04x01 - A New Evil – Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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04x01 - A New Evil – Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Roland: and the winner of
the battle city championship
crown is yugi muto.

Nice duel.

And as the winner,

You get to keep
the rarest card

From your
opponent's deck.

Take this,
my rarest card.

And remember,
you're going to need
this card, pharaoh.

Yugi, voice-over:
the winged dragon of ra.

We have all
of the egyptian god cards.

But now that
they're in our deck,

What are we supposed
to do with them?

How can we use these cards
to unlock the hidden powers
of the pharaoh?


That's the stone tablet
from the museum.

What does it mean?

Could the pharaoh's secret
be locked in this tablet?

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Man, on radio:
this is home base
to poseidon .

Do you copy?

Second man, on radio:
this is poseidon .


Our sensors indicate
you're approaching
a depth of , feet.

You are strongly advised
to pull back.

stop your descent.

Absolutely not.

We may be on the verge

Of the greatest

Man has ever known.

We must continue.

But, professor hawkins,

With all due respect,

The water pressure
at that depth
is too dangerous.

This is my life's work,

And I've come too far
to turn back now.

Over and out.

Hawkins: this is strange.

The ocean waters
have barely penetrated
this region.

I must have a closer look.

Let's see.


Those look like
duel monsters.

But how?

Man, on tv:
renowned scientist
arthur hawkins

Has uncovered evidence
of a , -year-old
lost civilization

In the north atlantic ocean.

These ruins are the oldest
and best preserved man-made
structures ever discovered.

Walk much?

Or is this
your first time?



The bug duelist?

Both: what're you doing here?

The battle city
tournament's over,
ya little pin worm.

Shouldn't you
be squirming home?

I should be asking you
the same question.

So what brings you
to town, dino brain?

The cheese festival.

Yeah, right.

You're after yugi's
egyptian god cards,
aren't you?

No, I'm just a big fan
of cheddar.

Then I guess
you won't mind

If I challenge yugi

For a shot
at those god cards.

Eat my dust,
ya termite!

Weevil: look out!

Ever hear
of stepping aside?

Yeah, what's
your problem?

The problem shall be yours,

When I strip you two fools
of your souls.

Does the grim reaper know
you raided his wardrobe?

Quod valedico
vestrum animus.

Say what?

I think you just
got him mad.

Rise to your feet
and duel.

[Rex and weevil scream]

Tea, thinking:
it's not like yugi
to skip class.

I hope everything's alright.

Tristan: hey, tea!

have you seen yuge?

He wasn't
at his locker.

He left right before

Ya can't blame him
for dat, right?

I guess.

Yugi, voice-over:
what's the deal?

We never switch places
between classes like this.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
you did bring
the egyptian god cards

Today, didn't you?


Did you finally figure out
what we're supposed
to do with 'em?


I can't explain it,

But it's as if
the cards were
calling out to me,

Leading me
to the museum,

Wherein lies the
secret to unlocking
my lost memories

And the powers
I once possessed.

Soon the mysteries

Of my days
as pharaoh
will be clear.

Joey and tea:

wait up, man.

Tea: we've been looking
everywhere for you.

Yeah, why'd ya split
like that, dude?

There's something
I need to do,

And it could be

I just didn't
want to put any of you
in harm's way.

But we're a team,

And what affects
one of us
affects us all.

I've been givin'
this friendship
speech for years.

Didn't it
sink in yet?

Now let's do this.

Joey: right.

we doin'?

we're bein' there
for yugi.


By doin' what

Just follow me, guys.

Great deities of domination,
I call upon thee.

Use the pharaoh's force
to penetrate the dominion
of the beasts

And liberate the fury
of , years.

Joey: I may be statin'
the obvious here,

But dat looks
just like yugi.

It says
"tablet of the pharaoh."

yes. That pharaoh is me.

Joey: dis part
always confuses me.

Man, voice-over:
all of your questions

Will soon be answered,

We, the gods of egypt,
shall assist you.

Give unto us
your complete faith

And the knowledge you seek
will be yours.

Yugi, voice-over:
are you sure about this?

voice-over: yes.

do you see what I see?

what's going on?

You have served the gods well,

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, what's wrong?

I don't know.

I feel as if a dark presence

Is draining the power
of the egyptian god cards.

What should we do?

You can start by
droppin' dose cards.

I can't let go.

[Woman screams]

Look out!

those aren't holograms!

You gotta be
kiddin' me!

It's like
a horror flick
out here.

Tristan: yeah,
someone's duel disk
musta gone haywire.

It would take more than one
busted duel disk

To project monster holograms
all over the city.

There's gotta be
more to it.

The only way
ta find out

Is ta go straight
to da source.

So let's pay a visit
to kaiba.

Right. Good idea.

Outta my way!

Thank you.

Kaiba corp.
Please hold.

Kaiba corp.
Please hold.

There's a mystical elf
on your front lawn?

I'm sorry.
I'm new here.

Can you spell

Tea: this is insane!

The whole town's
freakin' out.

'Xcept dose two.

Isn't that rex
and weevil?

In case
you haven't noticed,

The city's under attack.

Heh heh heh.

The age of
is here.

Soon your souls
will be offered
to the great beast.

Our souls?

They must be in
a state of shock
or something.


This is just too weird.

it's even weird

For dese two

Let's go.

Good call.

Man: can you explain
the sudden appearance...

Woman: the mayor
is pointing his finger
at kaiba corp.

What do you have
to say about that?

Second man:
people want answers!

Roland: please,
one at a time.

Is kaiba corp
for all this?

The people of this town
deserve to know.

Mr. Kaiba has assured me
that his company
is not to blame.

We have no further comments
at this time.

Move it.

Mr. Kaiba will be holding
a press conference later today.

But we want answers now!

Man: the city is
in a state of emergency!

Second man:
this is unacceptable!

Third man: I need
more information.

This is an outrage.

Whoa, it's a total
circus over here.

Guess we're
not gonna see kaiba.

Man, on tv:
in the last hours,

Monsters have been spotted
across the globe,

Including a winged dragon
that was seen perched
atop taj mahal.

These creatures
are believed to be
lifelike holograms

with the popular game
duel monsters.

So dis monsta mess
is happenin'
around the world.

And there's
still no word yet
from kaiba.

We now take you live
to a kaiba corp
press conference

Where gaming company
president seto kaiba
will make a statement.

About time.

We've done extensive testing

Of our holographic
simulation systems.

Now, I can confirm
without question

That these sightings
are unrelated to kaiba corp.

Our state-of-the-art technology
is working perfectly.

News anchor, on tv:
you heard it here.

Seto kaiba claims
his company

Is not responsible
for today's events.

He's covering up.

Who else
has the equipment

To project monsters
around the world?

Unless, of course,
those monsters out there

Aren't holographic
projections at all.

I was just thinking

The exact same thing,

Perhaps the force I felt
in the museum

Somehow triggered
the emergence
of these creatures,

Which could mean
that these duel monsters
are real.

I wonder if that's
what rex and weevil
were referring to

When we saw them today.

Heh heh heh.

The age
of destruction
is here.

Soon your souls
will be offered
to the great beast.

Wait, are you tellin' me
we're under attack
by actual monstas?

I'm not sure
what to think right now.

[Grandpa shouts]

Grandpa: nooo!

How can this have happened?

Yugi: grandpa!


Are you alright?

Hey, what happened,
mr. Moto?

Yugi, they're gone.

Who's gone, grandpa?

Your cards.

Your strongest cards.

The god cards?

Who did dis?

I'll find 'em.

Yugi: joey, wait!

Joey: obelisk!

Joey: guys,
ya might wanna see dis.

It's obelisk
the tormentor!

And it looks like
he's not alone.

It's slifer and ra.

what kinda knucklehead

Would steal all
egyptian god cards

And den summon 'em
right in da middle a da city
for everyone ta see?

Man: you blokes want
those cards back?


They're mine!

[Man laughs]

All you gotta do
is get past us.

But it's only fair
to warn you,

We've been known
to fight dirty.

That's right.

So what's
it gonna be, mates?

You don't scare us.

Those egyptian god cards
don't belong to you!

Sorry to disappoint you,

But they serve
a new master now, pharaoh.

Yugi, voice-over: no way.

How does he know
about the pharaoh?

If you think you've got
what it takes

To win back your god cards,
follow us.

Let's roll.

[Men laughing]

I guess we have
no choice.

Joey: figures
dose grease-monkeys

Would lead us
ta dis dump.

[Man laughs]

Who's there?

Show yourself.

Man: I'm right
above you, pharaoh.

is that one 'a those
biker dudes up there?

he's too far away
to tell.

Hey, why don't ya
come down here
and face us like a man?

Very well.

I'll make this short.

I possess something
that you want--

The egyptian
god cards.

And you possess
something that I desire--

Your soul.

Just hold on.

Those cards do not
belong to you,

And they possess
a power far more

Than you could ever

I'd suggest
you hand them over

Before someone
gets hurt.

I'm well aware
of their ancient powers,

And if you want
them back,

You'll have to face me
in a duel.

All right,
but just don't say
I didn't warn you.

Your soul's mine.

Now let's duel.

You're on!

I'll start things
off with this...

My beta
the magnet warrior!

Come forth
in defense mode!

I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

The duel's
in your hands now.

So far so good.

He took the bait.

The boss is gonna
be thrilled.

As soon as the pharaoh's
life points hit zero,
we get his soul.

I hope this freak
doesn't use
the god cards,

'Cause nothing
in the world

Can stand up
to those things.

Don't sweat it, tea.

There's a reason
why dey call yugi
da king 'a games.

Da guy almost
never loses.

I summon
my marauding captain.

And this young man
comes with a very
special ability.

He lets me automatically
summon another monster
to the field to join him,

And I choose shadow tamer.

I'm afraid the worst
is yet to come.


This card holds more power
than all egyptian gods

And it's as old
as time itself--

The seal of orichalcos!

The magic infused
within this card

Existed long before
the sands of ancient egypt
were formed, pharaoh.

Now experience this power
for yourself.

What's going on?

Tell me!

Your fate
is now sealed.

My friends!

The seal of orichalcos
prevents us from exiting

And all outsiders
from entering
its sacred boundaries.

When the duel is over,
only the victor
may penetrate the border,

But the loser
can never leave.

His soul remains
locked inside the seal.

You'll soon see
that the rules
of the outside world

No longer apply.

All right.

You should know
I'm no stranger
to ancient magic.


The power of
my millennium puzzle!

What's this?

The orichalcos existed
long before your puzzle.

Your toy is useless

And your victory
is hopeless.

Sorry, but in here
the advantage is mine,

For the seal of orichalcos
rests on my side of the field,

Thus granting me
unfathomable power

And strengthening
every one of my monsters.

Oh, no.

Thanks to the seal
of orichalcos,

My monsters reign supreme.

Now, my marauding captain,

his magnet warrior.

You've triggered
my trap.

Go, soul rope!

It allows me to summon
a -star monster
from my deck

As long as I'm willing
to give up ,
of my life points

In exchange
for this new creature.

There's nothing
in your deck
that can stop me.


I have gamma
the magnet warrior.

Sorry, but you'll have
to do better than that
if you want to defeat me.

I'll place one card
face down.

Why don't you try again,

I plan to do more
than try.

Feast you eyes
on this card:

the magnet warrior!

Why, thank you.

You've activated
my hidden soldiers trap.

Unfortunately for you,

This card allows me
to conjure up a creature
of ultimate darkness,

A monster that derives
its very power
from the deepest shadows:

Makyura the destructor.

And like all my monsters,

Its strength is enhanced
by the orichalcos.

I also have a magic card
to activate.

Behold my shallow grave!

It gives us both
the power to access

Any monster we choose
from our graveyard

And summon it back
to the field,

And I've chosen
beta the magnet warrior!

And you know
what that means.

Now I can combine
my magnet warriors

Alpha, beta,
and gamma...

Fuse your
electromagnetic energies

To form valkyrion
the magna warrior!

Since your graveyard
is empty,

You have no monsters
to bring back.

He better think
'a somethin' quick

Or the pharaoh's
gonna kick his bum.

Relax, valon.

There's plenty
of time left.

Now, valkyrion,

Your captain is gone.

Nice one, man!

A'right, yuge!

That caped creep's
got nothin' on you!

Well played.

I must admit,

I haven't faced
a challenge like this
in quite some time.

It's actually refreshing.

Of course, in the end
you'll meet the same fate
as all of my victims.

I'm afraid it's just
a matter of time.

Dis guy's bluffin',

Your magna warrior's
got ,
attack points,

So the only ding dat
could beat it

Is an egyptian
god card.

Oh, no. You can't!

I can and I will,

I'll destroy you
with your own egyptian god!

First, I'll bring
my marauding captain
back from the graveyard

Using the magic
of monster reborn.

Hold on.

Only certain duelists
can use the gods.

Please, stop.

It's too late
to stop me now.

I sacrifice
my monsters...

No! Don't!

In order to summon
the egyptian god

Obelisk the tormentor.

I warned him.

Oh, no. This can't be.

He's got that thing
on his head!

It's worse than dat.

He's stronger now.


The power of the orichalcos
now courses through obelisk,

Merging the most powerful
creature that ever existed

With the most incredible
force ever imagined.

You're trapped
in my circle of doom,

And before long
your soul will be sealed
away for all eternity.
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