12x01 - The Konso Cop Karakuraizer is Born

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x01 - The Konso Cop Karakuraizer is Born

Post by bunniefuu »

In my right hand, the stone that connects the worlds.

In my left hand, the blade that binds existence.

The black-haired shepherd. The chair of the noose.

I strike the ibis when the clouds gather.

This hole that the Arrancar come and go through

is called a Garganta.

Inside, there is no path,

and there are wild reishi currents swirling around.

Move through it by making footing out of reishi.

If you move towards the darkness, you should reach Hueco Mundo.

Let's go!

Now then.

I guess I should do my job.

In order to let Ichigo and his friends rescue Orihime Inoue,

Urahara opened a Garganta, the opening that connects

the World of the Living with Hueco Mundo.

However, there were still things he needed to do.

This is the story of what occurred

during Ichigo and his friends' battle in Hueco Mundo.






And that is how Kurosaki and the others left for Hueco Mundo.

However, just because Kurosaki is no longer here,

does not mean the Hollows have stopped appearing in Karakura town!

Something needs to be done,

but unfortunately, I have other matters to attend to.

So, I slept on it a night and this is what I came up with!

Protect Karakura Town!

A "Konso Cop Karakurizer" transformation wristwatch!

Huh? That's a very unhappy-looking face.

It's your chance to appear in the show.

Of course, I'm unhappy.

Just when I was sleeping and feeling so good dreaming about Sis.

You wake me up like that.


What? Wasn't that an elegant way to wake up?

Elegant my foot!

Don't think everything's elegant just because you say it in French!

Now, now, don't be like that!

Here, put this on.

Let go of me!

I've got better things to do than that!

Bug someone else!

Why're you so reluctant?

Who wouldn't be?!

Nothing good happens when you're around!

That's a mean thing to say.

If a stranger heard that,

they might get the wrong impression.

It's the truth!

Don't be like that.

Come on!

Put this on, just for the heck of it!

I told you, I'm not going to do it!

You won't do it, after all, huh?

Even though it was your chance to be popular with the girls.

Well, if you absolutely refuse, then I'm not going to force you.


Is something wrong?

N-Nothing, I just

You did, after all, insist. I'm willing to at least listen.

Okay, then Let's get started!

W-Wait! I only said I'd listen.

Don't you want to be popular with the girls?

And what's more, I think that with Kurosaki not here,

you can use this to preserve the peace in Karakura Town

and even earn praise from your beloved Kuchiki!


Way to go, Kon! I see you differently now!


Feel like doing it, now?

When you put it that way,

I'll go along with this, but just for a little while!

Okay, then I'll get right into teaching you how this works!

Click the button on the side. It's really cool!

Huh? This one? Transfer

Wait! Use "Career Change" as the activation code.


It's set up so that any other activation code will shock you to death.

Shock me to death?!

What is that? A cat?

It's the alarm! A Hollow has appeared!

Go, Kon.

I mean Konso Cop Karakurizer!

No, "Kon" is fine.

But I just put this wristwatch on a minute ago.

Do I have go on a mission already?!

You'll be fine! You're already invincible!

No, that's not what I meant.


Karakurizer is about to take off!

Roger that, Owner!


Mr. Karakurizer, here we go!

Hey you, what're you going to do?!


He's all yours, Tessai.

I understand!

Let me go!

Karakurizer, away!



You're safe now.

Leave this place to him and let's get out of here quickly!

What? But

Come on, quickly!

We'll leave the rest to you!

Ow ow ow

Who the hell are you?!

Umm You see

I'm That's Umm

Kon, please hurry and transform into Karakurizer!

Oh, that's right. Umm

If you don't transform within five seconds,

you'll be shocked to death.

C-Career Change!

I'm beginning to see it.

The new hero who will protect Karakura Town.

It exploded!


Nice entry scene!

This is why I said not to


This is too lame!

I asked Ishida to design the outfit!

You deliberately chose the wrong person!

Why'd you let that four-eyes do it?!

If you had asked me,

I could've come up with a much sharper design.


Ready, set


What's the big idea?!

You talk too much!

Shut up!

In situations like this, you normally hold off on your attack!

Who cares?

But never mind that, who are you?!

I am the hero of justice who has come to defeat you!

Konso Cop




Ururu, good timing on the character insertion.

Kon's a lot more into it, than I expected.

So, are you surprised?!

Not really.

Just carried away by your intensity.


Besides, what kind of pose is that?!

It sucks!

Sh-Shut up!

The protagonist's duty is to strike a pose when he appears!

Once you've transformed,

strike a pose in the shape of the letter "K" with your entire body.

If you don't, you'll explode!

I'm going to k*ll that bastard one day!

Ready, set, pound!

I said to wait!

Who cares? You're wide open!

You're nothing but a minor Hollow that I can finish with a single blow!

Don't think your life will last through the commercial break!

Give it your best shot!

You'll regret talking to me like that after you're dead!

How's that? Surprised?!

Everybody might have completely forgotten,

but I was originally an enhanced-leg-strength-model Mod Soul!

When the power of the suit is added to my original strength,

my leaping ability is doubled even further!

And that means my kicks are doubled, as well!

There's no such feature.


Your leg strength is already strong enough,

so I didn't think I needed to go through the trouble

of putting in a body-strengthening feature.

"Didn't think"?!

Now's my chance!


Ouch! That really hurts!

Oww oww.

That bastard! He kept that attack hidden.

Hey, you sinister shopkeeper!

Does this thing have anything I can sh**t with?!

Oh yes, yes.

It has a Rizer Beam! Want to use it?

I'll use it! I want to use it!

Okay, then use your body to spell out "Rizer Beam,"

then cross your arms and thrust them out.

Why does it take such a roundabout method?

Because if you don't,

not only will the beam not fire, but you'll be shocked to death as well!

I get it!

Don't forget to call it out!

Here goes! Special Technique!

Ri z er




You did it, Kon. I mean, Karakurizer!

I told you, "Kon" is fine.

If you're so particular about making a hero look good,

shouldn't I do some sort of victory pose?

You're exactly right,

but I never imagined you'd win, so I hadn't thought that far ahead!

What's that mean?!

I'm sorry.

I'll think of one now, so get back here.

I'm reading a new Hollow!

It's right nearby!

Hey, is that what I think that is?

Yes, it is. A new Hollow has appeared.

I knew it.

You'll be able to see it with your own eyes soon.

Do your best to defeat it, okay?

Don't make it sound so simple!

Guess I don't have a choice. I'll use the Riser Beam again and

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

The Rizer Beam uses a lot of energy,

so you can only fire it once per transformation!


What's that?!

Why're there so many?!

Powerful Hollows appearing one after another in such a short period of time.

As I suspected, the time seems to be approaching.

Damn! That sinister shopkeeper

Putting nothing but useless techniques in this thing.

However, the enemy is a flying Hollow.

This suit has just the perfect thing for such an opponent!

Here goes!

Special Technique! Rizer Cape!

Allow me to explain!

The Rizer Cape has . times the normal number of pleats!

Oh! So I can use the . times the normal number of pleats to

Huh? Did you say pleats?

Right! . times!

Is that all it is?

Of course!

I can't fly?

You can't fly.


Hey! Sinister shopkeeper! What's the meaning of this?!

It's totally useless!


Stop! Hey!

You! Let go! Hey!

D-Damn it It's strong.

At this rate

Stop! That hurts! Not the butt!

Hold it!

W-What's that?!

“ Karakurizer! “ Karakurizer!

Ready, and

Are you all right, Karakurizer? We've come to help you!


I am the new emissary of justice, Karakurizer Spirit!

Don Kanonji? You're Don Kanonji, aren't you?!


I am your ally, Karakurizer Spirit!

Liar! The only thing we have in common is the letter "k"!

You talk too much, Ichigo wannabe!

What?! Ichigo wannabe?

Wait, aren't you?!

Karakurizer Beast!

You're Arisawa from Ichigo's class.


We're comrades who share a common goal.

I am Karakurizer Erotic!

I will suck off the peace from Karakura Town!

Hey, watch what you say, you!

W-W-Why me, too?


If you don't strike a pose, you'll be shocked to death.

Okay, all right. Karakurizer Delicate.


And lastly, I am Karakurizer Tiny Devil.

Pleased to meet you.

What's up with these guys?

They're your team.

Please work together with them and do battle.


That's right down Shinjuku Boulevard.

You and we are a team!

Let's go, everyone!

Let's go!

Aye aye, sir!

You should hurry up and get going, too.

What? We're really going to fight?

Rizer Cannonball! Fire!

Rizer Deadly Magnum!

Doing good! Hang in there, everybody!



But why did Urahara seriously put together a group like this?

Mission complete.

They weren't tough at all!

Aw Is it over already?

Will somebody tell me what's going on?



We are the chosen team.

The brave who will protect Karakura Town.

From here on, let's work hand-in-hand and fight together.



He's the Soul Reaper in charge of this town!


Afro! What happened to you? You're hurt.


They're coming.


What's that?

There's no need for Aizen himself to go to battle.

What the heck is going on?

A huge Hollow fortress suddenly appears!

Karakura Town is threatened with destruction.

How will Karakurizer face them with a cape that won't let him fly?

It's your fault!

Next time on Konso Cop Karakurizer: "Cape at Work"

Stay tuned!

No, they won't!


Arrancar Encyclopedia.

Today's topic is about Garganta.

Garganta is the way we enter into Hueco Mundo

and Urahara Kisuke is the only Shinigami

who's managed to figure out how it works.

That is a rather insulting statement.

Huh? Why's the th Squad's Captain here?

I've been using this segment to aid in my research on Arrancar.

Since this is called an encyclopedia,

why don't you show a diagram of an Arrancar's innards?

I'd be more than happy to help you dissect them!

You're so excited, I can't keep up!
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