09x17 - Kira and Kibune, Offense and Defense of the 3rd Division

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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09x17 - Kira and Kibune, Offense and Defense of the 3rd Division

Post by bunniefuu »

Ichigo and Rukia enter the Soul Society in pursuit of Rurichiyo.

They disrupt the marriage ceremony,

but are confronted by Soi Fon and Squad ,

who were secretly assigned to guard the premises, and a fight breaks out.

As a result, they become fugitives on the run from the Soul Reapers.

I never expected to meet up in a place like this.

After being persuaded by Shu, Amagai agrees to side with Ichigo.

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are thrown into confusion

while trying to capture Ichigo.

Meanwhile, Kira, who is pursuing Kibune for his recent suspicious activities,

happens to come across the place where the real Rurichiyo is being held,

and he battles the Kasumiohji's assassins.

Upon defeating the assassins, Kira is confronted by Kibune,

who reveals his true nature.

I must say, everything you do is always too late.

The princess left long ago, Lieutenant Kira.

As I thought.

Everything that's happened is your doing

Third Seat Kibune.

Group One will cover from here to Section Five East.

Group Two to Section Eight South,

Group Three go from Section Four West to Fifth Street.

Group Four go around to Section Three North.

What about Section Two North, Central Street?

No need. That's under Squad 's jurisdiction.

But, it's not that far from Group Four's assigned section.

That's an order.

If you move in a section outside of your jurisdiction,

you'll only get into trouble with the other squad.

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!

Let's go!

The chaos within the Seireitei has been contained

thanks to the work of the Punishment Force.

Deployment of each squad to their assigned sections has been completed.

Now commencing a widespread manhunt.


You're still here?


What are you doing here?

Our squad isn't ready to deploy yet.

What's wrong? You have a glum look on your face.

I went to talk with Genryusai Sensei again.

But he would not listen.

Old Man Yama is a stubborn one after all.

I wonder.

Is there a reason that the Kasumiohji Clan is off limits to us?

I also did some investigating, but you know

it seems they're not an easy clan to deal with.

What does that mean?

They're high-ranking aristocrats,

yet they rarely present themselves in front of the public.

And they aren't associated with Central that much either.

But I must say, Ichigo sure brings trouble with him every time.

It's no laughing matter.

If we get att*cked from the outside at a time like this

Oh, if that's the issue Squad is on it.

It seemed Captain Kurotsuchi was not too eager to get involved

with the mess going on within the Seireitei anyway.

So it all worked out.

For now, we just need to do our jobs.



Oh, a Hell Butterfly.

What happened?

It seems that while Kira was going after Kibune,

he found Rurichiyo Kasumiohji.



On the premises of the Squad barracks.

Then that means

As we suspected,

there's a high probability that Kibune

is somehow involved with all of this.

Amagai, I'm sorry, but there's no time to get depressed about this.

Let's rescue Rurichiyo!

Yeah, I know.

In any case, this is misconduct caused by my squad.

We must hurry! It's that way!

Shouldn't Squad be located straight in this direction?

Yeah but

We'll end up passing through the section assigned to Squad .

Since when have they all become assigned to sections?

It shows that the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

won't be disjointed forever.

There's a little space in between each assigned section.

If we move through those areas, we won't encounter anyone.

Got it.

Let's go!

Hey Kenny, aren't you going after Itchy?


Why not?

I don't feel like it.

You were also present during

Ama-Ama's Captain's Exam, right, Kenny?


If Ama-Ama is on the run with Itchy,

wouldn't they find you responsible, Kenny?

I was just tricked into it by the old man.

I don't care about that guy.

Captain Amagai!

You all received word from Kira, right?

Yes, sir!

Just what is going on?

I'll explain later!

In any case, let's head to the fighting arena!

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!


Those guys!

They were carrying someone!

Could it be Ruricchi?!

Rukia, look after Shu!

Wait! I'll come too!


Aida, Inose, Kano!

You guys, go to Kira!

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!

Kuchiki, take Sir Kannogi with you and follow behind us!

Yes, sir!

Let's go, Kurosaki!


It was you after all

Third Seat Kibune.

So you fended off my attack.

I guess I should say,

it's just what you'd expect from a lieutenant.

I gave them Bakkoutos, albeit a scaled-down version.

But it seems it was too much for these men.

The Kasumiohji Clan. Are you

Lieutenant Kira.

I'm sorry, but please die now!


Third Seat Kibune?

What are you doing?

Why are you two fighting?

Where's Captain Amagai?

He's going after the princess with Ichigo Kurosaki!

I see. The message made it in time.

But what is going on here, sir?

Stay away!


Kibune is our enemy!

You can't be serious!

Third Seat Kibune!

Is what Lieutenant Kira says true?

You'll be in trouble depending on your response!

You small fish are shameless.


I'll k*ll you all together!

Rampage, Reppu!

All of you, get out of here!

Too late!

Raise your head, Wabisuke!

Your dull-edged sword is useless before my Reppu!

You What did you do?

My Wabisuke doubles the weight of the object it slashes.

Slash it a second time, and it doubles again.

Slash it a third time, and it doubles yet again.

You can no longer use that w*apon now

that it's become super-heavy.

Kibune, you will now tell us what your objective is.

What are you trying to do by working with the Kasumiohji Clan?

First of all, what is the Kasumiohji Clan?

Whatever the Kasumiohji Clan does is none of your business.

However, they possess tremendous power!

All I want is to use that power and become even stronger!

To become the strongest Soul Reaper!

Wha ”?!

What tremendous power. Not even Wabisuke works.

What's wrong, Lieutenant Kira?

Don't tell me you're dead already.

Kibune's Zanpakuto is strong.

At this rate

You didn't die this time?

But it's useless to hide!

Come out quietly!

Do it and you will have a swift death!

After all, your powers are no match for mine.

Third Seat Kibune

Come out! Izuru Kira!

You said you wanted the Kasumiohji's power, didn't you?

From what I saw, you already have enough power.

Where are you? Coward!

You have that much power.

Why couldn't you use it for good?

Power, you say?

Do you have any idea how much

I had to sacrifice to attain my Reppu?

What would you know?!


Hado : Shakkaho!


Too late!


What was that just now?

You! How dare you!


What is that?

œWhat,  you say?

This is a Bakkouto!



This is the great sword created

with the secret technique of the Kasumiohji Clan.

That vicious Spiritual Pressure

It is just like those assassins.

It's not the same.

That only substituted for the lack of fighting skills for lowly individuals

who couldn't even use a Shikai.

But this Bakkouto utilizes

my Spiritual Pressure and can grow endlessly.

Your techniques will not work against me!

Why do you possess such a thing?

œWhy,  you ask?

It's obvious.

To have power!


That's right. Power. It's about power!

I have power.

But no one recognized it.

Back when I was in the Soul Reaper Academy,

I was always at the top of my class in academics.

Yet I never got a call from the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

during my academy years.

Why can't I join the Thirteen Court Guard Squads?!

Other high achievers in the past

all got in at the time of their graduation!

You are indeed a high achiever.

But that's not the only qualification.

You need to think hard about what you lack.

What am I supposed to be lacking?!

In days of idleness,

I continued to train painstakingly for years.

After attaining a Shikai,

I was finally accepted to a squad.

And no matter what the situation was

I k*lled Hollows more than anybody.


My style of fighting was brought into question within the squad.

Instead of being promoted

I faced the danger of being banished from the squad.

Why do you sacrifice your fellow squad members?

Because they lack power.

Then isn't it the responsibility of those who have power

to save those who don't?

Though I managed to avoid being discharged,

I was still sentenced to probation.

I was never to become a Seat Officer.

While other less skilled members moved up in ranks,

I had lost my place within the squad

and received orders to join the Expedition Unit.

In my despair,

I stayed with the Expedition Unit and continued k*lling Hollows.

To get back at those who didn't recognize my talent.

And finally, I encountered this power.

With this power, no one will ever be able to ignore me.

But it's not enough!

I need even greater power!

With that power, I will make every Soul Reaper recognize me!

That sword

It has consumed his heart.

Izuru Kira!

Guys like you who have no talent,

yet get promoted to lieutenant

I will sweep all of you away!

Weakness is a crime.

Someone like you doesn't deserve to be where you are.

When the previous captain went out of control,

you couldn't even stop him!

Powerless people like you don't deserve to stand above me!

It's useless!

The k*lling blow.

Old Man Yama sure is persistent.

I received another reminder to deploy my men.

I was hoping to see how things play out a bit longer.

But I'm starting to run out of excuses to hold off the deployment.

How about we try, œthey just left a moment ago ?

This isn't like talking over the phone, you know.

Quincy Encyclopedia!

Today is about the costume worn by a Quincy.

The costume design can vary

depending on contemporary times and individual tastes.

However, it's fundamental design remains unchanged.

We take pride in our costume.

And so, I present to you Ryuken Ishida in his costume gear!

I have no intention of showing it.

What are you holding out for, huh?!
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