12x04 - Elite! The Four Shinigami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x04 - Elite! The Four Shinigami

Post by bunniefuu »

Aizen's true objectives were to create the Ouken

by wiping out the Enriched Spirit Zone of Karakura Town,

and to take over the Soul Society by force.

In order to foil his plan, the Soul Reapers readied for battle

in a fake Karakura Town that they

had built in the World of the Living.

The battle between the Espada and the Soul Reapers had finally begun.

Stand back, everyone.

All things in the universe turn to ashes.



Aizen and the others won't be able to

get past this wall of flames for a while.

Now then,

shall we crush them?

In Hueco Mundo, countless Exequias stood in the way of Ichigo,

who was headed towards Tower to rescue Orihime.

Ichigo was gradually overwhelmed by the Exequias' sheer numbers, when

Coming at you one more time!


El Directo!


Tsuginomai Hakuren!



Save the reunion for later!

Go quickly, Ichigo!


Jeez He's so high maintenance.

Meanwhile, in Tower ,

Ulquiorra and Orihime faced each other.

Orihime said she was unafraid of dying alone

because she shared her heart with her friends.

To which, Ulquiorra cast his doubts.

Heart, you say?

You humans use that word so casually,

as though it's in the palm of your hands.

What is "heart"?

If I rip open your chest, will I see it inside?

If I split your skull, will I see it inside?


Step away from Inoue.

I was about to.

My duty is to protect Las Noches until Lord Aizen returns.

I've received no orders to take her life.

Until those orders come, I will let her live.


you are a different matter.

k*lling you is synonymous with protecting Las Noches.

I shall eliminate you with my sword.

That was unexpected.

I didn't think you would draw your sword first.

I came here thinking that I'd have to

start by making you draw your sword.

Can I take it

you consider me an equal opponent?

At the very least,

I consider you worthy of destroying.

That's good enough for me.


So, what should we do?

There are hordes of enemies,

while our boss is in that mess.

That's no way to speak of Lord Aizen, Barragan.

And that's no way to speak to me, Halibel.

Given that the boss is stuck, I will give the orders.

I won't hear any complaints.

What're you

Be quiet, Mila Rose.

Sounds good to me.


What was that for, Lilinette?


How can that be good?! What're you kissing ass for?!

You're always kissing up

“ to everyone, everywhere. “ Quit yakking.

Try and look good for a change!

Are you really taking this battle seriously?!

The Enriched Spirit Zone beneath our feet is a fake, he said

He said they replaced it with

a replica built in the Soul Society.

Boss said, all we have to do is

invade the Soul Society and obtain the Enriched Sprit Zone.

Is it really necessary to go through all that trouble?

From what was said earlier, I figure it works like this.

He said they erected four pillars on each side of the town

and used the power of the pillars to swap the entire town.

In that case, what would happen if we destroyed those pillars?


Yes, sir.

I know where the pillars are located.

It's standard practice to place

things like that at the four cardinal points.

This is bad! They know!

What're we going to do now?!

If the pillars are destroyed,

the Karakura Town that we sent to the Soul Society will come back!

The real Karakura Town will become a b*ttlefield!

Karakura Town will

Karakura Town will return!

You fool!


Do you think I wouldn't assign anyone to such important locations?


Extend, Hozukimaru!

Bloom, Fujikujaku.

Raise your head, Wabisuke!

I've stationed capable fighters.

Huh? Huh?






You mean they weren't holding down the fort back home?!

They weren't around when you had us assembled,

so I felt like a winner,

thinking "you are counting on me instead of them,"

"serves 'em right." That kind of thing!


You mean, you all knew about this?!

Of course.


Do you mind not speaking of us like we're you?


I did tell you.

No doubt you were gnawing on fried crackers

and missed what I said.


That's the only explanation! Stupid Omaeda!

Come on.

It's your fault for gnawing on fried crackers in a daze!


Eating fried crackers and being in a daze aren't connected!

“ Oh yes they are! “ Maybe I didn't tell him.

Four soldiers

So what?

If there are four pillars guarded by four ants,

then we'll squash them with four dragons.





Crush them.

“ Yes! “ Yes!

“ As you command, your Majesty! “ As you command, your Majesty!


So here come the new guys.

Aren't you a big fellow?

I pray you're as imposing as you look.


To what?

You Soul Reapers have a god?

To what?

Now that you bring it up,

we don't pray to anything in particular.

All right, I know!

Anything will do!

I'll pray to your god if you'd like!

I see.

Then there's no problem.

Our god, the king,

understands better than anyone that you are no match for me.


Before we begin, I'd like to ask,

what seat are you?

Shuhei Hisagi, Squad lieutenant.

I see.

Then I, too,

will fight with the strength of a lieutenant.

Here, here, here, here, here!

Look at me!

His Majesty, King Barragan's first Fracciones,

Charlotte Chuhlhourn, has arrived.


My, my, my, my, my?

I have a policy of not looking at ugly things.

Oh dear.

W-W-W-What'd you do that for, you bastard?!

That's what I want to ask you!

What's the idea of calling someone you meet for the first time ugly?!


See here! What's really ugly is

judging someone on appearances.

That's right,

I'm talking about your heart.

That was a nice line, if I do say so myself.

Yes, someone with a heart like mine,

now that's someone with true beauty.

Absolute beauty that defies all else.

Can you understand?

I'm saying something worthwhile,

so the least you could do is look at me, ugly bastard!

I don't need to look at you,

and you're not saying much, ugly bastard!

I said to just look at me! Look!

Don't want to!



Look, I said!

Stop it!

Don't bring your ugliness near me!

You said it. You said it again! You called me ugly!

I'll say it all I want!

Ugly! Ugly! Ugly! Ugly!

Gonna do it! Gonna do it! Gonna do it!

Who is the bravest of his Majesty King Barragan's Fracciones?!


Who is the most trusted of

his Majesty King Barragan's Fracciones?!


Who is the strongest of

his Majestiy King Barragan's Fracciones?!


Gonna do it! Gonna do it! Gonna do it!


Hey, you there!

Why aren't you doing it along with me?!

You're a gloomy one, aren't you?

Do what?

You mean that shout-along?

What do you mean, "shout-along"?!

There's no such thing! Are you mocking me?!

This is a ritual!

A ritual of battle where we shout our intent to

kick each other's butt and incite one another!

Let's go! Let's do it! Ready!

Gonna do it! Gonna do it! Gonna do it! Gonna

Do it with me!

I don't want to.

Putting feeling into my desire to kick your butt.

I have no reason to join in on such a negative ritual.

I don't need to hear that from someone who looks so negative

that he's going to die!

Looks like I got stuck with a gutless one.

Oh well.

I'm King Barragan's Fraccion, Abirama Redder.

What's your name, Soul Reaper?

Squad lieutenant, Izuru Kira.

Squad ?

Oh, so you were under Gin Ichimaru?

I see.

I heard he abandoned you back in the Soul Society,

but it all makes sense now.

Guess he had no choice but to abandon a gutless guy like you.

Don't toss about

his name so casually in my presence.

If you are going to die anyway,

wouldn't you prefer to die with fewer injuries?

What's this?

So you can make that look.

It's been a long time since I made an appearance.

Hisagi, don't go getting giddy.

I'm not giddy!

I have no notion at all of showing off my impressiveness

and appealing to the audience!

No one said anything about that.

Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!

Substitute Soul Reapers lecture Soul Reapers

on information from the World of the Living.



I'm thinking of buying a pair of really cool ones!

Don't come here asking about everything!

Oh, how about these?!


A souvenir from your business trip?

Yes! I've heard they're popular in the World of the Living,

so I bought you a pair, too, Captain.

I don't want them.
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