13x09 - Friendship? Hatred? Haineko & Tobiume

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x09 - Friendship? Hatred? Haineko & Tobiume

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

What's wrong?!

My Zanpakuto can't be this weak!

Don't be hasty!

We've only just begun!

That's not going to work!

Stop right there!

We've surrounded the area.

Sorry, but that's the situation.

Don't think you can get away from me.


That was!


Captain Unohana.

More injured are coming in!

We don't have enough staff on hand!

I see

Isane, go help them out.

Yes, ma'am.


What is it?

Excuse me.

I will be going.

We lost our chance to capture several Zanpakuto at once.

It's very unfortunate.

Got to give credit to those Zanpakuto.

And we still have yet to receive reports of

coming across captain-class Zanpakuto in battle.

Meaning, more powerful Zanpakuto are bound to show up.

That certainly is depressing.

Anyway, we've got to prepare ourselves.

I know.

Don't be so worried.

Everyone is doing their best.


Also, one more thing.

Is it about Squad Six?


Right now, Lieutenant Abarai is doing his best,

but without the knowledge of what their captain is doing,

their Squad Members are getting anxious

and are unable to work the way they want to.

Well, not only is their captain missing,

we also have an emergency on our hands.

I wonder what he's thinking.

What a difficult person.

Thanks for waiting.

Are things okay on your end?


I have ordered the squad members to get some rest.

Then I guess it's our turn.

Let's hurry.


Where did he go?!

Was that really Byakuya?

Damn it! I'll definitely find him!

Huh? He's not here either. Where did he go?

You were being pushy, so he probably ran away.

How cute.

He's so bashful.

I don't think that's it!

What's that?



Wait up!

I thought it was him

You were just imagining things?

Don't do that.

Where has my darling gone?

I bet I'll be able to find him faster than you.

Then you should wear glasses.

Your eyesight seems pretty bad.

Oh, thank you.

You should do something about your head.

Your brain seems pretty bad.

You think so?

Did you know?

Quiet goody-goody types like you have terrible personalities.

Did you know?

Forceful women like you are quite petty.

What did you say, you fatty?!

Shut up, you fatty!

How am I fat?!

Can't you tell the difference between

a nice body and a flabby one?

Stop being a sore loser!

And how would you know about my breasts

when you haven't even seen them?

What the?!

How long have you been there?!

Where's Muramasa?

Muramasa? I haven't seen him.

You're looking for him? Why?

What's his problem?

I don't know what he's thinking at all.

See. You really are flat-chested!

That hurt!

I'd like for you to call me slender!

Come back here!


Is that Ichigo Kurosaki?

Come to think of it, Muramasa was very interested in him.


I'm going to play with him a little.



Good evening.


You went ahead of me again!

Who are you guys?!

You're Ichigo Kurosaki, aren't you?

What of it?!

Who the hell are you?!

I'm going to take him!

What do you mean by that?

I really hate that about you!

What about me?

Whenever you see a man, you immediately have to claim him.

It's indecent!

That's right. Is that bad?


What do you think?

Do you know what'll happen if it touches you?

Getsuga tensho!

Hmm That's a nice thing you've got there.

Could you stop using vulgar expressions like that?

Why don't you stop hating me just because you lack good looks?

Who's lacking?!

You, of course.

You're just jealous of my body, aren't you?

Your head is really empty, isn't it?!

What? What's your problem?!

“ Who's got a problem?! “ Well Umm

Then the first one who brings him to submission wins.

How's that?

I don't like how you said that, but fine!

It's not about how I say it. It's about strength.

Is this for real?

I don't have time to be doing that!

Don't run away!

You're not getting away!

You're a disgrace as a man for embarrassing a woman

by turning down her advances!


Keep running like that!

It makes this even more fun!

What is this?

I guess I have no choice


You two!


Ichigo, mind if we trade off with you?


We've got to defeat these two.



Just as I thought, it's a Gillian.

And he was such a fun toy.

This is really off putting.

What are you saying?

This is a real drag.

You're really annoying, old lady.

I never knew you were some cat monster.

I regret taking you seriously.


You seem to be doing whatever you like.

Yes. That's because I'm free.

This is really great.

When I'm with an old lady like you, I start to feel old myself.

I hated that!

So you're Tobiume

I missed you.

Well, I didn't.

What? Why?

You showed so much concern for me.

I thought we trusted each other.

Tobiume Come back here.



I don't want to be with a weak person like you any longer.

If you don't want to come back, I hope you're ready!

Are you ready?

An old lady like you can't beat me!

Aren't you going to come at me?

Do you think I'll come back to you if you keep waiting like that?

Why do you always think in ways that suit your own view?

That's why people use and betray you.

If you wait, do you think that person you admire

will come back to beg for your forgiveness?

Take that! And that! And that!

If you don't run away quickly, you're going to be bald!

I have a nice head shape.

I think I'd look good, even without hair.

Enough of your cockiness. You should run away quickly.

Or are you unable to move because of your fat ass?

Were you always this talkative?

I had no idea.


Take that!

You can't run away anymore!

Bakudo !




What are you doing?!

You're in my way!

Could you go somewhere else?!

You're the one who bumped into me!

What?! Maybe you're not careful enough!

“ What's wrong with them? “ I almost had her back there,

“ It looks like “ and you ruined it!

“ they don't get along. “ Like that's my problem!

“ That's right! “ That's right!

“ Do you have a problem with that?! “ Do you have a problem with that?!

Good grief.

Where are you, Byakuya?

Have you hidden your Spiritual Pressure?

What's this?

I sense some sort of presence,

but I can't tell if it's far or near.

What is it?

This presence

What is it?

Where have I felt it before?


Who the hell are you?!

You're Ichigo Kurosaki, aren't you?

Yeah. How do you know my name?

You seem fairly skilled.

What of it?

Muramasa said to keep away from you.

Me? Why?

That's what I want to know too.


A Bankai?

Yeah! What of it?

Is that sword a Zanpakuto?


A Zanpakuto

What is its name?

What do mean?

What's wrong?

You are not my master?

What are you saying?

If you aren't my master, I have no business with you.


Don't you know whose Zanpakuto you are?


I don't know who my master is

And I don't know my name.


Sennen Hyoro.




It's Hyorinmaru!


Your name is Hyorinmaru! And you are my Zanpakuto!

Hyorinmaru, have you lost your memory?

That's right. I can't remember anything.

What a coincidence. I can't remember anything, either.

Who am I?

I remember the first three bars

Yours is simply from having too much booze.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


This is the hot-water supply room.


Sorry. I'm completely lost.

It happens when you're with a squad other than your own.

That's so true.


You see I got lost too.

And I wound up in Unohana's private quarters.


What a problem.

What's wrong?


Nothing at all.
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