12x13 - Vice-Captains Annihilated! The Terrifying Demonic Beast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x13 - Vice-Captains Annihilated! The Terrifying Demonic Beast

Post by bunniefuu »

Other than being able to see Spirits,

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, was a very ordinary high school student.

When I met Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki,

I obtained Soul Reaper powers that allowed me to protect people.

As I began my work as a Substitute Soul Reaper,

I was sucked into a maelstrom of battle.

Orihime Inoue was taken away

by the treacherous Soul Reaper, Aizen.

Together with Chad and Ishida,

I headed into Hueco Mundo to rescue Inoue

and began my battles against the enemy, the powerful Arrancar.

In order to stop Aizen, who invaded the World of the Living,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads moved into action.

An all-out w*r was about to begin.

Soul Reapers and Arrancars faced off against each other

throughout Karakura Town.

Rangiku Matsumoto squared off against Halibel's Fracciones,

Apache, Mila Rose and Sun-Sun.

Rangiku targets the discord between the three Fracciones

and attempts to take them all at once by using Haineko,

but the disadvantage of fighting three versus one

gradually pushes her into a pinch.

However, an unexpected helper appears.

I just told you, it's no contest!

That won't work on me!

You're no competition even against just me!




You appear to be a lieutenant, but

Two lieutenants aren't much different than three against one.

See you! Holstein!

What the hell is this?!

Snap, Tobiume.

Are you all right, Hinamori?


I'm sorry.

It was the first time I used that combination of techniques, so


To be able to combine several of these Kido in her own way.

Thrust upwards, Cierva!

Eat Apart, Leona!

Strangle to Death, Anaconda.

Take that, and that, and that, and that,

and that, and that, and that, and that

What's the matter?

That child Lilinette, was it?

Are you okay with that?

And that, and that, and that, and that

Why don't you say something to make her stop?

She wouldn't listen, anyway.

Shouldn't you be worried about yourself instead of the others?


You are so right.

Bakudo : Seki!

No way.

In my time, I've seen hundreds of Cero.

That's why I'm going to tell you your Cero is immature.

It's not even at the level of Menos.

As you just saw, I can knock it down with my bare hands.

I won't hold it against you. Go on home.

It's unbearable to fight you anymore!

I didn't think we could defeat them with that, but

They're practically unscarred.

When they do Resurreccion, their injuries heal.

That's how they are!

I'm sorry, Rangiku.

Mila Rose! Sun-Sun!

Let's finish this!

Let's take care of this silly battle and

What good is it going to do to get even more angry with them?

We'll use "that" to take care of them in one swoop.

Guess we have no choice.

To think we have to take "that" out on the likes of them.

Quimera Parco.


What is that?!

Quimera Parco.

It's our pet, created from the left arms

of the three of us in our released form.

Its name is Ayon.


What is this chill?

It's like I'm peering into a deep pit whose bottom I cannot see.

Just what I would expect of Captain-class.

If you continue to act like you still have leeway,

you'll get hurt, you know!

You won't get away next time!


Oh, I forgot to warn you.

Ayon is deadly, so be careful.





Bakudo : Tsuriboshi!

Hang on, Rangiku!

I'll heal you right away!

From below the ribs to her intestines.

She can't breathe with these injuries.

I have to hurry!

All the bones in my entire body are broken.

Both Rangiku and myself, taken out by a single strike.

This is crazy.

There's no way we can win against this thing.

Bakudo : Tsuriboshi!



Good job on holding down the fort.

Rest a while, Hinamori.

We'll take care of this thing.


Who are those guys?!

Their friends, probably.

I saw them coming from the direction of the pillars.

If you saw them coming, why didn't you stop them, you!

Oh, weren't you in a better position to see them coming?

Or are your eyes just useless peepholes?

What did you say?!

Stop it, you two! We're in the middle of a battle!


Help is coming one after another.

These guys sure like butting into other's battles.


Don't give them time to butt in! k*ll them quickly!


He's ignoring us, damn it.

Stop it, stupid.

There's no way Ayon can hear what we say.

He's got to have eardrums on him somewhere. Well?!

I wouldn't know.

I've never seen him react to what we say.

But never mind that.

Would you mind not seeking my agreement?

It's annoying.

Ayon probably gets his unfriendly side from you, I'll bet!

He gets his face from you.

Those ugly horns are exactly like yours!

You! I'll start by k*lling you before the Soul Reapers!

Cut it out!

It doesn't matter who Ayon looks like!

That's cuz his ugly looks, that most resemble you,

make you want to look away.


What the heck are those three over there doing?

Kira, don't pay them any mind.


I'm going to k*ll you someday!

That's enough!

I knew it was a bad idea to bring him out.

He's a creepy one.


I'll handle this guy.

You take care of Hinamori and Rangiku.

You sure you want to handle that thing alone?

Who said I'll fight alone?!

After you've done emergency first-aid,

hide them using Kido and then come back here to assist me!

Rangiku, especially, needs help quickly or she might die.

I'm counting on you, former Squad member.

When are you referring to?

Let's go.

Yes, let's do it.


What're you standing around in a daze for, Ayon!

They took that Holstein with them!



Hang on a bit longer, Hinamori! I'll heal you soon!

No I'm all right. Hurry and help Rangiku

Hinamori is in pretty bad shape herself.

She's either got a rib stuck in her lungs,

or heaven forbid, one of her lungs has collapsed.


This one's in even worse shape.


I hope my skills haven't dulled.

This thing is a complete unknown.

I'll keep my distance and watch what it does.



Did it have an effect?!

My, my, that was pretty good.

He seems stronger than that Holstein and the other one.

They're all the same. Judging by that attack

It was effective!

I can do this!

So this thing's weakness is Kido!

You see?

Damn monster!

He broke free with ease.

Could've done it anytime, is that what you're trying to tell me?

Oh no


Right now, treating Matsumoto is the priority.

Why you


It hasn't reacted to me yet!

Will I make it?!


Is it over now? That was fast.

I thought they'd put up more of a fight than that.

How disappointing.

Ayon is too strong.

Serves those Soul Reapers right!

Ayon! Get on with finishing off the rest!

It's coming!

Damn it.

I'm so close to finishing.

Just a little more.


Just a little more.

Good grief.

Making the Head Captain come out to the front line

Such hopeless squad members.

Let's go! Our battle has just begun!

That's right, our battle has just begun!

That phrase sounds almost as if we're getting cancelled.

Focus! Our battle has just begun!

Not you, too, Head Captain

In today's segment,

we introduce you to Izuru Kira's Zanpakuto, Wabisuke.

Raise your head, Wabisuke!

Wabisuke has the ability to double the weight of anything it slashes.

The enemy ultimately becomes unable to bear his own weight

and ends up in a position like a criminal bowing down

as he apologizes for his crimes.

You might say it makes Kira both judge and executioner.

I can really understand why you'd

turn to alcohol to drown your sorrows.

I'm fine. I'm fine!
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