13x15 - The Long Awaited... Kenpachi Appears!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x15 - The Long Awaited... Kenpachi Appears!

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities arebased on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

I'd better hurry and help the others.

Your back is totally unguarded.

You're finished

What was that?


This Spiritual Pressure

That's right.

You remember it, don't you?

It belongs to the leader of our Squad

Captain Kenpachi Zaraki.


Looks like you guys are doing this in bits and pieces, Ichigo.

What a way to finally show up.

Not only are you late, but to make this big a spectacle of it

Shut up.

I rushed to get here before you guys finished things up.

So what if I made a mess?


I hope you left my play buddy for me, like you were supposed to

Okay then, I'll go and do as I please.

You're in my way

I don't like it


You're trying to k*ll me with this dull thing?

I don't have time to be bothered with someone of your level.

How can this be?!

In credible

It instantly turned back into a sword

That's the outcome of a Zanpakuto

slain by someone other than its wielder.

The relationship between a Zanpakuto and a Soul Reaper

is one of communication, synergy, and subjugation.

However, when a third party becomes involved,

that relationship can no longer be.

Let that be a lesson to all of you as well.

You sure talk big


Just what I expected from

the captain of Squad , the combat unit.

He snapped a Zanpakuto just like that

But his Spiritual Pressure is rough and too ugly.

It doesn't appeal to me

Don't you feel the same way?

What do you mean?

I'm afraid you and I are very much alike.

Very much alike?

That's right.

We both live according to our sense of aesthetics.

Beauty above all

But you were in the wrong place.

I mean, you're among those

slow-witted, boorish, hot-blooded people.

If you unleashed your true power, they'd only make fun of you.

You can't be worrying about aesthetics, right?

Being unable to expose your own technique

to Kenpachi Zaraki and Ikkaku Madarame

In time, that in itself, became an aesthetic to you

It can't be helped.

A halfhearted narcissist is always

concerned about how people see him.

What is it you're trying to say?

I'm saying that someone like you,

who won't accept his own powers

for fear of how people will see him

can never win against someone like

me who believes in his own powers.

You really do talk a lot.

I don't want to hear that from you.

Now shall we end it about now?

See you Master.

Kenpachi Zaraki, eh?

Indeed with that kind of Spiritual Pressure,

I can understand how he took care of Wabisuke with a single blow

Maybe it was simply because Wabisuke was an idiot ”

attacking carelessly the way he did.


Where were you hiding until now?


I don't like how that sounds

Okay! Then I'll explain!

Ken went to get rid of some Hollows

that appeared in the outskirts of the Rukon District.

When he got word, he tried to hurry back, but along the way,

he became totally lost and ended up being this late!

Don't blabber unnecessary things, Yachiru!

But it's the truth!

We even passed right by the sweets shop

we found along the way, up on the ridge!

That's why I said we'd go there next time!


What is this lack of tension?

I'm going on a little rampage. Get down.


Now then

Who among you here is the strongest?

Looks like we have a troublemaker

It appears so.

Leave this to me.


You go.


So impudent!

A lowly Zapakuto shouldn't get cocky!

What is this Spiritual Pressure?!

So this is Kenpachi Zaraki!

It's impressive no matter how many times I've seen it!

Captain Zaraki!


W-What power!

Can't withstand the Spiritual Pressure!

You're in the way.

Seems like it's begun.

For that much Spiritual Pressure to reach this far

That man really is exceptional.


You'll only be able to

feel his Spiritual Pressure for only a few moments more

I like that expression.

Everyone is frightened and pained in death.

I hope you die beautifully.

I've decided.

Decided you say?

That's right

What did you decide?

Are you about to tell me that you've

decided to accept death gracefully?

It's a little late for that.


That's not what I decided.

I decided to defeat you.


It's indeed true that I was concerned about

what the other captains and Ikkaku might think.


That was simply because you were so concerned with others' views

that it confused your position on aesthetics.


I would rather die than have people see

the release of Ruriirokujaku.

But that's not all there is to it!

This can't be!

The greater the Spiritual Pressure,

the faster the flowers grow and

the closer you should be to death!

I know!


Hado : Shakkaho!

You released a considerable amount of Spiritual Pressure

in order to cull out the others.

I suppose it had to have been taxing on your body, as well

That doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter?

That's right.

I never had any intention from the start

of taking on the small fry

I am forever a member of

the strongest fighting squad among the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

I'm a member of Squad !

Whatever happens to my body,

I will do whatever it takes to fight you

The captain and I will stake our pride to continue fighting

And if I should fall trying, then

“ laugh at me! “ laugh at me!

Where's Ichigo?

Looks like he was blown away like the rest of us

We can't have any more people who will stand in Byakuya's way!

Not a single one of you guys know when to give up!


I'm ashamed to say, I can't get up.

Would you mind lending me a hand?

Are you trying to destroy me, too?!

Scattering so much Spiritual Pressure around

Can't that guy fight a quiet battle?

You're good.

A surprise attack?

Nice tactic.

With such bad footing,

I can't keep up with her movements.

This no time for me to be fighting a quiet battle, either

Running away?

I'm changing location. Follow me!

How shall we do this?

Shall I attack first?

Or do you want to come at me first?

I don't have time to be facing off against you.

Is that so?

In that case, I'll attack first!

Let's have fun!

Byakuya Kuchiki!


That's not working.

Don't disappoint me too much!

Did you think I couldn't see through your Flash Step?

Did you think you could capture me with your speed?

How fun

Looks like your speed is only good for running away!


Do you see now?

You cannot capture me

Is that so?

Caught you!

Is that all the attack you can muster?!

How the combat squad, Squad , has fallen!


I used up a considerable amount

of Spiritual Pressure to escape from those vines!

I know

Your Spiritual Pressure has gotten weaker.

You shouldn't do rash things.

You talk too much!

Just as I expected of you

You dodged at the very last moment.

You Why're you doing all this?

Because I thought that unless I did,

you wouldn't give me your best

I see



I'm unable to even do a Shikai

Even if I continue to run, there's nothing more I can do

I never thought I'd suffer because I couldn't use Ruriirokujaku.

Looks like you're out of options.

If you don't mind, shall I let you use the power of my Ruriirokujaku?

That would be fair, wouldn't it?

No thanks.

I thought so.

Then would it be fair if I didn't use it either?

Yes would you do that for me?

If you don't use that power ”

despite all that talk about aesthetics and all that ”

it means that you lack confidence

In the power of your Kido techniques.

Now you've said it.

All right. I'll do as you say.

I'll fight to the end using my sense of aesthetics.

Unfortunately for you, I can use the techniques any number of times.

Tear in Frenzy

You told me earlier

To laugh at you if pride brings you

back to your feet but you still fall.

Well, I intend to laugh to the fullest.

Bakudo !


What?! You're using Bakudo?!

This ends it.

I got lucky since you, like me, are stubborn and overconfident.

If you had fought a normal fight,

I would've had no chance of winning.

True, we are so alike it's almost repulsive.

I'd rather die than have you reveal

the release of Ruriirokujaku.

But that's not all there is to it.

If you won't release Ruriirokujaku,

then I will make sure that I win

That is my aesthetic.

Don't concern yourself with me any further

Otherwise, next time I'll be forced to take your life

Take my life, you say?

Fine! Go ahead and try!

I've always wanted to have a swordfight

to the death with you!

You're finally on board!

Come at me with that spirit Byakuya Kuchiki!

I see.

Then you leave me no choice.

Kenpachi's Zanpakuto doesn't manifest!

Of course not!

If it manifested, Soul Society would be destroyed

without the story arc moving forward!

So it's one of those backstage circumstances?


Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Suzumebachi has gone somewhere as well

Who the heck are we supposed to fight now?

On the other hand, I don't feel like fighting those guys


Would you mind burying me back into the rubble?

I'm going to lay low and wait for an enemy!

Okay, this is perfect!

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