09x15 - Amagai's True Strength, the Released Zanpakuto!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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09x15 - Amagai's True Strength, the Released Zanpakuto!

Post by bunniefuu »

Although Kenryu and the rest tried to keep it from her,

Rurichiyo was well aware of Gyokaku Kumoi's true intentions.

Rurichiyo returned to the Soul Society alone.

Ichigo and his friends went

after her and broke into the Kasumiohji Clan mansion,

hoping to rescue Rurichiyo during the marriage ceremony.

But they fell into Kumoi's trap

and were surrounded by Soi Fon and her squad.

With help from Shu Kannogi, Rurichiyo's fiancé,

they managed to escape from the scene.

But now Ichigo is wanted by the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

“ Found them? “ No!

Search over there!

All right, let's go!

Are you all right, Ichigo?


It's not a deep wound.


I didn't know that there was

a place like this underground.

Sorry for making you go through this.

No, this is nothing.

But we must find Ruricchi.

Don't be hasty.

Soul Reapers have widened their search above ground.

If we go now, we'll surely be captured.



You have any idea where Rurichiyo might be?

I've never walked outside the mansion.


I've seen the outside while being

carried inside my palanquin though.

Are all aristocrats like that?

Ruricchi used to sneak out once in a while it seems.

But I'm such a coward.

Don't put yourself down too much.

She must be somewhere inside

the Kasumiohji Clan mansion.

Let's infiltrate one more time.

But Sir Kenryu has been caught.

Can we manage by ourselves?

Shu, at least you know

the inside of the mansion, right?

More or less.

But it's so huge that I don't know it all.

Even so, we have to try.


Groups Three and Four

have spread out to the mansion grounds,

but we haven't found them yet.

Groups One and Two have returned.

Groups Five and Six have left to switch places with them.

All right. Continue your search.

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!


Sorry Can you give me some time?


We received Squad 's scheduled report.

Found them?

Nope, not a trace.

I see.

But those guys, Kenryu and Enryu

Was handing them to the Kasumiohji Clan

the right thing to do?

Maybe we should have kept them in custody ourselves.



What's wrong?

No, it's nothing.

Don't worry about those two.

Head Captain's orders are

to let the nobles take care of their own problems.

Our mission is to capture Ichigo Kurosaki.

That is all.

I'm going to mobilize the Punishment Force.

Take care of things here.


Unraveling the truth can come later.

Squad has been ordered to stand by.

Take turns in groups to take your meals.

Yes, sir!

All right, Group One, eat first!

“ How are things on this side? “ Make it quick!

The rest of you stay on guard.

Captain Amagai. You're back?

Yes. I left the rest to Squad .

I'm taking a break.

I see.

I guess this is going to take time.

They seem to be pretty strong too.

It can't be helped.

By the way

How is Kibune acting?

No change.

I see.

If there's nothing, that's good.

It never feels good to

have suspicions toward your teammates.


Captain Amagai!

Come and join us!


Have emergency repairs been made to the damaged wall?

Yes, sir!

We do not know when those bandits may break in again!

Make sure to keep a tight watch!

Yes, sir!

So they slipped away.

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are useless.

Master Kumoi

About Lady Rurichiyo's meals

Her room is

The princess is closeted in her room

due to today's disturbance.

No meal is necessary!


Think of the princess, whose marriage ceremony was disrupted!

Oh I beg your pardon!

I hadn't counted on Shu Kannogi being taken hostage.

Oh well. No matter.

In any case the princess is in my hands.

What?! The princess?

Yes, sir!

She passed through the Senkaimon and is headed this way.

We have a close watch on the Precipice World!

Have preparations already been made?

Yes, sir!

Now, to the grand hall.

Everyone, join the princess!

Let us celebrate with a toast!

“ Right! “ Right!

Is there no gatekeeper today?

I am back.

I have come back to this place.

How small the sky appears, now that I look at it.

Someone Someone help!

You there.

How long do you intend to keep me locked up in here?

We'll let you out shortly.

As soon as we deal with

the Substitute Soul Reaper who came after you.

Ichigocame after me?

What a fool he is.

I heard he disrupted the marriage ceremony and

made an enemy of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

What is your goal?

There's no need for you to know.

Did Kumoi hire you for money?

You're very simplistic.

I'm not a cheap man who'd hire out

his life just for money.

Then what are you so scared of?

What? Scared?

I do not know much about the world.

However, you are deathly afraid of something.

That much I know!

Shut up!

Well, no matter.

You won't be acting so brave much longer.

There he is! Hey, Third Seat Kibune!

What're you up to at this hour?

Are you drunk?

Oops. You can tell?

We're supposed to be on emergency alert.

Sorry, I just had a little. Please keep it a secret.

And I won't tell anyone

what Third Seat Kibune was doing

in a place like this.

You saw it?

Captain Amagai!

Third Seat Kibune is gone.


And a squad member went missing last night.

What do you mean?

Well It seems a few members

were secretly drinking last night.

One of them noticed someone resembling Third Seat Kibune

and went after him.

And he didn't return after that?


Kira, go and look for Kibune.

I'll take direct command of the search

for the Substitute Soul Reaper.

I understand.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

I'll leave the search under your command.

What's the matter?

Captain, what are you planning to do?

What are you talking about?

Ichigo and Rukia.

There's got to be some reason for this!

There's no way they'd act this way without a good reason!

And if they do, what of it?

We show no mercy to anyone

who defies the Soul Society.


I'll say it once more.

I'll leave the search under your command.

You're putting me in charge of everything?

I understand.

I, Renji Abarai,

will take command of Squad and set out now.

Hmm? What's wrong?

Someone's getting closer.


Have we been found?

We're okay for now.


It's a matter of time.

Let's go.

Is anyone there?!

Damn, we've been discovered!


“ After them! “ Get going!

They should be around there!

Damn it!

If Hanataro were here, we'd know our way.

Quit complaining.

Damn! It's a dead-end!

Ichigo! This way.

We can go out.

We have no choice but to go!

What is it?

I never expected to meet up in a place like this.

You were waiting for us.

No way. It's sheer coincidence.

That top coat. Who are you?

Thirteen Court Guard Squads

Squad Captain, Shusuke Amagai.

Squad Captain?

A new captain who was recently appointed.

No wonder he looked unfamiliar.

This is the worst.

If it were some other captain,

I could've reasoned with them.

You are Ichigo Kurosaki?


Well then

I must arrest you.

Captain Amagai,

I'm Rukia Kuchiki of Squad .

Please hear us out!

Well, if you'll submit and come with us to the barracks,

I'll listen.


Rukia, take care of Shu.


I want to see the rumored skills of the Substitute Soul Reaper.

Stay out of this, men.

Don't regret it!

What? Is that all?

For someone so big, you move pretty nicely.

Oh, thanks.

You're not someone I can beat half-heartedly.



The battle gets serious from here on.

Suits me fine.


What power!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Is that all, Substitute Soul Reaper?!


Not bad.

“ Stop! “ Sir Shu!


Please, stop already!

Your marriage ceremony was ruined by him,

on top of which he took you hostage.

So why would you protect him?


I chose to go with them under my own will!

Mister Captain, please hear me out!


These people saved Ruricchi's life!

That's why

That's why

I always wanted to help out Ruricchi,

but I couldn't do a thing.

But they helped open my eyes and I want to save Ruricchi.

Don't do this. The Kasumiohji Clan is in dire straits now.

Sir Shu


So please help us find Ruricchi!

All right. I'll hear you out.


After seeing a face like that,

it took away my interest in doing battle.

Put away your swords too.

Captain Amagai!

Internal strife in the Kasumiohji Clan?

And you were hired to be bodyguards?


I see.

But the fact that it's the Kasumiohji Clan is a problem.

It seems the Head Captain is hesitant

to stick his nose into their affairs.

I guess it's a matter of jurisdiction.

Unless there's concrete evidence,

or some excuse to get involved...

There is. The Bakkouto.


The weapons they use.

It is definitely illegal.

Also, to just take over a clan

it is way too powerful.


And? What do you guys intend to do?

We're searching for the place Rurichiyo is being kept.

The one who participated in the marriage ceremony was a fake.

We'll find Lady Rurichiyo and expose Kumoi's crimes.

Luckily, Sir Shu is now on our side.

I understand.

In that case, we'll help you rescue Princess Rurichiyo.

Huh?! Are you sure about this?

“ Captain! “ Can he do that?

It's all right.

Their story seems sound.

Captain Amagai

Thank you!

Don't worry. I had some issues too.

I think siding with you guys

will clear up this incident more quickly.

Inform Kira about this too.

Yes, sir!

I'm so glad. Ruricchi, just wait!

We're coming to save you.

Every time I come to the Soul Society,

I feel like I'm running away.

Let's hide somewhere for the time being.

Hey, how about your house?



My older brother is there.

Oops That's bad.


Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers.

I'm going to get more snacks.


What's wrong?

The door won't open.

The exit to the hidden room has been sealed.

That should

Byakki, too bad!

There's another door here too!
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