03x45 - The Final Face Off — Part 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x45 - The Final Face Off — Part 5

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

This duel is done.

Winged dragon of ra,
destroy him!

I win!

Not exactly!

Now I activate this!

Magical dimension!

What's going on?

I must sacrifice
gazelle and obelisk

In exchange for
one last chance!

Now I play
my final card.

Behold! Ragnarok!

Once this great power
is released,

Every monster on
your side of the field
will be crushed,

Including your winged
dragon of ra!

And since you and ra
are fused together,

You will be destroyed
as well!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That may be.

But the devastation
caused by your attack

Will also destroy
what's left of my weak side!


Master marik!!!

I shall protect you!

Marik: that voice...

But it can't be...


Odion: master marik,
please don't give up!!

the darkness
is here to stay!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

you have no business
being here, odion!

Let him speak!

Be careful!

We were all doing
just fine without you.

Just look at you!

You're barely
able to stand up.

How sad!

Now if you can just
stay on your feet

For a few moments longer,

You'll witness my triumph
over the pharaoh!

And the demise
of my weak side.

Ha ha ha!

Dat guy's
in bad shape!

Yeah. He's in
no condition

To be wandering around
out here.


no, joey...

This is something
odion must do.

It may be the only way
to save marik.

Release my master now!

your master is almost gone!

I'm afraid
you've come too late.

I've taken his body

And the shadow realm
is about to take his soul!

The marik you once knew
will soon be extinct, odion.

[Marik sighs]

Yami-marik: he'll no longer
be able to hold me back!

That's not true.

I've returned to ensure that
your gentle spirit prevails.

That's enough!


Master marik!

Fight the evil within.

We've conquered
your wicked side before

And we can do it again!


Hold on!

I'm fine... Ishizu.

Please... Master.

You have the power
to stop your dark side.

Remember you're the one
that created him!

And you can destroy him!

Marik: he's right.
I can destroy him!

I've heard enough!
Now take this!


Hey look...
Do you see what I see?

Marik is freaking out
up there!

I see.

what is going on!?

Marik: I'm regaining
control of my life!

Fight his evil
with all your might
master marik!

Let your
tombkeeper's heritage
give you strength!

[Yami-marik screaming]

I've come too far
to lose my grip now!

I am the true marik!

And I will not be overpowered
by my weak side!

Marik: if you can
hear me pharaoh,
attack now!

No marik!

Please pharaoh.
I can't hold on
much longer.

I need your help
to banish my dark
half forever.

I'm sorry
for everything I've done
to you and your friends.

As a tombkeeper
I was raised to serve you,

But I always resented
this task.

This resentment
turned to hatred

And my dark half
was born.

What I did was wrong,

But I'm ready to
take responsibility
for my actions

And correct the wrongs
I've committed.

Well said master.

I've waited so long
to hear those words.

Please pharaoh!

It's the only hope
for my survival.

Yami-marik: no,
don't listen to him!

Marik: yes!
You must attack me
to save mankind!


But hurry,

I can't hold him back
much longer!

We can't attack him!
It's just too risky!

The force of our attack
could send him straight
to the shadow realm!

We have no choice.

We must trust him!

Pharaoh! Please!
Attack me now!

It's the only way!

Alright! Here goes!

I activate...

My ragnarok card!

Yami-marik: no!yami-yugi: yes!

my dark magician

And my dark
magician girl

Are both
on the field,

The unstoppable
magic of ragnarok

Can be released!

But first...

I must remove every
monster in my hand,

Deck and graveyard!


Yami-marik: no!
You're making a mistake!

I'm afraid
it's too late!

Ragnarok is already
infused with

The power of every
one of my monsters!

now dark magicians...

With the help of
my entire army of monsters...

Unleash your incredible force!!

Duke: check it out

It's yugi's monsters
on parade!


I've never seen
anything like this!

Yami-yugi: you and
your egyptian god
card are through!

noooooo! Stop!

Call these creatures off
right now!

No one can destroy
my winged dragon of ra!

Release me! Right now!

it's pointless for you
to resist my monsters!

They have you trapped in
their unbreakable grasp!


Your reign of terror
is finally over!

The time has come
for me to fulfill
my destiny

And rid the world
of your evil
once and for all!


may the magic of ragnarok

Rid the field of
your winged dragon of ra

And swallow your dark side
for all eternity!

And swallow your dark side
for all eternity!

Joey: now dat's
what I call "intense!"

Oh man!
Yugi got rid of ra!

So does that
mean he won?

Not yet.

Marik has one
life point left

So the duel's not done.

Yami-yugi: yugi...

the winged dragon of ra

Should have destroyed
marik's dark side
as well.

Yeah, but what about
his good side?

We'll see.

Master marik.


Please tell me
you're alright!

he made it!

Marik! It's over!

Your evil side
has been banished

You're safe!

We're sure this is
his good side, right?

Well his face
isn't as weird now.

I knew
master marik's will
was strong enough

To overcome
the darkness
in his heart.

Now his inner light
can truly shine.


There's still one more task
that you and I must complete.

I still have
one life point left!

Wait...he's right!
We're not done!

Yami-marik: huh?
What's going on?

No! This can't
be happening!

Marik's dark side
is back on the field!

Yami-yugi: yes,
but now the tables
have turned.

Marik's good side
is in control

And the evil
has become the victim.

You can't do this


We can still
crush the pharaoh

Remember, how
you wasted away
your childhood

Serving this fool!?

It's not too late
to destroy him

And take
what you deserve!

The infinite power
of the pharaoh
could be yours!

If we win this duel,

You and I
can claim the three
egyptian god cards

And the millennium

We'll rule the world

Yami-marik: don't be
a fool, marik!

We've come so far.

Don't throw away
we've worked for.

We can still win!

Your move.

I'm sorry pharaoh.

It was my duty to help you
and instead I turned my back.

I can't change the past,

But I can start over by
embracing my family legacy.

I'm proud to be a tombkeeper

And I'm proud of my sister
and my brother.

Thank you, sir.

My family has waited
five thousand years
for your return.

Now you're here.

So I must fulfill my destiny

By letting you fulfill yours.

no! You can't do this!

I must.

I hold the key
to helping the pharaoh
unlock his true powers.

The secret
is imprinted on my back
in ancient egyptian text.

But before I reveal
this mystery,

The pharaoh must be in
possession of all three
egyptian god cards!

you're making
a huge mistake!

No for the first time
in years

I'm making the right choice.

What are you doing!?

I'm honoring
the ishtar name!

By surrendering the duel.

Of course!

By forfeiting the duel,

His life points
will drop down to zero

And his evil side will
vanish into the shadows.

If you do this,
you'll be sorry!

You need me!

Be gone!

I surrender this duel
to the pharaoh!


It's finally over,
my pharaoh.

Yami-yugi: yes,

And the darkness
has lifted
from your heart.

We won the duel!

You're safe now.

Ishizu: marik has
overpowered the evil

That controlled him
for so long.

My pharaoh...

Thank you.

You've saved

We did.

I wouldn't have been

Had it not been for
all of you.

Roland: and the winner
of the battle city
championship crown

Is yugi muto!

Way to go, yugi!

Dat's what
I call a duel!

all right!

You're the best, yuge!

Ya did it!

You da man, man!

yugi! Yugi! Yugi!

that was
amazing, yugi!

Joey: yeah!

Da way every monsta
in your deck showed up!?

Dat was classic!

Up high, pal!

Dat was truly
your best work, yuge!


I'm sorry.

All that matters
is that you're safe

And you've returned
to the way you were,
my brother.

You have fulfilled
your destiny

And ended the mission
of the tombkeepers.


Does this mean the three
of us can start over

And build a new life
for ourselves?


I think it's time
our family started living
in the light, don't you?

Side by side
with the rest of mankind.

I'm glad you're back.

So am i.

sorry to interrupt...

But as the organizer
of the battle city tournament

I guess I should congratulate
the winner.

Even though
you only won that duel
due to marik's forfeit.

Yugi: actually,

If kaiba hadn't
given me the card
I needed,

I would have
lost the match
right away!

Nice duel!

And as the winner,

You get to keep
the rarest card from
your opponent's deck!

He's right...

And the pharaoh
is going to need
that card soon.

That's true!

Joey: make sure
he doesn't give ya
da fake one.


Marik: pharaoh...

As I complete
my final mission,

Rest assured that
everyone who was banished
to the shadow realm

By my dark side
will return.

It's about time!

You said it!

Thank you.

Yes. Thank you,

Take this, my rarest card.

And remember,

You're going to need
this card, pharaoh.

the winged dragon of ra...

We have all three of
the egyptian god cards!

But now that
they're in our deck,

What are we supposed
to do with them?

How can we use these cards

To unlock the hidden powers
of the pharaoh?

We need more information!


I have one more task
to perform

Before my tombkeeper's mission
is complete.


The secret
of the pharaoh's power!

This is getting
weird now.

tellin' me!

these markings were passed down
by my family

From generation to generation
for five thousand years!

We were taught
that when the
ancient pharaoh

Saved the world
from destruction,

He wiped his own
memory clean.

But he knew
that someday
he would return

And he'd need
his memory back.

So he entrusted
one family with
his greatest secret.

The key to
unlocking his mind
and his power!

Now that you hold
the three egyptian god cards

And the millennium puzzle

All you need to do is read
the words on marik's back.

You're so close.

Joey: hey yuge...

Can you really read
dat chicken scratch?

I'll try.

Yugi: I can't understand
those ancient symbols at all,

But I feel like
the three egyptian god cards

Are trying to show me
what they say!


That's the stone tablet
from the museum!

What does it mean?

Could the pharaoh's secret
be locked in this tablet?

It's time for us
to leave now pharaoh.

So please take this.

The millennium rod
belongs with you

Where it won't cause
any more harm.

Thank you.

And take this as well.

The millennium ring
is safest with you.

Alright you geeks!

This victory celebration
has gone on long enough!

The battle city tournament
is over!

So if you'd like
a free ride home

I'd suggest you board
my aircraft right now.

Is that clear!?

If anyone's left behind
on the island,

The kaiba corporation will not
be responsible for your safety!

So go!

Cause in one hour,
this island will explode!

Say what!?

You're kidding right!?
Please say "yes."

I don't kid.

The duel tower will
self-destruct in one hour,

So board the ship
and go home!

I thought
mokuba said

That the engines
weren't working
on that thing!

It's alright now.
The ship's been

Isn't that right!?

Uh, well...

Good bye.

Joey: can you believe
dat sore loser!?

I know.

Kaiba loses
the tournament,

So he decides to
trash the place.

Kaiba: activate
the detonators,

Computer voice:
activating kaiba corp duel tower
detonation system.

One hour is plenty
of time right?

The ship leaves now.


Then everyone should be
a safe distance away.

So let's do this seto.

Computer voice:
access code accepted.

This is it...
Get ready.

Computer voice:

Last but not least...

Computer voice:
key card a, detected.

Key card b, detected.

Detonation sequence has begun!
Evacuate immediately!

Is mai ok now?!

She's not up.

No way!
What gives!?

I don't know.

Wake up mai!

You're supposed
to be alright!

Hear me!?

Yugi beat marik

So your mind shoulda
been released from
the shadow realm!

Come on! Wake up!

I know
you can do it!

Please mai!

I'd give anything
in da world
ta have you back!


It's not fair.

What's goin' on!?

That expression
is priceless!

Did I hear you say
you'd give anything
to have me wake up?

'Cause there's
a few cards in
that deck of yours

That I've had
my eye on, joey.

Nice doin' business
with ya serenity!

You were right,

He bought it hook,
line and sinker!


Oh, I just couldn't resist!

I knew you guys
were kidding
all along.

That was
not cool.

Come on.

You know it was
all in good fun.

let's go.

Joey: I can play
jokes on people,
too, ya know.

Hey is dat
french fries
I smell?

I say we take
a lunch break.
Who's with me!?

Sorry guys...

But I'm afraid
the doughnuts are gone.

Hey! Bakura,
you're back!

But what are you
doing in here

Raidin' the

I was gone for a long time.

And there's not much to eat
in the shadow realm!

Go figure.

Roland: this aircraft
is not going anywhere!

Not without the kaibas!!

Is that clear!?

Tristan: hey!
What's the deal?

We takin' off
or what?

We can't seem to locate
mokuba and mr. Kaiba.

You're kiddin' me!

This whole place
is gonna blow soon!

Duke: yeah!
Kaiba said
the duel tower

Would self destruct
in less than an hour!

Kaiba's not
dat dumb.

I'm sure he's
hoppin' on board

His private jet
right now.

Well we can't take
that chance!

He's right joey,
we should go look
for those guys.

We're just way too nice.

Let's go...

Tea: yeah.

Hey, do me a favor

And don't leave
'til we get back!

I'd like ta get home
in one piece!

the engines now!

Roger! Engaging
main engines!

Voltage, check. Fuel check.
Starting rear thruster.

Fuguta: oh no!
We have a problem!

I was afraid of this!

The engines
are weak, right?

Worse, they're
completely dead!

This can't be!

Wait a sec!

I thought you guys said
they were fixed!?!

Does this mean
we're stuck here?

Computer voice:

Duel tower will self destruct
in forty-five minutes.

Evacuate the island immediately.
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