10x11 - The Hardest Body!? Cut Down Nnoitra

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x11 - The Hardest Body!? Cut Down Nnoitra

Post by bunniefuu »

Under orders from Genryusai Yamamoto,

the captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

come to rescue Ichigo and the others,

who had fallen to the powerful foes, the Espada.

Each of the captains who came to Hueco Mundo

throw themselves into the battle against the Espada.

Mayuri appears before Ishida and Renji.

Despite having Nemu taken hostage,

Mayuri swallows Szayalaporro using Konjiki Ashisogijizo.

He thinks he has defeated Szayelaporro,

but Szayelaporro is still alive.

He succeeds in reviving himself

by invading the body of his c*ptive, Nemu,

and sucking out her Reishi.

How interesting.

How nice. Such an amusing power.

It arouses my curiosity.


Is that all?

It seems

you have no other hidden power.

Well then, you can be

my test subject for a new drug I've developed.

You don't have to be on guard.

That drug has been administered already.

His speech just now

Szayelaporro, who had come back to life through Nemu's body,

has been drugged without his knowing.

The drug is a Superhuman Potion,

heightening the senses to the extreme,

making instantaneous movements

appear as though they have stopped.

tNow then

Does this sword look like it has stopped?

Right now, one second seems like a hundred years to you.

In other words, as this sword gets closer to you,

with your superhuman sensitivity, the movement looks very slow,

like it's going to take several hundred years.

And while your senses are heightened to superhuman levels,

your non-superhuman body falls heavily behind.

In other words, the body cannot keep up with

the movements caught by the exponentially sharpened senses.

Even if you try to stop it with your hands,

it will take several hundred years

before you can feel this blade pierce through your hand.

But, no need to panic.

Take your time to thoroughly enjoy

the sensation of your heart being pierced by my blade

until your dripping fluids turn into sand.

And so, I bid you adieu until a hundred years from now.

So long

How many years, how many decades, has it been since then?

No, it's been longer.

At any rate, an immense amount of time has passed.

When on earth

When will this sword pierce my heart?!


Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry

Hurry up and k*ll me!

The perfect being, is it?

In this world, nothing perfect exists.

Though it's so cliché.

It is the truth.

Which is precisely why ordinary men

are infatuated with perfection and pursue it.

But I ask

What is the meaning of being "perfect"?


Not one thing.

I despise "perfection."

If something is perfect there is nothing above it.

There is no room for imagination.

No space for intelligence or ability.

Do you understand?

To men of science like us, perfection ishopelessness.

Be more wonderful than anything that existed before you,

but never perfect.

Scientists must be creatures

who always agonize over these conflicting concepts,

and search for joy in that.

In other words,

the instant you said a crazy word like "perfect,"

you had already lost to me.

That is, of course, if you are indeed a scientist.


Is that okay?

Your Zanpakuto is broken.

It's not broken.

I broke it.

You broke it?!

As long as the hilt remains, it can be remade.

Breaking once is fitting punishment for a sword that disobeyed me.

Nemu! Come here!


Good grief

She sure is a handful.

What are youplanning to do?

“ She recovered! “ She recovered!

H-How?! Where in your movements did you cure her?!


You can't even understand something that obvious and easy, scum?

There's no way we could!

Just now, you did something that you couldn't show the audience!

Something I can't show the audience?

That couldn't be.

You people were watching with your minds in the gutter.

Well, never mind.

Explaining my techniques to ordinary people

is just a waste of time.

That was a blatant dodge.

Ishida! Are you all right?!

Don't get too excited!

What?! What do you mean, "excited"?!

I was simply speaking along the lines of good public decency!

I'm stunned that you talk about me like a wicked pervert!

You're mistaken!

What I wanted to say is that even if the poison is gone,

our organs are still crushed, so we have to be careful.

The way you said it was misleading!

Calm down

Nobody thinks of you as a four-eyed pervert.

Who are you calling a four-eyed pervert?!

Man, you guys are so stupid and arrogant.

You're really messing up my seasoned reasoning skills.

Nemu, dig up this place again.

Yes, Master Mayuri.

“ Ta-da! “ Ta-da!

“ Two out of the “ Two out of the

“ Three Great Desert Brothers! “ Three Brothers of the Burning Sands

“ Back in business once again! “ are back in business!

This time, we've come back in style!

Wait, wait, wait. Calm down!

We've met once before! Remember?!

We're on your side!

“ Onyourside! “ Onyourside!

You're in the way.

While you're at it, dig them up too.

Yes, Master Mayuri.


Okay, okay!

We get it!

I can't blame you guys for not knowing who we are

since we arrived in the middle of everything!

All right, we'll kindly explain once more.

Let's do that!

I know who you are. You should be dead, right?

That's cruel!

It's true, but it's not!

That's right!

Whoa! Whoa! Watch it! Watch it! Whoa!

Oh, hey!

All right, goodbye everybody!

What's this door?!

Why is this the only place intact after everything has collapsed?

That's obvious.

When a scientist builds his own laboratory,

he builds one place more sturdy and secure than any other.

That place

is neither the room where

his costly equipment for his experiments is located,

nor is it the archive where he keeps the papers

he wrote through the night.

The thing we do not want destroyed more than anything else

is the storeroom where we keep the research materials

that we went crawling to the ends of the world to obtain.

This is

You see?

Did he get him?!

Don't make me keep repeating myself!

My Hierro is the hardest in a long line of Espada!

There's no way a Soul Reaper's blade

could cut through it!

Stop it!

Let go of me! What're you going to do to me?!

“ What, you ask? “ Let go!

“ Isn't that obvious? “ Let go!

I'm going to fix you!


You're making a mistake!

That's not "healing," that's "rebuilding"!

I knew it!

Crap! Let me go!

Your squawking is annoying.

You really are a lily-livered fellow.

Come on, give it some thought.

I'm saying I'm willing to heal your wounds for free.

It's only reasonable to say a word of gratitude

regardless of how your looks or appearance end up as a result.

I'll do no such thing!

You mean you were planning to go as far as

to change how I look?

Please don't move.

Too close, too close, it's too close!

What is?

Oh! Very good, Nemu!

Suffocate him just like that!

It's okay if he goes into cardiac arrest!

This will make it a little easier.

Captain Kurotsuchi

What is it?

Please start by healing me first!


I want to fight as soon as I can.

There are Espada where the others are as well.

I need to rush there and assist them.

There's no need.


The only one who's dragging on the fight is Zaraki,

who went to Ichigo Kurosaki's location.

There's no need

to help such a riff-raff.

And I'm sure you're aware.

Stepping into a battle zone is like raw meat thrown before beasts.

If you get in their way, you'll be eaten as well.

Death by being eaten by beasts

is about as stupid a way to die as there is.

Don't you think?

You dodged.

Dodging means you felt threatened.

Am I wrong?

It would seem that even though you said

"a Soul Reaper's sword can't cut me,"

there are areas that can be cut.

Stop your nonsense!

Dodging an attack is a fighting instinct!

It's a natural reflex to defeat the enemy!

There is no place you can cut!

Your sword cannot cut me!

That's all there is to it!

There are many types of people in the Soul Society.

I've come across annoying guys like you who say,

"your sword can't cut me" on several occasions.


I still haven't met someone whose eyes and throat can't be cut!

How many times are you going to make me say it

until you're satisfied?

You can't cut me!


You can't understand it, can you?

It's impossible for someone

who's had his head run through to not be dead.

Isn't that what you're thinking?

You're exactly right.


That's where his

No one survives when their head's been run through.

But, I am alive.

You get it, Soul Reaper?

Your sword hasn't run through my head.

It simply passed through my head.

Do you understand?

That was the limit of what you could do,

Soul Reaper.

We have to rush to Master Nel's side!

But I hear there's a beast there.

A beast, you say?!

A spikey-haired beast covered with scars

that has a frightening gaze?

He's our ally.

Is he really our ally?

I'm not confident about it.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

A facility for Reishi experiments?

Dept. of R & D Reishi Experiment Facility Construction Site

We apologize for the trouble being caused.

It's the one Captain Kurotsuchi was talking about.

It sure is huge.

If an accident ever happened, the Seireitei would be blown away.

What an ominous thing to say.



What are you doing here?

You idiot!

I've come to take back

the Men's Soul Reaper Association fund that this building

took away from us with my own hands, of course!

I don't think you call that "getting it back."
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