and crush
card combination!

Joey: you'll hafta do
betta den dat

Ta beat me, rich boy!


My move!

Not too shabby!

Check dis out!

I play gearfried
the iron knight!

That's right, kaiba!

I know all about you
and your facedown

You were probably
all jazzed up about
your two facedown cards!

Well tough noogies!

Magic cards don't work
on gearfried!


This may sound crazy,

But I think joey's
using his head out there!

Well that's
something new!

He better not think too hard
or he might hurt himself!

Hey wait!

Where'd tea go?

She probably just went
to the bathroom
or something.


C'mon, man,
you own this guy!

Dat's right!

So, gearfried,
attack his ryu-kishin
right now!


Don't be so sure
about that.

Reveal my magic card...

Watch closely,

Because my magic card
has the power to weaken
any monster on the field

By cutting its attack points
right in half!

it's not your iron knight

I plan to use this card on!

Say what?

I'm using it
to shrink my own monster!

Hold on!
He's done this before!

Sorry, wheeler,
you're through,

Because now that my monster
has less than
, attack points

I can activate this card...
My crush card trap!

This infects my own monster
with a devastating virus!

And now that
your gearfried att*cked it,
that virus will spread!

First it destroys
your monster on the field,

Then the virus
spreads to your hand,

Then your deck...
Crushing every strong beast!

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

Oh, yes.

every monster with
attack points or more

In joey's hand and deck

Will be destroyed by
kaiba's crush card trap.

Not a good start.

I don't believe dis!

Jinzo! Gilford!

Every one of my powerful
monstas is toast!

Later, guys.

Danks a lot!

A weak duelist should have
weak monsters, right?

I told you
you couldn't handle
an opponent like me.

Zip it!

Why don't you just admit
you're in over your head,

And leave now
before you hurt yourself?

Forget it, pal!

Dis duel just started

And I got strategies
ya never dreamed of!

Don't you know
when it's time to quit?

My move!

Now, since you have
no monsters to protect you...

Well, you figure it out!

I summon la jinn!

Meet the mystical genie
of the lamp!

Aw, man!

Joey's life points
are wide open
to an attack!

This could get ugly.

I'm afraid it's time
to say goodbye to
of your life points!

Now, la jinn,
attack him directly!

Tea: the time is near,


Are you all right?

You seem a bit lost.

Sister, it's me again.


Your good side
is back!


Kaiba: had enough yet,

Hang in there!

Joey, voice-over: great.

Danks to kaiba's
trap card,

All I've got to work
with are these
minor league monsters!


I'll find a way
to beat you, kaiba!

Dis could
definitely help.

First, I'll summon
swordsman of landstar!

Then I'll activate
dis magic card...

Graceful dice!

Good thinking, joey!

That magic card
is an excellent way

To increase
the attacking power
of your weak monsters!

You can turn this duel
around, joey!


Now joey's swordsman
of landstar

Can gain enough

To take down
kaiba's monster!

He just has to roll
a high enough number

Using his graceful
dice card!

Yeah, but kaiba's genie
has attack points,

Which means joey's
gotta roll at least a
if he wants to beat it!

C'mon, joey needs
a new pair of shoes!

Yugi, voice-over:
you can do this, joey!

Tristan, voice-over:
come on, or higher!


Joey, voice-over:
da moment 'a truth.


And dat's !

In your face, kaiba!

Now watch dis!

My swordsman's
attack points quadruple,

Makin' it
stronger dan yours!

Great dueling!

Now attack!

Joey, voice-over:
now dat's what I call
a close one,

But I can't let kaiba
see me sweat!

You can't win a duel
with luck, chump!

Maybe, but it certainly
gave my swordsman enough power

To cut your genie down!

Take dat!

Now you're another
life points closer

To losing this duel, pal!

So you won that battle,

But you won't win the w*r.

Ishizu: marik!

It's been so long
since you last
appeared to me.

Sister, it's me!

Your brother!

You're marik?

You must save odion
right now!

I knew that
your good half

Took shelter
within tea's mind,

But I also knew
you were weak

And couldn't hold on
for long.

That's true.

As my dark side
grows strong,

I grow weak.

But I've been
in tea's mind long enough

To have learned the truth
about our past.

Through her ears,
I listened to you tell
the story of our family,

And the emergence
of the evil within me.

I order you
to put that down!

And if I don't?

Marik, drop it!

Ishizu: marik! No!

I never knew that
I was the one

Who sent father
to the shadow realm.

Yes, but--

I know.

It was the evil force
within me

That committed the act,

So you came here
to save me from myself.

Despite everything I've done
in my quest for power,

You've had faith.

You knew there was
still good within me.

However, that good
is almost completely
extinguished now.

Oh, no!

If the evil force
defeats the pharaoh
in the final battle,

You will be gone

And the entire planet
will suffer greatly!

Well, I can't allow one duel
to decide the fate
of the whole world!

The time has come
for me to step in

And reclaim my body,

But how?

I don't know,

But I must banish that evil
before it's too late!

There's just
too much at risk.

No! It's far
too dangerous!

Wait, marik!

Sister, take care of odion!


Don't go! Please!

Marik! Come back!
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