04x02 - A New Evil – Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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04x02 - A New Evil – Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on yu-gi-oh...

I possess something
that you want:

The egyptian god cards.

And you possess something
that I desire:

Your soul.

I'd suggest you
hand them over

Before someone
gets hurt.

I'm well aware
of their ancient powers,

And if you want them back,

You'll have to face me
in a duel.

All right.
Your soul's


The seal of orichalcos!!

What's going on?

When the duel is over,

Only the victor
may penetrate the border,

But the loser
can never leave.

I sacrifice my monsters

In order to summon
the egyptian god
obelisk the tormentor!

Oh, no.

The power of the orichalcos
now courses through obelisk,

Merging the most
powerful creature
that ever existed

With the most incredible
force ever imagined.

You're trapped
in my circle of doom.

Before long, your
soul will be sealed
away for all eternity.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Man: take a look, pharaoh.

The seal of orichalcos
surrounds us...


Strengthening my obelisk,

While your monsters
stand powerless
in his shadow.

First you'll lose them,

Then you'll
lose your soul...

All at the hands
of your own creature.

Who knew the very card that
brought you so much glory

Would lead to your downfall?

And it all begins
right now.


Obelisk the tormentor,

Fist of fate.



It'll take more than that

To keep my pal down
ya freak show.

There's not a card
in your deck

That can match
the unparalleled
strength of obelisk.

Yugi, voice-over:
he's right.

stronger than ever

Thanks to that
orichalcos magic card.



Man: looks like
needs a rest.

The boss warned us
that the egyptian god cards

And the magic
of the orichalcos

Might not mix so well,
didn't he?

I think that geezer's
just getting too old
for this.

Well, that's
why we made him
duel first, right?

To test
the pharaoh's strength.

I have an idea
that just might work.

Now I play
the magic card
graceful charity.

This lets me draw

As long as I
discard .

Yugi, voice-over:

There may be hope
for me after all.

Yami-yugi: first
I'll summon gazelle,

The king
of mythical beasts.

Then I'll place one card
facedown on the field.

That ends my turn.


Where was i?

Oh, yes, I was just
about to attack you again

With obelisk the tormentor!

Aw, man.

Now yugi's got
no monsters on da field

To protect
his life points.

Pharaoh, the age
of destruction is here.

The earth shall be
shrouded in darkness.

And your very soul
shall fuel the force
that devastates mankind.

What do you mean by that?

A great beast
is now awakening from
its ancient slumber

To complete what it began
centuries ago.

But before this beast
can arise,

It must absorb
enough souls.

That sounds
oddly familiar.

Yeah, where did we hear that
creepy mumbo jumbo before?

Heh heh heh.

The age of
destruction is here.

Soon your souls
will be offered
to the great beast.

Who are you
and how do you know

These events
will come to pass?

Man: someone's got
an awful lot of questions.

Joey: hey!
It's those biker punks.

Who do you guys
think you are?

Haven't you been
paying attention?

soul collectors.

Matter of fact,

I've got two
unfortunate souls

Right here
in my hand.

Yugi, voice-over:
they can trap people's
spirits inside cards?

That's exactly what pegasus did
to kaiba and mokuba

With his millennium eye.

How do these guys
have that kind of power?

The sooner you make
your next move,

The sooner
obelisk the tormentor

Can stomp out
the rest of
your life points.

Obelisk is powerful,
but not unbeatable,

And I intend
to prove it!

That card belongs to me

And I'm quite mililiar
with its strengths
and its weaknesses..

What weaknesses?

I'll show you,
by activating
monster reborn

In order to bring back

the magna warrior!

That card?

In case you've forgotten,

Obelisk already
crushed your valkyrion
earlier in the duel.

Yes, but I've decided
to give my magna warrior
a second chance,

So say good-bye
to your god card.

But my monster is
clearly stronger
than yours.


But you've forgotten
one thing.

My beast is made up

Of several monsters!


Now I have one more card
to activate--

The magic card
brave attack,

Sending my warriors
into battle.

Alpha, attack!

That's all?

No. Beta, attack!

Your monsters
can't even scratch
my egyptian god.

I think you need
to take a closer look

Because I see
a rather large scratch

Across your
egyptian god.

But how?

Your puny magnet warriors
are nothing

Compared to
the divine strength
of my obelisk.

But I played
my brave attack card.

the damage from each one
of my monsters' att*cks

Gets added together,

Enabling them
to bring down obelisk
as a team.

Oh, no.

Let's see.

His alpha's
got ,
attack points,

Plus ,
from his beta.

Tea: don't
hurt yourself.

That's a total
of , attack
points so far.

Your obelisk
has a strength
of , ,

So I need
, more points
to beat him.

And that's exactly
what I have left.

Go, gamma!

Destroy obelisk now!

Destroy obelisk now!

It worked.

Of course.

Way to show him
who's boss, yuge.

So he got lucky.

He'll need
more than luck

To break
the seal
of orichalcos.

You can say
that again.

This duel's far from done.

I don't need obelisk
to crush you.

I've got all the power
I need to win this duel
here in my deck,

And I'll draw them out
with card of sanctity.

Yami-yugi: fine.

That allows me
to draw more cards
as well.

Tea: that's cool.

They both have cards.

Now they're even.

Not really,

'Cause that guy's
still got his weird
magic circle on da field

Which gives his monsters
an instant power boost.

now I play watapon!

It's still my turn.

I'm aware of that,

But watapon's
special ability

Allows me to
automatically summon it
to the field

As soon as I draw it.

Haa! That card's
useless anyway----

Unlike this,

My warrior
dai grepher.

And thanks to the orichalcos,

He gains points.

You've activated
my trap!

dark renewal!

Thanks to this card,
I now have the ability

To sacrifice
one of your monsters
in addition to mine.

Now I can bring
a spellcaster back
from my graveyard,

And I choose
my dark magician.

But how?

This must be
some sort of trick.

I never sent
your dark magician
to the card graveyard.

No, but I did

When I played
my graceful charity
magic card.

Now he's back,
and you have no monsters
to protect you.


This facedown card
is all I need.

Oh, yeah!

Yugi's gonna
clean house now.

You're done.

dark magician!

Wipe out
his life points.

Activate shield wall.

What's that?

It's quite a handy
magic card.

Shield wall
reinforces my defense
with new monsters.

Your dark magician
will never get
to my life points.


Heh heh! I'm afraid so,

But just to make sure,

I think I'll summon
a few more monsters
to the field now

By utilizing the power
of my bronze knights
magic card.

Now I discard cards
from my hand

In order to summon

Bronze knights

To the field.

Hold on.

You have monsters.


That's cheating, pal.

Check da rules.

Page of
the duelist handbook
clearly states,

"Only monsters per
duelist can be
in play at once."

Biker: you better
get yourself
a new rulebook,

'Cause it sounds
like yours
is outdated.

The seal of
orichalcos doubles

The number
of monsters

Its holder is allowed
to have on the field.

No way.

That means this creepazoid
can have up to monsters
in play at one time.


And you can't attack
my back row of monsters

Without first going
through the front row.


And since every
one of my monsters gains
extra attack points,

You'll never take them down.

Your lone dark magician
is nothing compared
to my army of creatures.

Say farewell
to your soul.

The ancient magic
that encircles us

Affords me powers
you could never dream of.

It's my move,

So I place
two cards facedown

And summon
queen's knight
in defense mode.

Very well.

Now watch this.

I'm not finished
just yet.


I activate
dust tornado.

This great storm
can wipe out any magic
or trap card I choose.

Now, dust tornado,

his seal of orichalcos
with your mighty winds!

Joey: ol' red eyes
won't be so tough
when this blows over.


seal of ori-whosits.

[Kids gasp]

Oh, no.

It wasn't destroyed.

Doesn't he realize
the sacred seal

Is way too powerful
to be broken by
a measly trap card?

I guess he's
a slow learner.

Now, take this.

It's called the warrior
returning alive.

It brings back
my lost soldier
dai grepher.

And like every one
of my monsters,

The seal of orichalcos
raises his strength!

But wait, there's more.

The magic of allied forces!

Not only does this card
grant my new soldier
an extra attack points,

It increases the power
of my bronze knights
as well.


Warrior dai grepher,
destroy his dark magician.

Now, bronze knight,

Eradicate his final monster
with medieval sword slash.

queen's knight, escape!

She's gone.


My facedown card
magical academy

Allowed me
to replace her

With my dark
magician girl.

That's not fair.

Thanks to my magic card,
it's quite fair.

And now
my dark magician girl

Shall rid the field
of all your monsters
and lead me to victory.

It's over.


And just how
will one monster
destroy ?

First she'll receive

Attack points

Thanks to
the dark magician

In my graveyard.

Your little girl

Will need more than
a few extra points

To stand up
to my warriors.

She's a bit
out of her league.

Yugi, voice-over:
there's one card in my deck
that can change that,

But I have to draw it now.

Please, heart of
the cards, guide me.


Now, I activate this:

Diffusion wave-motion!

Oh, man.

You're kiddin' me.

Talk about
luck o' the draw, mates.

And now go,
dark magician girl!

Destroy every one
of his monsters

With dark burning

The more monsters
you have,

The more
life points
you lose.

I lost.

Tea: yugi!

Are you
all right?

Joey: of course.

He just won.

Hand me those cards.

No. Never.

The egyptian god cards
are ours.

We had a deal.

Take obelisk.

No! This wasn't
supposed to happen.


Please, spare me, master.


Oh, well.

It's his own fault.

I always thought
the old man was crampin'
our style anyway.

now we know more about
yugi's dueling strategies.

Now let's go.

hold on!

Give me back
the god cards!


You didn't hold up
your end of the deal, pal.

You have to beat all of us,
not just one of us.

But I'll tell you what,

This is for bein'
such a good sport.

[Rex and weevil screaming]


Rex raptor
and weevil underwood?

I released your
friends' souls as a gift.

Joey: I'll give you
a gift!

Just come down here
and get it.

It's da gift
that keeps on givin'
again and again.

That one's got spunk.

He reminds me o' meself,

Only dumber and not nearly
as attractive.

Toyin' with that guy
is gonna be fun.

Come on, fellas.

hey, don't turn
your back on me!

Tea: wait.
Be careful, yugi.

I don't think
that guy's getting up
anytime soon.

I have a bad feeling
about this.

It's true.

When he lost our duel,
his soul was trapped
in this card.

But where does this
power come from?

Check this out, yugi.

It was around
that guy's neck.

Do you think
it has something
to do with all this?

Take your paws off me,
you sasquatch.

Yeah, don't make me
get all ninja
on your butt.

I got an idea, dude.

See how far
we can toss these dweebs?

Yugi: hold on
a second, guys.

We gotta find out
what happened to them.

All right, now try
to remember

you guys did yesterday.

First I woke up
and went to the bathroom.

He means after that.

Ever hear
of stepping aside?

Yeah, what's
your problem?

The problem shall be yours,

When I strip you two fools
of your souls.

Does the grim reaper know
you raided his wardrobe?

Quod valedico
vestrum animus.

I th-think
you just
got him mad.

Rise to your feet

And duel.

After that, we all dueled,

And he squashed weevil
like a cockroach.

Rex was holding us back.

I would have won,

But the guy played

Some weird card called

The seal of something.

The seal
of orichalcos?

Yeah. That's it.

And I thought it
was one of those fake
knock-off cards.

He didn't happen
to mention anything

About a plan to steal
the egyptian
god cards, did he?

Wait. They're gone?

He took 'em.

Well, he and his g*ng
of thugs did.

No way.


Hey. We'll win 'em back
, , .

And you two better tell us

If ya see suspicious-lookin'
biker punks, all right?

Sure, we will.

You'll be
the first to know.


Or not.

All right.

The egyptian god cards
are up for grabs..

soon they'll be all mine.


first, things got freaky
at the museum,

Then monsters
started appearing
around the world,

And now a g*ng of bikers
are stealing people's souls
with a duel monsters card.

I'm thinking
all those things

Have something to do
with one another.

Yeah, really?

I'm thinkin', "why does
all of this weird stuff
always happen to us?"

You gotta admit,
it's true.

Girl: hey, yugi!

I've been looking
all over for you.

Um, hi...you.

Oh, no.

Don't tell me
you forgot about me

Now that you're a big-time
champion duelist.

Yugi, do you
have any idea
who this is?

Let's see.

This card
should ring a bell.

You did give it to me.


Yugi: I want you
to have this.

The ties
of friendship?

Consider it a gift.

Aw, thank you.

Oh, no!

You're that brat.


You look different.

Did you get a haircut
or something?

Tristan: no, she
traded her teddy bear
for glasses.

I don't need
a teddy bear,

Because now I have
a boyfriend to protect me.

Excuse me?

A boyfriend?

And yet another weird
event to add to the list.

Yup, and this one
tops 'em all.

Probably best
if we stay
out of it.

Come on.

My grandpa really
wants to see you also, yugi.

Professor hawkins
wants to see me?

isn't it?

That's my boy.

Yugi: hey, guys!

Yugi moto.

You're just the person
I need to see.

I have a theory
that all of these
monster sightings

Have something
to do with you.

Here we are, g*ng,

Home, sweet home.

Wait 'til the boss hears
we found the pharaoh.
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