11x03 - Aizen and the Genius Boy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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11x03 - Aizen and the Genius Boy

Post by bunniefuu »

One hundred ten years ago

As a result of high turnover

among the captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads,

a new generation was about to take over.

As part of the changeover, Kisuke Urahara,

filled the empty post of Squad captain

at the recommendation of Yoruichi Shihoin,

who at the time, was captain of Squad .

However, Hiyori Sarugaki, lieutenant of Squad ,

had a strained relationship with Urahara,

due to the dislike of his history

in the Stealth Force and his laid-back personality.

W-What the hell is all of this?!

Just where do you think this is, you?!

This is the captain's room!

The captain's room!

You can't just go and do your own renovations!

It's okay.

I mean, it's my room.


Besides, it's not a renovation. I just did a little rearranging.

How is this "rearranging"?!

There's absolutely nothing of the old room left!

Oh yes

I have a favor to ask of you, Hiyori.

W-What is it?

I want you to come with me right now to the Maggot's Nest.

Maggot's Nest?!

Okay, we're here. This is the place.


Kisuke's here?

Yes! He said he already had your permission, Lady Yoruichi.

What was it now?

What should we do?

If you do not recall, shall I have him leave?

No, that won't be necessary.

Take him wherever he wants to go.

Did you remember?

Not at all.

Lady Yoruichi!

What now Soi Fon? Don't be so noisy.


No need to worry.

Knowing Kisuke, he came here for a reason.

Oh It opened, it opened.

Shall we go in?

I don't want to!

Now, now, don't be like that.

I don't want to!

Come on, let's go.

I said I don't want to!

“ Now, now “ Let go of me!

When you go in, who knows, you might think,

“ "Wow, it's wonderful!" “ I said let go!

I thought we were going to some creepy place

called the "Maggot's Nest."

We're inside the Squad Barrack grounds!

You've heard of the Stealth Force, haven't you, Hiyori?

Stealth Force?

Well of course I have. It's your old unit, idiot!

Stop changing the subject!


Stealth Force.

It is an organization whose origins are separate

from the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

As one of the four great noble clans

who possess incredible Soul Reaper powers,

the Shihoin Clan serves as

the supreme commander to this force.

And whenever the head of the Shihoin Clan

becomes a captain of a Thirteen Court Guard Squad,

the squad they lead has a tendency to

become closely associated with the Stealth Force.

So that means, what?

Yoruichi, the current supreme commander,

concurrently serves as captain of Squad .

That means the current Stealth Force becomes much like an organization

under the direct control of Squad .

The Stealth Force is divided into five units,

and each unit leader is also a Seat Officer of Squad .

I was the leader of Unit Three, "Confinement Troops."

Then you were a yard hack?

No I was a prison guard.

My main duties were to imprison

and watch over those who committed crimes inside the Seireitei.

So that made you a yard hack, right?

I was a guard.

Same thing!

Your job was to swagger about in front of the criminals, right?!

The Confinement Troops had another duty

as Special Confinement officers.

Huh? Special Confinement officer?

Our job was to

investigate, apprehend and keep under surveillance

Soul Reapers joining the Court Guard Squads

whose ideas and actions would

either put other Soul Reapers at risk,

or posed a threat by obstructing the squad's duties.

I don't understand what you said!

You have a confusing way of saying things!

Say it in simple terms. Simple terms!

In other words, my job was to catch and lock up dangerous elements

within the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

That facility is located here, in Squad 's barracks.

The facility is on the northwest side of these grounds,

beyond the huge -meter-wide moat.

The Underground Special Confinement Station.

Also known as the Maggot's Nest.

What is this?

The inside is nothing but a huge cave.

Did you really keep people locked up in here?

In this underground prison?

It does sound cruel, doesn't it?

But it isn't really an underground prison.


They are not allowed to leave this place.

However, their activities within the facility are not restricted.

Please be careful.

Sometimes someone will attack all of a sudden.

What on earth did these people do?


As I told you

These people haven't done anything wrong.

They are people who were determined to be

"dangerous elements" according to the criteria of the Seireitei.

They've committed no crime, so we cannot try them.

However, left free, they may be dangerous.

That is why we keep them confined in here.

What's that about?! I don't get it!

They haven't done anything, and yet you


Up until now, have there been any among your peers

who resigned from the Thirteen Court Guard Squads?


There's been a couple, but what about them?

The truth is, there is no system that allows members to "resign."

Those who have no choice but to leave the squad

for personal reasons are on Squad Leave.

If it does not seem likely that

they will be able to return to the squad

for an extended period of time, it is considered an "Expulsion."

We do not recognize leaving the squad by one's own choice.


"Resigning" means they are placed under "special confinement."

Squad members who are reported to have resigned

are all sent here for confinement.

Why go through all that trouble?

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads is a noble organization.

It must never produce any unsuitable members

from among those who were once accepted into the organization.

That is the philosophy of Central that rules the Seireitei.

That is why "unsuitables" who might become "dangerous elements"

are dealt with in utmost secrecy as deserters.


Something has been on my mind

ever since I was assigned here as unit leader.

Yes, the people here are all dangerous people.

But I was thinking there are many people here

whose risk could be turned to a huge good

if we could only provide them an environment

where they could put their abilities to use.

Which is it?!

You're keeping them confined because they're dangerous elements, right?

But now, you're talking about putting their ability to use.


Is that you, Hiyori?!

Big Mouth?!

He's one of my peers whom I thought had deserted.

He always used to talk big and boast about things he couldn't even do,

like one day being in charge of the Seireitei,

so everyone called him "Big Mouth."



Help me! You've got to help me!

We were classmates, right? I want to go home!

I want to go home, you know!

sh**t! I left my sword in the barracks.

I'm sorry.

I knew you forgot your sword, but I kept quiet.

Bringing weapons into the Special Confinement Station is forbidden.

That's why it is an absolute requirement that leaders of

the Confinement Troops be able to subdue everyone unarmed.

How sad.

Have you forgotten my face after just two or three days?

After I took such good care of you.

Damn it!

Get them!

Seems you all have really forgotten me.

How cruel.

Don't move!

Listen! I want you to get me out of here right now!

If you don't, I'll

Big Mouth.

You've taken the wrong person as a hostage.

Don't mess with me, idiot!

His big mouth just got a lot bigger.

Good grief

Shall we go, Hiyori?

What sort of environment are you talking about

that'll make these guys useful?!

They're really dangerous elements!

If you bring these guys outside, you'll just increase your problems!

Now, now In any case, let's get going.

Take a look.

Beyond here is the only dangerous element

in this place in solitary confinement.

You mean someone even more violent?!

What business could he have with someone like that?

Is that you, Kisuke Urahara?

What brings you to a place like this?

I came because I needed to see you.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

Won't you leave here with me?

Who is this dude?


You called someone you met for the first time "dude."

Quite a disrespectful boy, I must say.


Who are you calling a boy?!

I'm a girl!

You want me to show you my boobs?!

Freak! You look like a weird boiled dumpling!

“ Please forgive her foul mouth. “ See?!

She is my squad's

Come on and take a good look at these!


“ Lieutenant “ You see that?!

“ You were promoted? “ Hey!

I'm telling you to look at these, you idiot!

“ Congratulations. “ Hello?!


Getting back to the subject, can I have your answer?

You mean to your hare-brained idea of leaving here with you?


No thanks.

Okay then! Let's go back!

If this dude doesn't want to leave,

we'd just be wasting our time by staying here, right?

Why not?

I am satisfied with my life here.

I have no need to leave.

That couldn't possibly be true.

Not in this place where there's nothing to do.

Then let me ask you

Why do you want to get me out of here?

Because I need your help.

Let's dispense with the frivolous lies.

I could see through that one like an X-ray.

You got me there.

I am making you overly cautious, aren't I?

I cannot figure you out.

You are an unpleasant fellow.

I believe in your skills.

That is the truth.

I am considering creating an organization

under the control of Squad

unlike anything ever seen in the Soul Society.

I'm calling it the "Department of Research and Development."

I want you to assume the seat of deputy department head.


You want me to work under you?

That's correct. It's not a bad offer, right?

You'd be second in command to me.

In other words

If I die, you would have total control.

You certainly are an unpleasant fellow.

Oh, impressive, very impressive.

Practicing hard, I see, Byakuya.

Grandfather! You have returned to the mansion.

Did you come to rest here today rather than at the barracks?


I'm glad you did.

It's been a long time since I've been able to talk with you.

It makes me very happy.


So, what do you say, Byakuya?

Why don't you call it a day for practice today.

I brought someone here to see you.

Here to see me?

You've appeared, cat monster!

"Cat Monster"?!

Is that what I get for coming to see you, Byakuya-boy?

And to think I came all this way to visit!

Quiet! When did I ever say I wanted you to come and visit me?!

As the next head of the Kuchiki Clan,

I don't need fun and games!

Oh, is that so?


It may be just fun and games,

but I worry about the future of the Kuchiki Clan if its next head

of the House has his topknot tie easily taken away by a girl!

Stay right where you are, Yoruichi Shihoin.

With my Flash Step, I'll

Byakuya Kuchiki! I have beaten you!

I see.

Seems you really want to make me angry.


Then you'll find out for yourself!

That my Flash Step has far surpassed yours!

Oh good grief

Byakuya would reach a whole new level

if he could only get rid of his quick temper.

Now then, maybe I'll have some tea.

Thank you.

That smile of yours is as powerful as always.

Oh, hot!

So about the

I'll say it again, I won't be your lieutenant.

Don't say it again. You'll hurt my feelings even more.

There are lots of others who deserve to become captain-level before me.

Are you saying that out of obligation?

Well, that's so you.

By the way, have you heard?

About what?

I'm told there's a prodigy, the first one since you,

among this year's recruits.

I'm no prodigy.

This child

He graduated from Soul Reaper Academy in just one year.

One year?!

That's impressive.

Don't you agree?!

I think

Captain Kuchiki's grandson Byakuya is about that age.

Oh, that cocky one.

Yes, that one.

I think the kid's about the same age or slightly younger.

I hear a Seat Officer's position

will be readied for him when he enters the squad.

That right?

Looks like we've got ourselves someone with quite a future.

That'll make my chances for a lieutenant position

even more distant.

Don't sound so happy about it.

So, who is it?

Who gets that new recruit?

Well I believe

He'll be joining Squad .


Your skill is even better than I had heard.

Tell me your name again.


Gin Ichimaru.

How was our Third Seat?

Awful. No competition at all.

I see.

Glad to hear it.

After swinging toward the past and giving a flash glimpse in time,

several more years pass as we move

toward the crux of the incident.


I want you to be my lieutenant.

What it means is that if I die, you will have complete control.

What's this about, out of the blue?

I wanted to imitate Kisuke Urahara. How'd I do?

It's not even funny. Please stop it.

Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!


Interacting with Soul Reapers who are the regional heads

is also an important duty of the Substitute Soul Reaper.

You bastard! You're taking my work again!

Oh umm you are

Did you forget, Ichigo?

He was put in charge of Karakura Town after me.


Kurumada do de

Sir Kurumatta.

Now you, too?!

Then we'll call him Kurumaebi!

What do you mean, "then we'll call him"?!

“ This is too much trouble. “ Kuruma Kuruma Kuruma

We'll just leave it at Kuruma!

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