02x08 - Jimmy - October 14, 1964

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Quantum Leap" Aired: March 26, 1989 – May 5, 1993.*
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Former scientist Sam is trapped in time due to an experiment gone awry, leaping into different bodies each week.
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02x08 - Jimmy - October 14, 1964

Post by bunniefuu »

Some people believe in fate...

that nothing we do, for better or worse,
can change the course of our lives.

But after leaping about in time,
I've seen that just the opposite is true.

Sometimes you can right things
that once went wrong,

and miracles can happen.

Now, Sam?


Of course, miracles have a way of...

turning your world upside down.

Well, aren't ya gonna die?

Man, you die cool.

Jimbo, what are you doin'?

Corey, get outta here. Jimmy's
supposed to be getting ready for work.

You're not even dressed yet.

You gotta learn to start
taking care of yourself

'cause I'm not always
gonna be here to help.

All right, put these pants on.

Where are your shoes?
Your shoe?

Put these on, quick.

You still gotta comb your
hair and brush your teeth.

You don't wanna be late
for this interview,

'cause I had to pull
some strings to get it.

So, come on, come on.
Move it or lose it.

Oh, Jimmy.
If Mr. Samuels asks,

you're not Ret*rded,
you're just slow.

- Okay?
- Frank, your breakfast is ready.

Hurry up.

I'm Ret*rded?

Good morning, Mrs. LaMotta.
How ya doin'?

- What do you want for breakfast?
- I don't know. What do ya got?

Frank, I'm really busy!
I'm making breakfast and lunch.

- Plus, I didn't sleep all night.
- All night? You should've woke me up.

We could have had some fun.

- I'm thinking about your brother again.
- Connie, stop it already.

Jimmy is ready to
be out on his own.

That's what Dr. Smithfield
said, remember?

- I know what the doctor said.
- So, what's the problem?

- Him being here.
- It's only been two weeks.

- It seems like two months.
- He's gonna get the job today.

And what if he doesn't?
What if he doesn't?


Hey! Jimbo!

Come over here.
Come on. Sit down.

- What do you want for breakfast?
- Cocoa, Cocoa, Cocoa Puffs.

Cocoa, Cocoa, Cocoa Puffs.

Cocoa, Cocoa, Cocoa Puffs?

Chocolate-flavored Cocoa Puffs.

- It's Cocoa Puffs, not chocolate puffs.
- Frank, do you have to?

What? I'm playing
with the kids over here.

- Jimmy is not a kid.
- Where's the milk, honey?

Thank you.

Paper here yet?


Now I'll see if I won
any money yesterday.

I mean, if the 49ers
won yesterday.

"The Oakland Tribune. October 14, 1964."
That narrows it down a little.

What are you doin'?

- Reading.
- The front page?

You usually just look
at the comics.

Well, you know, that's what I was doing.
I was... I was just lookin'.

I'll read it to you.

Not now, Corey.
It's time for you to go to school.

Bye, Uncle Jimmy.
I hope you get the job.

Thanks, Corey.

- Bye, Mom.
- Here's your lunch, honey.

I want you to come home early.
I don't want you playing down by the wharf.

We gotta get a move on too.

You finish your breakfast,
I'll warm up the truck.

It's gonna be okay.
He's family, okay?

All right?

Hey! Get a move on.
We gotta get rollin'. Come on.

I'm sorry. I'll, uh...
I'll-I'll clean it up.

- You...
- No, no. I'll do it myself.

Just go.
You're gonna be late.


You forgot your lunch.


- Outside.
- What?

That's where I'm supposed
to meet Frank.

Right. Outside.

Al, I'm Ret*rded.

No, you're not Ret*rded, Sam. Jimmy is.

He's got the I.Q. of someone
like 12 years old.

- Oh, boy.
- "Oh, boy," what?

Well, how-how do I act Ret*rded?

Just act natural.
That's not a dig, Sam.

Someone with the I.Q.
of a 12-year-old is very functional.

They can read. They can write.

They can hold a job.
They can go to a play, enjoy a movie.

In fact, it'd be hard to pick them out
from the rest of us normal screwups.

Easy for you to say. You're not
the one going out there, I am.

I understand what you're saying.
I've never done anything like this.

I haven't.

Trust me on this one, Sam.
I know what I'm saying.

And Ziggy?

We've been having some
difficulty with Ziggy.

He's going through mood swings.

I think we need to get a girl computer,
put it next to him.

One with a nice set of hard disks.

You would.

Ah... anyway,

he thinks you're here to...
to mainstream Jimmy.

Of course, in '64, they didn't
mainstream the mentally handicapped.

They locked 'em up in institutions.

- Which is where Jimmy's been.
- And that's where he's gonna end up...

unless you change things
around here.

- Okay.
- What are you doin'? Let's roll.

Sam, I'll fill you in on details later,
but right now, get that job.


Come on. I gotta punch in first.
Fix... Fix your pants.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Come on. Thanks.

Well, look who's here?
Ricky Retardo.

Ignore him.
Come on. Let's go.

That's it.

- Frank, Frankie, Frank.
- What?

Ignore him.

- See ya later, Frank.
- These double shifts are killin'me.

Okay, remember what I told you.

If Mr. Samuels asks if
you've ever done heavy work,

you tell him your father
was in the moving business

and you used to help
him unload furniture.

- Yeah.
- No. You say, "Yes, sir."

You have to say, "Yes, sir."

Yes, sir, Frank.

You don't have to "sir"
me, Jimmy, just Mr. Samuels.

Okay, Frank.

And don't forget to show
him Dr. Smithfield's letter.

You have to show him.
This is important.

This says you're okay
to work on your own.

- Okay, Frank.
- And you're not Ret*rded!

You're just slow. Okay?

Do I have to say that?

It's the best thing
to say if he asks, okay?

Okay, Frank.

When you're in there with Mr. Samuels,
sit up and don't slouch.

Don't bite your fingernails,
don't play with your socks.

Can I pick my nose?

No, you...
You're goofing with me, aren't you?

- Well...
- All right.

No matter what happens in there,
you're my brother, okay?

And I love you. I love you.
All right, come on.

- Frank?
- Yeah, Jimmy?

Where am I going?

It just occurred to me that I've never
been on a job interview before.

But then, neither has Jimmy,
so that might just work out fine.

I don't know.
I, uh... I just don't know.

- And then again, it might not.
- I like your brother,

but I don't think I can give you a job!

I'm slow, sir, not deaf.

Uh, right.

Look, a lot of things happen down here.

People have to, uh,
watch out for each other.

I got six crews working
three shifts seven days a week.

One bad apple can screw up the whole thing.
You know what I mean?

Uh, maybe you don't.
The dock is a rough place.

It ain't safe for somebody, uh, like you.

- Like me?
- You know, uh,


I can't change that,
but I can do the work, Mr. Samuels.

- How ya doin'?
- Hi. How you doin'?

How's it going?

- That's what you're here to do.
- What?

- What?
- That.

Make friends
with your fellow workers.

I already got Jimmy the job.

- That should be enough.
- You got plenty to do.

You gotta see to it
that Jimmy can hang onto it.

Ah! Do you remember
Jackie Robinson?

- The singer.
- No. Jackie Robinson.

He was the first black man
to break into the major leagues.

And breaking in,
that was only half of it...

because he took a lot of abuse
before they accepted him.

But he paved the way...

and made it easier for the
other ones that followed him.

Jimmy can hang onto this job

if the workers here are willing
to just give him half a chance.

Al, getting these yo-yos
to accept someone like Jimmy,

I mean,
it could take me a long time.

Were you going somewhere?


Hey, why don't you
watch where you're goin'?

Sorry. I...

Freakin' ret*rd!

A long, long time.

Pickle loaf. Why does she always
give me pickle loaf? What'd you get?

Egg salad.
Do you wanna trade?


Look at the pelicans over there!

Got ya.

We'll each take a half
like when we were kids.


- You take the dirty half.
- I'll take the dirty half.

All right. So how's your first day
goin', workin' man?

- It's goin' real good.
- Are the guys treatin' you okay?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

God, I wish Pop was still alive
to see this.

He'd be real proud of you,
Jimmy. Real proud.

Toughest day of his life was when
he had to put you into Wayside.

I-I never seen the old man
cry before that.

I'm real sorry I couldn't get you
out of there any sooner.

- I'm here now.
- Yeah, you're here.

You're not goin' back either.

You're gonna stay with
us as long as you want.

- What about Connie?
- Don't worry about Connie.

she never grew up around...

Special people?

Yeah. Special people.

I like that.

Wait a minute.
Where'd you get that?

What do you mean, where'd I get it?
Outta my lunch box.

No, no. Are you sure that's your lunch
box, 'cause I think you got my lunch box?

Connie always gives me the Twinkie.
I got no Twinkie here.

Look at the baby seals!

Share it with you.

You're gettin' smarter
every minute, Jimmy.


Connie gave me that
for Christmas.

Sorry, Frank.

No problem.

No problem.

Ever have one of those days
where everything went wrong?

Here's another one for you.

Well, I'm having a real doozy.

You're supposed to
catch those bags, you moron.

They threw two sacks at once.

So you can count.
I thought you were a dummy.

Clean it up.

Hey, Roscoe,

I think the dummy here wants you and
Louie to clean up the mess he made.

He what?

Is that right, dummy?

My name's Jimmy.
And I'll clean it up,

even though you know there's no way
I could've caught both those sacks.

Watch yourself, dummy.

You're a real kick
in the butt, Blue.

I'm not gonna get fired
for fighting.

Blue, let it go.

What the hell's goin' on?

I was just teachin'
dummy here a little lesson.

A little misunderstanding.

Keep that dummy away from me!

Let's go.

You gotta stay away from Blue, Jimbo.
You know what I mean?

- Can I have my card?
- Let me do it.

- I can do it, Frank.
- I just wanna make sure you do it right.

- This way you get paid.
- I'll do it right.

- Let's go, Frank. It's been a long day.

Push the card.
You don't have to talk to it.

Help him, Frank.
We wanna get home.

Sorry. It's okay, Jimbo. No big deal.
We'll get you another one.

Grab your box.
It happens to me all the time. Let's go.

♪ He may not be a movie star ♪

♪ But when it comes to being happy, ♪
♪ we are ♪

♪ There's not a man today ♪
♪ who can take me away from... ♪

- Daddy!
- My guy!


- Uncle Jimmy, did you get the job?
- Yep.

- All right! Yeah!
- Yaaa!

- I knew you could.
- Feel better?

- Congratulations, Jimmy. That's great.
- Thanks.

Thanks? What is this, a funeral?
Let's celebrate!

What do you got for dinner,
something special?

Well, um, I could defrost that big roast
I have, but that's gonna take a while.

- Just pop it in the microwave.
- What's a microwave?


Like in the movie
Invaders From Mars.

They zap Earth with microwaves,
and everybody gets cooked.

- Right, Uncle Jimmy?
- Right. Invaders From Mars.

Well, um, I'm sorry,
but we're just gonna have to wait...

because I don't happen
to have a Martian microwave.

Hey, Dad, wanna play catch?

Uh, I'm a little beat right now. Why don't
you and your Uncle Jimmy go out and play?

Wanna go play catch, Uncle Jimmy?
Yeah, sure.

Come on.

I don't know why you encourage
Corey to play with him.

Why not?

I don't like it, that's all.

Connie, stop already, will ya?
It's all right.

- But he's so big, Frankie. It scares me.
- Jimmy loves Corey.

He's not gonna hurt him.

And there are some obvious advantages
to these two playin' together.

Like what?

Well, like I figure they're
gonna be out there for an hour.

I gotta make supper.

Yeah, but you said that this pot roast
needed about an hour to defrost, right?

- Right?
- That's right.



- All right.
- Yeah.

And the crowd goes crazy.
Gimme a high five.

- Right here.
- What is a high five?

Put your right hand up.
That is a high five.

All right, listen, huddle up.

All right, now this time,
I want you to go to the garbage cans,

and cut left
and go long, on two.

Ready... break!

Ready, down, set.


Go long, go long, go long.
Yes, cut, cut. Go long, go long.


- Hmm?
- Can I have my ball back?

If you hang around with a
dummy, you get stupid too.

- He's not a dummy.
- How 'bout moron?

You little brat. Get off me.
Now you've had it.

All right, come on.
Knock it off. No fighting.

Let go of me, you big creep.
Mom! Mom, get him off me!

What the hell are you doing?
Let go of my son!

- Put me down!
- What's goin' on?

They were fighting.
I tried to break it up.

He hit me, Mom!

If you don't keep this monster away
from my kids, I'll have him arrested.

People like him
belong in an institution.

Don't tell me
where my brother belongs!

Go inside, Jimbo.

- Leave the ball. Just go inside. Come on.
- I'll get the ball, Frank.

- Look...
- Go. Go.

I was just tryin' to stop it.
That's all.

Uncle Jimmy didn't do anything wrong.
It was me. I was the one fighting.

You know how I feel about
fighting, don't you?

Yeah. It's just that...
Peter called him a dummy,

so-so I hit him.

Honey, the kid is a punk.

He's always startin' trouble.
You did the right thing.

You did not do the right thing!

He is just a child, Frank.
He could get himself hurt.

I couldn't let him call you that,
Uncle Jimmy. It wasn't right.

It's o... It's okay, Corey.
It-It doesn't bother me.

I don't want this to happen again.
Do you understand? Huh?

Okay, go get a clean shirt.

I mean it, Corey. I don't want
you fighting with your friends.

They're not my friends.
I hate 'em. I hate 'em all!

Connie, I'm-I'm really sorry
that-that this happened.

- It's not your fault.
- Go ahead. Defend him.

It's never his fault.
It's always somebody else's.

- Just drop it.
- No, I'm not gonna drop it.

We have to watch
him every second.

It's like having a big giant child around.
I'm getting sick of it!

We don't have to watch him all the time!
He can take care of himself!

We do have to watch him!

What if this were to happen again
and some child were to get hurt?

- I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
- You're not.

- I know that, but...
- Yes, you are! You are!

Connie, come on!

Frank's devotion to his brother
was more than I could imagine.

If I were in his shoes, I don't know if I
could carry the burden of responsibility.

You're stronger than other kids.
You just gotta remember that.

I didn't hurt him.
She just thought I hurt him.

I know. You just gotta be
more careful, that's all.

- I'll try, Frank.
- And look, uh,

try and be on your best
behavior when Connie's around

till she gets used to you, okay?

I'll try.

Oh, it's just that good-looking
guys like us, we make women nervous.

What are you doin'?

You're scratchin'
the paint, Jimmy.

- I'm-I'm sorry.
- All right, look, why don't you...

take this hose and finish
rinsing off the truck for me?

- No, I'll do it. I can do it, Frank.
- Gimme the hose.

Gimme the hose.
Come on.

Why don't you just, uh...
No, no.

Just go inside, okay?

How's it goin'?

Don't do that, Al.

Well, you seem
a little nervous, pal.

I can't do anything right. I feel like
I'm hurting Jimmy more than helping him.

I don't believe that.

I'm tellin' you, Al. I'm like...
I'm a complete and total klutz.

You're exaggerating, Sam.
I'm not exagg...

My grandmother's platter.

I'm sorry.

- What is wrong with me?
- Nothing.

You're just feeling the pressure
of everybody treating you like a dumbo.

I can't do anything right!

I spend half the time saying I'm sorry
and the rest cleaning up my mistakes.

- This isn't gonna work, Al.
- It has to work!

- There was a girl named Trudy.
- I don't have time for this.

She was Ret*rded, Sam!
Her I.Q. was lower than Jimmy's.

And all the kids in the neighborhood,
they used to tease her.

Kids can be cruel.
They'd call her names,

like "dummy" and "monkey face."

And I hated it. And I used to get
in fights all the time over this.

But that's what big
brothers are for, right?

My mother couldn't handle it.

That's probably why she ran off
with this stupid encyclopedia salesman.

But my dad tried to keep us all together.

He was a construction worker.
He went from job to job,

and then when it took him
to the Middle East,

I wound up in an orphanage,
and she wound up in an institution.

When I was old enough,
I went back there for her.

But it was too late.

She was gone, Sam.

Pneumonia, they said.

How does a 16-year-old girl
die from pneumonia in 1953, Sam?

We're not gonna lose Jimmy.



Corey, aren't you supposed
to be sleeping?

We didn't read
our bedtime story.

- It's late.
- We sleep better when we read it.

All right, okay.

Come on.
I got ya. I got ya.

Flying children.

Okay. Flashlight.

We sleep better
when we read Tales Of Gore?

Sure. Me first.

"Ursula screamed when a bony hand...

"shot up through the soft soil
and grave...

"and it grabbed her by the leg."

"Carl watched in horror...

"as the hand of bone
and pute..."

"Putrefy." It means rot.

I know what it means.
You sure we like reading this stuff?

You're mad about today,
aren't you?

Well, maybe a little.

I don't know why people
are so mean to you.

Well, not all people are.
You aren't. Your dad isn't.

- Mom is.
- No, she's not. She's trying.

Look, I'm here, aren't I? Huh?

I guess.

Yeah, but most people
are mean to you.

People... don't know me.

I'm... different,
and-and that scares them.

Well, they're the stupid ones.

- Hey, you know what?
- What?

Instead of reading this,
why don't I tell you a story?

About what?


a long, long time ago...

in a galaxy far, far away.

It was a time of civil w*r.

Rebel spaceships,
striking from the hidden base...

All right, buddy.
Get that crane over here!

Mornin', Mr. Samuels.
You're doin' a good job, Jimmy.

When you're done here, there's a mess over
by those drums needs to be cleaned up.

Yes, sir.
I'll be done in just a minute.

- Hey, Blue!
- Yeah?

Come here.

I need you to pull that batch
over there, 1675.

I'm kinda busy right now.
I'll get it later.

What do you mean, you're busy?

I got a truck waitin' out there.
Just do it.

Come on, let's go!

Blue, Blue.

- I... I think you got the wrong...
- Outta the way, ret*rd.

What's the holdup?

The ret*rd's in my way here.

I think he's got
the wrong crate.

He's right. You pulled the wrong order.

I thought that's the one you pointed to.
Just read the damn numbers!

1675. Right there. You got it?

So far, I've been on
the job for three hours,

and I haven't
broken anything yet.

Maybe it's starting to turn around.

- You all right?
- Get outta here!

- What happened here?
- There's solvent all over the floor.

It was the ret*rd!

- He was over there workin' with it.
- I turned it off.

You don't even know
which way you turned it.

What's goin' on?

Jimmy forgot to turn the
spigot off on the solvent t*nk.

Your nutso brother
almost got me k*lled.

- I didn't forget it, Frank.
- It's okay, Jimbo. I'll handle this.

I don't know
about the rest of you guys,

but I'm not workin'
with this ret*rd anymore!

- Next time, somebody's gonna get hurt!
- That's right!

He's right, Frank.
I gotta let your brother go. I'm sorry.

Mr. Samuels, hold on...

Hey, I can't risk
somebody gettin' hurt here!

Yeah, but nobody got hurt.
Everybody makes a mistake.

You can't fire
him for one mistake.

- I didn't make a mistake.
- I'll handle this.

If you fire him, you fire me too.

- Frank...
- Stay outta this, now! Well?

I gotta let him go, Frank.

I'm sorry.

Jimmy, uh...

- See ya later, dummy!
- Hey!



Frank, just listen for a second,
would you, please?

I can't take care of you all the time!
I can't watch you every minute!

But I didn't do it.

- Who knows what you did?
- I know.

You know? You don't know nothin'.

Get in the damn truck.

Get in the damn truck!

- Look...
- Now!

- Corey, where's your mom?
- Uh, out back.

- I can't seem to get my chain on.
- Jimbo will help you.

- Frank, listen...
- Help him.

- What do ya got, partner?
- Well, see, I took...

What are you doin' home?

I quit.

It was Jimmy, wasn't it?

I'm not sure whose fault it was.

I don't know who's
dumber, Frank, him or you.

I'll get another job.

And then you're gonna
get him another job too?

- What happens when
he messes that one up,

- and the next one,
and the one after that?

- We'll find somethin'...
- He doesn't belong here!

Can't you see that?

What do you want me to do?

Take him back to Wayside.

Connie, don't ask me to do
that, please.

Frank, you gave me your word.

You said if it didn't work
out, you would take him back.

- No!
- It's not working out.

Honey, I've tried. You've tried.

God knows Jimmy has tried.

But it is not working.
It never will.

You gotta take him back, Frank.

You gotta take him back.

It's for the best, honey.
It is.

- You got it?
- Almost.

Tighten it up.

You get fired and you've
got time to fix bikes?

All right, let's see.
Hang on just a second. Let's see this.

Got it? All right,
let's give it a try.

Ooh, my gosh.

Give me my hat back.

It works! Thanks, Uncle Jimmy.

I have to apologize to you, too,
for something that's not my fault?

See ya later.

Okay, I'm sorry.
But you can't fail on this one.

I don't intend to.
I'll get another job,

something that Jimmy
and I both can handle.

I don't think
you're gonna get the chance.

Hey, you fixed the bike.
That's great, Jimbo. That's great.

Just a broken sprocket chain.
It didn't take a rocket scientist.

Uh-oh, here it comes.

Connie's, uh...
Connie's pretty upset, huh?

Yeah, Connie. You know, it's just gonna
be a little hard to get another job.

- It's not gonna be easy.
- Well, we can do it.

We can.

But I gotta get one first,
you know?

And get in tight with the new
boss, whoever that's gonna be,

so I can get you in with me.

- That's gonna take a little time.
- Don't let him say it.

You sending me back to Wayside?

Just for a little while.

If you go in there,
Jimmy never gets out.

- I can get another job, Frank.
- How you gonna get one?

I had to get in tight with
Samuels to get you on the dock.

Gimme a chance.

Gimme a little time.
I'll find another job.

You'll only be in
there for a while.

No, you won't.

Look, don't make this harder
than it has to be, please?

I gotta send you back.
It's the only way, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay?

Okay! What the hell
are you sayin', Sam?

Thanks, Jimmy.

You just got Jimmy
a one-way ticket to Veggieville.

Not yet.

Oh, I knew it.
What are you gonna do?

Get my job back.

Now I know how Pop felt.


Frank, what is he doing?
He can't drive.

Uncle Jimmy said
he was gonna get his job back.

- Where are you goin'? Get over here!
- Corey!

Get over here!

- All right, let me give you this here.
- I got it.

Blue turned on the spigot.

That's bull.

He did it because
I found out his secret.

I got a secret now, huh?

What is this around here,
some kind of game show?

Read those numbers.

I don't take orders from you,

Blue, read the numbers, will ya, huh?

- They don't make any sense, do they?
- Hey, get outta here, ret*rd!

They're all jumbled, aren't they?

Words and letters and numbers
are all backwards to him.

He's dyslexic.

- What'd you call me?
- Dyslexia.

It's a reading disorder.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.

You're the dummy, not me!
You got that?

- That's enough, Blue!
- That's why you hate me...

because you think I'm smarter than you are.

Yeah. I ain't jealous
of no freakin' ret*rd.

You did turn on that spigot,
didn't you?

You believin' him now, is that it?

I'm sorry, Jimmy.

You and your brother
are welcome to work here.

Hey, nobody wants him around here.
I did you a favor.

The only favor you can do
me, Blue,

is pick up your check
and get off this dock.

Let's call Frank.

Great, you did it, Sam.
You got Jimmy his job back.

It was just amazing he could guess the
kid was dyslec... dis-disick or some...

Sam, look out!

Uncle Jimmy, look out!


Corey! Corey! Corey!
Frank! Frank!

Sam. Sam, Corey just got
knocked in the water!

Where's my baby?


Oh, he's gotta find him!

Go on!

Oh, my God!

Frankie, come on,
you gotta find him. Oooh!

- Oh, God!
- Hand me the rope!

Grab it, Frank.
Tie it around him.

- Corey.
- Wrap it around him.

- Haul him up! Let's bring him up, come on.
- It's okay, baby.

- Come on, haul him up!
- Easy, take it slow.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Come on.


Watch the rope. Get the rope off.
Get the rope off.

Okay, I got him.

- You stay away from him! Oh, my God.
- Connie...

He's not breathing. Somebody do something!
He's not breathing!

- Let me help.
- Call an ambulance.

- He's not breathing!
- I can save...

Frank, listen to me.
I know what to do. I can save his life.

He needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
They taught it to me at the institution!

Honey, let him try.

- No!
- He knows what to do. Let him do it!

I don't know what to do!
Let him try!

I can help, please.
Gimme something for his head. Hurry up.

- Come on.
- Give him some room.

Frank, what is he doing?

What is he doing to my baby?

- It's not workin', Al.
- C.P.R., Sam!

- Oh, my God. He's hurting him.
- Let him do it.

Don't you die.

Don't you die!
Breathe, damn it, come on!

Come on, breathe.
Damn it, breathe! Come on!

If you die,
you're never gonna see Star Wars.

That was excellent, Sam.
You were awesome!

I was afraid I was gonna
lose him there for a minute.

- Me too.
- Me too.

That's why I was here?
To save Corey's life?

Well, that was like
a Lucky Strike extra.

You were here to see that
Jimmy got accepted and...

I think you did.

Oh, thank you.
Oh, thank you.

Hey, buddy.

Jimmy, God bless you.

I didn't understand.
Please forgive me.

Thank you, Jimbo.

Delilah Berry, you are accused of
murdering Houston Palmer Carter...

on the 15th of June, 1957.

How do you plead:

guilty or not guilty?

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