03x20 - Bye, Bye, Boss

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x20 - Bye, Bye, Boss

Post by bunniefuu »

Boss, can I get you anything?

When Boss Hogg faces
an escaped convict...

looking to settle
an old grudge...

the Dukes jump
into action to help.

I'd move a mountain
to get him back to you.

Freeze it! Freeze!



Some folks think that because
you always see the Duke boys...

tearing around
Hazzard in the General...

that they never do any work.

They do. They just don't punch
nobody's clock but their own.

Lost Sheep to Shepherd.

Lost Sheep to Shepherd. You
got your ears on? Come back.

Shepherd, you out there?

For all you latecomers...

Shepherd is the
one in the red hat.

- That's a good boy.
- Uncle, you got your ears on?

Lost Sheep to
Shepherd, please come in.


You get too excited.

Lost Sheep, this is Shepherd.

We're letting you know we're
headed to the general store...

to pick up a roll of screen.

That's good. That's good.

Homer is saving
he's last roll for us.

Alright, that's big
- . What you doing?

Me and Maudine, we was hauling
firewood up out of the bottom.

What you using Maudine
for? Use a pickup.

Be quiet. Maudine's standing
right here, she might hear you.

Would break her
heart if she wasn't...

to help me get up the firewood.

And you boys have a beer for me.

I said, "for me."
Not "on me," now.

Yes sir, Uncle Shepherd. This
is Lost Sheep. We are clear.

I tell you.

While the boys were
heading for the store...

a stranger was
walking down the road.

And when somebody's
walking in Hazzard County...

it means that their car's
dead, their mule has died...

or they got trouble.

Who's that up there?

I don't know. Might
as well stop and see.

Needs a ride.

- Hi!
- Howdy!

- You boys going to Hazzard?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we gotta
pick up some screen.

- Say, you need a lift?
- Yeah.

Things are definitely
off to a bad start.

Bad news!

Boss, Digger Jackson escaped.

- Did you hear me?
- Yeah, I can hear you.

The dead folks in the
cemetery can hear you.

- Wait, what did you say?
- Digger Jackson escaped.

- Digger Jackson escaped!
- Yeah, I said that.

Wasn't he the man that you
sent away to the hoosegow?

He said when he got out he
was gonna come back here...

blow a hole in you, big enough
to drive a tractor through.

- A truck.
- A truck?

- I knew it was a big vehicle.
- Rosco!

I want you to get right
on that phone there...

and call the FBI, the
State Guard, the militia...

- the Army, the Navy.
- But...

I ain't got time for your buts!

Rosco, there's a gunman
waiting out there...

to blow a hole in me big
enough to drive a tractor through.

- No, that's a truck.
- I don't care! Get on the phone.

Yeah, listen, I already
called the Marshal.

And he's gonna send some men.

Alright. Then where
in tarnation are they?

- They're over at Central City.
- Central City?

Yes, the Marshal thought
that Jackson would go there...

because he's got
friends over there.

You mean the Marshal sent
all his men to Central City?

Sent them all.

Listen, don't you
worry, fat little buddy...

because you got
us to protect you.

- Us?
- Yes.

Cletus and me.

Hazzard's finest.
Two men strong.

And a dog.

Two men and a dog?

Excuse me.

- Can we talk about this?
- No way.

I got an appointment
that's been waiting years.

Should've knocked
the g*n out of his hand.

- If you're sitting, would you?
- I would have tried.

- What're you doing?
- Trying to get out.

Now, Homer Griggs...

the clerk of the general
store, is a trusting old soul.

He don't even keep
his eye on the door.

Bo, Luke. Is that you?

I'll be right out.

You come to pick up your screen?

Hey, Bo, Luke! What's going on?

You better open this door.

Who's out there? Open this door.

Come on, you kids. Stop
playing around. I've got work to do.

Open this door. Luke! Bo!

Who's out there?
Come on, open the door!

Quit playing around!

I'll be doggoned. Duke boys.

Didn't even take
the screen wire.

Hey, looks like old Hobie.


- Hey.
- How are you doing?

Joe and Duke.

How's your Uncle Lester
and your Cousin Pansy?

Nice to know you
never change, Hobie.

Uncle Jesse and Daisy are just
fine. We need a lift to Hazzard.

I'm afraid that's out of my
way. I'm going to Hazzard.

You get us to Hazzard,
and we'll take it from there.

Would you like...
Would you care...

I would like... Have
some muscadine wine.

No, thanks. We're in
kind of a hurry. Alright?

I know. Why do you
think I'm doing ?

Hobie, listen. Why
don't you do me a favor?

Take your bottle, get in the
back seat, and let Luke drive?

- Yeah, I can drive.
- Oh, no.

I got you this far. I'll take
you the rest of the way.


- Okay.
- Alright.

You can only
start it once, Hobie.

Listen, nothing
to be afraid of...

I've got everything
piled against the door.

Ain't nothing can
come through there.

Listen, you're as
snug as a bug in a rug.

- I am?
- Yeah.

A bug don't have a k*ller like
Digger Jackson out for him.

That man's got a mean grudge
streak in him a mile long...

and miles wide.

I can't understand that.

All you did was send him up
years for running illegal shine.

I don't think you have
anything to worry about.

Maybe he's miles
and miles from here.

Maybe not.

Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane here.

Hello, Sheriff. This is Homer
Griggs, at the general store.

Duke boys just robbed me.
Picked me clean as a chicken.

The Duke boys? Homer, are
you sure it was the Duke boys?

I saw the General Lee
drive off just now, didn't I?

Listen, get your nerves
together, Homer...

and make out a list of all the
things the Duke boys stole...

and I'll have them cuffed
and stuffed before sundown.

I'll tell you something,
this is my day.

You know, there's nothing
like starting the day...

with a good armed robbery.

Rosco! Don't you dare
touch any of that furniture.

Boss, the Dukes
committed armed robbery...

against the general store.

Yeah? There's a k*ller on the
loose out there looking for me.

So you just get Cletus to
pick up them Duke boys.

You're gonna stand
guard right here.

Oh, right.

Cletus, this is Rosco P.
Coltrane. You got your ears on?

Yes, sir. This is
Cletus here. Yes, sir.

I want you to put out an
APB on the Duke boys.

Wanna get 'em for armed robbery
at the general store. Come back.

Buzzards on a buzz saw.
Armed robbery, Sheriff?

I don't mean to
quibble with you...

Bo and Luke don't carry g*ns.

He's got a point, Boss. You
see, Dukes don't carry g*ns.

Then get them for unarmed
robbery, knucklehead.

Cletus, then get 'em for unarmed
robbery, you knucklehead.

Do I have to tell you
everything? I'm gone.

Roger. Turtle-brain.

I love it!

Rosco, stand guard!

Standing guard.

Come on, lemme take it.

Lemme drive till we get to town.

- Are you sure you wanna drive?
- Hey, I'm sure. I'm really sure.

Alright. It's all yours.

- Hobie!
- I got it!

- I got this.
- Come here, Hobie.

- In the back.
- You get away from my overalls!

No, thank you, Hobie.

Luke, you got any idea
at all what's going on?

From the looks of things...

I'd swear that was Cletus
back there chasing us.

Morton, will you quit horsing
around? Now, come on.

That looks pretty good.
Let me get the other one.

Oh, that's mine.

That looks good.
Can't wait to eat that.

It's Deputy Cletus Hogg
calling Sheriff Coltrane, come on.

Have you apprehended
those Duke boys yet?

Not yet, sir, but I've got
a drunk driver in my sight.

Cletus, never
mind a drunk driver.

I haven't got time for such
picayune things as that.

The Duke boys done committed
armed robbery. Now go get them.

Don't worry, Sheriff.

I'll nail this drunk driver in
two shakes of a sheep's tail...

then I'll get back to
looking for the Dukes. Over.


Read my lips.

Get the Duke boys first,
you dipstick. I'm gone.

Now, you talk about
the Dukes' bad luck.

First, the Dukes' car is stolen.

They get blamed for a
robbery that they didn't do.

They catch a ride
with a drunk, Hobie.

His car couldn't
even outrun Cletus.

There's no way we're
gonna outrun him in this thing.

With that kind of luck...

ain't you glad a
Duke ain't President?

Alright, mister.


Mister, step out of that car.

You're under arrest for driving
under influence of alcohol.

I wasn't driving, Officer.
I was in the back seat.

You're the only one in the car.

I am?

While Cletus is carting
old Hobie off to jail...

this deserted farmhouse
is getting a new tenant.




- What?
- I've got a pain.

- Where?
- Right here.

It couldn't be a hunger
pain, 'cause you ate my lunch.

It's probably 'cause
your wallet's too tight.

Just play.

Yeah, well...

I love it! I love this game.

We interrupt this program
for a special bulletin.

Over in Hazzard County,
escaped convict Digger Jackson...

is still at large.

Jackson, a three-time loser...

is believed to be armed
and very dangerous...

especially to Boss
Jefferson Davis Hogg...

against who he has
sworn mortal revenge.

Folks in Hazzard
County are asked...

to keep their eyes peeled
for this dangerous criminal...

still on the loose.

- And now, back to our regular...
- No more of that.

Digger Jackson really thr*aten
to k*ll Boss, Uncle Jesse?

He sure did. I remember,
he stood up in court, he says:

"J.D. Hogg, I get
out of this prison...

"I'm gonna blow a
hole in you big enough...

to drive a truck through."

Or was it a tractor?

I'd hate to be in old J.D.
Hogg's shoes right about now.

How about us? We're wanted
for armed robbery, ain't we?

If I was the betting kind...

I'd bet Digger Jackson stole
the General and robbed the store.

That's pretty
much what I figure.

If we find the General,
we can clear ourselves.

How will you find the General
without Rosco spotting you?

We ain't gonna go
looking for the General.

Cooter and Uncle Jesse are.

Yeah, you two won't cause
no notice if you look around.

The General's got new dirt
boots on. They ought to track easy.

I'm game, if you are, Coot.

Make tracks to find tracks.

What are you boys gonna do?

- We're going to jail.
- What?

Hobie's in there.

If he vouch we're with him, we
couldn't have done the robbery.

That'll be lot of fun.

We ain't broken into
jail in two, three months.

Open that door and I'll sh**t.

- Daddy, it's Lulu.
- Lulu?


- Rosco said you were in trouble.
- I sure am.

What are you doing,
sugar? That's craziness.

A man can't hide under
the pool table alive forever.

There comes a time when he's
gotta stand up, take his cue...

and sink that eight ball...

unless he wants to get dumped
in the side pocket himself.

Chickabiddy, you can't
hit the side of a barn...

with a machine g*n.

Chickabiddy, if anything
happens to you...

You'll eat your
heart out, I know.

But you lemme
go so I can breathe.

Looks like old Digger's on the
move for a sh**t showdown.

Well, he's sure got
a big enough target.

I'll give some of my grateful
constituents a chance...

to show me their gratitude.

- How are you gonna do that?
- By deputizing them.

It's their right
and privilege...

to protect the man who's
done so much for this county.

Sugar, you know how people
are. They don't want your troubles.

After all I've done for them...

they'd never turn
their backs on me.

While old Boss tried to
draft some bodyguards...

Jesse and Cooter were looking
for tracks of the General Lee.

And the boys were about
to visit their only witness:

the town drunk.

This is Shepherd calling Crazy
Cooter. You got your ears on?

Got my ears on, Uncle Jesse.
Crazy Cooter coming back at you.

- How're you doing?
- Uncle Jesse, I've seen...

skunk, possum, co*n,
and buzzard tracks...

I even seen some deer tracks.

But I ain't seen hide
nor hair of the General.

It's been the same here.

Hope the boys are having better
luck with that Hobie character.

Alright, Hobie.

Wake up.

I said no water.

Keep an eye out the
window. Hobie, look.

Come here a minute.

Remember me?

Hello, Flash. How
are you, darling?

I hate to move you.
But I got work to do here.

Look, you gotta remember
us. It's important, alright? Walk.

Look. We're the guys you
gave a ride to. Remember?

Remember the ride?

Hold on. Okay, I got you.

BOARS NEST Now, boys...

you can't let me down now.

I mean, helping me
is your bounding duty.

So is living, Boss.

That Digger Jackson,
he's a mean sucker.

You better call the militia.

Wait a minute. Don't
walk out on me like this.

Fred, Smiley, Deke
Haskell... Tell me:

Who loaned you the money
to buy that little Blue Bell...

semi-a*t*matic, front-loading...

washing machine.

- Well, you did, Boss.
- Alright.

But you charged me % interest.

- Compounded.
- Yeah, but so what?

Just don't loan him any more.

Boss, can I get you anything?

Yeah, give me something
that fizzes and plops.

- I got a burning inside.
- I know.

Don't you worry about
it, little fat buddy...

as long as I've got
this here six-g*n.


Get over to the jail and get
me something bigger than that...

like a Howitzer, or
bazooka, or an anti-t*nk w*apon.

- Something with cannon balls?
- Get that, too.

Anything to give me better odds.

I'm gone.

I'm on my own now.

Who are we?

Homer and Jethro.

Homer and Jethro. Hobie.

Hey, Luke.

Luke, Rosco's out there.

We best get out of here or we'll
stay here with Hobie permanent.

Okay, Hobie, now turn
around. Listen close, now.

Take a couple of
steps straight ahead.

Okay, now turn around.

Alright. You're on your own.


Don't you move an
eyeball till I get you cuffed.

Alright, Rosco. But I'm
mighty surprised at you.

Boss Hogg don't like
nobody standing on his grass.

Well, that's just too...

When I said "freeze"...

Just keep your
hands down, will you?

You know what? While Rosco's
having a wild goose chase...

old Boss is a sitting duck.

Fellas, my heart goes
out to J.D. Hogg...

he's in a tough spot.

That Digger's mean,
and he's tough.

Of course, he don't
scare me none.

See, a man's gotta
protect his own.

I'm going home to
protect mine right now.

You're sure you don't want
a damp towel for your face?

You know how it helps
when you get the nerves.

Nothing can help me now.

Been a long time,
ain't it, Hogg?

I told you I'd come back
and get you, didn't I?

Get up.

Get up!

I see you're wearing a g*n.



That's good.

You're worth more to me
alive than you are dead.

If y'all wanna see this
fat face alive again...

you better get your
hands on some money.

I'm talking about
some big money.

$ , and I want
it by tomorrow noon.

There's a hollow tree out here,
where Route meets the highway.

You leave it there.

And don't you bother trying to
get no help, 'cause if you do...

there ain't gonna
be no tomorrow.


I got you now. I love it.

- Bo, he's gaining on us.
- I know it.

If I can get that delivery
truck between him and us...

we'll be home free.

Hope you're right.

Alright, you Duke
boys, pull it over.

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane...

and I'm ordering
you to pull over.

If you don't pull it over, I'll
sh**t out your left-hand tire.

Stand on it, Bo. You know
Rosco when he starts sh**ting.

I know it.

I'm warning you!

I've warned them.

I got it. I got you!

Whoo! Wrong vehicle!

Look out!

I figure there ain't
no place to go but up!

How do you plan on
explaining this to Daisy?

- I thought so.
- Let's get out of here.

Freeze it! Freeze!

Freeze it right there.
I got you, this time.

Here, take these cuffs.
Now you put them on.

- You gotta be kidding...
- Put them on!

- I'm serious, just put them on.
- Rosco...

I finally got you,
didn't I? Come up here.

Get those cuffs on.

- Alright.
- Get them on, there.

I knew I'd get you. I knew
it. Get up there. Get up.

- Rosco, just listen to us...
- Will you hush?

Rosco, we did not
rob that general store.

A guy h*jacked the General.
We figure it's Digger Jackson.

I bet you it was him
who robbed the store.

Sure, and my
mother's Jeb Stuart.

- We're sorry to hear that...
- Take these chains off.

- Take these cuffs off...
- Don't come so close.

- Rosco, look out behind you.
- You think I'm gonna fall...


- Rosco, are you alright?
- You just freeze it!

- Let's get out of here.
- Freeze!

I'm not sure I like
three hands on a wheel.

I'd drive, but you'd have
to run alongside then.

I'll drive.

Come back here and help me!

I'm serious!

Come here! You
dipstick, come down here.

Where are we headed, anyway?

You may be on
your last ride, Hogg.

If your friends don't
show up with $ , ...

you won't have to
remember how to get back.

I never did have much of a
sense of direction, anyhow.

I'll tell them to put
that on your tombstone.

Thanks, that's mighty
considerate of you.

Hold on, Hogg. It's
gonna get rough.

I didn't know it was
possible to get a car...

to this place, where I
don't know where I am.

Who does Boss
Hogg think he is...

riding around in
that big white car?

What did he ever do for you?
I say good riddance to him.

Deke Haskell... I
can't believe my ears.

Now, there's a fellow out
there, and his life is in danger.

I admit it's J.D. Hogg...

one of the worst fellas
this side of Hades...

but he is a being.

And he's human.

He wouldn't lift no
finger to help us.

Deke, don't you know
the Good Book says:

"Do unto others as you'd
have them do unto you"?

Not as they "did" unto you.

That J.D. Hogg has done plenty
to everybody in this community.

Everybody knows he's no...

- Sheriff.
- What?

Any word on Boss? Is
Lulu gonna buy him back?

Will you hush?

Oh, excuse me, ladies.

Listen, I just heard about
it myself. So just hush.

Keep an eye peeled.

Rosco's probably got
this place staked out.

You don't know
what this is about?

I'll tell you what
it's all about!

You sent me up for
years, Hogg. You know that?

That's right.

You know, back when I was
in the moonshine business...

I figure I made
about $ , a year.

That means you cheated
me out of $ , .

That's what your old lady
and this town's gonna pay...

if they ever wanna
see you alive again.

They'll never be able to
raise that kind of money.

So what's going to happen then?

That's for me to
know, you to find out.

Look, I got $ , .

Only it's hid, back in town.
Just let me go and I'll get it!

What do you take me
for? A hollow head?

Let you go get it, huh?

I'm the only one who
knows where it's hid at.

Are you trying to tell
me your old lady...

doesn't know
where that money is?

- Is that what you're saying?
- Yeah, uh-uh.

I'll tell you something, Hogg.

You have till tomorrow noon!

You got till tomorrow noon.

And that's it!

In that case, what's for dinner?

I've been trying to get
the money, but I can't.

I can't find it.

Listen, big sis, don't
get yourself in an uproar.

There's nothing they're gonna
do to that little Boss Hogg.

That's right. He's a good man.

Yes, he's a...

Let's face it, every dog gets
a little mange now and then.

But I mean, look
how he's treated me.

Just wonderful,
an equal partner.

He pays % just like any...

- He's giving you %?
- Yes, he just...

Was it something I said?

That just proves what a
saint he is. Ten percent.

That man was
generous to a fault.


I can't believe Digger carted
Boss off in broad daylight.

Nobody even tried to
help him out, Daisy?

- Not a soul.
- Luke, that's ridiculous.

I know people don't like Hogg.
But it doesn't make sense.

Bo, will you just hold still?

Here we go.

That feels a whole
lot better, thank you.

If we can find the General, we
can save three hides at once.

What do you mean?

Me and Bo, and now Boss Hogg.

Cooter and me, we looked
everywhere a car can go.

Yeah, I know, it's strange.

It seems like the
ground just opened...

and swallowed the
General clean up.

Maybe that's what
it did. I mean...

maybe the General's
somewhere where it...

appears like it's swallowed up.

Cooter and me, we only
looked where a car could go...

we didn't look where some
idiot might take the car.

Hickory Canyon.

If General's there...

he must've taken lot
of beating getting there.

It's worth a look.

Take the Dixie. She'll
handle rough terrain.

She'd be great, but we
need more than one vehicle.

We'll have to split
up once we get inside.

Whatever else we find...

we gotta make sure we'll
be able to go off-road.

We could always get us three
of the original off-road vehicles.

One thing about Hazzard...

even doing a tough job
is sometimes more fun.

And you look good doing it.

I've been to the bank,
the house, and all over...

That's why I can't raise
the money, Jesse. It's empty.

We both know J.D.'s
got enough money...

to pay Digger $ , ,
and then some.

Sure. But I can't
get my hands on it.

He keeps the safe empty
so nobody can rob him.

Jesse, what are we gonna
do? We don't have much time.

We should've brought
parachutes instead of saddlebags.

As soon as we get
across that ravine...

it's downhill all
the way, fellas.


Thank you, dear.

Well, don't that beat all?

Looks like Hazzard County
is chipping in to get Boss back.

I bet if the Devil
was from Hazzard...

they'd give him a helping hand.

You know what it is? It's
a tribute. That's what it is.

Yeah. Tribute to our
leader, Cousin Boss.

Chickabiddy always
brought out the best in folks.

Yeah. Their money.

That old bridge is up ahead!

It's changed since
we've seen it last.

We haven't been up
here since we were kids.

What's your idea
this time, Luke?

No use moaning about it. We'll
just have to go the other way.

- Come on.
- Daisy, come on back here.

Get back here, will you?

I don't know about y'all,
but I believe I'd wade across.

Ain't that Daisy something?

Come on, fellas.
Time's running out.

Looks like there's room for
two more back there. Come on.

Come on.

Come on, partner.

Alright, now let's
make some time.

That was good, could I
have another piece of that?

You know, Hogg, I
underestimated you.

You got more
money than I thought.

- I ought to up the ante.
- Name it. Whatever you want.

You let my other
arm loose, I'll go get it.

Don't wanna hear about how
your lady don't know where it is.

But it's the gospel. I swear it.

You don't know my Lulu.

That's pounds
on the hoof to feed!

If she knew where my money
was hid, it'd be pounds to feed.

That's the truth.

She likes sweets so much...

the chocolate people named
her "Woman of the Year."

Woman of the Year.

You k*ll me.

Or maybe it's the
other way around.

I got all greasy and
sticky from that stuff.

Could you please
give me a damp cloth...

or something, to freshen up?


I'll get you a cloth.

I'm sorry, Lulu.

Everybody tried real hard...

but there just wasn't enough
money or enough time.

I know.

And I wanna thank
you all for trying.

Everyone knows
that me and J.D...

didn't see eye to eye
on a lot of things...

but I'd move a mountain right
now to get him back to you.

Oh, Jesse, that's
right human of you.

Lulu, don't give up now.

My kids are out
there, looking for him.

They don't give up easy.

Despite what my
chickabiddy says...

I always knew you
was a good man.

Well... And strong, too.

Well, Hogg, you
finished freshening up?

I'm all done with my hand but...

there's still my face,
and I got a lot of that.

Hurry up, I don't
like you untied.


Just like Luke planned...

the Dukes split up to
cover more territory.

They're sure working
hard to save a man...

that gives them
nothing but trouble.

Bo, Daisy, this is
Luke. You read me?

Go ahead, I read you, Cousin.

Loud and clear, Luke.

Any sign of the General?

That's a big negatory here.

Nothing here, Luke.

Keep moving. Boss can't
have too much time left now.

- You got it.
- That's a big - .

Hear that, it's a rescue party.

They're coming up here
to save my miserable hide.

- I mean, to save my life.
- Simmer down, Hogg.

This Webster
place is so well hid...

they wouldn't find it
in a month of Sundays.

What time is it?

It's that time, Hogg.
Time we was moving out.

Where are we going?

See if that money's
where it should be.

With all these
busybodies out here...

I'm gonna take you
with me, just in case.

What have you done?

- What? Nothing.
- Hogg.

I'm gonna skin
your hide for this.

Bo, Daisy, you see what I see?

I see it, Cousin.
Smoke to the west.

That's the old
Webster place, ain't it?

Webster place? I
thought that was deserted.

Doesn't look it's deserted
no more, let's get going.

You hear that,
they're coming for me!

Yeah, but you ain't
gonna be here. So shut up!

But, uh, the chair here...

Hogg! Get out here!

Get out here to this car.

I'm coming but you didn't
untie my other hand...

Hold it, Digger!

Hold on, Boss.

Boss, are you okay?

Of course I'm not okay. How do
you think a Siamese chair feels?

Take a shortcut.

Bo and Luke got
Digger so riled up...

he plumb forgot who
was chasing who.

- That six-shot g*n is empty.
- Yeah?

Let's try to split up.

- You okay, Luke?
- Yeah.

- Here's looking at you, honey.
- Here's to you, sweetheart.

They say absence makes
the heart grow fonder.

J.D., I love you.

Lulu was sure glad to
have old chickabiddy home.

"Chickabiddy." How do
you reckon that got started?

Here you go, in here.

And Digger went home, too.
Right back to the state pen.

Show him the other cell,
maybe he'll like that one.

Here's a good one, it's
got water, and a bed and...

A bill!

When the boys gave Boss a
bill for damages to the General...

well, things were
back to normal.

Even Boss' old speed
trap was working normal.

And caught a pretty
big fish this time.

You sure sing good, Freddie.

You will call me, Mr. Fender.

Until you tear up the
ticket you gave me...

for driving miles an hour.


Cletus, shame on you.

What are you giving him,
a ticket for obeying the law?

It wasn't the speed limit. Boss
changed it to miles an hour.

Just for today. I'll
tell you what I'll do.

I'll tear it up,
right now. Here!

- Now, can I call you Freddie?
- No.

I'm going to take the advice...

from the Oak Ridge Boys,
Tammy Wynette, and Hoyt Axton.

What advice is that?

Never to take a shortcut through
Hazzard County on my day off.

And please don't
drink the water.
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