12x17 - Cry of the Soul? The Rug Shinigami is Born!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x17 - Cry of the Soul? The Rug Shinigami is Born!

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, see you tomorrow.

Careful on your way home, Inoue.


Yeah? Is it near?

Guess I'll have to


It's gone


Man, so many false alarms

What is this Spiritual Pressure?!

Hey, Ichigo!


Stay here?!

What is this about?

Well, simply put, we're on special assignment.

Special assignment?!

The other day,

Hollows used for experiments got away

while being transported under escort.

One of them seems to have snuck into the World of the Living.

Oh, really? And?

We were given the special assignment

of finding and capturing the Hollow.

Why didn't they leave that to us here?

Well, it's a Hollow undergoing experiments,

so the higher ups ordered us to capture it unharmed, if possible.

So that's the story.

We'll be counting on your help for a while, Ichigo!

Huh? How so?

Well, you know put us up for about a week.

Just a minute!

Who do you guys think you are, dropping in out of the blue?

Don't decide on things yourself when I'm not here!

Who do you think you are, dropping in out of the blue?!

You have the gall to talk like that!

This is now Sis and my love nest!

Get lost!

Um, Sis?

“ Can you manage, Ichigo? “ Just so you know,

I'm kind of squished here.

I'm sorry,

but my place doesn't have the room to put the two of you up.

In the first place, you once said you

"had no intention of asking me any favors."

So what's with the sudden change of heart?

Well, that's

Anyhow, you can't stay here!


Looks like no one's in

For crying out loud, where'd he go?

Do you have anyone else you can ask?

It's not that we don't, right?

No, we don't!

But in this case, do we have a choice?

And that's the story.

Could you put up these two again?

Okay, look after them.


Come on, Ichigo!

What's with this, nonchalant, "Can you pass the soy sauce" attitude?!

Well, you looked after these two before, right?

You'll manage somehow!


You talk as if it's not your business!

That's how it is. Be good to us.

Long time no see, eh?

Looks like you'll get along just fine.

See ya!

How is this "getting along"?!

That was a threat no matter how you look at it!

The baldhead itself is a threat!

I'm not bald, remember?

Oh yes, that's right Sorry

Hey! Keigo! What're you doing?

You're making too much noise!

You'll annoy the neighbors if you make a ruckus by the front door

Welcome home Darling!

Did you just say "welcome home"?!

Why're you treating him like family?!

I left the front door open all this time waiting for you.

How can you lie like that without a second thought?!

Why're you playing the devoted wife?!

Keep quiet, you.

Mind not interrupting our fateful reunion?

I want to interrupt!

In fact, I want to break up that fate!

How can you accept him so easily?!

It's all right

No matter what fate awaits us,

I will accept this hurt and lost man without asking for a reason

That's the kind of woman I want to be.

And I don't care a rat's ass about it.

It doesn't matter what type of woman you want to become!

Besides, you already said that to him before, remember?

Yeah, but I love shaved heads.

That's all it is!

He's not shaven, he's bald, I'm telling you!

I keep telling you, I'm not bald! Got that?

Yes, that's right. I'm sorry

I'm getting tired of that banter


They sure are a loud bunch

That's why I didn't want to come here.

Well, it's all right.

We'll be out most of the time,

and though this is a special assignment,

we'll finish in about a week, I'm sure

Well, yeah

The last time, he went back home before I knew it

This time I have to capture his heart for sure

while he's still at our place

To do that, I

This is delicious!

I made it just for you

Your wallet, cell phone, handkerchief,

keys and your train pass.

Thank you.

I'm home.

Welcome home.

Will you have a bath first, or dinner?

I have both ready.

You are such a thoughtful woman

I couldn't live without you


I call it my "Operation: Thoughtful Woman Turns Her Man into Putty."

Flawless! It's Flawless, Mizuho!

Good morning, Darling!

Eat a good breakfast!

Yakiniku in the morning?

I can't eat this in the morning!

Is that so?


Then would you like this?

What is that?!

Then how about this?


What are you trying to engage in this early in the morning?!

Excellent Collagen!

Don't eat so willingly!

These trotters are pretty good, too!

Who cares!

Oh, by the way, where'd our clothes go?

The clothes you had on yesterday?

I took those to the cleaners


You're good to go!

It's not good!

Looks good on you, Ikkaku.

Shut up!

How come you're liking this?!

Don't hold it against me

Just because I look great in anything

That's not what I'm talking about!

I have these, as well.

I ain't wearing any of those!

Man, this is really messing me up

Well, as long as we're staying there,

we'll have to put up with it.

You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Not really

Anyway, let's get this over with quickly

and return to the Soul Society!

What is it?

I think it's telling us the time


It's time for lunch!

How far are you going to keep following me!


What's with that woman?!

I'll wash your back for you.


Don't come inside!

What is it with you?!

Just mind your own business!


If you do anything crazy again, I'll kick your butt!


That might be nice

Wh-What the hell are you?!

If that woman's behavior escalates any further,

we'll have no choice but to leave here.

Do you have somewhere to go?

I don't want to be without a place to stay.

At the very least,

we'll have to think of some sort of countermeasure

At this rate, the mission is the least of our worries.

I know. I have an idea.

How's that?

What is this about? I don't get it!

Okay, look

Yeah, but I love shaved heads.

In other words, if you wear a wig, her interest in you will go away.

I can't wear something like this!


You never know till you try.

It might work.

Looks great on you

Dammit you are enjoying this!

N-No not at all

I'm doing it for your sake, Ikkaku

I'll k*ll you!

Now, now

I think that looks about right, don't you think?

On second thought, no way I'm wearing this thing

I can't get it off?!

What's going on?

If it comes off easily, it'll give it away.



So I glued it on!

Damn you, Yumichika!

What're you gonna do about this?!

Come back here!

Looks good on you, Ikkaku!

Are you all right?

Dammit, watch where you're going!

Where the hell were you looking!

Oh, it's you, Ichigo

Who're you?

What are you laughing at, dammit

You're laughing too much, bastard!

No, what should I say, it's just that


I think it looks unexpectedly good on you

That's not convincing!

By the way, how's your mission going?

Nothing so far

We're looking for its Spiritual Pressure,

but we haven't found a trace

Man, don't you have it easy?

You asking for a fight?

No, not at all, but

I can't waste my time talking to you guys! Let's go.

See you.

Oh! So that was Ikkaku?

She only realized that now?

I'm home!

Welcome back.

Darling, you must be hungry

Who are you?

Can't you tell?


Not "Huh?"!

It's me. Me!

What is this?!

You'd better take it off right now!

Stop it!

This can't be

You have hair why?

That's for me to decide!

Let's go, Yumichika.

What is this treatment?

Aren't you being mean, treating me the same way?!

Be that as it may.

“ It ain't right! “ It's not right!

More importantly how long are you people staying?

I want you out of here quickly.

It really was effective!

It's beyond effective! Why does it turn out like this?!

It's too troublesome to explain

I think it means she has absolutely no interest in you with hair.

You mean the meaning of my existence

is in my shaven head?!

Only that.

Fine! I'll leave!

I decline this place from my side!

I'd be glad if you did that.

I'm never taking off the wig when I'm in front of you!

Remember that!

Remember a man who'd grow out his hair,

even if it meant breaking a woman's heart?

Forget it!

Sis are you sure about this?

It's okay

I told you I love shaved heads

Where are you going?

I'm going to buy some juice.

Aah we're sleeping outside, after all

That's okay.

This way is less stressful from the start.


I felt like getting some juice, too.

Sis, you really ought to be more honest with yourself.

I said I just wanted juice!

Y-Yes, ma'am

Come on, let's go!


What is it?


Huh? Rain?

Sis, look out!

What're you doing, Keigo?!

Looks like it's the one we're looking for.





Hey! What's the matter?!

Sis is

Something weird att*cked Sis

Please save her!


Let's hurry.

What're you waiting for? We have a mission to do, Ikkaku!

Guess I'll have to

Why can't I come out?!


This glue says it adheres the Gigai and Konpaku to each other!

What the hell?!


Then I'll just have to will my way out!

What is this?

What's going on?

Was it a dream?

Thanks for letting us stay.


If you come this way again, you can stay at my place!

Oh, alright

Guess I will then

In exchange

Just do something about that hair, okay?

Quit nagging me


Why're you all laughing, dammit! Hey!

If it rusts, you can never s*ab with it again.

Grasp it incorrectly, and it will rip you apart.

For you see, pride resembles a blade.

In today's segment, we'll cover Mayuri Kurotsuchi's Ashisogijizo.

Claw out, Ashisogijizo.

Ashisogijizo has the power to take away the movement

of the four limbs of the adversary it slashes.

Unlike paralysis, the feeling of pain remains the same.

Its Bankai form is Konjiki Ashisogijizo.

This scatters a lethal poison over a wide area.

Hmm that's a fine explanation.

I'll give you candy as a reward.

Stop treating me like a child!

It's apple-flavored poison candy.

Don't want any!
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