10x04 - Irresistible, Puppet Show of Terror

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x04 - Irresistible, Puppet Show of Terror

Post by bunniefuu »

Ichigo rescues Orihime after a deadly battle with Grimmjow,

only to come up against Nnoitora.

Though his injuries are left untreated, Ichigo begins battle again,

but he is overwhelmed by Nnoitora's immense strength.

And Orihime is taken c*ptive once again.

Furthermore, Nel, who had been hiding, is discovered

as Ichigo and the others stand at the edge of defeat.

However, Nel suddenly undergoes a change.



So you've returned to that form, Nelliel?


Are you really Nel?


Thanks to you, Ichigo, I was able to return to this form.

I want to thank you.

It's all right. It'll be over in an instant.


I don't look like that!



“ Zabimaru! “ Zabimaru!

Too soft!

Even if our techniques are the same,

a fake is still a fake!

You're not a challenge!


Damn it! There's no end to this!

I agree.

Well? This is the limit of one-to-one clone technology.

However, every time these clones are defeated,

they'll split apart and multiply.

You think you can win?

Look out, Renji!

You idiot! I'm the real thing!

Oh, that was a close call, wasn't it?

You need to ask?!

If you're not sure, don't attack!

Watch out, Dondochakka!

You look so much like Renji!

Why you I just know that was on purpose.

When did I multiply?

You fool!

What're you guys doing?!

I discovered the difference between myself

and the clones and I came here to tell you! Listen!

First, the clones of Renji and myself

Other than the base of the eyes, there's only a slight difference in our hair.

And it's hard to distinguish!

We'll put them off until later!

Next, Dondochakka's clone.

His clones lack the spots on their backs.

This is very easy to discern.

They are not spots. Call them polka dots.

Finally, Pesche's clones.

I think you've all noticed.

As you can see

The fakes all wear pants!

“ What?! “ What?!

Hey, you're right!

He's right!

The difference is so great, I didn't notice.

You didn't notice?

Just what have you been looking at all this time?

Still This is a big mistake.

Maybe he's really stupid.

And who was it that didn't notice this big mistake?

I'm not stupid.

You were eavesdropping?!

The loincloth and spots just didn't appeal to my refined taste,

so I deleted them.

They're clones!

You're stupid to change them to your own taste!

They're not spots! They're polka dots!

Eat this!

Too slow!

“ Roar, Zabimaru! “ Roar, Zabimaru!

“ Roar, Zabimaru! “ Roar, Zabimaru!

Is this the end of Renji?


It's a losing battle to fight this many!

Let's get outta here!

How?! We tried and failed earlier!

Well I've got an idea!


Hihio Zabimaru!

Idiot! If you use something like that here



“ Bankai! “ Bankai!

“ Bankai! “ Bankai!

Just as I thought.

They're copies of me.

I had a feeling all they could do is copy me.

So I tested them with my Bankai,

and they copied me after all.

Hey! Still alive?

What do you think of my brainy idea now?!

That was brainy?!

I'm telling you

You and Kurosaki are so much alike!

Don't start!

If you bring Ichigo's name up,

I won't feel like you're complimenting me!

Because I'm not! It's an insult!

Now then How many are left?

Dondochakka and Pesche should be okay.

They're pretty hardy.

The problem is Szayelaporro.

Watch out.

Knowing him, he'll come at us from right under our feet!

My, my

Look what you did to my palace.

How will I explain this to Lord Aizen?

I'm very displeased.

The clones!

Let's stop this.

I was very bored with this fight.

It's time I personally stepped in.

I shall show you

the true strength of my La Lujuriosa.

Whoa! Stop, Dondochakka!

Get your butt off me!

I-I sensed it!

Sensed what?

That we've been acting stupid all this time!

It's amazing.

A new ground level is opening up!

All right! Don't get excited.

Get your butt off of me!

It hurts!

It hurts!

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

Oh, I beg your pardon.

It seems you didn't hear me.

Even if it's a fake,

it doesn't feel good to watch yourself explode.

Now then

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I shall show you

La Lujuriosa and its true power!

Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

But we have no interest in something like that.

I'm gonna interrupt your performance.

Damn right!

I'm the one who's sorry.

You have no choice.

You're being forced to appreciate this show.






Ishida! Hey Ishida! Snap out of it!

Are you all right? Hey!

Are you?

I'm okay.

Don't yell into my ear.


I'm over here.

An Ishida doll?!

What's the big idea?

What? I just answered you.

Because you were calling.

Thank you, Ishida.

Your role as œIshida  is now over.

From now on, he is œIshida. 


You did, didn't you? Feel that touch.

Maybe I didn't explain well enough.

To put it simply

This is the controller that administers your five senses.

In other words


You see?


What are you doing?!



Damn it!

Fool! Why are you panicking?

This doll is simply made this way.

Did you think that if I broke it apart,

the same would happen to the real person?

No matter.

Can you see?

All these body parts

So what of it?

Nice and colorful, aren't they?

Like a child's toy.

This is the fun part of this doll.

Well, it would be faster to just show it to fools like you.

œStomach ?


Why you

Don't make a fuss.

Just because I crushed this petty thing.

My, my Just because I teased you a bit.

I just threatened you a bit

and you couldn't see what was in front of you.

You're all the same.

Just like kids Humans and Soul Reapers.

And Quincies too. All of you.

You're all so vulgar.


If there's a reason why Lord Aizen should destroy you

It is because

of your vulgarity.

I thought it was gonna be over quick.

Huh, Nelliel?

How many years have passed since you disappeared from here?

Don't think that the Espada's ranking

is the same as back when you were here, Nelliel!



You make me sick!

Why did you stop your sword?

You did too.


I stopped because I saw you stop your sword!

You're so irritating.

I remember the old days when I'm fighting you.

You haven't changed at all.

Not a bit since back then.

So what do you think of the Ishida doll?

This attack means nothing!

I know all your weaknesses.

Next, I shall tear this cape apart!

What?! Damn, how dirty of you!

Wait There's no need to bother with that part, is there?

Arrancar Encyclopedia!


Today we'll talk about Szayelaporro's sword release,

La Lujuriosa.

It has pretty sick abilities,

like creating enemy clones from the fluid in his back,

or engulfing the enemy with his wings

to create a doll that can control the enemy's five senses.

Shall I create a doll of you as well?

No thanks, but

you're being way too prominent there.

I'll also become a regular in this show.

I think I'll pass.
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