13x17 - Special Mission! Rescue Captain Commander Yamamoto!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x17 - Special Mission! Rescue Captain Commander Yamamoto!

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

This is

I'm sure you know him very well.

It's Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto.

Who are they?

Those three are Zanpakuto.

Their powers rival each other

so they've been frozen in that state for a long time.

Their powers rival each other


Don't make him change his Spiritual Pressure!

Don't blame us if you get blown away

by his fluctuating Spiritual Pressure!


They don't really listen to me.

It's quite troublesome for the Head Captain.

Byakuya! You

Damn it!



Old Man Yama's whereabouts?!

Is that true?!

Well, it's just the most likely place

the Head Captain would be.

But I found the Head Captain's Spiritual Pressure there again.

What should we do?

There's not much point in waiting for them to come to us.

It's not in our nature to wait, after all.

Let's go, Ken! Let's go!

Let's go looking for Old Man! Come on!

I think you're confusing this with a game of hide-and-seek.


The guy I have to slash is probably there, right?

Yeah, probably.

But try not to slash the General Captain by mistake.

That Old Man wouldn't quite rest in peace if he's slashed by accident.

How about it? Will you two be coming with us?

This is boring.

Your idea of an interesting day is so exciting

that other people's hearts would stop.

What a cruel thing to say.

It's true, isn't it?

When I was released from my master,

I thought that it was the beginning of a more interesting life.

You were easily defeated by your master too.

What?! That was your fault!

I know that.

The same thing happened to me.

What is it? You seem rather calm today.

Well, I do agree that this is boring.

Who's there?!


Jeez. Don't scare us like that!


What is this?!

Oh, no These wounds are bad

Yeah. I'm surprised he was able to come back here.

What are you doing?

I'm glad you could make it back, Kazeshini.

Rest up and heal your wounds.


What is it, Kazeshini?

Let me ask you one thing.


You told me to follow my true instincts, right?

That's right.

My true instinct is to reap the lives of Soul Reapers!

I know that.

My goal is to release Zanpakuto from Soul Reapers.

Then why is there a Soul Reaper over there?!

Byakuya Kuchiki plays a crucial role

in achieving our greater goal.

With your help, Byakuya was able to make it back safely.

I am very thankful.

But why do we have to get hurt for a Soul Reaper?!

Even though we have a greater goal,

it saddens me that people have to get hurt.

But there's no need to worry.

As long as we have Genryusai Yamamoto,

they cannot do anything to us.

We're close to achieving our goal.

They should be getting desperate.

Sorry, but please hold out for just a little longer.

This certainly is Genryusai's Spiritual Pressure

I also sense some powerful barrier.

Muramasa must have been unable to control Ryujinjakka

and sealed Old Man Yama within a barrier.

I guess we're fortunate that we

didn't have to take on Ryujinjakka.

Anyway, the Old Man is in here, right?

Yeah. That's for certain.

But this cave is like a maze.


The Zanpakuto appear to be using a different entrance.

If their hideout is in here, we must be careful.

What a pain.

Let's quit talking and just charge on in!

That's right! Go, go!

Ken! Go, go!

Do it! Go, go!

Honestly There's no point in making plans when he's around.

Well, now's not the time to wait and see what they're going to do.

We should go too.

Ichigo, we're going in from a different entrance.


The Soul Reapers have come.


Damn it This sucks.

I charged in, but it's so dark I don't know where I'm going.

Hey, Yachiru! Which way do you think I should go?

Let's see That way!

I can't see which way you're pointing!

I told you, it's this way!

Stop that, you idiot!

Don't pull my ears!


What is it?

Can I ask you one thing?


Do you think that Byakuya is here?

Are you that concerned about him, Ichigo?


He joined the Zanpakuto and

pointed his sword at Rukia and Renji.

But I don't know why.

My desire I want to defend my pride.

That's all.

But I thought you might know what Byakuya is thinking.

I don't know, either!



Simmer down!

If you get worked up, you'll never be able to bring back Byakuya!

He probably has some secret plan.


Oh no!


I heard that she was the former commander of the Stealth Force

But she wasn't much of a challenge.

Stealth Hoho, Shiho


What's up with this? Girls these days are all talk.

Go ahead of me, Ichigo!

Right now, saving the Head Captain is our top priority!

After that, you can do whatever you want!

Got it!


We've come to a pretty nice place.

You sure are carefree.

Don't say that.

It looks like we're going to climb up these steps

to go deeper into this tunnel.

What shall we play?

Wanna play?

Who's there?

He wants to know who we are!

He does!

Do you really not know who we are?


“ Come on, let's play! “ Come on, let's play!

“ Come on! “ Come on!

I see

If we don't play with these kids, we won't be able to move on.


Even though they're Zanpakuto,

I feel uncomfortable playing with children.

Yeah What do we do?

Now then Who are you children?

Who could we be?


Are you Sogyonokotowari?

“ Correct! “ Correct!

He figured it out right away!

How boring!

Sorry about that.

Did I k*ll your fun?

Then let's begin the next game!

Yeah, let's do that!

What should we play?

How about Tosenkyo?

That sounds great!




“ Three! “ Three!

“ All right “ All right

“ Go! “ Go!

Now then, what shall we play?

Unfortunately for you, playtime is over.

Don't say that.

We've known each other for a long time.

Can't we just reconcile our differences?

I refuse.

What with your arrogant attitude

we've run out of patience with you.


Then that other Spiritual Pressure I've been sensing

I guess I wasn't imagining it.

You finally came out.

You saved me the time looking for you.

I'm glad you could come, Soul Reaper.

I'll get my revenge for our last encounter!

Is the Old Man's Spiritual Pressure coming from this way?

They showed up!


This Spiritual Pressure Is it the Old Man's?

All right!

Wha ”?!

Die, Soul Reaper!

Y-You bastard!

I'm not letting you go. I'm going to reap your life!


You bastard!


Damn it

Sorry, Hisagi.


A barrier, huh?

Jeez This is such a pain

Here I go!

My swords are so beautiful. I would've never imagined.

And I never expected mine to be children.

I wonder if there's some way I could

just keep them by my side and not fight them.

Yeah, I want to play with them for a while.

Please fight them.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Say! Say, say, say!

I never thought I would run into Yoruichi!

What's so great about her?!

But letting her see me get into danger

How shameful!

That's your fault for being weak!


Yoruichi c-c-c-carried m-me in her arms!


Are you listening?!

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