12x09 - The Full Showdown! Shinigami vs. Espada

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x09 - The Full Showdown! Shinigami vs. Espada

Post by bunniefuu »

Other than being able to see Spirits,

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, was a very ordinary high school student.

When I met Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki,

I obtained Soul Reaper powers that allowed me to protect people.

As I began my work as a Substitute Soul Reaper,

I was sucked into a maelstrom of battle.

Orihime Inoue was taken away

by the treacherous Soul Reaper, Aizen.

Together with Chad and Ishida,

I headed into Hueco Mundo to rescue Inoue

and began my battles against the enemy, the powerful Arrancar.

In order to stop Aizen, who invaded the World of the Living,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads moved into action.

An all-out w*r was about to begin.

Kira, Yumichika, and Hisagi,

who were assigned to defend the Tenkaiketchu,

faced Fracciones sent by Barragan, with each emerging victorious.

However, Ikkaku, who guarded the remaining pillar,

was defeated by Poww.

As a result, Karakura Town began to return to the World of the Living.

Poww thought he had won the battle, but Squad captain,

Sajin Komamura, appeared at the base of the destroyed pillar to take on Poww,

who turned himself into a giant using his sword release.

Komamura performed Bankai to bring out his Kokujo Tengen Myo-oh.

What is

this guy?!

What is this?

What is this?

What in the world are you?!

Oh yeah.

I haven't identified myself yet.

I am Sajin Komamura, captain of Squad .

I'm ashamed to say, as you said,

I'm a maggot-like fellow.

They're dead, all of them.

Those idiots!

We're terribly sorry, Lord Barragan!

We will do away with them immediately,

so please have a seat and wait!

Who were you going to do away with?

Are you going to do away with Komamura and the others?

Or did you mean all of us?

What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

Depending on your reply,

I will start by doing away with you guys.

Well actually,

I'm going to do away with you even if you don't reply.

You little!

What're you doing?!


Okay, shall we get on with the real battle?

Man, this is making my shoulders stiff.

When Old Man Yama's all worked up,

it makes me that way too.

I know.

When this is over, shall we give Sensei a shoulder massage?

We haven't done that in a while.

No, no

It's my shoulders that are stiff.

What're you talking about?

I've never seen you with stiff shoulders.


Y-Yes, sir!

You look stiff.

Afraid of your first real battle in a while?

That's not true!

I'm trembling with excitement!

You're so pathetic, I can't stand to look at you.

I can't ask for a better opportunity.

Find a good place along the way and die.


What're you saying?!

I'm not afraid, and I'm not stiff!

What I mean is, I'm absolutely not going to die!

I see. Then don't die.

I won't! I don't need you to tell me that!

It's about to start.

Anything bothering you?

What're you talking about?


Let's go.

Keep your focus, Matsumoto!

Yes, sir!

k*ll them.

Don't let a single ant escape alive.

There's no place for you to return as losers.

Don't disappoint me.

Don't let me walk a path that is not

stained with the blood of our enemies.

Say it! Who's subordinates are you?!

“ Yes! “ Yes!

“ We are the Fracciones “ We are the Fracciones

“ of His Majesty “ of His Majesty

“ Emperor Barragan Ruizenban! “ Emperor Barragan Ruizenban!

“ We will crush every enemy and “ We will crush every enemy and

“ stain the b*ttlefield with their “ stain the b*ttlefield with their

“ blood and flesh for you to see! “ blood and flesh for you to see!

That child next to you.

Would you mind moving her away from here?


I cannot fight at full strength with her here.

Isn't it the same for you?


Quiet, Lilinette.

That's fine.

You don't need to fight at full strength.

I won't fight at full strength, either.

What do you mean by that?

That sort of thing doesn't suit my personality.

You think we can just pretend like we're fighting,

and wait until

the others finish fighting?

What are you talking about?


Yes, I like it!

I prefer it that way, too!

I don't like getting hurt.

Unfortunately, we can't afford to do that.

I see.

That just sucks.

These guys jumped right into our midst

Are you playing with us?!

I find it unpleasant.

You three,

regardless of what they look like, those two are captain-class.

Don't let your guard down.

Crush them by using your full strength from the start.

Yes, ma'am!


I'll handle these three.

You take on the Espada behind them

Can you do it?


All right. They're yours.

You're not getting by us!



Put your entire spirit on the line and crush them here!

Even if your flesh is torn from you,

use pieces of your bone to form an ironclad wall!

We mustn't let them even step one foot into the Soul Society!


That bastard! How dare he attack Master Halibel!

Wait, Apache!

Do that later!

But Mila Rose!

You're fine with that kid injuring Master Halibel?!


Master Halibel drew her sword.


that kid with the white hair doesn't stand a chance.

If you still insist on helping her,

take care of this woman first, then go.

Come to think of it, earlier

this one had the gall to say,

"I'll handle these three."

My, you have surprisingly good hearing.

I thought everything about you, your ears, face and figure

were all bad.

What was that, damn you?!

“ Don't mess with me! “ She's goading you.

“ Just 'cause you have some big jugs “ Don't fall for it each time.

“ doesn't mean you're all hot! “ It's a real drag.

That's right. What that female gorilla says.

What did you say?!

Who're you calling a female gorilla, you cow!

Stop it, both of you.

It's shameful.

Becoming agitated is exactly what the enemy wants.

I know you can't help your low intelligence,

but do you mind not making trouble for me, too?

“ Damn it, Sun-Sun, who's side are you on?! “ Damn it, Sun-Sun, who's side are you on?!

I'm okay with getting rid of you first!

That's right!

My, how interesting.

“ I was just thinking that “ Hey,

“ having both of you around “ we're talking to you!

“ is like being shackled “ Always talking down to us,

“ with a ball and chain. “ I've had it!

Huh?! Say that again, damn it!

I'll say it all I want.

You two are like a ball and chain.

I'll k*ll you!

Stay right where you are!

I'm going to yank your hair out!

Out of my way, Apachi!

“ Are these gals even worth taunting? “ Let me!

You see?

Huh? What're you looking at?!


It's a little late to look serious.

If this were many versus one,

surrounding me would be standard practice.

But the moment the three of you gathered in one location,

you already lost the advantage of three versus one.



What was that?!

Quit playing around!

What're you going to do with this sand-like stuff?!

That hurt!

What'd you do that for?!

You shouldn't foolishly touch something unfamiliar!

Such flagrant indiscretion, I must say.



What do you think?

That's the power of "Haineko."

The blade turns to ashes,

and a single swing of the handle

slashes everywhere the ash covers to pieces.

You can think of all of the ash around you as my sword.

There is nowhere

to escape!

Be careful.

It'll chop you from the first one who touches that cyclone of ash.

“ Soft. “ Soft.

Aren't you being a bit soft?

You actually thought you could beat us with that?!


Damn you I'm not going to lose!

This is a joke!


Aren't you worried?

Your second-in-command is getting his butt kicked.

I don't care.

He's a fool who only thinks about

money, food, and the family business.

Getting beaten up a bit will be good medicine.

Oh yeah?

That's pretty cold of you.

Is that how things work between you two?

I don't like a cozy atmosphere within my squad.

In order to train, it is appropriate

for subordinates and superiors to be at odds with one another.


Damn it!

Bakudo ...


It's over, Arrancar.

I didn't even have time to ask your name.

k*ll all enemy with your venom,


Hey kid!

You're a hundred years too young to challenge Master Halibel!

Her voluptuous breasts will crush you!

Our captain is used to being crushed by my breasts,

so that won't work at all!


Don't say things that will give people the wrong idea!

Beginning with this segment,

we will be introducing the Zanpakuto of the Soul Reapers.

Our first introduction will be on Byakuya's "Senbonzakura."

Scatter, Senbonzakura.

When released, Senbonzakura's blade becomes a thousand blades

resembling cherry blossom petals that slash apart the enemy.

Its Bankai form is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

It is impossible to escape from its all-direction attack.

Come to think of it,

during Shikai, you're still holding the handle, right?

What about it?

Doesn't that make you look lame?
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